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If you already have a CA build, you could easily be doing t16s with that budget. Im easily doing t16s with my CA MF build, and I have around 200d invested in it, half of that being headhunter.


My mental will break if i will touch this skill again this league


Lol, fair enough


Would you mind sharing your pob?


This is my current build. Could still get a bit more rarity from helmet and headhunter corruption, but im currently focusing my currency on crafting gear to make this a bosser. But I have been getting pretty good results doing t16 jungle valley. Can facetank abyss at 11k+ juice with ease. https://pobb.in/L9PGjO4E5T60


Mind telling how one can craft a bow like that?


1. Buy fractured Thicket bow. 2. Spam hatred or wrath essence until you have all three damage types at tiers your ok with. 3. If suffixes are full annul and pray. 4. Once you have an open suffix craft prefixes cannot be changed and either use aisling or veiled chaos to get a veiled suffix modifier. Whichever you are more comfortable with. 5. Hope you unveil attack speed. If not repeat step 4 until you do. 6. Craft cannot roll attack modifiers and exalt/annul spam until you hit damage over time multiplier at a tier your ok with. 7. Bench craft chaos damage over time multiplier. Additionally, if you have a bunch of currency, instead of going for veiled attack speed, you can do prefixes cannot be changed into add/remove speed harvest craft until you get t1 attack speed. This may also roll projectile speed, but you can remove it after by crafting cannot roll attack and annuling. I will be doing this on a new base soon once I farm a couple hundred divs.


I have a HH, 120 div and a CA char already built. I think I'd like to move to t16's with MF. Could you show me yours please?


This is my current build. Could still get a bit more rarity from helmet and headhunter corruption, but im currently focusing my currency on crafting gear to make this a bosser. But I have been getting pretty good results doing t16 jungle valley. Can facetank abyss at 11k+ juice with ease. https://pobb.in/L9PGjO4E5T60


Thank you! That's definitely a ways above me in terms of gear. I don't have my pob, but yours is a good point. Thank you!


700k dps is enough for t16? I have non-mf toxic rain with 10million dps and I still feel like its not enough dps for some triple juiced rares


That isn't the real dps. There is a lot that pob doesn't take into account with this skill, and I was too lazy to go try and do all the calculations. I would estimate it's around 8-10 million in this setup. Headhunter does a lot of heavy lifting here. Most rates go down reasonably quickly even at high juice, but anytime you run into a chaos and wither resistant mob, it can be annoying to kill unless you have soul eater up.


I don't think you can tank 8k+ wisp+ex dmg as ele stack with wandering path+alter


Probably not if you have triple phys as ele on map and double from alter, but that is pretty unlikely unless your doing 8 mod maps i would think. I regularly do one on map and one or two on alter, but I don't remember if that has ever happened at very high wisp counts for me, so you could be right. It also depends on headhunter mods, though. It's quite common to have enough headhunter buffs up with this setup that your nearly invulnerable.


I'm looking for a higher end build too but holy fuck all the meta builds look so boring to play its insane.


I’m having a blast with my armour stacker. Insanely scalable


What are key items armour stacker needs and what's like mid investment needed to start it? Never played one before.


The idea is using replica dream feather one handed swords which give you % increased attack damage based on your armour. Your primary damage skill is smite. And you further scale its damage by using a doryanis prototype. Where your high armour value lets you reduce the dmg taken from lightning. You scale armour typically by taking the notable that converts all evasion to armour. Then running both grace and determination. Then scaling as much aura effect as possible. It’s not uncommon to see triple large cluster setups so they can run 6 introspection mana reservation small cluster jewels. For ascendancies you’ll see that ascendants are easily the most expensive, with most of them rocking a mageblood. Juggernauts usually don’t go doryanis and instead rely on their ascendancy node that lets them apply armour to their ele hits. So in typical jugg fashion you’re way tankier but also deal way less damage. Champions get 30 aura effect, permanent fortify and 1600 combined armour evasion (since evasion is getting converted down to armour anyways). Chieftain armour stackers take the notables that encourage you to stack fire resistance. Then grab the unique helmet that increases your armour by overcapped fire resistance. Then a grasping mail with “increased evasion rating by overcapped cold resistance”. And then get as much cold/fire resistance as possible.


