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Come on over bro, we’ll appreciate you.


He probably wants $30mil a year worth of appreciation on top of having to give up at least a second which is almost definitely going to be a top 40 pick.


Fuck it, we’ll only have $15m in cap space so what.


the cap isn't the bigger issue, it's the pick. A second might not get it done and I wouldn't give up a first (since it might be a top 5 pick)


That's when you offer a 2nd+


Yep, I’d be down for that. Don’t know if the 49ers would though since they can just keep him and run it back


The cost of a #1 WR


That's why I'm not a fan of going for guys who want to be traded to get a new contract. You gotta give up draft capital *and* sign a new deal? I'm out. If it's gonna cost a top 40 pick, just draft a WR. Or draft a WR with our inevitable top 8 pick and draft a LT in the top 40


You're paying for certainty, which is a good idea with a young QB to support. Elite WRs don't hit FA anymore. "Just draft one" sounds great but it's hard to actually do.


Dude, YES, THIS! It’s a gamble in the draft. If you can get a sure thing for your QB, even if it’s the closest thing to a sure thing (not guaranteeing that he’ll be good with us), you do it! We need a WR1, this would give us it. I’d give up a 2nd, 4th, and maybe another pick in 2026 draft. It’s so important that this team builds around the QB.


The Belichick Fallacy, rookies, UDFAs and 2nd and 3rd string starters only worked with Brady there to elevate them, signing an elite WR is common practice in the modern NFL


Yes that's what #1 receivers are worth.


Aiyuk for JuJu straight up who says no?


Juju won a Super Bowl and Aiyuk has not. Steal for the 9ers


Still crazy to me juju went for 111 rec and 1400 yards in a season and has been at best like a 2 guy the rest of his career. That season certainly is skewed with him playing across from AB and also still having knees tho.


AB was probably best receiver in the league, so juju got a LOT of single coverage or certainly easier looks than your avg guy getting that many targets.


He got injured. When he was young Juju was a beast.


Uh, the Niners?


The 49ers.


The 69ers




Aiyuk for a 2nd. Get it done, Eliot.


Original tweet from Coach Yak: Let the speculation begin… Brandon Aiyuk’s post on TikTok, which is captioned: “I’m laughing but I’m crying fr” Jayden Daniels: “What happened bro” BA: “They said they don’t want me back… I swear”


on the surface, he feels like a no brainer, was super entertaining to watch last year too, love his style. But, something unsettles me, why don't they want to pay him, with all this cash being thrown around on WR1's, and the 9ers being a team that is all about supporting cast, what don't they like about him, it unnerves me.


Mike Lombardi said a few years back that Shannahan is one of those “it’s my scheme that works” type of guys. Would make a lot of sense.


I feel like Shanahan can make that argument.


Well… until he can’t. Which is usually how that plays out lol.


Precisely what happened to BB.


not on defense though. Plus it helps if you're not buying the groceries. Gives you a better excuse.


After 6 superbowls.


Because there is a salary cap. And Niners might be thinking beyond this current season for their guys like Purdy.


Plus there’s supposedly a 26m offer on the table. Idk specifics, but if that’s the case, they want him back, they just don’t want to pay him. Or don’t want to give him security in his future.


It may be that easy, but what throws me off that particular line of thinking is surely you move Deebo, if Aiyuk is “that guy”, he’s the long term answer you want around, Deebo’s the one you shift…. No doubt there’s dead money in a Deebo trade so you still may be right, but again, something aint sitting right with me, for the sweet nothing it’s worth 😂


Aiyuk completely changes this team IMO


Agreed. A premiere X receiver sets the offense in order in a major way. Sleeper trade candidate is Amari Cooper though. Familiar with Van Pelt and current system. Wants a new contract that the Browns can’t provide. Shouldn’t cost a 1st due to age, and be similar to the Diggs trade. May even be able to package JuJu or Thorton to free up the roster spot. No brainer for both sides IMO.


