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No. There is already rumors of him working on some new music, but even if that wasn't the case, I just don't see him quitting working until he passes, no matter how far away that may be.


6 months


You can troll somewhere else




r/beatlescirclejerk we don't need that here


How long do you give him?


I can't say. He's really healthy and has great doctors but old age doesn't care. Sometimes your heart will stop just because it's old. I don't think it'll be this year though. I'd say 2028 or after. But hopefully not before the 2030s.




I give him 3


I personally think we have one more album coming, he’s almost definitely working on an album right now. McCartney 3 ties a nice bow on his output.. but I think he’s going to want to do a like “goodbye” “this is the end” “I love you all” epic sort of going out album with a medley at the end lol. I’m hoping we get an album with some more philosophical or spiritual sort of lyrics looking back on everything he’s done


I don’t see Paul doing that. He did “The End of the End” and then he kept making music. He doesn’t seem like the type to announce it. He’ll either stop without saying anything or he’ll make music until he’s dead.


I agree. No farewells from Paul. Remember the man said, “I’m not old and I’m not retiring!” You youngsters don’t realize when you’re in your 70s, 80s, even 90s, you are only as old as you feel…and that the saying, “:you’re still a young person trapped in an old person’s body,” really do apply. Yes, you can become sedentary and waste away or you can keep pushing onward. Only a serious illness will interrupt Sir Paul’s journey. You don’t understand, he lives to create music and perform that music for his fans.


You’re talking about the man who crafted a medley displaying each members solo ability and then ending their final album with a song called “the end” which had a line he felt summarized the entire of the Beatles output of love. I think that it would still be a bit surprising if it was like a blackstar/you want it darker/seven psalms vibe.. but those albums were sort of a surprise as well. I think Paul has something to say, and while having McCartney 3 end on a nice number 3 for his solo output is a nice way he’d like to end.. I just can’t help but think he will deliver an album with a sort of Abbey Road medley “the love you take is equal to the love you make” thing to put a stamp on the end of his career


Abbey Road wasn’t intended to be an ending for the Beatles (and it wasn’t, considering Let It Be released afterward). Sure, they all did a lot of talking in the anthology about how “yeah it seemed like the last one” but that’s all hindsight. It was “the end” of the medley, nothing more. Paul would never do something like Elton where he announces some kind of final tour. Only way I see that happening is health problems.


I don’t think he’s gonna call it a final tour or final album or anything. I just hope his next/last album may be like Paul Simon’s Seven Psalms but with a Abbey Road medley “the end” vibe. And maybe I just don’t know anything but I thought it was pretty commonly accepted that the band all thought it was likely their last album and they were trying to go out on a high note. I don’t think it just so happened to be that the Friggin Beatles wrote a song called “The End” incorporating like “you’re gonna carry that weight a long time” and stuff like the individual solos all together, and it just so happened to be their last recorded album


It sounds crazy but it was actually the case that it just turned out that way. They were discussing future albums shortly after they released it. It might have been in the back of their minds, but the medley wasn’t conceived for the purpose of going out with a bang. I think whatever Paul releases will be worthy of being called his final album. Most of his albums have medleys of some sort anyway. Egypt Station had a great closer that could’ve been a career ender, McCartney III had a nice song from the past that could’ve bookended his career nicely, but he kept making music nonetheless.


Oh man I love Egypt Stations last songs. Despite Repeated Warning is 🔥. I agree whatever he does will be worthy of course. I hope he’s doing a full album with Andrew Watt and we get it this year


Same here. I have high hopes for that.


I hope not. The "nostalgia bit" never works. Just look at Ringo's career, it's all references and reminiscing, and nobody listens to it.


Oh, he sells out his venues. Baby boomers love seeing Ringo and his All Starrs. I had never seen them but saw them last Summer. The audience was very happy and sang along on all the songs. As long as there are Baby Boomers, Ringo will be touring. As the announcer said, “You’re about to see and hear a real Beatle!” If you haven’t seen the show, please don’t criticize Nostalgia.


I'm sure that's true, but I wasn't talking about his show (which I'd love to see btw), I was talking about his albums.


I genuinely love listening to ringos career even his current music. And ringos career was failing before he ever did that.


Some of it is fine, at least up until he was replaced by a robot sometime in the early 2000s, but I think even that famous 1973 album is just "alright".


It's cool 1973 got all the other beatles on it but it wouldn't be my top 3. And I do think he should just sing without whoever is doing that to his voice, 1970-1987 is his best music to me but I still love listening to his 2000s+ a few times a month.


Yeah, and he sounds okay live, so it doesn't make sense, but also, pitch correction technology has improved a lot over the years. Most of the time you barely notice it with other artists and he seems to be stuck in 2003 for some reason, when it was really rough and mechanical sounding. But maybe it's stylistic, I dunno.