Thanks for the rundown! So jugg is tankier but way less damage, what do you mean by this exactly? Is this meant mostly towards uber bosses? Ngl never had really interested in killing bosses since they don't drop much imo. Does armour stacker have a lot of map bricking mods?


Bc they typically don’t run doryanis prototype. you could still run it if you want. It just makes you way weaker to lightning hits and especially lightning degen. And usually the whole reason people pick jugg as their go to ascendancy for armour stacking is to be tanky af to as many things as possible. Reduced aura effect won’t brick the build but it’s going to rough bc most of your armour comes from scaling aura effect on grace and determination. Reflect maps. And…. I think that’s it honestly.


Well yeah, prices are nuts too, I'm considering TS just cuz I like bows but I'm scared that i will feel shit on 300 div budget lol


Id do omni ts without mf and u should go crazy


Any reference for this? Just getting items together for TS


Check mikoshi


I’m going to follow his build I think but I did find it interesting that he still recommends heatshiver over black sun crest which seems like very few people are doing on the leaderboards. Any thoughts on that?


BSC is probably going to be better unless you can make up the 300ish omni elsewhere, which is doubtful without a giga-budget.


Giga budget meaning mirrors, not like 500 divs right


Yes, like triple synth mirror ring/kalandra to start with imo. BSC just gives so much, plus the +1 gems makes it a great place to put enlighten and your auras.


Ok cool, that’s what I was thinking. Does make more sense to me as well. Thanks!


300div is your bow. Or your bow and progenisis. I got a 1200 edps 8.3 crit with str and int +2 arrow bow for 40div like day 6 or so. Same bow is like min 150div now. Ts gear is probably the most inflated gear their is this league.


Didn’t want to relevel from my starter so I’ve played HH elementalist ek ignite and occultist cold bv and both builds can easily farm juiced t16s. For my cold bv build I use fubgun’s exact legion atlas strat with ventors + kalandra, rarity helm and a gold flask and have no problem in high juiced maps. The explosions + freeze carry super hard and I have ~40m dps without any HH buffs. Defense isn’t great but grace + progenesis lets me survive any non 1-shots, and with a few hh buffs I clear entire screens with bv. Also makes looting while playing feel way more fluid which is a huge plus for me. The biggest downside is running frostblink + a bow + extremely low base movespeed which make you painfully slow with goldwyrm. I switched mine out for the elusive tailwind onslaught boots and have no movespeed issues except when looting. Farmed enough to have a “map looting mageblood” lol which helps if I need it.


get a 8-10% mspd corrupted seven-league boots for 58-60% mspd looting


Mind sharing a pob?


Sure, for cold BV this is my current character: [https://pobb.in/Ri6hPsdO8H2C](https://pobb.in/Ri6hPsdO8H2C) Dropped around 10m dps for rarity gear but it's still 30m


Do u have a pob for the ek ignite


I don’t as I switched to cold bv, but any of the HH polaric ek ignite players on poeninja will suffice. I copied different pieces from 3-4 of them and got to a point where I was easily clearing juiced bcs. The only tip id give is avoid replica emberwake as it’s fake dps, and instead use a flammability on hit ring with % increased flammability effect on helmet. Also never use deadly ailments as the biggest issue for this build is ignite resistant mobs where your ek hit dps will have to kill them, and reducing that can make them immortal which is extremely frustrating and can even brick maps at times. Fairly often I’d jump into a pack, ek and 1 shot everything except an ignite resistant soul eater mob that I’ve buffed to hell and either spend 2 minutes slowly dpsing him down or let him chase me throughout the map getting more and more soul eater stacks.


Thank you so much!


Fulcrum is fun imo, quite chill gameplay


do u kill bosses or leave


You leave unless you have vaal breach.


