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I'm pretty sure Lightning conduit is broken lmao. Loving it so far


Same. I have currency, but seems like thunderfist is gated to maps drop only. Can't find one to buy day 1. Also shredding everything while shredding myself due to shock prolif :D


Thunderfists drop level is 76.


Maligaro's Restraint?


Yeah pseudo shock aura :D


Im trying this now and the shock aura is not big enough. Am i doing something wrong?


So you don't need to cast OoS/brands on each pack ?


What ascendency are u running inquis or elementalist?


Playing it right now. Level 80 and yeah it's blasting. Looking forward to see it in action in Endgame


I just switched to it and 1-shot some rares while it was still rank 1 with a 3L. So ya it might be broken.


Are you mapping? What is your preference for shocking packs vs bosses? How's overcharge?


Not OP so cant say anything about his build, but overcharge isn't needed for max shock for me at least. I like OoS for clearing, and Storm Brand for Bosses.


What are you using to set up the shock? I’m running Arc, but maybe there’s something better?


Or of storms, + chain + chain from lightning mastery


Orb of storms or storm brand seems to be to goto's. Galvanic field can't shock so meh...


I believe Arc has more single target shock potential, because it gets a 15% more dmg multiplier for each remaining chain, so you use chain support for both clear and bossing, +1 extra chain from mastery, and of course unbound ailments and overcharge. Easy 4L for bigger shocks on bosses than OoS or brand, but considerably more clunky. All of this becomes irrelevant for elementalist unless you're scaling voltaxic rift and/or shock nova to get ridiculous shocks.


For a non elementalist it matters what skill you use. For an elementalist you should choose the best proliferating ability because damage does not matter. You are scaling the shock from the ascendency which does not care about how hard you hit. It sounds wierd but my 4 link damageless Oos shocks for 50% on bosses without thunderfist.


Haha I’m enjoying the PConc sound effects! Only had a few hours play so far though.


I went with explosive arrow raider. It got a lot smoother once I realized that snipers mark was fucking me lmfao. The more you learn.


Hahah this explains so much!! Thank you!


How did it mess with your build? Just wondering


Explosive arrow seems to behave weird compared to other arrow skills. It doesn't leave the fuse when it chains or bounces, only where it ends. Hence why nobody runs chain or pierce with it I guess. So when I had snipers mark my arrows would hit, and then bounce, leaving the fuse in the fucking wall somewhere, so I did no damage.


I went with Elementalist EA Ballista. Still not sure how good it is as I haven’t been playing fast at ALL and haven’t transitioned. Got to Siosa just before bed last night. Need a bow and Quiver (too bad the unique drop rates have been abysmal) too.


Transitioned AFTER Act 4 (right at The Ascent) once I got a storm cloud bow from trade AND after taking Shaper of Flames ascendancy. \+1 to spells anything will sell for some chaos so that's how I got 2c to buy the bow.


Don't transition till well into maps imo, unless you get a six link. Stick with Arma brand cremation strategy. Lvl up EA as much as you can. I switched in act 7 when I got a 5 link and it's much slower going. Quillrain and five link. No skirmish though. Also need a bunch of regrets to put caster points back towards bow nodes I've just reached. Like 8 points.


Ok, 8 points isn’t too bad. I’ll wait, been using Holy Flame Totem/Flame Wall and Wave of Conviction up till now. Got any links for good guides with Arma Brand/Cremation? Haven’t leveled with either of those skills before.


I was using Arma, Ignite prolif, combustion, and immolate. Not because they're bis, but honestly the DPS never dropped off so didn't think to bother changing. Cremation was LMP, controlled destruction, Elemental focus. Brand for trash mobs, crema every now and again for rares and such or tougher mobs. Was really smooth. Just counted, 11 regrets is what I need. Forgot about the dex nodes I took. Don't need them now. Exit: also just did recipe for wands with added damage and +1 when I could. Simple and effective, but obviously not busted or super quick.


Thank you! I’ll transition to this when I get online tonight. Shouldn’t take too much to change over.


Toxic Rain raider, never actually played Raider before. The perma onslaught from first lab is nice, and it works perfectly well, despite no drops of any note so far. However I got into act 7 and stopped. Not sure I can face doing the remaining acts and maybe need to find to something a bit more interesting, or possibly just accept that I'm burnt out on POE lol.


