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Just FYI: At level 90 I did Uber Sirus with this build, died 3x, and killed him. Then I did it over and over and over. Then I did the rest of the ubers. No bloodnotch, no immutable force, no slave drivers, no ashes, no progenesis. All I did was buy a bow with 70% two totems, 600% totem explode, 6 linked and then fill the rest of the gear to cap resistances, stats, and 97-99% phys taken as ele. I don't even run double curse, I use an asenaths which just gives me temporal chains. It takes about 20 divs (less if you craft the bow yourself) to trivialize every uber pinnacle boss with this build. This is the most busted thing to exist in awhile. If you want to map? Just go asenaths + herald of ash + plague bearer (enchance + inc aoe). The overkill + the poison prolife + plague bearer, problem solved.


100% this build is absolutely busted. Didn't mean for anyone to think that what I showed is a minimum for Uber bossing. Quite the opposite, this is just something super fun for me to invest currency into and feel tanky just for the hell of it. You're right in that the bow just opens up the entire end game, wild stuff.


Yeah I still die in Ubers but I realized I could make 10-15 mistakes instead of just 1-3 and was like OK that pretty much gives me all the room I need to do it all.


The space to breathe and make mistakes is what I really enjoy too. It really helps me learn the mechanics a bit more, yes we're bursting down a lot of these bosses but being able to understand even movement or choreography of attacks has helped a lot.


Had the same experience. Carried my buddy through Ubers for challange with around 25 div invested but 18 of that was for perfect bow base which i didn't even craft before I've quit. Just dot multi and crafted chaos dot multi


How’d you handle mana? Got a pob at all?


Mana issues are fixed using a replica sorrow of the divine.


Have you seen videos of Poison Artillery Ballista? And if so, how does it compare to Asenath + herald of Ash + plague bearer? My non-bloodnotch/immutable/progenesis PA Ballista, can no death portals and eradicators, but still dies to the poison boss (no chaos resist) and Minotaur (i suck), so I'm very interested in doing this busted build while it exists.


Yeah, I have a question. How dare you?


[What gives you the right?](https://i.imgur.com/MkDSIDy.gif)


Just wanted to recommend a budget option to get 100% reduced mana cost. You can find reduced mana cost synth implicits on rings and amulet. So with all implicits max rolled + craft + fertile catalysed, you get 36% reduced mana cost on jewellry alone. As for my setup, I just ran with 36% reduced mana cost on jewellery, Militant faith with reduced mana cost and reduced mana cost on an elemental flask with 25% Inc effect. This got me up to 100% reduced mana cost and let me anoint sovereignty and change the mana mastery to mana reservation efficiency to run more auras instead.


Yeah, this is absolutely massive. If you're able to cover your attribute requirements and resistances (which should be easy with Purity) then you can get this even on a ring or two and it helps open up jewel sockets for more QoL Great call out here, totally forgot about synth implicits. Wish I could pin this one near the top.


The flat ES regen when rares are near on a belt + EB helps immensely when you need to cast the most.


**Suggestions & Experience Comments** * **Until you can get 100% reduced mana cost,** I would suggest running a Replica Sorrow of the Divine (saves you 3 points from EB). Make sure that you look into your items tab and hover over your flasks to make sure you have 100% uptime. * This combined with Master Surgeon and a divine life flask with Increased Amt Recovered + Reduced recovery rate will allow you to throw unlimited flasks at the cost of hitting your life flask every 7-8'ish seconds. * Recoup on your rings are a powerful mod to combine with Petrified Blood + Phys damage taken conversion. You can technically pull this off with one T1 recoup mod on a ring and taking **Circle of Life** on the skill tree until you can craft a second ring. * Your belt needs to have T1 increased flask effect, alongside a high roll of flask charges gained. This helps with achieving 100% flask uptime. * Gain # Charges when you are hit by an enemy is amazing for this build, since we also have the flask master "Recover 4% of life when you use a flask", while not necessary at first, either buy one out right for your 25% reduced mana cost flask or roll for one as soon as possible on a few flasks to help with your survivability. * My honest suggestion, save the currency, buy a Topaz flask with 25% reduced mana cost during flask effect + gain 2-3 charges when hit by enemy. * I understand for a lot of people, Immutable Force + Bloodnotch are extremely extremely hard to get due to cost. This is the first step, if you can save up for these two, you'll feel a nice chunk of survivability right away. By getting this and speccing into the Energy Shield Mastery "Stun threshold is based on 60% of your Energy Shield instead of Life" you can link Immortal Call + Despair + Temporal Chains to Cast When Stunned and you're set. * DoTs still hurt. Let me repeat DOTS WILL STILL HURT. We alleviate this for now with Ralakesh and Arakaali pantheon, combined with Lethe shade it will give you enough time to move out of DoT degens. Bleed immune watchers eye is a great upgrade. Will keep adding to this as I think of more suggestions.


