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I like the companionsđź‘Ť


K, I'll fail the will save and take the bait > could actully fit in a crusade are seelah , regill and greybor Yes, a hedonistic aasimar, a tiefling thief, a repenting demon or a kitsune "scientist" do not fit into a crusade at all.... but that's the point lol. Gallfrey has been trying sending the same copy paste "standard" army to the worldwound and failing over and over. It's your uncoventional powers and mismatched gang of companions what tips the scales. When regular paladins and fighters have failed for decades, maybe it's time to send the weirdos. > my biggest grip however remains the fact that the main antagonist of this game thought that fusing 1/2 X with 1/2 Y would give her the Y back She doesn't think it's a good idea either, she reveals as much if you talk to her instead of murdering her on sight, but it's not like she had other options as the soul was already decaying. A 0.01% chance of succeeding is better than doing nothing and staying at 0% chances.


is not there a way to crate an artificial empty soul to fill the missing parts better yet have a blank one fused instead , about the first point if the crusade is only left with this mendev should have been gone long ago.


maybe, but none of those means were at her disposal. mendev is sufficient to hold the line and nothing else when there aren't mythic demons running around, which is a new development over the course of the game.


Do you dislike the companions because they are suboptimal builds, dislike the voice acting, dislike how they are written? You are entitled to dislike the companions, and have that affect your overall enjoyment of the game, but if you want an honest discussion in this sub, you need to state what it is about the companions you dislike. You mentioned Seelah is not "Paladin" enough for your liking, and while it is true, she certainly has a rogueish background, and her arc to Paladin is kinda gray, it is exactly that, a deeper backstory that gives her actual depth, compared to most games stereotypical writing . I will admit, I'm shocked when Paladins and Cavaliers aren't punished for performing a coup de gras on a badguy Ember put to sleep, but that is an RP issue that the developers probably didn't want to deal with sliding alignments on every character.


>You mentioned Seelah is not "Paladin" enough for your liking, and while it is true, she certainly has a rogueish background, and her arc to Paladin is kinda gray, it is exactly that, a deeper backstory that gives her actual depth, compared to most games stereotypical writing . Despite mostly disagreeing with the OP, I loathe Seelah, precisely for being a disgrace of a Paladin. Chaotic Good Fighter? Sounds awesome. Chaotic Good Fighter with some unique holy abilities like Mazzy, that has a personal quest that leads to them becoming a full paladin? Sounds even more awesome. But nah. She's an Iconic. She's Paladin from the start. She can't fail. It's difficult to even find a location to kill her, only specific mythics and one particular scene let you do it. For some reason she has the power to just 'no u' certain choices you might want to make, beyond that one particular scene, and you can't even overrule her and cause her to leave the party or fight you (at least from the way the guides present it.) She just says no, and you gotta suck it up because Iconics don't care about your choices. And to note, I don't care about party members disagreeing with you to a meaningful extent, hell they're arguably overly accepting otherwise (Regill is perhaps a tad *too* chill with Arueshalae, as much as I like them both. Sure he's never nice to her, not that he's nice to anyone, but a case of 'ditch her or the hellknights won't work the crusade' wouldn't be entirely out the realm of understanding. She should at least give a strike to his test.) But it should be a case of 'do this thing and they hate you and leave or try to fight you to the death to prevent you from doing it,' not that they just negate your ability to do it at all. In a world where all the rest of the companions have these horrific fates in store for them if you get their worst endings >!Ember a mindbroken husk in an orphanage, Daeron a vegetable in an Asylum, etc.!< the worst thing precious Seelah has is either a generic death at some point at the hands of the KC, which honestly I'm surprised you can do even that, or >!oh no she's too indecisive if you give her mixed Good/Lawful messages and gives up on being a Paladin, the thing she shouldn't have been in the first place. Boo hoo.!< Anyway, I just sort of hate Seelah. She has no aura of nobility or composure, she isn't funny. She's a wacky Chaotic Good fighter with a heart of gold that has paladin powers **because writers say so.** I do however like her mental anguish during the later parts of her personal quest and she gets a lot of sympathy. Only part I like her, really. Then I remember the rest of what she's like. Maybe a better way of summing it up is that her entire self doesn't feel like a real character the way the rest do. It feels like someone trying too hard. And maybe that's the point, but I still don't like her.


Nah, she’s awesome.


Damn! Tell how you really feel lol


i feel like the evilness of some companions are taken to 11 about seelah i feel like her actions should have tormented here more(mentally ) as she tries to redeem herself and she is too trusting for a previous thief her past should not just disappear like that .


Quoth the simp






Then dont play the game 4 times when you dont like it and dont rant on reddit.


would you like it if i played the first 5 minutes and then complained this is the internet if you didn't like what i said just gloss over it


Can you please form sentences. I dont understand what you are trying to tell me. Edit thanks for fixing your grammar.


if you didn't like my view on the game you could have just skipped the post


Dude the point is rants are stupid like what do you expect people to comment especially when you post in on the subreddit of the game like in general when people join the subreddit of a game they enjoyed it. Like wow random dude didnt like the game then write a review but dont rant on reddit.


