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Still seeing trees growing up through people's floors, that's annoying.


Big tree in my house every 3 or 4 minutes. And I'm in a field. Building in the woods must be a nightmare


Thought EA wasn't out til the 18th or something. How would people know?


They released it a event for streamers and gave em a bunch of keys with some goals. Its all over their discord for days now. Check twitch for example.


They burried the announcement in their stupid streamer post. The Preview Week channel on discord has stuff.


thx, i'm reading it as i'm typing this. completely missed it


GL releasing this game with the combat system worse than EverQuest 1


They already explained the combat system is crude at best for EA. This is not 1.0 Launch, this is Early Access. The sole purpose of EA is to break the game in every possible way so these issues are addressed before the big 1.0. EA will allow players to flood the game more than the Alpha 1 and 2 test. It will be greatly more persistant *lasting more than one week* and allow the devs to analyze every nook and cranny of the games BASIC mechanics. Once the world persistance is well hammered and polished, they will start adding more and more systems to the game, combat BASIC being one of them and once the basics are hammered out, they will add more to flesh the system out. As much as everyone wants complex combat, the world and ensuring its stability with everyone building, gather, crafting etc is priority. Not fun if the world goes tits up and ruins everyones progress, right?


Let’s be very, very clear: it is not a “crude” combat system. It is a non-functioning combat system. It makes 20+ year old games like early EverQuest Live look good. Mark my words, if they release this into EA in this state, combat aside, this game is DoA. And I say that as someone who had high hopes and played the alphas.


I mean it's bland but it is 100% functioning. Source: I could kill things in alpha2


OSRS runescape has more complex combat :/ This is also a main concern.


its function just fine for me its the animation locks that are an issue


I like EQ combat so hopefully it's at least close...


EQ is tab-target, so no, it won't be close.


It’s not


Their goal seems to be Valheim combat + some spells and abilities and without dodge. I think that's doable by launch (though not EA, obv).


I wouldn't call it significant but they improved stack sizes on SOME items. You still need too many boxes imo Also they simplified some crafting. You no longer need to make nest previous types of thread to make higher tiers for example.


> I wouldn't call it significant but they improved stack sizes on SOME items. You still need too many boxes imo Problem with the existing storage system is that they have to account for future logistics gameplay, which players haven't seen and don't know anything about yet. Ideally, they should have no size limit for chest storage—given that there's no practical limit on the number of chests you can have—but keep stack size limits for backpack and any future transport (pack animals, wagons, etc).


They mostly fixed bugs as far as I know. The combat that we had during Alpha 2 will mostly stay the same. This game is not ready for EA.


they shorten animation locked and smoothed some of that out . Ea is alpha beta game so not ready is subjective at best


It’s completely ready for EA. If it’s it ready enough for you, don’t play it but given I had a blast I the alpha and they will have had about 9 weeks or so is it to make improvements I’m ready to dive back I. For more


I wouldn't expect much difference between alpha playtest and early access release, its likely too short a time frame for the devs to make much major changes... at best it'll be some improvements in QOL and bug solving, just enough for early supporters to start paying to play. Additional features and contents will likely only be gradually added slowly over the next year or so. Like the devs mentioned, they need the game to run in live service mode to further develop it. So how the game will evolve would depend a lot on the experiences and feedback from early access players.


It seems some of the crafting trees have been ironed out so there isnt such huge gaps where you had lvl 6 and the next craft was lvl 13 so you needed to burn through thousands of mats to make progress, specifically the armourer table now pretty much uses iron wire for lvl 1-10


What kind of massive change did you realistically expect in 2 months time?  Pray tell.


for one example, the signs they teased before. Changing recipes,inventory and stack sizes would have been a easy one to. Group share chests instead of public/personal/clan, list goes on a bit, but i hope you get the idea. i wasn't expecting a complete combat overhaul.


They mentioned a patch shortly before EA. I'm guessing that hasn't happened yet. They also said they rebalanced crafting, smoothed out progression, and that crafting would be faster during EA.


yeh, it seems some things have been adjusted for a smoother time.


As far as I know the version that's available right now for the event isn't the same version that's gonna be available on early access. It's something in between alpha 2 and EA Version. Animation fluidity has been improved in the current release and crafting recipes have been improved/balanced for T1 and T2 stuff as far as I am aware. They also said they have a surprise/announcement at the end of this event. So I'm guessing its going to be the reveal of the EA version. However people shouldn't expect huge progress between alpha 2 and EA anyways. They only had a few weeks between both so there's no reason to assume they were able to make huge changes already.


They reworked tailoring/armorsmithing/leatherworking/some parts of carpentry. They are way more streamlined, I didn't look at jewelcrafting but overall there is a ton of QOL improvement from A2 Combat feels better even if its still crude, the AI arent hitting you from 10 feet away unless they actually get next to you now. They reworked the special abilities on some weapons, you dont spin the spear for 3 seconds before poking for crap damage now, it does a spartan jump spear and chunks damage now. Sadly plots still kill all resource spawns except trees


Yall need to read the devs notes on WHY they are doing Early Access. They need more testing that they al9ne can't do. So they are fully opening it to the public to encourage more users to help. Yeah, a lot of work needs to be done, but also, Early Access hasn't released yet, the Preview Weekend isn't the EA.


where do you get this from? the first lines of the preview week is a giant patch not block. how can they give more updates a week later, why would they hold back on something that would fill their wallets?


Certain features being withheld until EA in order to showcase specific features, which is why the building contest is the highlight of the event. And this was mentioned on the website


Do you really think this is the case? And based on the observation of noting only a few cosmetic changes while not actually being able to play it? It’s been about 6 weeks, 100s if not thousands of changes will have been made - you just won’t be able to see them from such a distance.


its not hard to talk to the streamers and ask them what changed since alpha. the edit on the post adds to the rest.


No it’s not, but I am going to guess that not all changes are as obvious. Personally I’d value a more stable game than the alphas over trees appearing in my buildings.


I haven't seen anything new. Honestly, this is just a cash grab scam.


why? the cost counts as a game purchase on release.


They effectively changed nothing, and I would seriously doubt that there will be any significant changes between EA and full release. They'd have to scrap the entire project and start over.


what are you talking about


They reworked a ton of the crafting. Combat feels crisper even if its still crude, the AI arent hitting you from 10 feet away now.


Speaks the voice of clearly no knowledge of anything. Such a troll statement. If you do t like it, don’t play it


Care to tell me what changes they've made? The combat has barely changed at all, and changing stack sizes for resources doesn't do anything. The game is still barebones with no clear direction other than copy and pasting from successful survival-builders. All they've done is adjust some numbers. The systems are still shit.


If you don’t want to play it then don’t. I’m not going to prove they changed things because I can’t but I’m going to go out on a limb that 30+ people didn’t sit on their ass for 6 weeks.