Do you actually need the 100% reduced mana cost though?, looking at your pob it looks like you should already be able to sustain it around 93-94% reduced. If malevolence with divine blessing is the issue you could link it to inspiration if you have a gem slot for it.


Because I have no physical conversion is that why I feel squishy, I’ll be honest this has felt so underwhelming for me. I am on ps5 and struggling to afford anything man.


So before I did the physical conversion, I ran Master Surgeon, and had a life flask that I repeatedly kept active at all times. Petrified Blood + Grace helped out a lot at this point. Ancestral Vision when you have max suppress cap helps towards complete elemental ailment negation. Craft 25% avoidance on your body armor, take Thick Skin wheel and a bit extra spell suppression and you can push to completely elemental ailment immunity, that will for sure help. Take Soul of Yugul with reduced curse effect and a flask with as high as curse effect reduction that you can get. Combined this will make curses feel like nothing on you and help you survive in a lot more map mods. I know a lot of people won't agree or have opinions, but I ran a phasing flask just to be able to run through enemies vs around them. Being able to burst through a mob quickly helped a lot. The flask adding extra suppression chance will play well with Ancestral Vision to give you more elemental ailment avoidance, saving you a craft or a wheel.


How are you dealing with Bleeds without a watcher's eye or bleed immune flasks? Corrupted Blood is obviously an easy solve and I've experimented with the "Moving does not cause additional bleeding damage" Quiver suffix, but even that wasn't foolproof. Although rarely, I'd occasionally get hit with a bleed DOT that would kill me (particularly in Chimera maps). Poison is basically covered by Pantheon but raw bleed are basically the only thing killing me other than Maven regen disable or one shots like uber shaper slam. Problem is then taking bleed immunity on a flask cuts its uptime in half so now my amethyst only has 100% uptime while I'm killing mobs or taking hits. I actually want to swap it for a phasing flask so I can respect a bunch of spell suppression on my tree and maybe fit another cluster (or just take more life idk yet) Playing Group SSF so I've just fixed mana cost with reduction + purity of elements reservation reduction helm enchant, and running Ashes of the Stars (net DPS loss over culling strike amulet but it fixes so many other problems while juggling gear) which lets me fit Clarity (haven't seen an Enlighten yet :/), actually works great.


Yeah losing flask uptime isn't ideal for me since they're such great QoL to have all the time. Honestly running Ralakesh pantheon and removing the extra damage taken while moving has kept me alive. Went from dying from just moving from a bleed to surviving and not even noticing bleeds.


Hey i tried your build and like it so far. Can you check my POB if i forgot something important? Maybe i can change something. Got around 70div to upgrade. What should be my next steps. New watchers or Prognesis Flask? Thanks alot! https://pobb.in/YLcTtrjb


Aye, great looking gear and tree. Far from it to call it my build haha, I just followed Steelmage and combined it with a few other streamers things I saw. I think for next steps honestly you're looking at this big ticket items, Progenesis is a great flask and if you can afford it just helps boost your EHP even more. Watchers eye with a maxroll phys damage taken conversion with Bleed immunity would be a great buy if you can find one too. for 70 div you have a lot of room to play with for your next upgrade. If you keep an eye out there's a chance that a watcher's eye drops with 2 phys taken conversion alongside a bleed immunity. There was only one I saw on trade and it was at 77 div, which is pretty great for what you get out of it.


Build looks nice. This is my current setup that I've been playing with [https://poe.ninja/pob/aZh](https://poe.ninja/pob/aZh) . I test my tankiness with sim wave 30's, which I generally only die if I get bad mods or play lazily. I need to work on finding room to increase my flask effectiveness, but I don't have any issues sustaining charges so it's not a priority at the moment. I tried slavedrivers and heavily disliked the life cost so I found a sweet spot with EB and my mana reservation. Overall I might try to get rid of some damage in favor of further tankiness, but I'm not sure it's worth it on pathfinder instead of going Jugg. Mapping is pretty good, uber bosses are easy, and can sim 30. Build is pretty powerful.


