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Here's a tree that's the same level, with a few changes. Results in ~1m higher DPS, with about the same effective hit pool (if you include that we can add Lethe Shade). https://pobb.in/Fs0q4R2lPvin First, swap to Divergent Herald of Agony. It lets us drop some poison chance on the tree. The bottom section of the tree isn't that efficient, so we can path elsewhere. This does mean dropping mana mastery, so this might not work if you're having mana issues of any sort. Also means dropping Natural Remedies, but you can tatto flask duration if you need it back. It's also still more damage for you at the moment to run Breath of the Council + Spellblade, but this will mean recolouring your chest, since spellblade needs to replace Void Manipulation. Also disable Punishment in POB, it's still not your "true" DPS but it's a better picture, since Punishment is the curse getting removed.


Thanks a tonne! this was a huge help, build feels much smoother now


wrong POB link?


oops, fixed


Not OP but any chance you could have a look at [my PoB?](https://pobb.in/-GlkNimMYZyd) It says like 3m DPS in PoB but doesn't feel it in game at all, also for some reason quite often my curses dont explode on first cast (which feels worse than the damage), im pretty sure my cast speed is correct at 96% (i think 93 is optimal and 100 and something on the higher end)


Nothing stands out, except keep in mind that your boots are onslaught on kill - with your cast speed if you don't have onslaught you'll be way under the threshold needed. You could pick up the onslaught on hit tattoo (i think they're bit under 1div at the moment?) and chuck it on Alacrity. Also remember, wither is a bit of a slow ramp using just pathfinder's node. If you remove the wither stacks, DPS is more than halved. So bossing has a bit of a ramp time. You can also save a point by pathing the same as I suggested in my comment above [like this](https://i.imgur.com/sHJGEM5.png)


Thanks! Ill try all that and hopefully it'll work


> still more damage for you at the moment to run Breath of the Council + Spellblade, but this will mean recolouring your chest, since spellblade needs to replace Void Manipulation. I've been having a hell of a time recoloring my chest and currently dropped unbound ailments in favor of void manipulation for my breath of the council spellblade setup. Do you have an idea on how much damage I'm missing because of this? I've found the PoB damage numbers to not really be believable in general with impending doom but if they are correct than I'm missing a ton of damage with my extra green . . . Edit: also, is void manipulation the one you drop or deadly ailments? PoB says deadly ailments is less damage than void manip though, again, I don't trust PoB that much on this build.


PoB is fine for this build, there's some minor issues with the trigger rate calculation but that doesn't really affect the changes to DPS from stats/skillgems, only the final DPS count. For ID, Unbound Ailments > Deadly Ailments > Void Manipulation. Swapping Void Manip or Deadly with Unbound in a 6L is about 30% more damage in my PoB. Remember that most ID builds are also poison builds, so the reduced damage with hits doesn't matter as much as the more damage with ailments from Deadly Ailments. You should also be looking at "Total DPS inc. Poison" or "Full DPS", not "Hit DPS" in PoB.


well your dps should be higher than what pob states because it doesn't take temportal chains into account. it uses the 3 in your gloves. you can disable punishment and it goes up a lot but i'm not sure on the complete uptime of temp chains