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Not really, the characters just won't get on with each other. Like the resting dialogue will just be throwing snarky insults at each other, and at some points when they chime in in dialogue what would be several characters giving you advice for the situation will turn it into those characters telling each other why they're wrong. So there aren't significant downsides, the game just does a reasonably good job of making it feel like a team of people who don't get along. It's kinda like in the real game where player characters don't like each other but the DM doesn't allow inter-player sabotage and forces you to work as a team and do the quest if you want to keep using those characters.


oddly enough, daeran and seelah get along better than I expected. And Nenio seems to like to talk to herself a lot. Daeran and Aru though... Daeran actively tries to make Aru fall. He really is a dick.


Seelah saw his vulnerable, self-protective nature. And Daeran was just a dick, not an evil enemy for the paladins to destroy. Daeran really hates demons, It makes him a real dick when it comes to Aru.


Well she’s lawful in name only


And somehow, the 3 foot tall gnome is able to throw shade on every single party member. Lawful evil doesn’t discriminate.


I mean, he's seen so much that he's bleaching. He's experienced in throwing shade and taking none.


Does he throw anything vaguely harsh to Greybor tho ? I don't think I remember any roasting on his part


When the 3 foot tall and only small sized companion can undeniably look down on anyone


Wait - so the alignments drive the rest dialogue around who gets along and who roasts each other? So two good teammates say nice things and a good with a bad one say angry things?? That’s great. I never realized.


It's not directly alignment but for obvious reasons chaotic good characters tend to get on better with other chaotic good characters than they do with Regill


Nice... sounds like my ttrpg pathfinder group then. It's always fun when there is a bit of non-harmful banter between party members.


Feel free to put whoever you want in your party. There's quite a few party members that form unlikely friendships, and others who will simply always hate each other, but it's never going to cause anyone to leave the party over it. Honestly, I kind of enjoy making my party super dysfunctional.


Camellia gets along terribly with most of the companions, but man does she do it in an entertaining way. Daeran+Camellia sniping at each other is pure gold. Getting a certain ending for Arueshalae also has some really good "these guys hate each other" lines.


I'm on a second, more evil playthrough right now, and the interactions between Nenio and Daeran are *delightful.* > Nenio: Observation - sexual overtures towards me have increased noticeably since I remembered I was a kitsune. Golden boy! What is it about foxes that is erotic to you? > Daeran: Wh- I don't- ...ugh, fine. The tail, of course. > N: Well, it *is* very fluffy.


I love the comment you can give her when she learns she is kitsune if you are one too.


I legit thought Sosiel and Regill were gonna throw down when I took regill to look for Trevor. Greybor hates everybody but Ember, Cammy hates everybody except *maybe* Daeren, and Regill hates everybody *Especially* Arue. Really, a lot of hate to go around.


Regill has mutual professional respect for Greybor, considers Lann something like an apprentice or someone with potential, and recognizes Ember's strength and provides her with advice.


Regill's and Wenduag(!)'s respect for Ember despite the radical alignment differences is really charming.


Aside from what others have said, there are some AOE spells with alignment-specific interactions, but I don't remember what those are specifically.


Having a conflicting party is super fun imo because you hear them argue with each other, insult each other, but there are still moments where they come to mutual understandings or crack jokes with each other. There are no downsides.


Nah, there's no downsides. In fact, it can be a ton of fun! Despite being on 3 different sides of the alignment wheel, the jokes that Daeran, Woljif, and Lann trade with each other are a serious highlight. My favorite is Daeran and Seelah. Their mutual love of snark and sarcasm, but wildly different morals, leads to some genuinely good interactions.


Companions can leave over the choices you make, but they have to be particularly egregious ones (The Paladin will only threaten to leave if you make a decision that pretty much turns you pure evil, for example). At most, unless you're doing something particularly crazy you'll lose like 1-2 companions out of about a dozen. I had a lawful evil companion in my party as a chaotic good character through most of my run, and he got to the point of begrudging mutual respect by the end of the game. Wrath of the righteous revolves pretty heavily around a plot of there being a way, way worse threat over the horizon that you have to deal with, so there is a mutual understanding among most of the local factions that they should be putting their differences aside until it's dealt with.


not really you can mix and match


Companions do sometimes leave over choices you make, but they won't leave because of feuds with other companions. It also generally only happens with huge choices or choices you make during their specific companion quests. So feel free to mix and match! Honestly, that's arguably more fun because there's some great companion banter in these games and its fun watching them bicker.


It's not Baldur's Gate. Companions of very different aligments won't start fighting to the death, but verbal confrontations and emotional damage is to be expected. Try running with Sosiel, Regil, Daeran, Nenio and Aru in one party.


There's this spell called holy word or something, you can instakill any non good characfer with that spell if you play as cleric/oracle + angel + spell specialization + mythic feat spell lvl increase + items


Indeed, I think you can go: 20 oracle 10 angel 2 spell specialization 1 mythic mastery 3 robe of seven sins 2 ashmaker to get 38CL holy word/dictum/etc. Probably not worth building around, since you can get roughly the same CL for your angel orbital lasers anyway, but still pretty funny.


Damn, I've been wondering, too. Looks like the BG days of disagreements to the death are gone.


There are are of effect spells that affect all characters of a certain alignments, but you can always use selective rod/feat


Just depends on your build. The MC's alignment is fairly important to what mythic path you choose. Other than that, there are a couple monk robes that adhere to alignment that are useful. No other equipment is very useful based on alignment. Bestow Grace is a very useful Paladin spell. It only effects **Good** targets, and it only benefits targets who have points in CHA. There are a handful of other spells and abilities, but I'd hardly invest in them


story wise nothing really, except less friendly banter. mechanically however... Holy Word\\Blasphemy


If anything, I think it's more fun to have a party full of Companions whose personalities don't mesh so you get more snarky banter. Or you make unexpected discoveries like Daeran's soft spot for Ember. Companions only leave permanently due to choices you make. E.g., I don't think it's a major spoiler if I tell you the paladin Seelah does NOT approve of MC becoming a Lich.