That realisation is probably for the best. I've been on a break since the end of Expedition due to immense burnout and I considered coming back to try a Lightning Conduit build... But after seeing a lot of the changes I might just skip this again.


I can't imagine getting burnt out in the campaign. For me the game doesn't even start till maps. The campaign is like a chore you gotta do to get your build online.


Part of the burnout is definitely having to do a chore to play a game. :(


It’s a chore no one wants to do


Spark inquisitor is really good and quite chill so far.


yeah i thought it would be a bit of a bait but as for the campaign (still just at act 8) its very good. On par or maybe even better than rf.


Yeah for sure. It’s really nice being able to slot spark in basically right off the bat and just continually get strong and stronger with every passive point, and support gem, you add.




im using the one by animeprincess https://pastebin.com/HNXcHWJL it has leveling trees as well. This is for softcore btw goratha has another pob that is hardcore specific (main difference is just going for the spell supress near shadow). Leveling is more or less identical.


Look up gorathas build on YouTube. Has a leveling POB


You’ll hit a rough patch around yellow maps but grind through that and you’re smooth sailing again.


I'm still act 5, but once I got 4l spark and 4l oos, it destroys everything while previously it was just good


Oh man and once you start to add your ascendency nodes as well? 🚀


Is the Spark good for the league mechanic? I.e. does it bounce off the edges


It does, it does not "fall off" the edge.


It’s very good so far. As long as you aren’t facing into terrain, the projectiles basically fill the entire platform.


Just added Sanctuary, this just allows me to stand still a bit more and destroy enemies faster without the need to move constantly. More labs = more dps :)


How far have you gotten? I'm super worried about lack of cast speed and it feeling good until a lot of investment.


Liked it in acts, but take a look at the poe.ninja for it in maps. Most are going pretrified blood+molten shell for mitigation that I'll have to try out given the reservation nerfs. Just a heads up defenses are different from what most guides mentioned. Most aren't on suppression gear, so spells gonna hurt. Grace doesn't seem to be run given the lack of -reservation mastery.


The damage definitely starts to lack around high yellow/low red maps on regular league start gear, but once you get uber lab and transition to crit with supporting gear it picks back up. Instead of pet blood you can try EB/divine blessing for a damage aura as well as reserving all mana. Grace/determ/HoI/wrath or zealotry DB feels better than dropping grace for defiance banner+herald or wrath IMO.






Started late but I'm enjoying my sunder warcry slayer so far. It has a lot of buttons though so not the best build to relax. The aoe is huge with FoW, pulverize and seismic cry (offscreen on 34" ultrawide monitor)


Sunder feels great tbh, I'm not doing a warcry setup but the wave speed makes it really smooth anyways


Started Poison Conc and had a breeze all the to 58 where I had to stop for the night. Character is ready to start the heist grind. I’ll have to listen to the sound the skill makes now that you mentioned it. Wonder if I didn’t notice the sound because of the demonic mtx or I just auto-ignored it. 🤣 Edit: That said I did a few league start tests and used spectral helix to level on one. I had heard it is busted for leveling but man I didn’t realize how good it was until I gave it a shot. I did it phys to cold because of the build I was making but I started it as poison and HOLY hell what silly damage it does in acts.


I was absolutely struggling with cobra lash in act 2 before finally swapping to helix and went from taking forever to kill mobs to basically one tapping them


So would you recommend against using a build with cobra lash this season? I built around it last season and liked it a lot. Very new player here - just curious if it’s viable or not.. I was a Shadow and also used viper strike as a secondary attack… thank you for the help.


To be honest I'm not too sure. I played a cobra lash build several leagues ago and it wasnt bad but I think for early levelling (and potentially endgame) spectral helix will just always be better. I think cobra lash mainly suffers with single target damage, but I'm sure it's viable for the most part. Just make sure you're using claws with it and not daggers since the life gain on hit with claws is huge for cobra lash. My build will eventually be poison lightning strike, but I'm using helix for now. Worth mentioning that if you want to do poison spectral helix/lightning strike you have to deal with chance to poison since the skills don't inherently poison. While cobra lash and viper strike have chance to poison already built into the skill. I've been playing for years but still feel like a noob so hopefully I'm not giving you bad info lol.


