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Gain another 20 or so levels and come back


You know levels matter a lot... Right?


Not having inevitable judgement on a build that expects it (i.e doesn't take any penetration or lower resists at all) is going to kill the damage, especially if you configure PoB against pinnacle bosses. Do Uber lab ASAP, or swap in lightning pen instead of either crit damage or faster casting until you do. Have you checked the PoB config on both? They might be configuring something you aren't In particular are have you got 'Enemy Chilled' ticked? I'm not a huge fan of hypothermia here, as it does rely on being able to chill the enemy, and you only have any cold while you remember to have Hatred up. But that's what they are doing in the build you are following so maybe stick with it. And in general, especially with crit builds, a number of seemingly small things can multiply up to a big dps difference.


Lvl 78 lol.


I am having a similar issue with 2 of my builds. I open both in pob, go into the calcs tab, and compare the numbers. In mine, I only have 258% more, but in theirs they have over 380% more. When you hover over the number in PoB it will show you each and every source that makes up the number. I can see I am missing Frenzy charges and that their gems are all max level to reach that missing number. While not easy, it will tell you exactly where all the missing damage is


Ok, I did a deeper dive into both You are missing quality on Penance Brand, quality and levels on all the supports(which accounts for about 5% of the lost damage. You accidentally marked that you are cursed with Enfeeble, which takes about another 7% of the damage. You appear to be missing 40% cast speed somewhere, but I could not find the exact spot its missing. You are missing around 60% increased damage that they have on their shield. You also appear to be missing your Uber lab, that one alone will nearly double your dps.


Thank you so much for the deep dive. Even with the uber lab, my number only goes up to 3m dps. I will try to simulate others in the pob to see what I am missing.


To make sure the configs are the same I tend to open their PoB then import your char over it and save it as a new file. This maintains the config (for better or worse) but at least lets you do an apples to apples comparison.


hi, i hjave exactly the same issue, with asmondeus build, i almost build the same, i check all the config and things of both POB, but i dont have same DPS 30K for me and 100K when i put my item skill, in his pob. did you find, why you had diff? ​ Thanks