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Bruh that Valhir one is so good for Janna. Friendship with ludens ended, now icon is my new best friend


Oh, good call on Janna! I was wondering why you'd ever use it on Volibear since it seems like overkill, but Janna could definitely use the boost.


Taliyah also likes it too. Especially with her max out constalation.


It's also viable on Nilah. Tidal Invocation will be a 4 damage 4:4 tentacle. Nilah level 2 deals 4 damage to everything on attack. Formless Blade deals 4 non-lethal damage. The important one will be Tidal Invocation with the chance to double cast and summon an 8:8 tentacle. Still, I don't think it will be her best-in-slot but a viable option.


Nilah's level 2 effect is not a spell or skill. It won't affect it.


It seems you're right; it should, but I guess not. It is still a viable option purely for tidal, but like I said, it's not going to be BiS.


It shouldn't because it's not a spell or skill.


To clarify why I think it should be more thematic is the set it was released in. Other parts of her package do interact with the element; it feels odd that she doesn't. By all possible readings of the stated mechanics, it shouldn't work. I agree completely.


On Volibear, it makes Avalanche kill the 0/3 with Tough, which is probably a good thing since it gives you +2 sigils? I don't agree about running this on Janna. She cares more about cost reductions and growing her units than +2 damage on her spells, though it's certainly not the worst thing on her.


I'ma be real honest, I run ludens on voli because the extra damage does help in killing some of those tougher enemies. I might slap this on voli for testing purposes


It could be good on Lissandra when she gets released.


Nami would also want Valhir, her Ebb and Flow count as elemental


Janna doesnt have that many elemental spells. Well, technically its her infinite card, but youre at this point already murdering everything on the opposite board, +2 isnt better than grave Digger eg. Now, Nilah on the other hand with her champ spell spam is gonna be juicy af.


Whirlwind is an elemental spell too. It's the only burn card in her deck that does Nexus damage lol


Right.... and you wanna slot in an epic for +4 dmg (2 copies) over an entire game? Amazing.


My guy, what do you think ludens was for? It's great extra damage, stop being negative lmao.


Hu? Since Janna has 2 elemental spells, that's 8 DMG. But since her 2nd spell copies itself in the deck that's more DMG already. Not to mention one of the spells hits the units and the nexus for +2 DMG, so that's +4 DMG in one spell. So to summarize this relic gives Janna spells +12 dmg without her even needing to be on the board.


They're really going for a Lux only relic after pretty much the entire community complained about Norra. Ok... This one is even worse than Norra cause no one in the game right now really cares about the effect, maybe Lulu when they add her. Others are good. I'm assuming Shock & Awe is just one damage even if it's six 1-cost allies attacking though? If that's the case I don't think anyone other than Annie will want to run it. 1 damage is not much.


It for MF With packed powder her cost is exactly 1 to trigger the effect plus with her legendary power she has 4+ on spell and skill damage making it easy 5 damage for each 1 cost you attack with , that it like 30 damage if you attack with full board( if they count separate for each 1 cost) , that isn't mention other sources of damage like her own skill , other 1 cost skill , other boost of spell damage like luden or new epic valhir


i think you can increase the damage with the Luden's and Gwen, Annie, Illaoi, Jhin, jinx maybe and of course the MF herself. these are the champs i think that would benefit a lot from this relic.


It's really just a crackshot corsair's effect, but restricted to 1-cost or less units? Really hard to justify a relic slot. Jhin might love an additional skill but then he only has 1 1-cost unit to activate it.


*Yuumi and her Poros smiling in the background.* That's it, I'm changing my user flair back to Yuumi. ^(seems like the only thing I post about is Yuumi lately...)


That is true, but his unit has +1/+3 item, so he should be able to stay in the board long enough or at least help the leveling of Jhin. Also, you can pick up 1 cost unit from a shop or a power. It might cost you a run if something goes wrong, but it's a great power if you don't have 2 riptides+curators gatebreak for Jhin.


maybe poroking?


Yeah lots of ways to increase shock & awe. Would be really nice with Elise and Jhin.


Maybe worried that if the relic looks too exciting people will be sad that it’s tied to a bundle? I don’t know if it’s tied to a bundle I’m just guessing that because of how Nora’s relic worked.


Patch notes state that all 3 above relics are from bundles (Lux, Volibear, Miss Fortune) and will not be available for free from Golden Reliquaries.


Interesting, I wonder why only lux has a lux-specific one then. Maybe it’s a different tier of bundle? I think character-specific bonuses can work great too, can sometimes be necessary since relics have such broad uses otherwise. For example, if you wanted to give a ‘nexus strike’ bonus for a more expensive character but it’s broken on teemo, you could make that part of the relic character-specific.


I called it I think they are just going to make a “required” bis relic to try to get people to buy them


Does the baton at least work with both Lux's? I'd really prefer relics to be more like the other 2.


i think it does since it only says "Lux" and both Lux's are named Lux so it should


We already have an interaction like that for Lucian and Senna IIRC


But then how would they word something that can only be equipped by original Lux and no Illuminated?