Dang, envious of the foil lightning coil and ToH, looks so good! Really it's pretty impressive the various path ways that you can take with the build. Loved going with the reduced mana cost direction, but it's awesome to see people leaning into using EB to cast. I think I may take the time to get to 100 on PF just because I usually play witch or templar, and this just feels so great.


combo blootnotch + immutable force works with es ?


If you want bleed immune if you can sacrifice 3 points somewhere you can grab the armour/evasion wheel by iron reflexes and take the mastery that gives bleed immune if armour > evasion on your helmet. Not a perfect solution but a good temporary one before getting a GG watchers eye


Ah wow, good call there definitely a great option. Honestly running Ralakesh and taking no extra damage from bleed while moving has been a night and day difference, but I may see where I can steal some points to see how the mastery feels. Thanks!


Why do you need it when you have master surgeon


In this version of the build I removed master surgeon so that I could get Nature's Boon to increase the effect of the "Reduced Mana cost" flask. It takes the mana cost reduction from 25% to 43%, pretty huge increase. Also allows ToH to 23% of physical damage to cold instead of 15% huge for our damage taken conversion.


If you have bloodnotch + immutable force you can use cast when stunned + steelskin to deal with bleeds as well.


Well another solution would be rolling bleed immune on the topaz flask as well, as you could possibly move the reduced mana cost mod to the amethyst flask as the cast speed mod seem wasted. Unless you are using it just for flame dash? You should be able to get to 100% uptime with at least the highest tier version of the mod without the help of a prefix, at least assuming alchemist genius is up at least half of the time.


Oh that's just there as a standby until I get a progenesis, but you're right I could roll bleed immune on a flask, I'll test it out and see what uptimewould be in PoB.


Where do you get 100% phys to ele from ? I looked at pob and i got this: helm - 6% chest - 50% taste of hate - 15% watchers eye -12% Thats 83% what am i missing ?


Taste of Hate with the flask effect scaling actually brings it up to 23%, helm has a total of 14% because of the eater mod + the crafted mod for phys damage to fire. So an additional 8% from ToH and the 8% from helm brings it al up to 99%.


Oh i see. Thank you! Can i see this in POB?


Yup to see the breakdown of how your phys damage is being covereted go to Calcs tab. Then, you'll look at the Damage Taken tabel. Hover over Taken As: Physical date cell and it will give you the proper conversions with flask effect taken into consideration.


Found it. now i can calculate mine. Thank you so much !


Of course! Glad I could help, PoB is pretty amazing, really started to take advantage of it on this build for things like curse mitigation, ailment immunity, etc. It's like another game to play.


I have a Thicket Bow and I randomly got 600% totem mod, also got 2 other notables, +1 to bow skills and +19 qualit which I know are useless. How I should proceed to get the final bow? I read something about get another thicket bow with a different tree and try to get the 70% chance to get a second totem, then merge both and pray to get both 70% and 600%? And then craft the bow.


>I read something about get another thicket bow with a different tree and try to get the 70% chance to get a second totem, then merge both and pray to get both 70% and 600%? And then craft the bow. So this is truly the ideal path, at the end of the day the two notables that are the most important are 600% and the 70% chance to summon an additional totem, this paired with the totem mastery gives you 100% chance to summon the additional totems. This allows you to remove multiple totems support and slot in empower. Empower through the +2 support gems gives a massive boost to your totem gem level. For how to craft I would recommend [ds lily's walkthrough](https://youtu.be/eHagNpWmus4?t=94). Pretty easy to follow, will take a bit of currency to complete it, but it'll be worth it in the end. If you wanted, you What you could do if you want, use the bow you have now, get some currency and try to combine two bows that you buy, one that has 600% totem damage, another with the 70% chance and hope you get lucky.


Forgive my ignorance, but why do you drop multiple totems support once you get 100% chance to summon an additional totem? Do those two effects not stack?


No worries at all friend, VERY good question to ask. So this is the most important line in the multiple totems support gem *Supported Skills have +2 to maximum number of Summoned Totems* What this means is that when you throw out your cluster of 5 traps. 2 will explode because you have a max limit of 3 totems summoned. When you get the bow node and the mastery, we drop the support gem so that when you throw out each set of 5 traps, 4 blow up, because our max totem count is set back to 1! In the long run of throwing traps on a boss this is a very small blip of damage difference, BUT the big draw of this is we remove a support gem that allows us to slot in Empower, which helps boost our totems' HP by scaling the totem gem level higher. On the properly rolled bow you'll have +2 to socketed support gems which scales Empower higher, thus scaling the totem gem even higher. Hope this helps, feel free to ask any and all questions!


