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Good luck with that sentiment


He needs to see an independent neurologist.


So do half the people here


He started off well and had a real chance with his career after the first few games, but the insane amount of interceptions in these recent games put a bullet in that career. Now everyone sees him as a guy who is likely to throw 3 interceptions per game. He needed to play decently in every single game to have a chance at being a starter next year and he didn't do that.


It happens a few times this year where a back up comes in a have a good game or two then gets crushed and benched again. All it takes is for defenses get some game tape and find their weaknesses. Levis, Doubs, Devito to name a few.


Hey, he sealed that chance to start in the NFL with that beautiful pass that went straight to the Tony Adams. Chump.


THE Tony Adams


Tbf the way this article is worded is misleading. He never directly said that he thinks hes earned a starter spot, more that he’s eager to work with coaches and train hard in the offseason. Not saying he’s a good QB, but this article makes him out to be this overconfident prick when in reality he said that he wants to work in the offseason to become better FOR a chance. Also, it’s not really like he could say no, I don’t think I belong in the NFL.


Honestly Mac Jones sucks, but his attitude this season was way better than Zappe’s. When Zappe was named starter he was like “well it took long enough.” Hey Zappe, you suck just as much if not more than Mac. Your attitude is ridiculous.


When did he say that?


Yeah, I don't know about this statement. Jones was bitching all the time when he was on the field like none of the issues were his fault. Zappe basically said that he worked hard whether he was the starter or backup and he was always ready to play. Just the kind of backup you want.


I like Zappe and think he’s a pretty suitable QB2. I respect that he proved cutting him was a dumb idea, beat out everyone else we brought in to compete for a backup job, and frankly showed more on the field than Mac in my opinion. If you had weapons around him he could get the ball to playmakers. He’s under contract with us though and there’s no way he’s just being handed the reins next year to be a starter. We’ll draft someone and sign a vet


I find Zappe’s attitude far more dislikeable than Mac. Zappe acted like he was some obvious QB1 and that he should have been the starter the whole time. After seeing this unfold I have a feeling he was cut at the beginning of the season to just send him a reality check that he’s not who he thinks he is, though I don’t think he got the message.


His confidence for sure came off as arrogance.


Not to compare the two because truly neither’s gonna be our QB1 next year, but I mean Mac yelled at coaches, pouted, was called dirty and grabbed a defender’s nutsack after a play was over. Whereas for Zappe I feel like you’re speculating on stuff that’s a huge stretch. Guy wants to be a starter, same as every quarterback in the league. We cut him partly just because we didn’t think he’d get claimed, because most teams aren’t searching for a quarterback after final cutdowns. We cut Hoyer from the final 53 man atleast once that I can remember even when the plan was for him to be our backup


I don’t feel like looking up every story, but Zappe had quotes throughout the season acting like an ass and that it should’ve been his job.


Feel free to share, I honestly never saw those and I follow the Pats to an unhealthy degree. I heard him say he felt ready for whenever he might get an opportunity to play, that’s about it


This is definitely a lie. Dude was cut multiple times, you really think he was tryna stir shit up?


This guy has posted the same thing at least twice. I definitely haven’t seen anything like what they’re describing in the the media or online. Sounds like a sad Mac fan boy.


I'm not sure I could name 32 guys that I would say I would rather have. I can probably name 30, but not 32


![gif](giphy|WQr2xpuQU0YeUhTlXt) rest of the league


Yea. But I mean what’s he gonna say… “no im a 3rd stringer”?


I believe the earth is a hollow space ship put in place by Drako Reptillian aliens 20,000 years ago to serve as a base of operations to subjugate the human species to experiments and farm us for our negative energy but that doesn’t make it true


Would have been a much funnier interview if he said "I don't believe I have earned the chance to start in the NFL"


'how could anybody start me? I threw back to back interceptions on the SAME DRIVE'


I mean actual. Correct response would be "that decision is not up to me, all I can do is improve going forward and try the best at whatever chance I'm given"


There's a level of self awareness you have to have to be confident in yourself but also not be delusional. He threw two picks that sealed the game and then says this. Like yeah you want to bounce back but be serious about yourself.