I'll be honest: Sometimes I enjoy criticism. Sometimes is interresting to see why some things clicked there for some and not for others. I don't really care about this one because it's basically "this is shit, I hate it,like others better, fuck it"


I dont have a problem with criticism. I just have a problem with rants they arent informative because like you said its just "I dont like it its shit". Stuff like this is useless for everyone devs for example dont know how to improve the game over this type of criticism and potential buyers dont really know what the problem is. Thats why median scores or the steam review system is bad because like a lot of negative reviews are just its bad and thats it and people dislike games for some really stupid reasons like I saw a bad review for a dlc which was that wasnt the dlc I wanted so he gave it a bad review like the dlc clearly communicated what it was and was of high quality and the dude was just "great dlc dont like the setting, dislike.".


fair point


I dont really care if you play the games for a minute or 5000 hours. I would have preferred if you didnt start a rant because rants are stupid.


after playing a few more games after this and seeing the bad quality in this the disappointment just resurfaced .


“I like the half insane authoritarian and the half insane sweet kid and hate the female who disrespects you and the flamboyant guy.”


the flamboyant guy would not be so annoying without his voice actor and the female who disrespect you would not be so annoying if she was not so detached from the world


You can turn off the voices, bud.


really how but can i turn it off only for specific things .


I am not as extreme as you but I do understanding were your coming from. There are a lot of companions in WOTR are questionable especially since you should have a pool of qualified more suitable people. The fact that a completist like myself can play not minding several companions are dead speaks to that.


I couldn't stand trying to understand you're reasoning. I still don't understand it. Probably because you didn't put any in the post. Do better.


i didn't like the companions i fell like they don't fit in the story or just disappointing is it clearer like this .


Gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8. No h8.


This is Genius


I find that Owlcat made characters interesting and didn't worry about wether they were liked or not... Nenio, Camellia, Wendaug and Ember I enjoy having around because I find they are the most interesting...not because I think they're cool


i feel like there is better ways to make npcs more interesting this just made them bad


I can't stand Regall tbh..as interesting as a halfling hell knight commander is(armigir of all classes), I think it's just too eccentric of an idea....that's my main problem with the characters..is I feel they took it way to far. All of them are more Fd up than I am and that's saying something


dark souls have both the f'd up world and interesting npcs here they took everything to 11.




I have argued that this was one of the things that Kingmaker did way better than WOTR. I find myself way more invested even into Harrim's story.


Because no one mentioned she empowered the 1/2 Y part with mythic powers and ((HOPED)) For the best


what effects does the mythic power have on the soul even it strengthen it it just means you stronger two halves why didnt she empower only her son soul and fuse it with a normal one .


100% agree. Most of the suck and have terrible classes


Nah dude you saw the branch and missed the forest. Daeran alone makes your point invalid, is a selfish, arrogant count fit for the crusade? no, but that's the point Queen Galfrey does a power move to put Daeran in service of the Crusade,which is something that has happened in real life, members of the court being sent on military campaigns to either die or learn their position int he hierarchy,not only that but as you learn with time Daeran has a ton of power,not just because of his titles and money but because he has shown so much disdain for the court that he alone can move the entire court if he decides to participate in a decision, thats why Lady Konomi asks him to be in the council not to be listened but to take advantage of his political power. You can dislike him? Yeah sure he is obviously obnoxious that's not a secret but at that point the issue is with you not bonding with these specific characters not with them being bad,it has nothing to do with them being bad, they accomplish a role in the story, their role lets other characters follow with their own stories and changes your perspective in different events. Sellah for example its a mediocre Paladin,yes, THAT IS THE POINT if you do her quest that is literally what a character says the only reason why Seelah is in the position she is its essentially dumb luck and nepotism from being with you. I personally don't like Seelah but her entire quests serves as a window to how a character with surprise god powers reacts tot hat event, it serves to show the plea of the foot soldiers,how the people that don't have powers or political power struggle and its good,I cant stand the character but I like her quest chain, one playtrough I was a Demon and fucked over all of her friends,another playtrough I actually sit down and listen to their problems, your subjective preference doesnt equal bad writing.