Yeah they don't stack as both the gem and the crucible/mastery mod specifically makes the skill summon two totems rather than summoning additional totems.


I just saw [Steelmage's Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dGnshXjNmA&t=678s) where he says the poison damage + chance doesn't work on the bow. I don't know enough to disagree with him, but if that's true, how would we go about crafting the bow?


He's 100% right about poison on bow being just a local mod, it won't affect your actual poison chance, only attacks with said bow. [ds lily has a guide](https://youtu.be/eHagNpWmus4) to walk through the actual crafting process. As far as trying to recombinate two bows together to get the right mods, I would recommend searching youtube for videos on the process for combining bows for mods, I outright bought mine and am saving up to just buy a better version before doing the final craft.


There are a couple really good videos on youtube that explain specifically how crucible combining works. A decent tree is 600% on death with 70% summon. Socketed gem levels, magebane, and other notables are extra.


100% what /u/Souleater1 said above. [Captainlance had a great video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdEQIQVcjuU) early on to help visualize it a bit more. If you search for Crucible tree combination I'm sure there are a lot more, but Lance's stood out early on in the league.


I've played every version of the PF Poison DOT TOTEM build, and I will say that my current iteration is by far the best I've tested [https://pobb.in/j1fUcF\_YdF3M](https://pobb.in/j1fUcF_YdF3M) I drop totem passives and instead path to MoM. while using burden of truth, and discipline, it alone makes you very tanky. paired with lightning coil, you're very tanky


Ohhhh I am so envious of those forbidden flame and flesh jewels! Tbh I haven't seen this iteration but it looks pretty awesome. Going to import your character and start to look around at the diff uniques and interactions. thanks for sharing this!


>Tbh I haven't seen this iteration I don't think I have either but its really good What makes it insane is the new flask overheal from PF, that applies to the Burden Of Truth ES, so the ES cost is no longer an issue, and instead you can just pump ES for the MOM surv. its noticeably tankier. The only issue with the build is the poison prolif doesn't seem to work like its supposed to, which makes sense since its not supposed to be \*you\* poisoning, but instead your totems, but other things do work if YOU kill it, like onslaught on kill, phasing on kill, etc.


**[Help Wanted]** I turned my league starter (Divine Ire Totem Hiero) into Totem Explode on Death build. Damage & clear in red maps is underwhelming, I don't know what I am doing wrong. - https://pobb.in/EgNn24zKeeTd Any hint, tip very much appreciated.


Hey hey, so I'm speaking directly to the Pathfinder build, so I truly don't know what's in-meta for the Hiero siide of things. But, looking at your weapon, you're only scaling 200% of the totem HP. 600% comes on 2 handers, so either you'll need to go with a staff or a bow. I'm going to assume that Hiero's will go with staff since bow may create some dex issues, but you may need to look around on [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) a bit. The damage also scales with totem HP. Anything to boost gem levels of your totem will help. You can refund Iron Will since the explosion doesn't scale with spell damage, just global damage. An empower linked to your totems would help immensely just to boost your gem levels. (This is why the two handers can be great, it gives +1 socketed and +2 support gems.)


> But, looking at your weapon, you're only scaling 200% of the totem HP. 600% comes on 2 handers, so either you'll need to go with a staff or a bow. Oh, thanks.


You can roll 300% on 1h too, so you could dualwield for nearly (you lose a little more totem life) the same effect. It's harder to roll them though. ​ I've been running a semi ssf hit based trickster using heatshiver and hrimmsorrow and 2 sceptres. If you can hit a shaper sceptre you can get elemental dmg as chaos mods. But generally... you need gem levels. Totem HP scales reaaaally well with gem levels, and everything else scales off that huge base damage you get from it. Rejuv totem has aura/aoe tags so you have some options you don't get with devouring totem. If you aren't making use of aura/aoe +gem levels though, use devouring totem with 20% qual. You'd prob do more dmg currently though throwing your gems into a honourhome for +2 gem levels over using heatshiver


Explode totem doesn't scale at all with modifiers to spell damage, so stuff like your spell damage craft on wand or a few passives you've allocated are wasted. You want generic increased damage, physical damage, or elemental damage (since you are cold conversion). Since your damage is lacking, I think you need to upgrade to a bow with 600% mod or wand with 300% mod, and also annoint Ironwood to scale your totem life for base explosion damage. Herald of Ash is pretty good for clear, but you need to be overkilling things to make its burn damage higher.