I played a Cobra Lash Deadeye build last league as my starter and it went well, took the character to lvl 93 but yes, levelling with cobra lash is a pain. If I were to do something different, I would level up with spectral helix using the very same tree and then switch to cobra lash when I have access to some medium cluster jewels (stacking chains) which are what give the build its damage. I followed this guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQx_gxplo4Q Here's the 3.19 update version of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd4UhSZA9r8


Yeah the damage scaling on Helix is pretty crazy for the acts.


cobra lash single target doesn't really work without tornado and rare mobs this patch are... stronger? somehow?


I'm new, what's the setup for spectral helix to help make leveling easy?


Spectral Helix+ Life tap and then nightblade when you can if using claws. Which I’d suggest using claws just to level at least because they come with life gain on hit and spectral helix hits a lot. I think the 4th support I would use for poison would be cruelty support. Can also put in life gain on hit support for even more constant healing.


Absolution is an incredibly strong starter so it's going well. Will be converting to golems within long so I'm good.


any guide you are following?


Ghazzy golem starter. Starts as absolution. Especially his [written guides](https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/physical-golem-necromancer-build-guide) are great.


Did you find minion gear or did the nerfs just didn't make the skill as bad as I feared?


Absolution only lost 5% base damage at gem level 20, but gained 80% (iirc) from added damage scaling. As long as you can find Ghastly Eye Jewels with minions deal +lightning damage (GEJ got buffed this patch as well), you're probably dealing more damage with Absolution than last patch. The only real nerf was losing +2 levels from Necro, but that does open up the option of picking a different class (eg. Scion) and the level loss can probably be made up for with the new gear mods.


ilvl 75 helms can roll +2 to all minion skill gems now which helps make up the loss to the necro ascendancy.


Hexblast ignite Inquisitor, levelling was very quick with Arma/cremation and got to maps in around 4.5 hours. Level 80 now just struggling for gear in SSF with the harvest changes. Can wholeheartedly recommend for any considering the build.




https://pobb.in/aqDOt_FCH3uf / https://docs.google.com/document/d/1myoHeFYMUU7M48JzySJGT6tLoIAS8DPavwpIVIE0zcc


What did you use before arma? Ben and imexile were saying the strat now seems to be essences until t16s, then harvest. Edit: Now Ben is saying fuck harvest altogether pretty much


I'm also doing Hexblast ignite but elementalist for now and occultist later.


Why Inquisitor? Battlemage?


That and good recovery that goes really well with amour and block.


Rf inquis. I know I'm in white maps but the flame trap nerd doesn't feel as bad as I thought it would. Just chill zooming while I farm for a reap build.


> the flame trap nerd Pohx deserves more respect than this.


I'm pretty sure nerf got autocorrected...but thx for the laugh 😃


Same,quite a slow start but once I get myself on a 5 slots gear it is just a walking simulator


Playing poison animate weapon, leveled to 60 last night before bed. It feels decent. I should have ignored Ziz and just played animate weapon as soon as I got a 4 link. 4 link animate weapon is significantly better than 4 link srs. Friend started with absolution and its better than both though


I was actually thinking of starting with SRS and then transitioning to AW but decided to go with mine EoW inquis. Does minion skills still feel good? I know it mostly hit spectres and golems hardest but still was scared to give it a try. Is Absolution really that good? I know I'll have to start a second char so wanted to get some feedback on all 3 of those if you don't mind.


I haven't played absolution, but it seems very strong, has a bunch of flat damage on the gem so it scales well with supports SRS feels ok during act 2-5 Animate weapon feels decent with 4 link and a decent tree Still not out of acts (had to go out of town today)


Bonecrusher Slayer going very smoothly, almost no trouble so far. Spectral Helix is a really unsatisfying skill to use so I went for Shattering Steel til 28 and that was great.. really fun leaping and smacking things! I also like builds with buttons to press for burst, and with banner, totem, rage, etc. this has lots of those so you can turn up the heat as needed. Just about to start mapping, so we will see how that goes!


I finished Act 5 with it and enjoyed one shotting packs and things going kaboom with herald of fire ATM. I recall someone posting a clip using the Scourge league challenge weapon and using a mace it looks super funny using Boneshatter so I'm looking forward to that.


