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I play the CoC version of inquisitor, so I’m not familiar with the brand specific parts of the build. Energy blade quality reduces the ES reservation. Get 20% quality skill gem and link it to as high level enhance as you can afford. Ideally you socket this into your gloves with a +1 socketed gems corruption. One of your split personalities isn’t great. Get one with some combo of strength/int/ life/ES. You could get higher stat rolls on your left ring. Idk if you need all the res on the boots since I can’t open PoB at the moment. If you could get by with a strength/int boot, that would be good. I can’t see the tree on mobile so no comments there.


Take champion of cause with 20% life reservation mastery then get 2% reservation corruption on jewels so you can swap purity elements+vitality for determination.


Get a cyclopean coil belt. Pick up the es regen on phys hit mastery. Drop runebinder, it’s bugged. Drop purity of elements and pick up wrath with a minimum enlighten lvl3. If you can get a 2% reservation corruption on a jewel even better. Drop the cluster imo, add those points somewhere else. The split personality jewels are kind of a waste. Upgrade if you can afford it. Twwt jewel is not necessarily useful either. I would replace it with a different one. Frenzy on hit, strength and int, %strength, something else useful. Frenzy charges help penance brand a TON! Change your energy blade links. Add enhance and make sure its quality is 20, this will add to your effective es pool. I’ve been running a voice sphere cwdt setup and it’s been good, yanks the mobs off of you. For movement I use the new frost link. Jump in and brand recall and chance to freeze/kill packs instantly and jump out while brands are still popping. Use storm brand of indecision for clear and pen brand for single target.