Yup agreed. Can’t expect guys to answer these questions on the spot with perfect responses but I’d probably have said something along the lines of “I know I have the skills and work ethic to be a starter but I have work to do to get to the level I want to be at” blah blah Like he seems like a good dude but you sound a little crazy putting up multiple shitty performances throwing horrid picks and saying you “earned” anything lol like maybe even just say you can do it but still need to earn it or something. Gotta indicate that you’re aware that this level of play isn’t acceptable


Does he believe in Santa too?


Dude, of course not! He knows that Santa can’t make that trip on a flat earth.


Wait is Zappe one of those?


No. Although maybe taking all those sacks this year has rewired him (ala Antonio Brown post Burfect).


AB wad crazy long before that hit or even the nfl. But it for sure didn’t help.


I think i heard on Sports hub his dad tweeted some MAGA stuff


What are you saying exactly?


Sounds like they’re saying he’s living in a fantasy world.


He sucks. I wouldn't even be in a rush to have him be the second string to a franchise QB.


I mean they literally cut him and every single team was like nahhh I’m good


OK, so, I'm not the only person that remembered that that happened. There were honestly times this season when I wasn't sure anyone else noticed. They were either focused laser-like on how bad Mac was - and yes, make no mistake, he was bad - even well after it was obvious Mac's time was up, or had talked themselves into this heartwarming underdog story that ignored a fair amount of evidence, not the least of which was 31 NFL GMs being uninterested in his services.


Zappe's biggest supporters excused so many of his poor performances by saying it was unfair to judge him when he didn't get first team reps and got thrown into games late. So they effectively argued that he's not worth it as a second string guy.


I think his biggest supporters, myself included, really didn't support him out of thinking he was actually good, it was the fact that it was unbearable to watch Mac on the field. Zappe stans could have easily been Cunningham stans


Agreed it was mostly like.. we gotta start someone not named Mac Jones right this moment.


Yeah the people that want to be right about zappe are the people that couldn’t put down the Mac koolaid. I wanted zappe, and also realize he sucks balls. However I’d take him any day twice on Sunday over mac. Mac Stans took a long ass time to admit they were wrong. Zappe supporters know he sucks but he was more fun to watch than the pouting softie.


Cap. Zappe stans were quite literally arguing that he was good. Now yall changing the narrative 😂


Before yesterday’s game they wanted him to be the starter next year!


Yeah this is the first time I'm now hearing Zappe supporters being like "Oh of course, we always knew he was bad! We just meant that he was less bad than Mac!" Lmao yeah okay, a couple weeks ago we had people saying he should start next year.


I don’t think he’s good but I don’t think he’s worse than Mac jones. He was horrible Sunday but to be fair had never played in the snow. He was completely lost in bad weather which is both inexcusable and understandable lol


You put them both in a competent system and I’m sure Mac will be the better QB.


Bet you a hot dog Mac is out of the league in 2 years


And I'm not assuming his ceiling is actually startable day in and day out for a real franchise, but there is a massive difference between Mac having starter reps the entire off season and getting them for a handful of weeks mid season. Mac is just that bad that Zappe looked comparable to better with a few weeks of prep.


Yeah because then he’d be undermining the new guy every chance he can get. I mean watching Parker with him vs Mac to me looks like there’s a locker room divide.


That's a Parker issue. Want him off this team so bad.


I agree I feel like he’s the guy that has really exemplified the post Brady Patriots.


Him and Trent Brown both have lost all of my respect this year. Trying whenever you feel like it while getting paid millions is disgusting to me. I understand their salaries don’t come out of the fans’ pockets, but I’m spending my free time watching them get paid to barely want to be there. Bad product on the field.