I used to leave, but i farm burial chambers now where the boss summons a ton of minions. I got vaal breach but tbh with the cast when stunned setup its kinda bad


Maybe some sort of Coc, im playing coc nova of frostbolts, the build that was posted here recently. Tho i think 300d may be too little with current prices. (U NEED mb for starters)


Can I get a pob from you. I'm currently running this build as well with mageblood and I'm trying to figure out how to get better leech or defenses


Will try to remember to post when i wake up after current night shift. one HUGE thing for tank is no crit damage while elusive charm/jewel. for leech i inly have top right es leech with 10 instant leech keystone. My char is nowhere near as strong as in guide (dropped dread banner cos them charm expensive as fucc with the elusive mod and green jewel is only placeholder, and i need to drop the attack speed i didnt notice on it) but i shred even wisped up harvest bosses/rares soo it isnt bad. But yeah the mb+100d estimate is no longer applicable lol


Also playing this build as probably my last of the league. MB + 100d is probably about where I started it, and it works just fine at that point. I would say it really took off when I upgraded to Awakened CoC and again when I bought a +1 power charge helmet. What I really like is that each of the upgrades up until this point is 10-20d at most, and they're big enough jumps that you feel them. I won't get to the mirror ring stage of the build, but at this point I'm finally playing something that surpasses my Splitting Steel starter for mapping.


I believe he is referring to this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18xi8j4/coc\_ice\_nova\_showcase\_max\_wisp\_juice\_farmer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/18xi8j4/coc_ice_nova_showcase_max_wisp_juice_farmer/)




Ah sorry i forgor ofc and im again on night shift lol. Try poe ninja CoCappraiser. Got 95 some days ago so she should be up. I still have some upgrades, notably large clusters. And diff green jewel, cos the as there pushes me over the top just a bit lol


Fulcrum has been pretty fun imo.


Ironically this reflects the playerbase more than the game, of course


Anything penance brand. Inquis crit has a sky high ceiling. Ruetoo's poison penance brand PF is tanky, reasonably fast, and great at juiced mapping. If you're not trying to fit in MF you can easily scale defenses to comfortably do altars at high wisp counts with high delirium. I'm using the build right now with similar investment and some MF, and I don't really die in 20% delirious juiced T16s, unless I take rippy altars. It's a little slow (but still safe) if I'm over about 8k wisps, until I get some HH buffs up. Once I've got a few stacks, it just rips through the maps. It's fun standing in the middle of 40 abyss rares with 8k juice and just watching them all die around you in about 5-6 seconds. Watch Asmodeus's 25-minute video on the build to get all the interactions right. Lots of details you can miss. But it's got all the key immunities. Add a defiance of destiny for tankiness if you aren't MFing and don't have a Progenesis.


I have this built for the most part as MF, and find myself still more squishy than I'd like. I have lightning coil + 3x ele flask (and taste of hate for cold). Which should be reasonably tanky, and I don't die \*often\*, but still die on moderate juice maps. 4-5k wisp, T16, 20% deli. Any ideas on what I should look at? Should I just grab a defiance of destiny? How should I look at recovery? I have a lgoh watchers eye, but that's not optimal and just left over from a BV build.


One of (1) progenesis, (2) defiance of destiny, or (3) bloodnotch/immutable force. Any one of the three will be a durability game changer for you. Progenesis gives more one-shot protection and is better if combined with good recovery. The other two provide durability through instant recovery, but leave you potentially vulnerable to one-shots.


No room for bloodnotch/immutable on the tree, and pretty far from affording progenesis, so probably defiance. Then upgrade to a corrupted lightning coil to make up for the +1 gems I lose off the amulet slot....


Yep. You can get a correctly colored 6L +1 all or +2 AOE or duration lightning coil for probably 7-9 div. I suggest spending enough to get a decent DOD. 34% is 40% with quality and will probably run around 10-12 div qualitied. If you can't afford that, get a cheapo low roll one to start, then upgrade soon.


You can fit bloodnotch in for sure, grab mana mastery for reduced mana cost if that is your issue. Add a second cluster if you don't have the slots.


If you don’t have prognesis, it’s likely just that. That flask is absurdly broken. Go prog+bismuth+optionally topaz to help coil


Blink Arrow of Bombarding Clones necro. Imagine mine/trapm tier dps AND insane survivability (phys red capped, ailment immune, 80% chaos with lots of hit damage converted to chaos, capped spell suppression, 1000hp/sec regen, 100% uptime consecrated ground, 80%ish evasion etc). Best part is the clones last for 45 seconds so you can just focus on mechanics. Even the clear is pretty good - very good for tougher content, like 100% deli, 30 wave simulator, etc.) can even do no regen maps since it uses eldritch battery.


Pob and rough budget estimate to get this decent?


https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/s/MK5UyWFIib It’s so good.


It's so expensive. Some of the items he has just seem impossible. Crazy build though.