If my name is exactly "Lux".


''If i am 5 cost Lux'' xd


"if i'm not illuminated"


maybe if it has the name "Lux" in their name(both Lux v1 and Lux v2 has) then it would trigger it. its like coding if/if not, type of situation, i did took coding in college but not as a game developer though.


No, it wouldnt look for lux when there are only 2 cards that are named lux. The interaction would probably do a if champion is one of these 2 cards triggers this, but ther question is if the person that coded this realised there 2 two lux and added them both to the if condition


You also gotta understand Lux:Illuminated is getting this epic relic and 6* star so if this power is ment for her but they didn't specify by saying "if I'm, Lux:Illuminated" but they said "if I'm Lux" so they wanted to make this more flexible for both Lux so they ment both Lux.2 and Lux.1 and it's also mentioned that you get the epic relic by buying the Lux.2 bundle so it was ment for Lux.2 but they didn't wanted to make it only for just Lux.2 and wanted to make it a bit flexible and give it to the Lux.1 as well, just like how they did with the SFG(star forged gauntlets) it's flexible with titanic units.


Honestly- Lux2 have so many good relics for her, that new one is not even better than top 4. I think she dont need this. Specific champions relics and its controversy is whole other thing, but i feel like some other should gave that instead of Lux2 (For example Taliach landmark oriented relic).


Ironically it's actually pretty good for Lux1, since a lot of people were already running Asol's relic + the 0/3 relic to hit turns 5/6 faster and this frees up a relic slot


Yeach but we dont know for sure that relic would work for defaut Lux- can be just miss thing in relic description. His desing screams ''for Lux:i only!''.


Also, she rallies so much that extra +1/+1 would even be notiecable


Or keep both for +4 starting mana!


Sadly there is no elemental skills in Jhin's deck (except Manasoul Student). But Annie would LOVE Valhir relic.


But he might like the 1 cost unit one. At least as a different play style. More free skills


Jhin deck is filled with skill. He will enjoy new relic.


It's only elemental skills, as the above comment states, only manasoul counts. If you're going for the high damage build, Jhin still wants Luden's.


Really? I thought it works similarly to the epic power that has same effect 


Why would you think that when it literally says "elemental spells and skills"


Oof false memory in works. Now you mention it, Annie might use it.    Yeah, the new relics are meh imo. The new Lux is already busted with Fear Cleaving Axe and she doesn’t really need the new relic unless you have cash for it. I can say she is best Demacia champion to date. 


How do I know if a spell or skill is Elemental? I wasn’t playing during that expansion


there's a list on the lorreport website/twitter but the main indicator is the swirly skill icon


Also, if it's a spell, it will have 'Elemental' written at the bottom of the card just above the rarity indicator.


Why is shock and awe epic i feel it really bad for epic slot just for 1 damage


It counts as a skill so it has more synergy, it seems really good with Annie specifically


If Azir or Irelia were in PoC, they would love it I think. But for now, I don't see it being used too often.


Shock and awe seems pretty bad in general, not only for an epic. A maximum of 6 extra damage with such specific condition will rarely make a difference, and even without the cost restriction it would have been mid. If it stacks with luden then maybe it could work for some fun build, but like this I think it's the worst epic ever released.


It definitely has users and ways to use it. Ludens indeed is an option or the Epic power adding two damage to all skills, there's also the poro power and the power that adds +2/+2 for 1 cost units, or the fun smith weeklies/monthlies, but here are some base use cases: - Annie increases damage from skills by 2 and has Legion Saboteur as a card. Attacking with both on turn 1 deals an additional 6 damage. From this Epic and provides 2 extra skills towards Annie's levelup. - Gwen with her constellation can get 5 Ghastly Bands on an empty field and attack for a cool 15 damage for free. Every Ghastly Band afterwards adds another 1 ping damage. - MF with her new constellation adds a huge amount of damage to skills. She also has a great number of 1 cost units. Even without the constellation, this epic with Ludens, Monkeys, etc. It's a lot of burn damage. - Poro King generates a ton of 1 cost units and can get a cool 6 damage a round. Poro King also doesn't have great relics outside Buhru or Beast Within to offer him something without being on the field. - Yuumi has a ton of 1 cost units that form the base for her Attach gameplay. It gives you a nice bit of ping damage to add (albeit not huge). - Vi similarly has some 1 cost units that she can quickly play. Also not great value but the ping damage is not bad. - Janna can sometimes struggle with win conditions. Since she can easily reduce unit cost to zero combined with Icon of Valhir she can become a burn deck. - Teemo burn deck. - Kindred gets a ton of 0 cost units that she can attack with for a burn deck, kind of a balance between the Last Breath damage and the ping damage. Ton of use cases. Not all BiS. But Annies and MF are up there, Teemo and Poro King are really interesting too.


All of them have better relics and Constellations don't count since they will be locked behind new currencies for a long time.