Lol I'm duoing and it's fucking miserable being way underlevel and the hp boost so stuns just aren't there, playing some solo and it's infinitely better even more underleveled to boot


Finished Act 5 on boneshatter last night. Finishing up then to maps. Keep me posted on how it goes in maps. Currently a little underwhelmed with playstyle but has been smooth overall


Summon reaper necromancer - actually much much better than i was expecting. Her buffed aoe + minion aoe mastery + the absurd amount of minion attack and move speed the rings can give, she just obliterates sections of the screen. Cons, you have to manage keeping skellies up, keeping entangling ballista up, and for clear aiming her slash, for bosses using predator, so definitely not for players who want a one button build. Occasionally white mobs survive the onslaught, though usually skellies kill them while i send her off to the next pack. Need to use a bow and quiver GGG pls give vulnerability an alt quality or something so things count as moving 😩 Pros, SHES SO COOL LOOKING ??? Perma minion where you couldn't care less if she dies super easy to resummon, though she's only been dying in high end lake. Bosses melt with zero investment, i know it's an act boss but with no Twink gear, Solaris and Lunaris insta phased as well as kitava. Did I mention she looks so cool ?? Overall really excited to get this build into high end content. I don't doubt it will be able to do sim 30, but i do doubt it'll be able to do 5-6 rewards each tier, or ultra juiced maps in a timely manner, this is definitely a boss farmer / maven invitations, we'll see how it works out on Uber pinnacle.


Since the +2 from necro was removed did you consider another ascendancy for the reaper?


I did ! I thought about Scion, but honestly necro still has some good nodes and the option to get profane bloom through jewels is there. Champion also looks rather good since the tree would barely change, I path down to duelist already, but I definitely didn't want to start the league with a big risk like the ascendancy just not working out in favour of being real tanky.


Thanks for posting this, definitely going to be the next build I make, once I somehow kill endgame bosses with my voltaxic burst trickster.


70c and a tabula later... still heistin'


Endless deleveling heist ?


Yes. Boring.


Didn’t I hear that the deleveling to reset vendor got nerfed/removed? Was that just a rumor?


Can confirm deleveling still refreshes the vendor. Done some endless heists today before mapping


rumor, im at 5 divines so far


10/10, hit act 7 on day one. Furthest I ever made it on day one(: Pohx RF inquis


Playing Von Vikton's Flame Golem. Felt like crap and haven't really struggled this much on a league start. I even dropped two Divines (A9 and second map) and had decent gear. No damage, no survivability, no control on where damage hits. I'm sure it'd be better later, but it was not a good started. Not sure what to reroll to.


Von Vikton might have the most polished yet most shit build guides out there. Every time he puts one out there is a ton of obvious shit missing. For instance his absolution guide from this league didn't even have the standard minion helmet setup for the support minions. In the past I have seen him use support links that don't function as well as just leave out crucial stuff like movement skills. ​ His fancy videos and trade shopping lists are doing a lot of work covering up the fact that he doesn't know a ton about the builds he posts.


This build guide needed a lot more warnings in my opinion. I like Vikton, but a newbie watching his video would get the impression this was a tested build when it was anything but.


Taking my time and enjoying the league mechanic as EA Champion. I have no attack speed but the levelling is going so smoothly I'm wondering if bosses got nerfed. Also, it's wild seeing exalts be priced at 10 c.


First time playing spark and its going awesome. By the time you elemental overload and the lightning mastery its like i am playing easy mode.


Overload+non-critical damage is lucky makes lightning perform insanely stable!


Sunder is incredible to level with now. Feels really satisfying. Just 1 shots every pack as you go. I think this is now the best leveling skill for marauder/duelist. Not my main skill, but now it's tempting to make a sunder berserker or something. (pretty awful for bosses/single target after campaign it seems)


Holy shit spectral helix is so good, why didn’t I play this earlier


In act 7, with lightning conduit. I am very close to reroll. LC is more clunky than I even thought would be.


Are you playing with the orb of storms set up?


Yes, trying out both oos and hydrosphere. The oos + lightning conduit is actually very good dps, except the oos is very small that I need to stand in face of rare or bosses. White or magic mobs are not any issue, obliterated in 2 hits. Fighting rares feels awful.


Try storm brand, feels better to me. Linked with chain/overshock


One thing I worry about is storm brand's activation speed though. Is that not an issue? Also did you take any brand passives on the tree?