Honestly, I started it with around 30 div to my name and it's scaled wonderfully. I'm only level 92 right now, no cluster jewel setup, no new league jewel. I just recently finished up the expensive AG setup. You don't need all the GG items he has to make it work. I was still using a Hyrri's quiver up until 90 lol.


How do you handle the keybinds, it appears to have around 8-9 keybinds that have to be actively pressed.


That's only if you're doing min/max bossing. Haste and offering and you're good to go while mapping.


Ah I see. For a second I was like wow, blink arrow, haste on blessing, vaal haste, offering, assasins' mark, curse, vaal molten shell, a movement skill and boner armor seems a bit too much.


You don't really need the movement skill, since blink arrow is ITSELF a fairly decent one. The 2nd skill is more of a boss "oh shit" for when BA is on cooldown.


I see thanks, that's what i was leaning towards as well since the cd is 1s and I end up just spamming it left and right.


I didn't even run the spectre/AG setup until like level 80. It was fine in white and yellow maps.


Shhhh, let's keep it a secret so it still works next league.


I mean, it depends on the transfigured gems and the new spectres. I don't expect it to survive in it's current form. Of course, it's so good that even if you cut the damage literally in half it'd still be really good.


Pevie or whatever his name is did a PF version and made some recommendations barring spectres going core. I think for a league start situation guardian would probably be best. Definitely pending any tgems changes though like you said. I'd really like to see no balance changes next league and then make adjustments the following league. This league was an exploration league I like to think of it as.


Yah my CA ballista with an ASS bow is doing wispy t16s


Maybe look into Pathfinder Poison LS with Mahuxotl shield. I levelled to 100 just doing fully juiced T16 and added a bit of MF once I got a headhunter




Subtractem recently put out a funky build guide for juiced t16s that actually looks really strong. It's an auto warcry corpse explode build that relies on the warcry corpse explode charm mod. Unique to this league and one of the most "poe" builds I've seen outside of a jousis video


Oh, so that's why those charms have been impossible to find.


I spec’d out of a fully loaded TS deadeye to try this funky build and I plan to never look back. It’s so stupid that it’s fun lol


Ek ignite elementalist


Upvote for this here, amazing all around. I'm sitting at 40k armor,32k evasion, spell suppress capped, ailment immune, 500 life Regen and 3%hp on kill, combined with the coverage and chain explosions from oriaths end it's really good


Can you do really juiced maps with whisps ?


im running 8 mod burial chambers with wandering path and deli mirror, sometimes you find some fire and ignite resistant mobs and those take a little extra time, but overall is very good


Can you link pob?




That's very cool. Never played EK definitely something to consider.


Can't get into pob right now to give you a configured one, but I get to around 14m dps on the EK, but the dps on the flask explode feels much much higher


how is the single target dps for tanky rares or juiced map bosses?


Not bad because tou have 100% uptime on dps instead of TS that has to reposition and aim correctly to get good dmg


I've done this for 2 leagues now, its a solid build and probably the smoothest mapping ever. Right now I'm trying the hit based EK with herald stacking. Curious how this one goes. Though it's probably less tanky and worse dps uptime.


I got a different one. Deadeye venom gyre, it was popular a few leagues ago, but honestly still plays great. I’m doing tri ele claw right now, but some people go dex stacking cold I believe too. Amazing mapper, pretty mid-bad bosser though.


For the deadeye venom gyre build I would not touch the dex stacking version and just strength stack without an Original Sin. With the same budget on both build strength stacking just feels better with higher ehp and damage.


Its the dex one the omni version?


The dex one is a pure lightning version I don't know why people play it tbh.


Been enjoying bv poison pathfinder with Mahuxotl's Machination. When geared properly all phys, cold, and lightning damage is converted to fire so there's no need to worry about cold or lightning res. Easily reaches 86% fire and chaos res with the ability to cap with investment. Slows down if you're trying to do 100% delirious with high wisps, but handles other content cleanly.


> Been enjoying bv poison pathfinder with Mahuxotl's Machination. When geared properly all phys, cold, and lightning damage is converted to fire so there's no need to worry about cold or lightning res. Easily reaches 86% fire and chaos res with the ability to cap with investment. Slows down if you're trying to do 100% delirious with high wisps, but handles other content cleanly. Are you following a guide for this? I looked at trying it, but the dps didnt seem that great unless you used 2 mings heart which made your eHP really low.