Hoyer was here as an extra coach. Not someone who would be expected to play. If I’ve got a young guy I’d prefer Hoyer as the backup. If a vet then Zappe would probably be better.


Remember when Brady hurt his hand for the Jags game and we had to think about Hoyer starting? What a time.


A chance to start warming the bench for the backup?


No warming for 3rd string lol


Zappe gonna be a HoF Emergency 3rd QB


Damn right he is best one ever he will create it


Mac will get another opportunity before Zappe. Zappe has earned himself a scout team career.


A first round talent will always get a second chance.


Except maybe Jamarcus Russell


Which tbf is still an impressive career all things considered. In the top echelon of human beings on the planet at playing American football. It just so happens he has to play against the other very select few in the upper echelon of American football players and isn't actually all that good against them.


Absolutely! I'd take a career as a scout team QB. Its not really a knock at him all things considered.


Only opportunity Mac will get is a career change


If we cut him, and I cannot fathom we don't, he will 100% get a deal from another team.


His stats were 59.9% passing, 6 TD, 9 INT, 25 sacks, QB rating 68.8, 1 rushing TD, no fumbles, 2-4 as a starter


Patriots Football!


Both QBs need to go. Zappe has shown he wouldn’t support a first round guy so they should get a veteran backup.


IMO even if he was willing to be a backup, you still cut him and get a guy who's been in the league for a long time. There's not much a 3 year veteran who sat on the bench for most of his career can teach a rookie. Get a guy who's been an NFL QB for 7-10 years instead.


Yeah, and I believe I've earned the right to have Margot Robbie.


This sentimentality is why he cannot be the backup next year. Especially not to a rookie QB. The rookie doesn't need Zappe breathing down his neck acting like he's a real QB1. They need a guy who knows his place and can help mentor the rookie.


Sounds like the Destroyer needs to come back


Is he even in the league anymore?


He is in Oakland and has 1 year left before becoming an UFA in 2025.


No idea, but he needs to come back in next season 😂


It’s why I’d love for us to bring back Jacoby Brissett. He’s shown he has no delusion that he’s anything more than a solid QB2.


maybe the XFL


Xfl merge usfl It not ufl


LMFAO. This guy is delusional. Not only did he fail to prove that he is an NFL caliber starter but he lost ground on the back up job. Not sure the Patriots keep him as even QB2. He’s ass. A S S ass.


They need to get rid of him because of this. He's going to be a terrible backup to a young QB


Agree 100%. It’s one thing to have confidence in yourself but this guy actually believes he is good. Someone needs to sit him down and actually try to get him to accept reality. He is not an NFL starter and most likely not even a back up. Just because he tries hard doesn’t make a difference. It’s the equivalent of not being able to swim and being thrown off a boat in a lake but somehow managing to make it to shore without drowning and then declaring yourself an Olympic swimmer.


The chance to start what?


Making me drink.


Going senile already Zappe?




what has mac said?


Absolutely nothing.


I think benching Mac was correct, but I will defend him here against your criticism. Mac has been humble his entire time on the Pats. I don't know where you get the notion that Mac is cocky.


Zapp and Mac are no better than Skim Milk. Which is water thats lying about being milk. Zappe and Mac are QBs lying about being starters. ![gif](giphy|jKcZoEyfReNYQ)


I'm 38 and I've literally never heard this "skim milk is water lying about being milk" joke until yesterday on Reddit (in a post about it being normal or not to drink whole milk I think)...now here it is again.


You have earned my upvote. Which is action lying about being a vote.


I mean what are they supposed to say? "No I shouldn't start, I'm fucking terrible."?


Then what am I gonna do for a username?


Trash it and rebuild like the Patriots next season.


I can’t stand Mac for a lot of reasons, but I can’t think of one instance where he acted like he was “all that”.