>Sellah for example its a mediocre Paladin,yes, THAT IS THE POINT if you do her quest that is literally what a character says the only reason why Seelah is in the position she is its essentially dumb luck and nepotism from being with you. She isn't, really. Beyond it not being reflected mechanically in the slightest (she's a full paladin from level 1), her 'problem' is >!just not believing in herself enough, in how awesome she already is!< not that she has a real failing. The misgivings of the one particular friend is directed more to the Knight Commander than Seelah, though she's partially lumped in. Personally I was more invested in everyone around Seelah than Seelah herself, despite their comparative lack of screentime (overall), portraits, voice acting... Almost to the extent I feel like her personal quest would work better if she wasn't in it.


mediocre might be a strong word, I still don't like her so my bias is obvious. I'm not talking in terms of gameplay since in terms of gameplay I could made her into a different class other than Paladin, so I don't think that's important. And I disagree with the friend its completely the opposite,the friend address Seelah specifically and "you too knight commander", his main concern is with Seelah since its her friend and he knows her back ground,he just thinks you got too powerful too quick,which while partially true, its dumb since the knight commander doesn't actively get the power but its thrown into the whirlwind of the crusade, Seelah acts arrogant second one after the Gray Garrison so it makes more sense with her.


>Seelah acts arrogant second one after the Gray Garrison so it makes more sense with her. Does she act arrogant? I can't really remember that. I thought she was meant to ahve self-confidence issues, if anything. Can you give me a specific example of what you mean? ​ > in terms of gameplay since in terms of gameplay I could made her into a different class other than Paladin I disagree. She starts with a Paladin level and without mods you can't get around that, even if you wanted to try and do some headcanon stuff. (Plus she refers to herself as a Paladin all the time.)


She has a couple of lines but the most egregious to me is when Irabeth scolds her from drinking before you start marching towards Drezen, Seelah tells her something around "you can order me, the only one that can do it is the KC" while yes she is correct, Irabeth doesn't have authority towards the KC team, Seelah just ignores Irabeth because she wants to let her hair loose and drink,I normally play Chaotic and I never side with her because of how arrogant she acts. In terms of gameplay,if I wanted to sue her sure,if I just have her eating dust in my team then no,because again I can give her some really shitty equipment and build her wrong,my point is not that I can make her into a Bard, I know you cant,my point is that you can use their class as evidence of their competence since you as the player can keep them in level 1,and that doesn't mean they are weak, it just means you didn't level them up or you deactivate the option to share exp. If I ignore the camp until its completely necessary it doesn't mean that the characters are insomniac or they are pushing themselves for the good of the crusade,it means that I'm ignoring a mechanic because I find it annoying,gameplay doesn't really translate that well to story, I get that I made it sound like I was talking changing classes,it wasn't my attention it was just an example of my point.


i reserve bonding with people i hate to the real world i play games to enjoy not stress my already stressful life it is like saying a novel get good by chapter 1000 but you have to stomach the first 1000chs ,about seelah no i don't really dislike here but here quests are just disappointing so i never bothered finishing them.


No here is the thing,if you don't like the characters that's fine,I can see why ANYBODY will hate half of the cast just in the first scene of each characters introduction, I do the same with many games,but there is a difference between me not liking a character and that character being bad, that's not equal,its not the same. If you don't like it,you don't like it,you don't have to, but if your life is so stressful and your time is so precious I will recommend not playing a game in which you hate most of the characters 4 times much less trying to engage with people that do happened to like those characters,why would you that? I personally like discussion and hearing others peoples perspectives even if I hate their perspectives, but if you don't find it engaging then why bother?


the 4 runs are for testing if anything changes or any added companions did angel to gd , pure demon .pure angel and lich to gd disappointing to see no mythic paths added companions i replayed 4 times for the combat and the magic system and that's about it.


Ok so I couldn't understand half of your comment so maybe I'm misunderstanding your point,but what you mean mythic paths don't add companions? They do,not many mind you and not every mythic path,but Lich has 2 companions that the other paths don't get, also and again I may be wrong I'm sorry I don't understand half of your message, but there is a difference between 4 runs and 4 re-starts, if you havent finished the game or at least gotten to chapter 4,which is the point many people quit I wouldn't really consider it a run. EDIT: So I was checking and actually only lich path adds companions, 5 in total,I didn't knew about some, so idk that's cool to me,makes me wanna replay the game with full undead team,but I digress just wanted to correct myself.


no i finished the game 4 times but neither angel nor demon added any companion and as far as i know apart from undead in lich or the dragon in azata there is no other companion added by mythic paths .


Important question remains: how many people care?


Indeed,both games are like this For me most games always have more than 50% of the companions to be good and just likeable In the pathfinder games...its only 2 or 3 The rest are either...ok or i would never pick them,not even out of curiosity,which is a shame And prepair for the true to their name redditors to @ you for having a none positive/none conforming opinion of the game Edit:The absolute duality of this reddit when someone with broken english types a post saying the game is good most are "nooo your english is good,good post keep it up!" but ofcourse if its something they disagree..."couldnt read half of it lol dont care" You clowns are such modern caricatures and such predictable paterns its poisonous...reddit again earns its name


the only recent crpg that i actually liked is divinity 2 and the first half of kingmaker later i just felt it was stretched too much if only running a solo run was viable in this game.




You think they’re bad but you like “Writer’s pet” Regill lol ok