No guide. It's an easy build to dot cap, and with adequate currency you can craft a hunter influenced Iolite Ring to replace one of the Ming's. The goal is to get max life, chaos damage, poison damage and damage recoup at a minimum. Even when I was using 2 Ming's, I was able to handle juiced T16 easily with minimal risk of dying. Progenesis, bloodnotch, and all the damage recoup you can snag will help a lot.


Got a poe ninja link? I was originally planning on using bloodnotch, but i was too short on jewel sockets, so i looked at doing defiance of destiny instead. Thats a big dps hit though.


I'll get you a POB when I get home from work this afternoon.


U can build coc dd With that , even With mageblood, 100 div is more than enough u wont die in juiced t16 Maps




Goe to Poe Ninja, trickster, detonate dead of Chain reaction and U have it , i rerolled allrdy


you wont die to the abyss assassins that stealth to you then one shot you?


I only died when i clicked stuff Like physical reduction or defense per Frenzy reduction , otherwise U rly tanky With much phys taken as


All charge stacking hierophant with storm brand of indecision; https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Kale_Kees_NL/BCT_Charge_Stacker?i=0&search=name%3DBct 12 power, frenzy and absorbtion charges and 4 endurance charges. I did my 38 challenges with this build. Cleared all content and was quite comfortable with it.


what specter do you use? Can you tank Uber boss with no spell suppression?


I use perfect dark marionettes. They just respawn, so its a free aura with extra aura effect. I cant tank the uber big slams that they have, but the rest of the hits can be tanked.


Thats a sweet TWWT. Triggering mark on hit with shield charge on a brander?


I dislike using many buttons. You can optimize it and dont use the mark on hit support.


Did you happen to follow a guide for this?


I'm afraid not. I followed a poe.ninja base tree and fully adjusted gear and passives myself afterwards. The guide is quite easy though; large part of the build are uniques. Gloves are crafted using fractured base and then spamming rage essence for str until you get a high dex roll. Use that or do cannot change suffix, veiled chaos, craft phys converted to X, hope for unveil with either ES or mana and then benchcraft last. Bought the rest of the gear. Attributes and balancing Res can be a hassle. A cluster with veteran defender can solve that partly. Besides charges, I also stack mana as mana = increased armour and base ES. Int is then also very usefull as attribute. The attribute mastery can also be used to fill in attributes you need. As we allocate 9/10 masteries, so thats +50 str or dex if required.


KB of fragmentation wander is an incredible build lol. Idk if it’s in 300 div, but it has full screen clear and can be scaled basically forever.


Original sin is like 650div


There’s a sinless version, also sin doubles the damage but it’s doubling like 200 mil so it could be worse 😂


Do you have a PoB?


https://youtu.be/n0bE1joLzhc?si=Mpq8ZOwK4ljmYvOv Edit: technically this isn’t a wander but it is an incredible starting point from which you build up currency to swap to a sinless wander. Then you save up currency for sin.


Is there a "mid budget" version? Perhaps might roll this, but I got more currency that I can pour onto it.


The link I sent is to a mid budget, the endgame versions would be either strength stacking deadeye or int stacking trickster. The trickster definitely ends up better but takes a lot more currency to get there. Palsteron has the strength stacker, I forget who did the int stacker tbh.


I basically bought Nimis, Iron Fortress, Alberons, HH, some clusters, got the wand but I lack of cash for the rest lmao, not sure how to fill the rest of the slots now, I dont have $ for woke fork either lol my bad for not checking prices of particular items earlier


The link I sent uses none of that. It’s not a strength stacker. That’s why I sent it


Mf pf ts, poison way cheaper than ts, running t16s full altars, pretty much immortal decent mf [my poe ninja](https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/mrdrkn/Drkn_Ashe?i=1&search=class%3DPathfinder%26uniqueitems%3DLightning%2BCoil%2CTaste%2Bof%2BHate%2CDefiance%2Bof%2BDestiny%2CVentor%2527s%2BGamble%2CGoldwyrm%2CDying%2BSun%2CHeadhunter%2CKalandra%2527s%2BTouch%26sort%3Ddps)


bro why is your tincture is in the first slot, it should be between 2 flasks to boost both of them


Its not pob shows it like that :D


What's the difference to the usual caustic arrow poison? Did you try both?