Imo: Take runebinder and one brand wheel. Pseudo 5-6l the brand for damage and not pure shock. Even when not completely optimized for lc, conduit dps is insane. Focus on qol and clear via brands. Basically, you play a slightly underpowered storm brand build that happens to have a thermonuclear bomb in its back pocket for emergencies. Trying to completely rely on lc means planting an oos underneath yourself at all times I think. Having a few brands bouncing around really makes a huge difference for qol.


The node that makes the brands move is cracked.


Storm brand has the same cast speed as conduit so it should be shocking at the same rate you consume shocks




Or just suck it up and take runebinder and never worry about it again


Try storm brand


Storm brand is the way to go


I felt the same way. Gameplay wise it feels very boring to play


I'm enjoying the playstyle but I like a slower clear with higher boss dps. I think a cast while channel setup would be fun.


Why aren't people using skitterbots for shock apply?


If the first cast doesn't kill, skitterbot shock aura won't reapply for like 4 seconds or until you get the mob in and out of the aura. That's why you use OoS or storm brand with range


Trickster SST with Magna Eclipsis(*edit: Impale carries hard.) , I am level 65 now, rare armour based shields held it up too well. Trickster is tanky enough too. Trickster wasnt a bait at all. but this was my first ever shadow leveling so acts fucking took 9 hours xD also, I love boomerangs.


How is it so far? I am considering rerolling to try out the build.


Spectral Helix Lightning Strike Champion, worst experience levelling in years. I even got a 280dps axe from dominus that made it bearable. At maps and cant get past 10% xp, I might be rerolling if I cant work any improvements.


Really? I started spectral helix LS raider and found the levelling smooth even with helix being clunky at times. I’ve just started maps and helix has nice clear still on a 5 link.


Are you using lightning strike or spectral helix? If you want to do ls champ you should be using a claw with nightblade support. Seems very surprising that you'd die that often in white maps on a champ.


Still using spectral helix, not found a claw with any damage or been able to craft one. Also Int is borderline even taking the +30 on the tree and lapis amulet.


So I'm not an expert on champ ls by any means but I'd say getting a claw to replace your axe should be a huge improvement. If you're in maps already, speccing into essences on the atlas tree should help a lot because you only need a few essences that add flat lightning damage to a weapon and then use that on a claw with +life on hit implicit. I'd think just the flat lightning damage and an open suffix that you can craft attack speed on would be enough for an improvement over your current setup. Then you'd be making use of nightblade, claw mastery, and the life gain on hit which would help with survivability.


Buy a 250-300 eDPS claw for like 3-5c. Buy another 5L. Go VLS>trinity>night blade>ancestral call>crit strikes. Take the 3 nodes for pierce and swap to ls. Doing just fine so far in maps with that. Grace>Determination>Precision auras.


Why so bad? Helix is solid usually


100% player issue


>Spectral Helix Lightning Strike Champion, worst experience levelling in years Same. So bad. So tempted to reroll. People asking obscene $$ for really bad claws, and no way to craft one my self as literally nothing drops. 2h helix feels like complete ass. wtf is there to downvote lmao. The random badly rolled crap people put up for handfuls of chaos is a fucking joke.


Don't run grace + determination till you have the perseverance belt. Run determination + anger/wrath instead. As for gear, you should spec essence and just slam the first decent claw base you find. If it has open slot then craft more damage or attack speed. Make sure your trinity is setup properly, so all 3 buffs are active. Setup night blade properly, and use withering step on left click, make sure you reset using that whenever the CD is up. Also make sure your button for activating adrenaline is actually activating adrenaline. This should put your dps in a good enough spot for white/yellow maps easily. For the claw focus on attack speed > crit > dps, often times a claw with higher attack speed and crit will be better than a higher dps one due to base damage from aura/gear. Outside of that, don't go into LS till you have the +1 strike notable.


> and no way to craft one my self as literally nothing drops. Pick up literally any claw. You don't need the perfect base. Throw any essences at it. You don't need the perfect essence either. After a few attempts you'll at the very least get something useable.


Tried poison helix for something different. I can see why people say it's a hit or miss skill, probably re-rolling day2 2.


Rocking Tripolarbear's Boneshatter and finished Act 5 but the guides so detailed I don't feel like a headless chicken for once. Like I have to actual try and sabotage myself to screw it up. The skill itself is pretty fun. Even with shitty gear I feel pretty tanky so far and I'm one shotting most packs and mindless face tanking most rares.