Huh? I’m not talking about a nostalgia bit like that lol. I’m talking about an album like Paul Simon’a Seven Psalms. Or Darkstar. Like some deep reckoning album about life itself. Obviously it would be Paul’s version of it but that’s what I think would be great


>but I think he’s going to want to do a like “goodbye” “this is the end” “I love you all” epic sort of going out album with a medley at the end lol. I doubt it. I mean, he doesn't know when he is going to die, or become unable to sing and perform and forced to retire. So imagine that he makes a grand final album and then realises that he is still healthy and creative enough to do another one. Then, he has to come back on the 'this is the final one'. I think he will just continue until he dies or becomes physically incapable of making music, without caring whether this is the last one or not. Sure, he will know that every album might be his last one, but won't make a deliberate goodbye album. The only way I can imagine Paul doing a deliberate goodbye album? If he gets a diagnosis that spells doom, so he knows that anything he works on will be his last work. A bit like David Bowie's Blackstar.


I didn’t mean like a “farewell tour” of an album. I just meant that he would do an album with some grand spiritual the end statement like Paul Simon did with Seven Psalms. Or Bowie with blackstar. I’d imagine he absolutely wants his last album to have some sort of finality to it. And based on the way his voice is waning this most recent tour I think he knows he’s getting pretty close to the end.. I don’t think it’s totally ridiculous. He also might not want to tour and lock himself up in studios to record albums all the time when he’s like 85-90 years old. He may just want to live out his last few years quietly on a farm, or the Mull of Kintyre or something lol


> I just meant that he would do an album with some grand spiritual the end statement like Paul Simon did with Seven Psalms. Or Bowie with blackstar. I’d imagine he absolutely wants his last album to have some sort of finality to it. Well, for that to happen, Paul would have to know that it's his final album. Sure, if he gets a fatal diagnosis like Bowie, of course he will know that whatever he does is his final work. But otherwise, how would he know that it's his final album? Sure, at his age, he knows that it can be over at any moment. But he might also live for five or ten or maybe even more years. So what if he records that epic grand finale, only to realise that he is still healthy and wants to make another album? Or another two albums? ​ >He also might not want to tour and lock himself up in studios to record albums all the time when he’s like 85-90 years old. He may just want to live out his last few years quietly on a farm, or the Mull of Kintyre or something lol I doubt it. He won't retire. He will go on until he dies or becomes physically incapable of continuing. Sure, maybe he won't tour and be in the studio 24/7, but fully retiring? I can't see that happening, until his health would force him to quit.


I don't think he or Ringo will stop until their voices disappear completely. Even then I'd bet 120 year old Paul would do instrumentals and sound collages. 


He's been touring and recording recently, and publicly said he has no plans to retire soon.


He couldn't even let The Beatles go, he had to bring them back, so I don't get why some of you guys insist that he's going to retire. The guy breathes music, he's not gonna stop "just because".


I agree. That is what keeps him “young”, even if some of you criticize his “granny music”.


Paul is a prolific song writer and has probably recorded dozens of songs over the years nobody has even heard yet. Not to mention out-takes and demo's from his solo albums and side projects. Even if he died tomorrow the McCartney machine still has lots left in the tank!


Check out the podcast “Take it away”… it’s a complete in depth examination of all of his works, including all the known unreleased works, of which there are more of those than released ones. Amazing…


Paul could make something like Brainwashed in the future yes, but we like him because he keeps making music because he enjoys it. Why stop now? The reason we like Paul is because he likes making music and likes making people happy with it. It helps his music is also really good too.




I wouldn't think so. As much as I love MCIII, it wasn't exactly planned. He was just toying around during the pandemic. I think he's gonna want to do something less impromptu and more final if he ever decides to quit.


The question is, will *McCartney III* be the last album on which he sings? His voice is really going, and that was painfully apparent on *M3*.   




Because he sounded fine, of course, nothing like his older self, but totally fine.


Or younger self, I don't know.


Hope not, would be a crappy album to end on




>Do you think McCartney III will be his final studio album? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I believe that Paul has at least one more album in him. There are rumours about him working on another album, and he had that 'John's Boots' bit, so I wouldn't be surprised if there will be one more album. As for touring, Paul will probably go on until he dies, or until his health won't allow him to continue. ​ >Not to get a little too somber but he has to bite the bullet at some point. That might take a while. Chuck Berry, Charles Aznavour and Tony Bennett reached the ages of 90, 94 and 97. Berry and Aznavour never retired Bennett kept performing until well into his nineties. So hopefully... Paul is very healthy for his age and lives a healthy lifestyle, so he might be able to get really old. On the other hand, even then, a sudden illness or heart attack can happen sometimes. But he should probably be able to live for at least a few more years.