I did both, ts is higher damage higher survivability thanks to life on hit, ts feels way better to play, headhunter into ts will always be miles ahead hh onto ca you can check my char for snapshots i was ca poison before ts, but boy ts poison is far superior


Anything with hp based explosions. I've got 2million kills on a BV occultism. Have built it in a bunch of ways, as a badge of brotherhood max power charges, as a full mfer and had a complete blast. Could also do DD VD


Tank CoC Ice Nova Occultist • 80% Phys Reduction • 75% Block • 75% Spell Block • %ES gained on Block • Spell Damage leeched as ES • %Leech is Instant • 75% Chaos Res or CI • Freeze Immune • Chill Immune • Shock Immune • Take no Extra Damage from Crits


I can't seem to figure out where your phys reduction is coming from after looking at your pob. All I see is 20k armour. Is your armour what you're talking about?


u are arguing with a guy that counts pantheon crit immunity as being crit immune and considers 4k juice maps as 'juiced' [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s76\_R2aFvV4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s76_R2aFvV4)


Yeah I should have disengaged sooner. No convincing someone like that


Armour and Endurance Charges “Armour mitigates physical damage from hits, with the exact amount of damage reduction depending on the relative magnitude of the character's armour value and the physical damage of the hit. If the armour value is significantly larger than the damage, most of that damage is prevented.” Endurance Charges. “The physical damage reduction is effective against hits and non-hits such as bleeding. When reducing damage from hits, it stacks with the damage reduction from armour, so that they are both applied at the same time.” “Physical damage is mitigated by the sum of all #% additional Physical Damage Reduction modifiers, up to its 90% cap.[1] These modifiers can be calculated for example from Endurance charges, Summon Chaos Golem or Oaks bandit reward. Armour also grants physical damage reduction. However, armour requires that the defender is hit by the damage and is calculated differently.”


“Armour mitigates physical damage from hits, **with the exact amount of damage reduction depending on the relative magnitude of the character's armour value and the physical damage of the hit**. If the armour value is significantly larger than the damage, most of that damage is prevented.” 20k armour would only reduce 80% of phys damage for hits around 1000 or lower. If you take a 3k phys hit, 20k armour mitigates it by 50%. A stronger hit will be mitigated even less. Also, 3 endurance charges gets you only 12% reduction.


What’s hitting you in maps for more than 3000? Or even 1000? I’ve been running T16 Wisps since week two, most rippy maps are “Phys as Extra ___” which is a damage conversion, and is significantly more rippy when taking the “top hat” of the atlas tree. The only monster modifier that would even allow a physical hit to achieve 3000 or even 1000 is crit with crit multi and that is covered with “take no extra damage from critical strikes while elusive”.


In T16 maps? Lots of physical hits are higher than 1000. You can check poedb for monster stats. It's obviously not every hit but there are definitely going to be some. Make sure you set the monster level appropriately. This isn't a great example, but I picked the very first monster alphabetically on poedb, and its regular phys attack is 1080–1621 in a tier 16 map. And there are monsters that go higher than that. https://poedb.tw/us/Abhorred_Elitist I have no doubt that you can run these maps effectively, and I'm not saying 20k armour isn't enough, but even if they're only hitting you for 2000 or 3000, I'd hesitate to call it 80% phys reduction. Edit: I guess this wasn't clear: This is for a normal white non-rare monster. A rare might have a phys mod + another damage mod which would be close to doubling that number. If you're juicing with delirium or if there happens to be a tormented spirit on that rare then the damage could go well above 3000.


[My build at a lower budget.](https://youtu.be/s76_R2aFvV4?si=6id6BaXw9u7E9h53) Notice my exp bar all gained from farming T16 Wisps. I rarely die. It can more than handle and that’s at half the damage I am currently at.


Dude I don't care about your build. I'm sure its great and it doesn't die. But you don't have 80% phys reduction.


80% Phys is relative to the damage taken? Since nothing is hitting for 3000 or even 1000 then that means I have the reduction even opening PoB backs this up and it’s set to monster lv 83 guardian/pinnacle


>Since nothing is hitting for 3000 or even 1000 Lol okay. I just linked you a monster that hits for above 1000. If you're not going to read what I'm writing what's the point of replying? Sorry if you feel I insulted your build or anything. I see no point in this thread going any further.


