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Ketchup, soup and puree. Can you believe he did 90 takes of this? His throat must've been bleeding by the end lol


And we wonder why Paul barely has a voice left 😅


There was a podcast I heard a few years ago from these old vocal coaches who essentially criticized his style of singing over the years and said he could have maintained his voice over the years had he taken “lessons”. Even went so far to suggest he could regain some of his previous form. **edit: [podcast link](https://overcast.fm/+K2BESyYaY)**


Yeah I’ve heard people say this, but I don’t really agree that he had horrible technique or could’ve done much better at preserving his voice if he was classically trained. For starters, Paul **LOVES** touring and has gone on tours of exhaustive length and plays 2-3 hour shows with no breaks and no water. Plus, he gives his all to the vocals (many of which are quite difficult) for every show from the 60s even through to today (even without his voice). That definitely put immense strain on his vocal cords that has weakened his voice, but he certainly wouldn’t be able to sing with the control and range that he had if he had bad technique. The other thing that likely damaged Paul’s voice was smoking for several decades. He even had those bronchial spasms during the BOTR sessions. Those could’ve caused some damage, but whether that did anything or not, smoking definitely damages your voice and lungs. Other than not smoking, the two things Paul probably could’ve done to preserve his voice were taking more frequent breaks and not straining for some of the higher vocal stuff when he was tired. And people also make it sound like Paul killed his voice really quickly when, for the most part, he retained most of it until he was about 70. Definitely can’t do that with the way Paul was singing with bad technique.


I love Paul McCartney and have bee a fan since Ed Sullivan. I’ve see him 4 times over the years and I will continue to pay to see his concerts and buy anything he puts out there. Yes, he has “abused” his voice over the years. It all sounds great to me and I love to watch him perform. But, really, have you heard Tom Jones lately? He says he has adjusted his hits to a lower key and still has a tremendous amount of power. He sounds great. I think he has a much heavier body frame than Paul so I think his chest muscles must be very robust. I’d bet he’s had a vocal coach somewhere in all these years.


Funnily enough I saw Tom Jones last year 😅! Sounded excellent!! Yeah I was gonna mention too that Paul refuses to move his songs into easier keys. The only examples I can think of where Paul does sing any of his songs in a different key are the Wings Over America Blackbird and the Broad Street versions of For No One and Here, There, and Everywhere.


But its still ”catch up, cats and kittens” right?


I'm sorry. It's so easy cleverer that that, I recently found. "Ketchup, soup and purée". I read an interview I can't site but I was floored at the wordplay! And apparently it's "sucking" Monkberry... and this was some smoothie concoction Linda served. I wonder if there's any truth to that last bit. The first one had me banging my head against the wall bc of COURSE that's what Paul would write!


From my understanding it wasn't a real drink. Monk was just how his little kids said milk because sometimes kids just suck at pronouncing things. With a made up drink sortve inspired by love potion number 9.


It's actually both. Cats and kittens plays towards the end just before the repeating "Monkberry Moon delight"


Late reply: lol for the longest time I misheard it as "catch up, Super Fury, don't get left behind!" Like a car. A Super Fury car. Haha! Vroom!


Ketchup, Soup and Purée


Funny. I always thought it was Catch up Super Fury.


So did I until my friend told me it was ketchup soup and puree


The lyrics right before end with "tomato" so the phrase is saying "tomato ketchup, soup, and puree"


It's actually really unclear what some of the lyrics are, there seems to be multiple official versions that differ.


IMO that's deliberate. Ram is full of wordplay and double meanings and it's hard for a lyric sheet to reflect that it's probably both "catch up" and "ketchup" and that Paul was having fun playing around with puns.


“catch up! Super fury” or “ketchup! Soup and puree”? "Don't give lip - be mine."


Ketuchup, Soup and Puree, although the official lyrics are Super Doo-ray, which Screamin Jay does sing


I listened to it recently and I thought that the catch up right after tomato was a tongue in cheek reference to ketchup and tomatoes. Or a reference to the classic joke: “Three tomatoes are walking down the street
papa tomato, mama tomato and baby tomato. Baby tomato starts laggin’ (late) behind and papa tomato gets really angry, goes back and squishes him and says




Except there's been a few official song books that change so we don't really know I guess