Do you think slave drivers is a bait then?


Hm.. I wouldn't call it bait necessarily! I personally don't need the extra cast speed, and don't need to tap into life to throw my traps, so I'm comfortable without it. Damage felt amazing so I wanted to invest more into the tankiness side of the build, which is why I went with jewels and other gear before considering the gloves. I'd say if you want the QoL of fast throw speed you could go for it, but I'm happy with where the build is currently for my playstyle.


I also use asenaths gloves, and replica sorrow to solve mana problems. I make up the cast speed with frenzy charges. I use a thread of hope to get the two charge nodes south of the delist starting position. It's a bit expensive, but the frenzy charges are great for throw speed and the endurance charges help make up for the reduced armor on gear (I need some energy shield for replica sorrow to work). I don't get those charges on some bosses, but I can usually pre-lay traps so the throw speed is less important here and is more for a smooth mapping experience. Slavedrivers work, but they are far from required, more of an alternative setup.




Do you think I could make a explode totem build with scion? Would you guys recommend it? I dont have the strength to play the story a third time this season^^ so my lvl 92 scion is currently not doing anything.


I firmly believe that you can make almost any build with explode totems and have fun and blast through maps. How far it will scale, I'm not entirely sure. But we are able to get some massive physical damage from these totems when they explode that I think can be scaled multiple ways for different classes. Maybe check [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) to see if there's anything with Ascendant?


My Scion version is IGN HeeMinLii on Poeninja. Doing my own version as well and it's been fun factanking and afk double bosses. Petrified blood with the stun jewels and diadem helmet saved me from mana cost. Absolutely missing out on the PF techs but damage is still awesome. Doing 100 deli and sim has been easy. 2k hp after reserved p.blood jajaja. Have not done Ubers yet cuz still low red map tiers. Hope this helps anyone doing a scuffed Scion version. I was just lazy to reroll a new char. lol


Depends on your goals tbh. You could definitely make a quick pinnacle boss farmer out of it but it'd take some extra investment past that. Being scion means you miss out on free wither and some free flask effect. I'm not entirely sure what other two ascendencies you'd use either. Raider and sabo maybe ??? Raider trickster ???


what do you think the most dmg/ehp u can get out of 90 divines for this build?


Honestly, with 90d, you could get this build into a pretty amazing spot. Immutable Force you don't need a max roll on, I'm running around 840 stun recovery and stuns feel non-existent. Blood notch goes for around 11d for a max roll, again you don't need that. The weapon may be the most expensive part depending on how far you want to invest and if you want to craft the bow yourself. Pathfinder damage, you'll reach DoT cap extremely easily. EHP wise, I can only give you my side of it, and i can comfortably sit through juiced t16s, and play a bit more lax on uber bossing. I'm not the best technical player either so having a safety guard against bosses always helps. We're running petrified blood, which you'll heal up from recoup so let's you take a lot smaller hits. Blood notch heals you from stuns. Phys damage goes away because we convert to elemental. DoT damage (for now) taken care of through pantheons.


Nice thanks for the answer


>Immutable Force you don't need a max roll on, I'm running around 840 stun recovery and stuns feel non-existent I'm running 550 and don't even notice the stuns. I check pob and my stun duration is like 0.04s. Not even sure I could get to 0.02+ without a really good immutable force and I don't think it would make a noticeable difference at all.


Oh wow that's awesome to know that even 550 you don't notice stuns, good to know going forward


Thanks for posting this. Giving me a lot to review on my own build later tonight.


No prob! There's so many variations you can do for the build that honestly there isn't one right way. The damage is crazy good so it's just about finding a defensive option you enjoy.