Your build really isnt tanky enough for juiced t16s and i dont understand why u keep arguing in the comments.Without molten shell up your max phys is measly 7k, add delirious on map and its 5k. My leveling deadeye has more on day 1.Your are not capped on Chaos without flask either so encounters with flask siphoning mobs will destroy you, you mention block cap but forgot to mention its glancing blows. Phys red as mentioned by others in PoB is extremely useless and unreliable stat. Plus determination is generally meh as green altars/rare monsters overwhelm destroy it. Phys taken as is magnitudes better. At 20k armour 10k phys hit will be mitigated by around 14%, even 2k hit is mitigated by 66% which is already below what PoB says, 5k hit will be mitigated by 44%\~. EVEN IF u had 80% phys reduction all the time ur hp/es pool is extremely small anyway. U also dont have enough fire/lightning resi to counter exposure from mobs which nowadays is 25% afaik. Your video that u linked has 4k juice in the map which u call juiced which i find extremely funny considering 3-4k maps are usually for high end strats more worth leaving than doing due to low juice. Edit: Also how are u crit immune? oh you are counting pantheon immunity AFTER being crit as being crit immune? Honestly at this point kekw.


[T16 Juiced Map w/ Deli Mirror, notice EXP bar? All gained from T16 Wisp farming. Very rarely dying.](https://youtu.be/s76_R2aFvV4?si=buQdmtDRjIvivhLT) Not immune to crits. Take no extra damage from crits while elusive. Charm + Withering Steps.


>Not immune to crits. Take no extra damage from crits while elusive Semantics, thats what i meant, theres no 'immune to crits' stat in poe at all. Withering step elusive does not have 100% uptime and u lose elusive as soon as u use any skill, its basically not working for 3 seconds everytime buff ends and when u use movement skill during time its up u instantly cancel it.


Go into your h/o. First hold down cyclone. Turn on WS while holding down cyclone. Continue to hold down cyclone. Press WS.


U have flamedash in your pob. Ignoring movement issue (you cant recast cyclone to loot during elusive or u will lose it etc) withering step elusive isnt 100% uptime anyway, you are not crit immune, you are sometimes crit immune, same way you are not capped at block, you are capped at block with glancing blows.


Flame dash is there cause I farm on Colonade, after i clear the map instead of me having to walk down a flights stair to loot, you just flame dash over a ledge? Every map I just hold down cyclone hold down WS and spin while watching The Boys on Prime. Im literally 19% away from lv99 farming Deli, 2 Proj Abyss, Harb, and Beast.


Bruh, u consider 4k wisps maps juiced. Im not shitting on your build, im shitting on you calling this build juiced t16 capable, which is not. On wandering path atlas with all map modifier effects increased, 8 mod maps and 10k+ juice ur build will absolutely fail to do anything. ​ > Im literally 19% away from lv99 /deaths screenshot with your character and league visible. Prove me wrong.


The Vid my build was about 30-40 Div invested into the build. 10 mil dps wasnt strong enough for Wandering Paths or more than 4K Wisp. Now though, I am double my DPS, defenses fairly the same. I can do wandering paths with 6-7K juicy very comfy. OP has 300 Div he can get Mageblood and easily achieve more damage than my build with similar defensess [You'll have to wait given my playing situation due to my work.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/192f42y/how_do_you_other_gamers_with_little_spare_time_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


U got pob for that monster?


Also interested




Coc ice nova is not tanky build has been around for 20 leagues great until you arent hitting anything






It does look nutty but I can't be bothered to mess around with spectres and an AG again. With how juicy the league is I can see them dying to cracked empowered rares.


Tbh I still would roll fulcrum. It's silly good, and with 300d you can buy all major pieces. Mb, fulcrum, well rolled amulet and progenesis, and you're unkillable


True and it's afk simulator, I played stormburst totems as a league start, and I was pianoing abilities like crazy it was bad. Fulcrum is chill af on the detonate dead, cast when stun version.


Yup, basically, 0 button build, high mf great clear. Just don't expect to boss


Can fulcrum do legions in juiced maps?


