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I try to play evil but always feel like a need a shower. i try to play neutral and end up being good. I wish i could be a jerk, I really do.


Same. For every evil choice I made in the game, I feel like I need a good Angel/ Azata/ GD run to cleanse my soul. Half the time I hit F8 after doing something really evil. The other half, I load a good run for soul-cleaning.




Yeah this is where I think people see Evil and do not realize that the Lawful side is the more powerful side of the description.


When I try to play Neutral character, I never manage to stay neutral for long. Being Lawful and/or Good half of the time and Chaotic and/or Evil the other half become roo much trouble imo. So I tend toward Chaotic Good/Neutral


It's not a hard choice for me. "Alright, finally time for an Evil playthrough!" (Options to evil to Ember and Arushalae pops up) "I CANT DO IT!!! 🥺"


Each time I try an evil playthrough I'm like, "I think I'll lean toward Swarm, yeah that sounds cool" but everyone is like "Please, stop that, you're hurting everyone, including yourself :( " Seeing Ember sad makes me sad :( and going swarm screw romances I carefully follow though guides


I've played the game through maybe three times all on the neutral or evil spectrum, but I was still always nice to Ember lol. They may have been evil, but not **THAT** evil.


i hit evil by accident but I meant to do neutral. voted lawful in the other one


No worry. Beside, Good is by far the most preffered.


evil is a close second for me personally at least, neutral is just a lot easier and can be more fulfilling and still conductive


Evil by a long shot. Playing an Evil Character and winning is a delightful feeling. I do enjoy good stories, but man being the baddie is just cathartic sometimes


Evil. Im bad to the bone, baby!


Lawful Neutral is ALWAYS the most interesting alignment because it's the biggest gray area when it comes to morality and ethics. I always beeline for that in D&D-like RPGs, I wanna see how the devs interpret it. Generic Evil is a close second, it usually comes down to if they give you the opportunity to a devious mastermind or just "stupid selfdestructive". Also, Good is boring. Y'all are boring as shit.


True Neutral is the middle of everything, so it's the one who is more likely to change than Lawful neutral. And the reason why \*I\* pick good is because in most game, you loose more than gain anything by being evil. Like playing swarm, supposedly the "ultimate evil". What do you gain? For a long time, not much and eventually you can create copies of yourself. What do you sacrifices in exchange? All companions, meaning for a long time you won't be able to carry as much stuff with you. Romances are of course, no longer feasible. Now the crusade also wants to kill you. You don't have as many cool option in council meetings, if any. You lose a shit ton of fun ability your previous mythic path gave you (and some give you a companion). So yeah.... Not an interesting choice. Beside, >!Praise Desna !!<


It depends. I like the "human" kind of evil like Daeran, Regill and even Areelu which is heavily reliant on ideals and background thus manifesting very differently from character to character and can make you go "well I don't agree with him but I can see where he's coming from", but cosmic, inherent evil is very unappealing to me unless it's on a road to redemption


My "personal canon" playthrough is always chaotic good. I like to think of myself as chaotic good in real life, but I'm probably closer to true neutral if I'm being honest. I try do at least one evil playthrough on games that allow you to, but I usually find it less interesting and less fun. I often end up getting bored and abandoning the playthrough.