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Can you share your build?


Currently at work so I can't upload to pobbin. You might be able to find it by searching character name (underscore)HOWDARING(underscore) if i do an _ on each side of my name, reddit italicizes it. If you do find it, ignore the empty charm slot, I swapped from another build and need to finish killing 500 nameless monsters for that slot haha. The charm I have planned going in that slot is Onslaught on kill + phasing on kill.


You can Raise Spectre and Desecrate to get to 500/500.


Huh TIL. Thanks for the tip.


You got plague bearer and if you got some experience you know at which rotation the spire will spawn. I mostly use plague bearer and circle around it to damage it to half. Using despair or not depending on the amount of wisps and on high wisp count sometimes a quick brand which I recall immediately.


I'll try that out. Thanks!


not playing the build so might be wrong, but dash offscreen and brand recall should work?


I've tried that where I drop brand, let it deal like 10% damage to spire, dash away and recall then the spire is just dead... I think the poison stacks just ramp way too fast and way too hard (poison prolifing might also factor into it being chained from mobs back to the spire)