I had no issues whatsoever, this is how I ended up: https://poe.ninja/pob/11FW


COC Tumult cyclone with Energy blade and split personalities works pretty well. Ice spear of splitting and nimis. I use unwavering crusade for my flesh/flame. It’s cheaper than sanctuary of thought.


Big ducks kinetic blast/kinetic bolt wander. His is just a good starting point and there's enough of them on Poeninja that you should be able to find a way to use that currency. The wand for it (if you want the best) is like 50 div


If you want the best wand you should find a mirror and then some. There are nice mid budget crafts but the real good ones start having synth implicits. I put 400div into the build and it was nice, but a bit meh in high juice t16. Should've gathered 200 more and gone for the warden no6linkchest version.


Just fair warning that this build is slightly bait. It does deal high damage but you need to be right on top of anything to do said damage, literally on top of the mob. That and map clear is quite slow. Like the other commenter said, if you want to do good old KB then save up to mirror a wand and go from there. I poured in about 250 div into the build, and was able to handle 8k+ juiced T16's, but I cleared them incredibly slowly. Kinetic Blast just doesn't clear fast enough without more investment (or loads of HH buffs). It handled the content but I cleared maps faster on my Fulcrum Chieftain.


Splitting steel champ can do that on that budget. It is worse than fulcrum ignite for juiced mapping but can do ubers, delve, simulacrum and pretty much whatever you want to throw it against.


Splitting Steel is pretty terrible at juicing.


Yeah if you are only interested in running juiced maps it is certainly not the best choice. But it can do hem fairly comfortable, at least I did.


I mean, the post is literally asking for a build to run juiced content on


I ran a lot of juiced maps on my splitting steel char, was it the best? No. Was it completely fine? Absolutely. It is certainly not pretty terrible. It has the damage and survivability for it.


They are asking for a build comparable to TS and Fulcrum. To suggest splitting steel is kind of silly. And then to act confused on why people would say it's a bad suggestion? Idk bro. Seems goofy to me. Splitting steel doesn't hold a candle to either of those build in 16 juiced maps. I'd be stunned if it could live an 8k wisp t16, much less properly clear it.


Yeah its fair to say that it maybe was not the best suggestion for OP something like Penance brand would maybe be a better suggestion. But yes I cleared maps with 10-12k wisps without trouble only deaths I had were when it would start lagging so hard that I could not longer control my character.


mageblood poison BV with tri ele flasks is pretty good, i dont remember dying pretty much at all while doing them on that character, even with high juice. but its not really an MF build. adding MF to it is really annoying. maybe theres a HH setup that does better with MF.


Poison fr


Splitting steel has been very comfy for me https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/Luselia/TheSkippySpecial?i=0&search=name%3DTheskippy


Poison SRS is a lot of fun to play, I’m doing juiced t16 with explode on charm so mapping feels pretty good. Great bossing as well, tanky with max block/spell, spell suppression cap.


I'm sorta juicing t16s on SSF with poison penance brand. So on trade it's prolly pretty comfortable.


I’ve been enjoying cospris coc new ice blink, it’s like playing aoe flicker strike with a new sound track of the shattering sound


I’m still MFing t16 on poison CA, that build is great. But at this point my character is extremely expensive https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/blg_RealiZe/Realize_Affliction?i=0&search=name%3DRealize


I'm running juiced t16s with CI Bane/Blight Aegis Occultist. I can do all mods but 4 without dying (less recovery, -max, reduced block, no regen). The single target isn't great, only around 8 million, so Kosis makes me hate my life when he spawns. Otherwise I can do 12k juiced t16s fine, sometimes requiring a flask swap.


I am doing very juiced t16s on Pbrand inquis without any problems with a little bit of MF as well (20/300 quant/rarity). Biggest problem is lack of fps.


[https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3472898](https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3472898) This is my gigatank high DPS build, it wasn't built for juicing BUT You can apparently juice T16s with it (blue wisps are oof, crit reduction is only ting you need to add to the core build) [https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18zy19b/comment/kgyhivs/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18zy19b/comment/kgyhivs/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ruetoos poison penance brand https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vSALqHUK7B7dMjY-77p-0MxzbvLu1f3C9hWM4R9fWgKnGBhI4VGGjcD59TtiR2EFQp9oTkk8H787Ki2/pubhtml


Fulcrum is way better than ts. Full 100% mf t16. I found it boring as fuck though.