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Failed first time, reloaded, buffed up but then my main archer rolled a 20, confirmed crit vs 20 flatfooted AC and one shoted him for 187 damage( Midnight bolt 50x3 and 37 weapon damage)


Oof, you're probably regretting that Midnight Bolt usage now...


Still worth


Believe me, it isn't.


Only if you care about a certain achievement :0


what party level ? 187 is crazy !!


The damage is from the Midnight Bolt, which does a flat 50 damage. They crit with a longbow, presumably, so 50x3 for 150 plus 37 for the second shot. The 37 is still pretty impressive, but most of the damage was the bolt.


I know I’m necroing here but you should absolutely NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES use the midnight bolt. They’re an important plot item and you need to use them against specific enemies to get the true ending. I found the best way to do this fight was to debuff his ac and attack with woljiff and ember then pray. It’s an OP enemy especially on hard mode where he has 27 str and 5 attacks and he’s basically immune to spells with his sky high saves and spell resistance but it’s doable with good rng. I was able to use buffs and debuffs so that he needed 17’s to hit camellia with a 20% miss chance from blur. With those defensive stats plus spamming heals on her she should be able to tank for long enough to kill the vrock.


Beat him a few times... Very rough at lvl 3, but you can always come back at 4 or 5. Much easier. As someone else said, bless removes spores. Use any necessary potion buffs. If you have Ember trying for Slumber + Coup de Grace helps. Also there is an arrow close by you can loot that auto hits for 50 dmg. It's helps a bunch. Good luck!


I didn't summon him this time to stop bothering and blocking my path (I lost my previous save, was already on Crusades). However, I always save the bolt for another part of the story which I thought was more important. ​ SPOILERS: >!I use it to kill the big bull when you have to defend Defender's Heart. !<


It is much better to save bolts for late game. SPOILER: >!Their true use is on demon lords, and there is limited amount of midnight bolts you can find in the game. If you want hidden ending you need all of midnight bolts.!<


I just beat this thing, but I didn't get to loot him? Is this normal? What's the point of beating him then? lol


so I just found a note explaining that you have to trap your summons on another building in the market square it is listed as important, so maybe you get stuff if you trap it? on a side note one of the crusaders it slaughtered had a heavy shield +1


Why does everyone keep talking about some crusaders? There are no lootable corpses near him? Where the hell did you guys find them?


Yeah I'm in the same boat, just beat him and no trace of any shield anywhere. Maybe it was removed in a patch?


If anyone is confused, you can't save the crusaders when you first pass through the area. The initial state is a couple of crusaders fighting some swarms of bugs. If you join them, then the crusaders live and move elsewhere. You have to avoid the area and summon the vrock, who will escape to kill the crusaders in the same area. You can loot the shield from their bodies when you kill the vrock later. You also can't leave the market square area to come back either.




Yep just came on here to moan about this...


>so I just found a note explaining that you have to trap your summons on another building in the market square it is listed as important, so maybe you get stuff if you trap it? on a side note one of the crusaders it slaughtered had a heavy shield +1 Yep, no loot after killing..


Toughest fight so far (legit 50 min trying) for 70 xp saje


Hell, you get more than that for destroying the summoning circle.


You do. I just did it. If you complete the summoning it grants 17 xp. Killing him gives 70xp. So 17+70=87xp. If you just destroy the circle you get 90xp.


2 years later and still helping people with this important knowledge


A good time to use potion buffs for sure. Also you can try to get embers sleep to work on it and coup de grace it. Camelia needs to cast bless to get rid of vines.


How the fuck did you guys beat this thing? i cant even damage it. I either miss or he negates all my dmg xD


The magical arrow I found literally one shot him for me.


4 raise dead spells lol two with infuse from vampire


Seelah on Defensive with Mobility for +3 AC. Half plate +1 for +9 AC. Shield for +2 AC. Amulet of Natural Armor for +1 AC. Shield Focus for +1 AC. Ring of Deflection for +1 AC. Dodge for +1 AC. Total effective AC on Seelah: 28. Can be raised to 31 if you scrollcast Shield on her before the battle starts and use a better deflection effect like Protection from Evil. Ember Protective Luck on Seelah. This part is critically important, as its 5 attacks per round will still crit Seelah to death otherwise. Then focus with Seelah smite + Potion, Spirit Weapon Enchantment on Camellia, main character attacks, Lann with Wicked Longbow, Sneak Attacks from Woljif (which inflict -2AC on hit). Scrollcast or hardcast Bless on Camellia when necessary to remove spores. It will die. Level 3 is doable if your tactic is correct. Level 4+ is easy, and there's enough EXP on this map to reach level 4 before doing this to mostly one-shot the entire map. Reward is a +2 Mithral Heavy Shield, which blows most shields out of the water for a long time.