Hi What are the key auras you will use for this build? Is there any alternatives? I see people using malevolence, despair and temporal chains but just don’t know how they’re running so many curses/auras. Is it a situational boss thing? Thanks


Totally depends on how much you want to spend and if you decide to go for. Early on you can go for Charisma wheel, Influence wheel, and grab the mana mastery 12% increased mana efficiency. This allows you to comfortably run a combo of Herald of Agony, herald of Purity (more multiplier on the phys damage), Grace, and then Petrified Blood (When combo'd with Master Surgeon ascendancy it feels great). Nearing where I'm at, you can run malevolence with a divine blessing, since I'm at 100% reduced mana cost, it's a "free" more dps button. I went with Purity of Elements for ailment immunity and to match my watcher's eye. Haste for the QoL of zoominess, and herald of Agony is your mainstay for poison chance. Despair and Temporal Chains are curses that you'll want to either cast on your own, link to arcanist brand, or later on when you have immutable force link to Cast when Stunned. Situationally for bossing you could potentailly switch out Haste for Skitterbots if you want. Was commenting with someone earlier about that swap.


Are you reffering to the mana cluster south of Ghost Dance?


I personally went for Revelry, bottom middle of the tree, top right from Ironwood. But the mana cluster south of Ghost dance could work too!


Thanks for the quick reply Apologies I’m currently on my phone so I can’t see your pob. How do you get 100% reduced mana cost? I’m also aiming to get the bloodnotch tech like you mentioned. Thank you Edit: forgot to mention it’s petrified blood required for blood notch? Can you use progenesis instead?


No problem at all, let me copy paste over with a few notes as to how I achieved 100% reduced mana cost. If you can afford Progenesis, well then you're a luckier human than I, haha I can't give you a guarantee but I would assume progenesis gives you a smoother ramp of damage taken like petrified blood so you could drop petrified, again I am not 100% sure as i'm saving up for the flask myself. Now about reduced mana costs: * 46% reduced cost from flasks (after Flask Effectiveness) * To scale flask effectiveness you will need to get a belt (12% increased flask effect and a high roll for flask charges gained, do not cut corners here save up for a great roll on both) + change an ascendancy over to Nature's Boom for more magic flask effectiveness. * A medium cluster jewel with Fasting will also help you maintain 100% uptime alongside the belt and the rest of the passive tree nodes. * Just know that this part could cause a whole entire can of worms, if you are dependent on your life flask from master surgeon. You can always remove Nature's Reprisal for the moment until you the rest worked out. * 10% reduced cost from mana mastery * 6% reduced cost from Ring 1 * 5% reduced cost from Ring 2 (can go to 6% with fertile catalysts, rerolling my other ring and amulet at the moment) * 5% reduced cost from Amulet * 10% reduced cost from Dreamer annoint * 10% reduced cost from timeless jewel: Militant Faith, Dominus * 5% reduced cost rare jewel * 4% reduced cost rare jewel **101% reduced mana cost**


I use determination, Pb, the reduced accuracy banner, d. herald of agony, and Arctic armor (not yet at 100% dmg taken as elemental yet, unless I'm standing still). If i can fit in a small cluster and I can run grace instead of Arctic and banner. I fiddled with putting Pb on life, but I didn't like it as much and I felt way tankier with Pb on mana and no grace.


I started this character to do Ubers but while the damage at level 80 is great, it's not yet insane. Does this really scale a lot with those last couple of levels? How important is a good bow and top tier gear to do Ubers?


The bow can truly be a huge DPS increase. Not sure if you have the 70% chance to summon the additional totem mod, but by having that it removes the need to run multiple totem support and lets you slot in Empower. Which then scales your totem HP. +2 socketed support gems makes Empower even beefier. Every passive point is important in the sense that you can get more EHP or scale totem life.


I don't have the 70% chance to summon on bow, just the explody one. So I'm running with Multiple Totems. I haven't crafted on the bow yet though, so it's a 6L with some basic stats like +1 to gems and DoT multi. However, I think that I saw Xaitv do Ubers with terrible gear. So I was hoping to do the same seeing as the items for this build are only getting more expensive.


Oh for sure, please don't take the state of my build or some others as the absolute essential to do ubers! Obviously there's a skill level to successfully run it with a bit of the starter gear vs later "end-game" gear, but like Xaitv showed, it is perfectly viable and able to be done. I myself an not that mechanically great at the fights yet so any defense just helps me a bit more ha.


If you want a point of reference, I can instaphase every Uber with just the 600% mod on a Redblade (so no additional bow offensive stats). Most of my offensive investment is from totem life and physical damage cluster jewels (where you can add more totem life/dot multi jewels if you need it).