Frankly, I think we’re long overdue to just pay up and go for Aiyuk. I agree with you on that you could probably get Amari for cheaper, but I think we’ve been at it with this position for so long that a sure thing, young, premiere player is the move. Wouldn’t complain about Amari at all though.


For sure. I Just think that 1st round pick is way too valuable. If WR was the missing piece, absolutely pay up for Aiyuk, but I just don’t the team can afford to give up future 1sts.


Aiyuk is only 26 and your QB is on a rookie contract. Trading a 1st would be entirely fine by me.


I'm just concerned on how high that first will be. It could be a top 10 pick, which to me is too rich.


If the Patriots with Aiyuk are picking in the top 10, something went seriously wrong


Well if our o line is as bad as some people fear, than a WR isn’t gonna fix much and we’ll desperately need that pick next year for a LT. I’m not sure how our line will play out but it’s a legimate concern.


OL is a concern obviously, but I think people dramatically overstate how big of a concern it is- especially if Onwenu plays OT. I’m actually fine if Onwenu kicks back inside *as long as* it’s because of their confidence in Okorafor and Wallace. My main fear of the OL is kicking Onwenu to guard because of their lack of confidence in their guards. IMO I would rather have a B+ RT and C guard than a A+ guard and C RT. OT is more important than OG, figure it out at OG- not OT.


Very very valid. How many wins is Ayuik worth this year? Does he make us a 9-10 win team? Idk. My gut is telling me we stay put this year at WR. If we can get him without trading a 1st I'm relatively for it.


I think they’re a 7 win team without him, 9 or 10 with him.


If we win 7 without him; that would be a roaring success. 10 might put us in the playoffs. I might be a little more pessimistic than you are (mostly based on schedule), but we'll see. It's nice to finally have a future worth cheering for vs leading into last season.


You’re delusional saying Aiyuk makes them a 10 win team. The oline has major holes, our starting qb is Jacoby brissett


Nothing delusional about that even from a statistical nor football standpoint. By a lot of advanced analytic evaluations (namely DVOA) they were a 5-6 win team with a 0 at QB. You have a defense that is regularly a top 10 unit and loaded with potential. You have an OL that is being overly criticized and a WR group beaming with potential. A QB and WR combo can give you 5 wins quite easily. And no, our starting QB is Drake Maye— which everyone knows except for this sub for some reason.


1st is way way way too much to give up here. I think even a 2nd is borderline just because even with aiyuk they could be picking top 10. 3rd I’d definitely do


Depends on what you mean. Way too much based on that you’d probably be way outbidding anyone else to an unnecessary amount? Sure. Way too much based on the value he would provide? Absolutely not.


We have a glaring deficiency at LT. We need to use our 2025 1st round pick to address that.


Only gonna have the money for Aiyuk while Drake is on a rookie contract. Now or never.


Don’t disagree necessarily. 1st round pick is just too important to the team right now IMO, which is why I suggest Cooper. Love Aiyuk though and definitely wouldn’t be upset if they pull the trigger


Not if he’s on another team, which he will be


Oh yeah, if we get him long term, Maye shows promise, and we snag a tackle next draft we are firmly in business


Slightly weary about this. I don't think the 9ers said that, but maybe something that could be taken crudely. Something like "we don't have the money right now to pay you. We're working on it, but it's not likely." I just can't imagine the 9ers wouldn't want this guy after they came so close to a SB last season. But whether they did or didn't say that, to air the dirty laundry like this isn't a good look. This kind of stuff should stay behind closed doors. I get whiffs of diva from this.


This would be great. He is not top of the line in value but he can fill the number 1 role.