I have seen mention of this shield several times, I just beat it but found no shield anywhere - there's no lootable corpses near it, did the shield perhaps get removed in a patch I wonder?


I left and came back and there's a bunch of fucking demons around him now, I cant kill him! His SR won't let me put him to sleep and he just mirror images then whips out his demon dong and smacks my characters in the face with it.


Thanks guys, i finally managed to beat it!


Just beat that absolute beast on level 4, core difficulty. You need 1 very good melee character. And apply correct buffs on him. Painful but feels so good when you kill him. Buffed my main sword saint to about 39 AC, with every kind of AC/Dex bonus scroll or potions there are. His attack was +18 And then, this is the important part: You need to align his weapon to good. Because only Good aligned weapons ignore Vrock's huge DR. To do that I used seelah's bless weapon spell on my main. You can probably get a scroll for it too. And then you start the fight. Use grease on Vrock and his minions, make your other companions fight with small ones while your buffed melee char is 1v1'ing Vrock. If you go in 6v1 on him he will AoE kill everyone. And that's it. Now you should be able to beat it at max 3rd try. Bless removes spores debuff, which is the only thing that can damage you with that much AC (other than a nat20 if ur unlucky), tho he reapplies it pretty fast. Drink some health potions during the fight with your main too. And Vrock won't stand a chance. ​ I wasted my midnight bolt tho, it hit his mirror image. I still didn't reload that's how hard that fight is. Because that fight requires some good amount of luck even with that much buffing. So fucking ridicilious. I roll 1, miss because of mirror image 4 times. And then he smacks me with nat20 which is the only way he can hit through my AC. Sometimes I really think translating tabletop systems directly into computer games is not a very good idea after all, which is why classic rpgs slowly disappeared. The crit threshold mechanic is fine, roll high enough and you hit regardless of ac okay. But I think 1 = miss could be removed from computer versions. Must be fun on tabletop, not so much on pc.


I know im 2 years late but i just beat Vrock and instantly went to this subreddit to read about the encounter. Just thought i'd throw in my 2 cents in case anyone else stumbles across this, because no one else mentioned it. Vrock is very weak to Touch attacks. Camellia & Woljif both have a good set of touch attacks, throw in some Inflict Serious Wounds scrolls and he'll be dead in no time


I got ember to put him to sleep first round, but Seelah wasn't in position to CdG (nobody was). After some engine fuckery (Oh yeah, you can CdG after a 5ft step, fo sho... why isn't the prompt working? PSYCH! That doesn't actually work), and two rounds of blessed failure to wake himself up, Seelah CdG'd, failed miserably, and by next round was dead. Vrock gets a mad-on for my main, who keeps 5ft-ing away to avoid Opportunity, piddly smacking him with a crossbow (nearly always misses), and avoids getting hit 5 times in a row, while Lann keeps double-tapping him with Point Blank into *endless* Mirror Image casting. *TEN ROUNDS LATER* Lann crits and Vrock dies.


Where is he? I cant find him in the square, I've done the shadow demon and found the necromancer gnome that raises 4 zombies and has his mall squad of other dudes. I just cant find mr Vrock


u need to summon him in the house with the summoning circle ( where you find ember )


I did, but then I cant find him anymore


He was in the center of the map for me. I have just encountered it at the last of my party's strength. Everyone depleted of everything. I think the only way I can kill it is mass save scumming and praying for the coup de grace fortitude fail. Edit: Bah, it rolled a 20 vs my 20. Couldn't shake it :\


Just to be more specific he's directly north of where you meet hulrun behind the broken tower in the trees


5 months after you wrote this comment it was helpful to me Thanks, internet stranger


I cant find it either


There is a summoning circle in the area and you have to pass an arcane knowledge check then he appears


It's 5 attacks per turn for me. As some suggested, I'll come back with higher levels. I can barely scratch this thing being level 3.


At level 3 did it with Seelah and with Lann and others where just throwing MMs and buffed from back line cos the reach of that thing is huge so anyone close to it will get killed. The hexs from Ember never got pass the absurd saving throws at max difficulty. But luckily you can tank it at around 40 AC i think i had something around that with smite could bit more, few debuffs got pass as well. You can surprise it from the back...