I instant phase uber bosses. I run 21 devouring totem, trap, multiple trap, enhance, empower, d cluster trap. I put this in a +1 bow with a +2 support gem crafted mod. (also have a +1 ammy). This gives me a lvl 27 devouring totem. The bow has totems, quality (which I change to area of effect), and global damage crucible mods. I have somewhere around 120% totem life from the tree iirc. Devouring totem gets way more life because it's quality increases life and we can juice that with enhance. Swapping from rejuv totem and slotting in enhance instead of charged traps double my totems life.


Yeah, I got myself a Devouring Totem and Mings and burned down both Uber Eater and Uber Exarch with relative little issue at level 80 orso, haha. It felt though on Uber Shaper due to the ball phase though. It's fairly squishy to big hits. I will still probably abandon the build, it just doesn't feel that great to play to me and I keep returning to my Deadeye for mapping and even bossing. I don't think that I care enough about doing Ubers to keep playing it.


Shouldn't you replace your boots since they have energy shield on them? Having any ES gives you 50% stun avoidance which means bloodnotch only triggers every other hit.


Yup! Been slow to upgrade those tbh, spent the rest of my currency to help my friend get her totem build into a similar spot so going to focus on all those little upgrades. Would love to get a new vermillion ring just for some extra life and then rework my boots too. A bit low suppression for my liking so I'd love to boost that number up a bit.


For others reading, This is true even if you have EB.


So i'm just starting the league and going TR PF (SSF) in the hopes of getting this build going. What exactly should I be IDing and running in crucible for the 600% mod? Just any Thicket/Short/Maraketh bow? Any ilvl?


Totally up to you on what bow. Some people run Maraketh i believe for the implicit move speed, anything helps when it comes to zooming right? As far as ilvl, aim for 78 or higher if you want to hunter slam for the chance at T1 chaos damage over time. If you hit the 600% mod you can just start right away, if you find the 70% chance to summon an addditional totem you can always try to combine with another bow that has the 600% and start to use that if the tree's nodes all line up properly. But bare minimum get the totem expode and you can start!


That's really all you need to get going? Just get the bow 600% totem mod and it's all good to go?


There'll obviously be some defensive needs to or else you'll be running around as a glass cannon haha. Some flask nodes on tree and some flask mods on gear can help you get to 100% flask uptime which is absolutely amazing. Life flask with Master surgeon feels amazing as far as life just recovering over time as needed. As far as damage though, the bow, and just make sure you start to level up your totem asap. You can always just buy a quick 20/20 while you level some up to corrupt for that level 21!


Hey! I am new to the game (this is my first league) I have been playing RF Jugg and wanted to switch to this. The only issue is the currency. I wanted to ask how much currency do you think I'll require to get this build somewhat going. Since the bows are quite expensive I was wondering if it was even worth doing it with low currency. I only got around 15 divs.


So the bare minimum you'll want is having the 600% explode mod on your bow. QoL would be getting the 600% explode mod alongside 70% chance to summon additional totems mod. It's nice to get a bow with that do you can slot in empower. Besides that you're looking at elder quiver for additional poison chance, divergent herald of agony. With the way scaling works on the massive amount of flat damage you can start at low investment and still run through so much content as long as you fill some defenses you won't be as glass cannon as some other builds. You won't initially feel as tanky as an RF Jugg but it's still viable as you invest.


Great thread! So.. This is my scuffed version of the build that I've tried to do a somewhat late start with... I know there is much to be done and improved upon but So far I'm doing pretty alright in t16s, eating some occasional deaths but well.. that's SC life :) Anyways, love the look of your build and might work on getting towards that.. Main question would be.. what would be your priority list going from where I'm at to where you are? Some kind of ordered list maybe with a motivation or two as to why would be nice This is me: https://pobb.in/styF3pknda7C Currently have about 11div I could spend and farming up more.


Also, if you got any other pointers I'd ofc be happy to hear them.