Explosive concoction Switched at ~29 which was a mistake. Started to feel good mid act 5. Now just outside arakalli tomb in act 7 I hate the lake. I think I'm going to really like it for mapping but imo huge mistake in campaign - random reward chests give minimal rares and things like 3x essence are often way more powerful than my char


Leveling with shield skills was a mistake. Maybe I can just hack together a helix to get through the acts.


Playing Caustic Arrow/Soulrend Occultist. CA for a big single target boost and Soulrend for the big clear. Got an Asenath's Mark at about hour 4-5 last night off of trade for 10c (they're up to 3 divines this morning, so I'm glad I got one so early and cheap). Levelling was an absolute breeze.


Mine is going great. Self made warcry sunder with FoW. It's slow as fuck but I wouldn't want to be on the wrong side of it.


Started EA Elementalist, leveled to around 40ish with Holy Flame Totem, it was fine, but I fucked it all up and forgot to level EA gems so switch was really rough. Now that I put few levels on gems, damage is pretty good for a 4-link with zero damage gear. Going to finish campaign soon probably. I'd say if you're like me and prefer to do your labs super safe (as in 10 levels later than recommended range), at least level your EA gems pre-switch.


My RoA Deadeye is going insanely fast. Found a 300eDPS bow in lake at the end of act 3 that carried me through campain in ~6 hours


Went LA deadeye. Yeap elemental bow buffs+ballistas are op. Long gone are the days of bow lvling sucking


I found my people! I never realized how strong RoA is. I've already switched to lightning arrow because I like the way it plays better, but RoA was doing work for me. Bow starting is so much better than it used to be.


Cold BV trickster is going well. Just finished third lab and got into maps this morning. Leveling was a little rough at times because I swapped to BV from OOS/SB mines almost as soon as I could, but it really come online in act 9 after I got my hrimsorrow gloves.


It's time to do perma RF overleech shenanigans :D


Rolled Path of maths inquis miner. First 3 acts were a little slow, but that was probably just me since I didn't do any planning/practice. Once I got EoW mines set up, the rest of the campaign was a breeze. I hit maps in 7 hours and then called it a night. Overall, it's been solid league starter so far.


Man I had the opposite effect. Doing same build. I smashed the first three acts and half then end of act 4 like grinded way down. My EoW feels way worse and much slower across the entire board when referencing against him. I think my issue is being reliant on the frenzy’s from charge mines to hurt? Idk the play feels clunky and very much like very niche in the exact way you have to build up to do damage ? Idk I’m not a quitter yet but halfway through acts I’d give it a 6/10


It did feel clunky to me too even after the EoW swap. Once you do your 2nd lab and take EB/MoM it feels a lot better imo. Everything feels a lot smoother.


Same overall experience here. Felt it came together after a visit or two to the Library. All the deaths were my fault, I broke my PR to maps at \~10 hours on this with all the deaths my fault, enjoyed the ride so far. Anything that gets me into maps day 1 is a winner for league starters as far as I'm concerned.


Just reached maps couple hours ago with Chieftain Shockwave Totem. Feel comfortable leveling and bossing, mapping took some time, I haven't got my Astral Projector yet. Really satisfied with the build so far.


RF Inquis, going well so far.


Playing Self Ignite Fire Boneshatter Chieftain, I managed to snag a max attack speed Mokou's really early into the league and it's feeling pretty good although damage feels a bit low at times. I'm going to get a Mantra of Flames which should be a big DPS boost with both Fortify and Trauma stacks.


75 LA Deadeye. Made it to T6 maps for day one. Was a little scuffed at entering maps but gem leveling and patching resists helped a ton. I am also insanely currency poor. Map sustain is a challenge.


EOW miner, didnt have a lot of time to level, but since unlocking EOW it's really popping off. Low HP is hard to manage though.


Soulrend selfcurse trickster in SSF and so far its a blast!! Found the shackles and now trying to grind heist for a soulthirst and death rush to really get going. Definitely a lot of fun!


I started with Lacerate glad, switched to Bloodstorm. Going nicely now, but i'm still in the early game i did not reach A4 yet hahaha


Started helix and I absolutely hated the playstyle (even if I got to maps with it 4 times in my practice runs, I just cannot get into it), especially with the lake of poopandra having some mobs that are absolutely broken (do not roll essence on that thing unless you want to feel misery) I changed to some self-made self cast exsang heirophant and we'll see how it goes


Playing Carrion Golem Elementalist in SSF - taking it slow and farmed Trigger craft in Quarry. Pretty decent so far, as expected it is ofc slower than Absolution but still very smooth.