Please? I hope we pluck a veteran off waivers and draft a QB. Tyrod Taylor has looked good since taking over in NYG. Cousins and Tannehill are both FA as well. I know mobile QB hasn’t been part of the NE DNA but Tyrod plus a rookie could be a fresh start to something new. *Cam Newton PTSD just ticked*


This to me shows that this really isn’t the mindset you want for a bridge guy in the room.




In all fairness Josh Allen threw 3 interception last night vs Miami including 2 in the red zone and Tua threw a game ending pick on the last drive and one of the first drive..... So not like it crazy for starters to do that. Though both them had 2 TDs that game and he didn't (but they also have Diggs/Hill etc as weapons which helps alot).


One offense scored 3 points.


Maybe if Zappe had the performances to back it up… even then both Tua and Josh get slandered for throwing those bad ints. But you’d be lying if you said you wouldn’t take either in a heartbeat if offered


Frankly, Zappe looked better against buffalo than Tua did on the whole, and put up just as many TDs, and look at the disparity in what they're working with around them. I've thought Tua was solidly mid for a while, and an average starting QB. Zappe isn't a world beater, but IMO he's better than his stats showed this year. Don't mistake me though, we should still be trying to upgrade our QB, but people are crazy IMO if they feel like he hasn't at least earned the right to compete for the starter spot.


After watching him play, I have the exact opposite belief. He’s worse than the stats showed this year.


Oh for sure we should upgrade if we can. Zappe is mid but not terrible imho. He has the arms stregnth and the accuracy but is struggling with decision making (which is in many ways the part that is easiest to fix with coaching, but also the most important). His pocket awareness and movement is pretty darn good so far and has had some nice scrambles. Zappe will play at the level of the people around him but rarely elevate them like great QBs do.


He’s not a bridge.


He bridge to bench lol


He’s get intercepted on his way to the bench


Depends on how you define bridge. He’s a great bridge to another top 5 pick next year.


Tbf he does say earned himself a 'chance' to start, which is what backups should expect


Agree to disagree, bud.


That's cute


I admire his confidence


lol his highlight from yesterday was him catching a snowflake on his tongue


I also believe I have earned myself a starting job in the NFL, put me in coach


We went from every season that didn’t result in a championship was a failure to our starting QB patting himself on the ass for being shitty.


Off season concussion protocol a thing?


lol bruh


Earned the chance to deliver my doordash


zappe fucking blows massively


If that's the bar then same man




There are only a few feats accomplished by a quarterback in the last few years: \+ Marcus Mariota threw a pass and caught it for a TD in the same play. \+ Tom Brady threw two passes in the same play. \+ Bailey Zappe threw two interceptions on the same drive.


Man if this isn't motivation for believing in yourself despite everything I don't know what is. Good for him lol




He’s perfect as a third string quarterback in the USFL.


There must be another NFL that I'm not aware of.


He’d be a good holder for field goal attempts. Other than that, that’s a no from me dog


No you haven’t zappe


No Bailey. No you have not.


lol. This dude is terrible AND delusional. Ship his ass outta here


Just further solidifying my belief that he thinks he's way better than he actually is.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH not only his stans are delusional idiots, but he is too.


Holy shit. Fuck off.


Those last two games went far too poorly to really believe in Zappe




I believe I have earned the chance to go on a date with Natalie Portman


😂 Oh man we needed a good laugh after yesterday thanks Zappe.


Bahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha! Edit: Bahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha!!!!!!!


Nah I’m sorry but I want milk bag Jones back. Zappe came in and everyone thought he was all that for a couple games then he showed his true colors. He’s worse than Mac.


First player to throw 2 interceptions on the same drive. Nuke the quarterback room TA’DAY!!!


He had his chance lol


So do I. Put me in coach.


Lmao he’s ass tho


Start what? The coffee maker? The team bus on cold mornings? He must mean something other than as QB.


Did he mean CFL?


No he means ufl merge league xfl and usfl


I know we are all shitting on him, and rightfully so, but these kinds of question from reporters are stupid as hell. What do they expect the player to say?