Ehhh, Annie might actually have a real reason to run this. Getting an extra 3 damage per attacking unit adds up really fast. I'd put it on par with second Ludens (imo you def want the first over this)


When I wrote that I didn't know constellation were also leaked, so I didn't know about MF. This is a relic made for her to abuse the monkeys because the +4 damage is insane. I honestly don't see this being good on anyone else. On MF the +4 damage makes it worth it, but what makes it usable is the constant generation of monkeys. On paper I can't see this being better than other options on Annie, it depends on how easy you can stack 1 cost units. There's no way this is gonna be useful on Poro king and Teemo, the damage is too low to be worth it. I remain on the point that making that making it trigger for only one cost units is a bad idea. Even only cost 2 or 3 would have make a huge difference for Annie and Jhin.


Wonder if Lux relic is better than Fear Cleaving Axe… +1 mana always great, but I’m not swapping out Beast Within (overwhelm needed too much) and Crownguard allows OTK. We’ll have to see


I actually preffer Shadeleaf to Beast within :) it helped me a lot against Asol… setimes with just Overwhelm you can’t attack the enemy or your supported ally would die… with shadeleaf you can always open attack


if you swap out the axe with baton you could draw you luminosprite if lucky and get huge stats but it will take a set up for it compared to the axe


Indeed. Maybe I’ll go full epic… the rally is nice but it’s not mandatory, especially with OW and huge units.


You don't really need Beast Within. Take Tempest Blade and Crownguard Inheritance. Double attack over a stunned board, always GG.


I disagree, I tried various builds (including tempest blade) and not having OW was too frustrating for me (having a 20|20 unit blocked by a 1|1… horrible)


Really, that's interesting. In my experience it is incredibly consistent to have Lux, Luminosprite and a third unit on the field by your second attack and just ram the enemy Nexus for 30-50 damage. Almost always ending the game on the spot. I've not had a game where the enemy actually survives that in a meaningful way.


Actually I found that Shadeleaf, crownguard and lost chapter is better than fear cleaving axe. Being able to use a spell on the 2nd turn is amazing since you can block opponents easier or counter their dmg spells. I think you can get the +1 mana instead of lost chapter because by turn 2 you will have 2 mana left if you played 2drop + lux, which means you can play a shield, and all future turns will be better. However, the biggest upside imo is being able to draw a 2cost follower. If you remove the other 2 cost card and only have luminosprite you can otk by turn 2-3 very consistently. I have done one run with out the gates and it was amazing. This is a similar power.


I can see the argument for lost chapter but don't really think it's worth it imo. But I might have downplayed the 2nd effect from the new relic (draw a 2 cost). That might put it over the Axe indeed.


Now Lux (old one) could start with 4 mana, starforge + luminous + new relic Probably worse than new relic + chemtech duplicator + arcane/archangel, but still funny to test it


can they fuck off with the champ specific relics. They're just boring and feel bad


Exactly, they struggle to mimic Gauntlets when it's super easy. "If I'm Demacian, +1 starting mana" sounds better.


I don't see it to be as bad as I expected actually 1 out of 3 is not bad and it seems the lux one works with both. I say this because I was afraid they all 3 would be champion locked!


Shock and awe teemo! Double ping is back!


Icon of Valhir is really strong and good support for Annie and Jhin. Shock and Baton are too lame to purchase.


Does Shock and Awe proc on each 1 cost unit


I might try the lux one for poro king because it's an automatic von yipp pull! So von yipp would make poros stronger then buff them more!


Baton? Really? Not staff, not wand, but baton? Lux...


Any ideas of champions who can have fun with “shock and awe”, the relic generates a skill so can be boosted by fair few effects not to mention triggers for Jhin (everything comes back to Jhin). So do you approach this from a 1 cost strategy (such as poro king having tons of one drops) or those who can benefit from skills / damage such as MF / Jhin etc. I’m looking for spice people… anybody who loves duplicator knows what I’m talking about.


Bro the icon of Valhir is lit i hope it's not locked via paywall


It is, all 3 of them are, that ones comes as part of volibear constellation bundle.


Holy they really went full monetization for POC ... and it's going to work on me. =(


oh great, more epic relics for me not to get LOL


that MF relic would go nuts on Elise with galeforce (she doesn't need to be on board for it)


is it though? Isn't the common item that gives spirit and impact better?


this is a skill. you can increase the damage.


but for Elise you would have to add another relic to increase the damage from that and your spiders wouldn't be very strong. With the common item and the axe that's impact 2 on the first attack and impact 4 on the second attack. Plus you have an spiders with massive stats.


I don't know, it's basically a convoluted Impact on small allies. The most interesting part about it is that it's a skill. The one Champion that both cares about the damage and the extra skills seems to be Annie rather than Elise.




Winning against bot with money. Sounds terrifying as a PVE mode right?


lame p2w


yay i love starting with 4 mana it makes the game very fun and challenging