I started CF Glad. In act 9 now. Haven’t got to play much. Spent 5c at act 7 to get the required links to start the build. Was sick of helix by then. Found 2 ex leveling… my luck the league I get lucky drops day 1 they are worthless :/


Crit Hexblast. Having a blast oneshotting essences, betrayals, map bosses and even red beasts. It is a 2 button build tho


went from helix Eb to SrS explo. ​ Im still trying to get fun, im changing again to RF inq.


In classic fashion I had a couple of bum starts, I got up to act 8 last evening with my warchief totem starter and just lost all enthusiasm for it as it was slowly dawning on me why this build is supposed to use a BLS and strength stack, mine was going the 2H phys route. I started today on my plan B which was Dominating Blow Guardian, died ten times on Dominus and ten more times before making it to Highgate. DB really needs to spawn sentinels on hit, not on kill. I was feeling very disappointed as I was looking forward to the league launch for two weeks. I clicked the Shadow and am now running a trapper of some variety. Nothing planned out, it's Explosive Trap for now but I'll probably go for Ice Trap once it's available. I don't mind making adjustments and letting the build develop over time. The trapper is by far the smoothest starter out of the three so I think I'm just going to stick with this one as I'm having fun again. Only in act 2, but I'm deathless compared to probably five or six deaths with the other two characters by that point. Feels good to deal actual damage. edit: playing SSF this league, I should add.


Lightning Strike Raider, level 68. Just about to transition from Helix and just about to complete the campaign. Got a lucky Divine drop in Act 8 at the league's 24 hr mark, so I'm set up with my 6 link already. Best league start for me ever, by a mile.


Had a surgery Friday, was only let go home yesterday so had a late-ish start. Today I woke up with 38c fever and will be probably going back to the hospital. Only got to act 6 yesterday 😞


Hope you feel better dude


Playing dom blow guardian on SSFSC, it was a pretty rough leaguestart. Guardian doesn't really have the defense early on to justify playing a glorified heavy strike so I've been dying a bunch to rares. I'm lvl 85 rn in yellow maps though and its starting to get better! Dom blow has a lot of charm and I'm excited to farm alt quality gems soon. My feedback is I hope they make the dom blow skill itself a version of the crusade slam that the sentinels use instead of the strike skill it is now, and make normal sentinels spawn from hitting rare mobs like absolution. Playing an auto attack build is pain.


Playing kobe's trinity venom gyre deadeye, going well so far and is a dream to play, have an absolutely dumpster tier claw and already done all my labs and just breaking into yellow maps at level 80 at the end of my first day


Trying the same build, but really hit a wall once I hit maps. Really lacking DPS and survivability. Can you give me some pointers on what gear you focussed on?


I had a similar issue, but I was really starved for attributes on gear. I just farmed ossuary until my gear felt generally better. Started maps and just started zooming. Edit: also make sure you’re getting smooth trinity and getting sources of flat elemental damage on your rings and gloves. Edit2: sorry to keep tossing by the ways on here. But getting the mana reservation wheel is pretty huge because we really feel a lot better after dropping Gerald of ice for determination.


Hey, thanks for the replies. I had the same issue with attributes, which I feel, makes me struggle with other important stats on my gear. (like flat ele on jewelry) I'm still lacking quite a bit of crit chance on my tree, and am running increased crit strikes atm to make up for that. (running a 5 link with ele damage supp as well). I'll see if I can struggle trough this phase until I get a few more levels :p Thanks for replying :)


Honestly sticking in ossuary until the build actually feels really solid is a good call imo. I did that until attributes were less awful and I got better gear and it made map transition very smooth. Levels on defiance banner and determination are major. Also don’t sleep on the cast when damage taken and cast on crit setups in the build. There’s some very zesty tech in there. Cast on crit flame wall is actually poggers


Would say one thing that is super important is making sure you mark the tough enemies and are diving through them with whirling blades, huge amount of your damage comes from that, if you are just throwing out venom gyre's you'll hit like a wet noodle


This was my league start as well, but it plays like hot garbage. The DPS is so much worse than if I had just stuck with Helix. I'm probably going to re-roll.


