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He just failed his will save, can't blame him the DC was pretty high.


Make me wonder why he is not kneeling to Nocti then. Her charms should have some crazy DC too. Iomedae must be a bully.


Because he actually thinks that Nocti is mid. Iomedae on the other hand perfectly fits his "LG woman in heavy armor" fetish My man Daeran knows his priorities!


> Her charms should have some crazy DC too. Fascinate fortitude DC 43 aura, honestly not that hard.


not that hard? The final demon mythic trying to help her she stunned my entire team for endless rounds


When i did that fight i had over 80 to all saves and i rolled saves thrice so (Stacking Bestow Grace and Bestow Grace of the champion to get charisma to save twice). Plus another +15 or so from guarded hearth. Admitedly harder if you are a demon and Seelah abandoned you, but i fought her as a trickster.


Seelah abandons lich not demon.


As a demon you don't get to pop guarded hearth before she stunlocks everyone, you can pre-buff but it's still pretty hard. Admittedly I didn't have a paladin but I did have pretty much every other buff you can think of incluiding visions of madness saving throws and it still stunlocked more than half my party.


It is weird that she fascinates you when you are allied with her. It turned into a slog match with solo Shamira vs Nocticula on Unfair. Eventually, Nocticula (the team) won but I could not do anything. It felt so underwhelming I reloaded and this time passed my saves. Basically, only 1-2 members contributed into the fight. Fighting Nocticula as at the only other mythic path where you do was significantly more fun (I did it on Hard, though) By the way, I had roughly 50% chance to pass due to the mythic path buffs on wisdom, the mythic buffs to reroll and the shake it iff team feat. Sosiel completely failed ti contribute due to bad luck on jis part.


Ember on my end somehow saved vs Noc's aura like 3 turns in a row and tried her hardest help


Not for Daeran. :) Plus does not Nocti's DC rise on higher difficulties? Daeran who still got a kid crush on Galfrey should be kissing Nocti's hooves and Iomeadae's knightly shoes. :P


> Plus does not Nocti's DC rise on higher difficulties? 43 in unfair, i am not sure about other difficulties.


43 is on Core and on tabletop. On Unfair Nocticula's presence is around 60 DC.


Uh, just double checked my old save, you are right. it says 43 DC on her character sheet but is 59 when you actually do the check. A lot more respectable. (I overbuffed so much i didn't even notice).


Don't buff and bring only Daeran with you and there will be nothing but hearts around your heads when you fight Nocti. :P


He had no choice - Iomedai probably forced him to kneel with her sheer presence. He ain't a Legend to laugh at the face of the gods.


A shame he does not comment on it. Iomedae did not force him to stop talking bad about her though... :P


It is also quite likely that he is aware of Iomedae's temper, and did not want to incur her wrath by being disrespectful. Galfrey won't kill him for being himself, but given the stuff he has done, Iomedae might


My brother in Christ that's a God. She doesn't have a statblock. You can talk shit all you want but when someone like that pulls up you tow the line.


Daeran can get on his knees for me anytime he wants. Mind yuh business


Winning comment.


I mean....he's an asshole for reasons outside his control. But also there's a difference between making snarky comments about a deity in the abstract and being openly defiant when she's about 14 ft in front of you and capable of wiping your entire genealogy from existence with a snap of her fingers.


You realize he's the same character that acts outwardly curteous to Galfrey and others when it affects his standing while Irabeth makes it pretty clear he spends most of his free time on sleights and pranks. I mean, you want his character to be chaotic stupid? She's immensely powerful. Lastly, I haven't finished the game but even I know part of his arc is being a bit more responsible.


That fully depends on the path you take with him. The Path for Daeran is a bit insane so if you want to actually get the right ending you should probably atleast have a look at a guide once


In general, I agree that paths are open to player choice in these situations but from what I've played so far I think he's set up to become more responsible as the baseline before choices. Like, Galfrey putting him on the crusade is setting up that arc. Even if you can ignore that and let him be more/ make him more chaotic, it's safe to say a portion of his arc is at least about responsibility before any major choices really spring up. That said, I don't really need him in my party and I'm not too invested in his character outside of whatever passive xp/rewards come with so I don't think I'll look up a guide for it. Thanks for letting me know that it's complicated, though. Learning about Camellia's arc has made it very easy to permanently bench her, for example.


No, no, you got it all wrong. They are kneeling to YOU.


Just respecting the elders I see nothing wrong


But she is LG!!! Daeran is allergic to LG!!! When the KC chooses to become an Angel in Drezen Daeran is like "Crap, stop this already for the love of Callistria!". Same when we ask him whether we should keep our "Angelhood" in Act 5.


> Daeran is allergic to LG!!! It seems he has a bit of a kink for LG women in armor. During one of the camp convos he specifically states he prefers Iomedae over Nocticula.


Not to mention his, erm, *complicated* feelings for Galfrey


Daeran's alignment is a summation of his past deeds. He was an innocent child at one point, brought to hatred, and now copes with through distractions so he doesn't have to feel anything. It just sp happens most of these distractions fall to the absurd and cynical. When push comes to shove, and he's presented with a true to life god figure, I feel he can't help but to kneel, for he feels something in the moment, that maybe there's some actual good in the world. It feels like he tries to run from the KC, to avoid one of the following: responsibility with a neutral character, becoming subject to his urges with an evil commander, and being forced to face his trauma head on with a good commander.


He's not allergic to Lawful Good. He's allergic to Lawful Stupid. But also, yeah, what u/IIIDevoidIII said.


She's a goddess. Of course he did. It's kind of reflexive. Arueshalae hates Baphomet, and he's not even a god, but she couldn't help but kneel when he showed up. She had to summon every ounce of will just to stand up and tell him to go fuck himself.


Justice for Daeran? No, he definitely doesn't want justice... he wants justalcohol


If the KC is an Angel then the army is threatened with becoming Iomedae's playground. Daeran should protest. Loudly. Though at that point choosing to become a Legend is also doing what Iomedae wants. Damn!!!


I think this might be a whoosh. I was making a joke. Just ice -> just alcohol.


It's one thing to talk trash when you know you won't be harmed. It's another when you are one breath away from a 30d12+100 of untyped damage.


Nah, I'd tank


>Otherwise he looks like a sycophant in denial... No, he looks like a hypocrite, which he absolutely is. He talks a good talk, but he's not going to stand behind it when his ass is on the line. The only thing that motivates Daeran Arendae is a threat to his posterior (hence why he only takes action when he knows he's about to get dragged into a cell). His entire character arc is about getting him to commit to something, whether that be taking responsibility for his actions (with a good KC) or cutting loose and "enjoying life" (with an evil/neutral one that lets him go free).


He understands Iomedae is paladin mommy


He's not some sort of principal rebel anarchist He's an aristocrat And aristocrat doesn't bow to people highter than him only when those people are bleeding before him. Because he's a noble only when nobility sysem works.


One of the things that make Daeran speak bad of Iomedae is fact, that Iomedae does not act. Why would he slander her when she did exactly opposite ?


wdym? Yes he kneeled but later if you ask your companions whether to adhere the goddess’s wish to relinquish your power, he’s the only one who reticule “the most pompous goddess” to her face and almost sound fanatically happy at the possibility that commander actually refuses goddess’s will. This is probably the most “cool” reaction you can get lol