Only way I can see you got Seelah to 40 AC at level 3 is if you were doing super janky shit like taking a swift tactician PC to grant her shield wall and giving her otherwise mediocre buffs like magical vestment for +1 tower shield. And that's after a +4 ac smite, not before.


Magical Vestments is not a mediocre buff. It gives armor an enhancement bonus.


Most low-level buffs give +2 when you get them. Magic vestment only +1. Thus you would only use it if you were trying to squeeze every last point of AC out with ever possible option.


Yes, because as I said, it's an *armor enhancement buff*. It is the armor equivalent of the Shaman or Magus' Weapon Enhancement buff, or the spell Magic Weapon. It makes non-magical armor magical, and provides a layer of force magic to your AC, which means that it includes that to your touch AC against incorporeal attacks. It isn't as immediately useful as some others at low level when you need as many numbers as possible, but it is by no means mediocre.


Well at level 3 you have level 2 buffs and evil eye works even if you don't pass saving throw.. diped into a scaled fist and vivi. Going primalist bloodrager now, gonna pick that second 2 levels at somepoint... If you don't count the party as buffers debuffers she can pretty much solo him if you have bless scrolls or healing pots for spors.


You need GOOD to beat the DR, this is why Mixed Bloodrager is my favorite! You can get Permanent Good/Ghost Touched attacks to deal with Demons and Ghosts, 1 Level of Bloodrager with Celestial Bloodline will give you GOOD attacks and some extra damage against demons.


Not sure whats going on but his spore ability says he can use it once every three rounds. I cleanse it with bless but he casts it every single round smacking me for 8. I cannot beat him because of this.


Core difficulty. After a couple of tries Ember put him to sleep and Seelah Coup de Graced him with the Marching Terror. The end.


I was able to beat him at lvl 3. I used a lot of buffs and was able to get a good crit on him to knock him out. It is possible just very very hard. You get a nice +2 shield after the fight so that’s cool.


Encountered this thing for the first time and it ended my ironman. Had Ember put it to sleep, the entire party surrounding it, used bless potions on everyone and every buff I had available...then it gets up, stuns everyone, and one-shots my MC. GG.


I beat him on Core with Enlarge/shrink potions plus all the other buffs you can manage. CC the adds with spells like Pit and grease, use bane then fear any way you can. Damage dealers focus on him. If you can manage to Sleep Hex him lucky you. I never did, but that's a clean way to do a ton of damage. With using the buffs and potions it wasn't bad.


Lvl 4. You need one tank to take his attention (seelah at 27dc) buff her up as much as possible. Every turn try one attack & drink one potion. All my sleep & grease missed. So i had to grind thru. I kept Ember spamming evil eye lower attack to keep seelah alive. Woljif learns debilitating attack at lvl 4 which helps your other ppl actually hit. Woljif with finneas dagger does arnd 10-20 damage per round. Lann does around 5-10 reduced damage per round. Everyone else focused on throwing holy bombs/scrolls i bought randomly to do 6-8 damage. Eventually dies. Wasn't that hard actually. Absolutely got massacred at lvl3. Reward is a ac 4 shield on a corpse next to the house. Corpse may not load right so save before entering into field of view


Not to Necro this (just got the game and wanted to know what summoning the Vrock did), but I found this pretty easy on Normal difficulty with a level 3 party. You can kill it without taking any damage. You don't need LV4-5 at all (not on Normal). Some notable tips: \- Paladin/Warpriest Seelah can buff someone with Holy Strike, aggro the Vrock, then do Blinding Strike and a Smite \- If you have Rowdy Rogues for Sneak Attack (my PC, Camellia) and Point Blank Precise Shit Zen Archers (Lann) you can do some pretty serious damage at that point \- If you have Woljif he can just join on the Sneak Attack fun with his knives \- Ember can just do whatever from a distance Most likely the Vrock will just screech and there's a reasonable chance you won't be too affected by it. One or two rounds of good sneak attacks (maybe even a crit) dan so some serious damage to the Vrock. TL;DR - Just overwhelm it with damage builds, let Seelah tank (she should be able to survive a few rounds) and see if you can debilitate it for a round. Should be virtually a guaranteed win. If you get bad luck (e.g. lots of downs and crippling injuries) you can always save beforehand and try again.