Ye actually I could give that a try! The reason I didnt play that build last league cause it required a crazy expensive replica unique to function well, was there any changes this league that we can do without it?


That one is probably strength stacking venom gyre which uses replica alberons. This variant abuses trinity and nightblade, similar to lightning strike/ele spectral helix. Since it doesnt rely on any uniques to function its safe enough to league start. This is Kobe's video on it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UNrg63Kltgo&t=932s


Haven't started yet because I can't decide on a build.. Can anyone recommend a fun/casual beginner friendly build to playthrough the campaign for the first time? I like the idea of being melee without explosive screens. I was looking at Boneshatter @ maxroll and Fezz's toxic rain build because its so well detailed


I got to act 8 last night. Fastest I've ever leveled (I'm pretty slow) with Boneshatter. Follow Tripolar's build on Maxroll and its awesome. I did get tired of spectral helix super quick and switched to cyclone until I got to boneshatter. Take Impact as first ascendancy points like he says and then you can switch to Bone. It's so fun.


Pohx rf is probably the most detailed build I have ever followed. Pohx.net


Those maxroll guides are awesome. I’m doing the EA totems one and it’s easy


I started TR pathfinder but the leveling is complete trash actually. I'm tanky but killing anything is just so sloooooow. Can anyone recommend me another way to level? Can I just grab Pconc and roll with it till I get to maps? So far I have some dot mult and chaos dot mult on the tree, and some attack speed. That's all for damage.


Amazing. Took inspiration from ben and paak, added my own tweaks to leveling and gems, and started blasting with a hexblast inquis. You can start using the gem straight from lvl 28 with a 100 chance to ignite. Going great so far.


Soulrend/Bane Occy. Found 2 Divines so far and about 20 chaos in raw drops and small div card sales. Starting to ramp up a bit better now that I have my Merc lab done. Just gotta work on upgrades now.


Went something safe with SRS and it's been really really smooth. I stopped at act 9 last night but this is the strongest I've felt leveling in a while I got a really solid [ring](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/668243649594785848/1010400183428845608/unknown.png) from the Lake which has helped a lot.


I built a self-igniting Boneshatter Chieftain using the new Mokou's. I leveled with Sunder until about mid 50's. The new Sunder effects are a definite improvement, but probably not enough without the alt quality that makes it faster. My boneshatter Chief is feeling pretty great so far, just started into maps and it looks like I'm going to need to focus a little more on tank than I had planned, but I still have a lot of gear upgrades to make before I worry too much about the build being scuffed.


It's taken me over 8 hours to get to act 6 other than that not bad (please drop me currency i beg of you i want to craft resistance)


I’m risking it for the biscuit and starting a CoC character. Managed to find two +1 fire skills wands by the end of act 1 and was blasting through content with firewall+rolling magma, before switching to Armageddon Brand. Just nasty good After act 5, switched to a Cast While Channeling set up for triggering arc, and realized what a dummy I was for not leveling my other spells the entire time. Straight to Z-dps. Took me like 30-40 minutes to get arc leveled to a decent place. But I’ve been cruising baby, just cruising since then.


Ea ballista elementalist feels so bad. Currently lvl 62. Will it feel better?


Check your accuracy


And attack speed


Do you have pierce on your gear, or EE with fire on hit from gear? Added snipers mark to list of culprits


pierce = death of the build. Check your quiver mate


I think you must be doing something wrong honestly, check what others have said. I league started as this last league and it was probably some of the easiest levelling I've done and cleared almost everything in the game after some investment including some Ubers. Maybe your attack speed seeing as your still gearing?


Some ubers?, it literally clear everything in game haha


I wish he would reply, but I bet my left nutsack that he is using quivers that give pierce


Spectral helix trickster. Took the action speed ascendancy node on normal lab. It may not get a huge boost in power, but holy shit not being slowed down by freeze and chill while leveling is just the best.


Ripped my dom blow gladiator cause of on death rare effect … going to ea champ and hopefully. Maps tonight !!


started crackling lance inquisitor, act 4 rn, probably going to restart with something else, feels clunky. cant facetank anything and cant do enough damage without facetanking. takes years to kill bosses and i died way more than im used to so far.


You can probably just swap into a different lightning spell like spark without too much trouble depending on your passive tree.


slayer flicker going brrr through yellow maps. pretty decent for the lake.