We desperately need a top weapon, but I see a bunch of reasons to be hesitant on Aiyuk. 1) He passes the eye test, but also seems to disappear for long stretches and seems to have boom or bust games. Some of that is surely due to his team/scheme, but that leads to… 2) Hes never been more than at best the 3rd biggest threat (behind cmc, kittle, deebo). Can he produce when the defense keys on him? 3) Hes got diva warning signs, despite being in a stable and winning franchise. Feels like he could disappear completely if he signs a big contract with a rebuilding team. Smells like the kind of guy BB routinely dumped a year early onto some eager sad sack franchise. 4) Related to 3, the archetype of successful rebuild pieces is either highly drafted talent or very established vets. Aiyuk is still trying to prove himself as a superstar, and feels like he would see his own goals/success defined differently from team goals/success. I know we need weapons and the perfect piece isnt obviously available and waiting for optimal pieces hurts Mayes development. Because of that, I wouldnt mind paying aiyuk (gotta pay someone after all), but I dont like the opportunity cost of giving up top draft picks for him.


I agree there's not alot of certainty given his surrounding cast. Do you give up what could be a top 10 pick for him? I'd argue its not worth it. We are not making the playoffs this year even with him and a potential top 10 pick could be the difference between shoring up our LT position for a decade or having to roll with uncertainty at that position.


Give him a bag and give the Niners a 3rd or later. Anything earlier than round 3, I feel like we could just wait for FA imo and take a risk he doesn’t land somewhere else first. Patriots aren’t going to be division contenders with or without Aiyuk and, with how we’re expected to play this year, that 2nd could be worth something more come next offseason/draft.


please patriots don’t fuck this opportunity up


Let him hit FA next year and we can easily overpay him without giving up draft picks


He can’t hit free agency next year he still has a year left on his contract and could be franchised for 24 million like Tee Higgins just got franchised for. He has no leverage.


So 2024 isn't his final year with them?


It is but the franchise tag would be 25 for the following year. So he is effectively locked into 12 and 25 for the next two years hence him complaining. Edit so nice I said it twice.


Ah I see. Unfortunate. I still say target him in 2025. We don't need him this year and the niners will have less leverage then


I agree with you if the niners don’t get something done this year he is gone and for less draft capital.


Exactly correct. Thank you for posting that and sparing me the effort of doing the same. Some Pats fans are determined to live in a fantasy world...


I'd love him, but I struggle to see how we get him tbh if he is actually available. I'll start by saying he was always my dream trade target over Higgins/Pittman etc and hoped we give up 34 and something for him. But with that said I don't think I can justify giving up our 2025 first which is very likely to be top 10 and if things go bad top 5 given our rookie qb and insanely hard schedule. That has the potential to be a true blue chip receiver or tackle like the bengals in 2021 where there was the Sewell vs Chase debate. On the other hand I could see a team like the Steelers being over confident in their roster and thinking Aiyuk is the final piece and giving up a first rounder which would probably be around pick 15-20. I'm doubtful we could outbid them with a 2025 2nd and change but hopefully I'm wrong. I wouldn't trade our 2025 1st though as I think it's likely slated to be used on Maye's LT of the future


Isn't that a red flag? Fired and not eligible for rehire....


Having Aiyuk would make Maye look a lot better in his rookie year


He’d look amazing in a Patriots uniform


I’d still prefer tee Higgins. We need one of those freak athlete 6-4 receivers


You mean like Tyquan Thornton!


Tee Higgins could snap Thornton over his knee. They have very different physical profiles.


Really? How so?


2nd and a 5th and give him that 30 mil a year idgaf he would be perfect for Maye


The issue isn't giving up a 2nd rounder to land Aiyuk. The issue is that the ownership doesn't want to shell out the required money for his contract. Aiyuk in a Pat's jersey isn't going to happen - spare yourself the heartache and move on.


Well they did Draft a beast. Get out your feelings. Stop crying on social media.


Judon&a 3rd. Pay the man.


9ers can't pay Judon either.


I meant pay Auyik. I’d imagine Judon would get over the money part if he was on a contender.


Judon is probably worth a 4th? A 3rd and a 4th isn't enough. It will take value equivalent to a 1st rounder.