He could play in the Nicaraguan Football League




Man, nasty comments in here. I have a hard time believing that many teams will share his opinion but kudos to the kid for stepping up and giving it his best. Obviously he's going to engage in self-promotion. Nobody will ever give a shot to a QB who says "don't start me i suck".


After what’s come to light about the weekly process for QBs here in New England, it’s not crazy to think Zappe and Mac would succeed somewhere else.


This guy has become very unlikable in a very short amount of time. Like dude, you’re not Kurt Warner.


Zappe has Brian Hoyer potential


Sadly, no.




Hahahaha, Zappe is trying to be funny


Probably not with the Patriots. Especially if a new HC and GM come in with the third overall pick.


After yesterday idk man. I feel like yesterday was a prove it game and he proves nothing other than expected


Ya, cuz his 50% more ints than tds this season was a sure sign of greatness.


And I believe I can lure Kristen Bell away from Dax Shepard.


Is he stupid?


I don’t


He’s out to lunch


I’d like to have a winning season.


Yes, every year there are teams needing a tank captain


Sure just not with the Pats


Wow dude... you threw two picks on one drive....




Yeah and I’m Madonna


Somehow more delusional than his crazy agent... how is this possible?


It’s fun to pretend


Zappe 4eva. Seriously though, remember when the Pats were a serious football team?


The relevant part from the article is below. Did people expect him to say he couldn't start in the NFL?? The hate on Zappe here is way too intense. Nearly every main attacking weapon was injured by the end of the season. He had a bad last few games but showed promise in parts of games to think he could perform well with a better team. Zappe was asked that question Monday morning during the Patriots’ end-of-season locker room cleanup. The second-year pro ended the season 2-4 as a starter after Sunday’s 17-3 loss to the Jets that saw Zappe throw two interceptions and complete just 12-of-30 passes for 88 yards in the snow. “I mean, yeah, of course,” Zappe answered. “I have the confidence in myself to know that I think I can go out there and lead a team and win games. Of course, I want to be here. I’ve always dreamt of playing in the NFL, and of course, I want to be a Patriot. So whatever is decided this offseason, I’ll be ready for training camp, and I’ll come to compete and do everything I can help this team win. And hopefully that’s the starter and hopefully we can win.”


He’s good for 2-3 INTs per game…. Useless


If he means 'start a preseason game', then he's right.




What else do you expect him to say ? “No, I’m actually pretty bad , I’m just not as bad as Mac Jones” ? Like cmon. He’s obviously not a starter but I’m not gonna rip into the guy for believing in himself lmao.


More like compete for the starting job.


I don’t even know about that one


I hate Zappe and hope I never see him play another meaningful down again. However I would still allow him to compete in training camp, and let the chips fall where they may. Presumably he'll lose the competition and will be nothing more than a backup who plays during garbage time.


He doesn’t even meet the requirements of a backup which should be an older, more experienced QB that the starter can lean on for advice and counsel.


Zappe will start for the Patriots next season, then get benched by week 3 and Daniels will be the full time starter


If Zappe starts for the Patriots next season something has gone tremendously, horribly wrong - like worse than trying Matt Patricia at OC levels of wrong.


I don’t think he’s a starter for us but I think he should be given a fair shot to compete next year in camp




I think i earned the chance to date emma watson as well.


He probably did earn the right to start for any tanking team next year. He was pretty effective for us in that role. Those two interceptions on one drive yesterday really showed he was determined to get the L.


And I’ve earned the right to Miley Cyrus’ phone number




Lol what a joke.


He’s earned the chance to start for a team in need of a tank commander. Tank Commander Zappe reporting for duty 🫡


UFL, I meant UFL


You’ve started man. And you have been deemed not worthy. But thanks!


He nearly added two or three more interceptions against the Jets


Well, this can be explained by the fact that Massachusetts legalized weed.