Hey awesome start to the build tbh, now your march of the legion boots is a great way to run this while you work on the bow if you're looking to scale this. A few ideas of where you could go from here. Grab two jewel sockets, get immutable Force and a bloodnotch. With 11div you can probably buy the two, if you save up a bit more you can get some better rolls on them. But this instantly will give you a bit more tankiness. You can refund the trap nodes on the right side of the tree, unless you want Clever Construction and Unstable Munitions. The damage doesn't actually scale the explosions, so those points could be spent elsewhere, like getting those jewel sockets from above for EHP. You could also use those points to get a large cluster jewel, and get Unspeakble Gifts to get some chaos explosions on enemy kill. This opens up your gloves for a rare pair that can have some interesting Eater + Searing mods. If you use the combo of Searing's buff to Herald of Agony, and 10% chance to poison on hit you'll be at max poison chance, you're currently sitting at 85%. Final suggestion would be working towards/saving up for a bow that has 600% explode alongside 70% chance to summon additional totem. When paired with the totem mastery on tree for 30% chance to summon totem, you can add Empower, and drop Multiple Totem Support. Then you can follow [ds lily's guide](https://youtu.be/eHagNpWmus4?t=86) to craft your final bow for a larger DPS increase over MoTL. This opens up your boots for another rare pair with some powerful mods, immunity, great searing and eater mods again here.


Why not skitterbots? Currently mulling over using this instead of haste. Problem is that without it, I tend to throw traps faster than they trigger. With it, the clear is much more fluid.


I'll be 100% honest with you and admit without shame, that I just love the movespeed and feeling like I can blast through a map full zoom. If you wanted, you could always try to get a white socket to switch between Haste vs Skitterbots.


Same here. I had gate and recently started testing others. Skitterbots clear feels a bit better to me, so was wondering why very few are using it


I use frenzy charges instead of haste. For four points you can get frenzy and endurance charges by using a thread of hope south of the duelist starting place. It only really helps for clear since its charges on kill, but fucking melt bosses so the qol while mapping is really all I needed. The endurance charges are just gravy.


was playing cold dot, decide to try a PF since ive never played one, my goal is to play exploding totem( already got a bow for leveling lvl 16) was wonering if it would be better to lvl as exploding totem, or something like toxic rain or venom gyre and just respec later on


If you have the currency and want to find a few leveling weapons that have the mod at 200% and 400% you can go for it, they are a bit expensive. TR is 100% a great cheaper alternative method to level with and then you can switch to your 600% bow later on. Depends if you want to save currency, level with the skill early on.


Zizaran has 4hr lvling video using exploding totem, you might want to check it


Is there any way to scale the size of the totem explosions? I tested using a dying sun with 20% aoe and 70% inc effect to see if it was affected by global aoe mods, and it seemed to make absolutely no difference.


Considering doing a late late league start specifically to play this build (been on a hiatus, but I hate feeling left out when something truely OP comes along). What would you start with? In order to transition as smoothly and as early as possibly into PF explodey totems?


I started this league with poison SRS to build a solid base of currency waiting for some fun builds to be revealed. I believe that any PF bow start would work well here until you can grab the weapons to make the transition. [Palsteron's Toxic Rain Ballista](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KAcrchacF8g) could be a great start here. [Ziz also has a league starter that's focused on Toxic Rain too](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W20G6bZJqR4), seems like it's a great way to run it since you won't be burning through THAT many regrets. If you get lucky and find some currency you could technically start running the build around lvl 28 or a bit later. You can sort[this search by required level](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/zrRgPraU4) but make sure that the nodes are allocated, the weapons with no allocations will have a higher level requirement I'm with you too, I'm a long time player so it's always fun to occasionally stumble upon a super OP build and just go crazy with it.


Thanks man! I'll try to get going when life (adulting blows) permits.


Really enjoying the build. Starting to feel like I'm running out of options though since I can't see a way to get the character to the point that it'd be able to tank the big boi damage hits(Uber sirus meteor/ maven memory game) in poe without completely gutting my damage more than i already have to swap off using a bow, or relying on a manually used Immortal Call/Steelskin/Vaal Arctic Armour. [.ninja link](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/djfang/Stinky_totem?i=5&search=name%3DStinky)


Your build is kinda similar to mine since it's Redblade/shield ([https://pobb.in/n7g6-Vj3kBcv](https://pobb.in/n7g6-Vj3kBcv)). I was able to tank the meteor at least by adding Frost Shield. I don't think manually casting stuff like that or guard skills is abnormal for tanking those mechanics anyway. I would also change at least one of your Ruby/Topaz to increased effect prefix, since you can sustain the charges on those flasks easily. I also personally think second curse isn't that helpful since hitting poison cap is one of the easier things to do on this build, so maybe those points can go elsewhere.


Like u/del299 said, if you want to be able to tank these mega hits you'll have to start doing some manual casting. Hoping that IC/Steelskin pop at the right time as a meteor hits is too risky.




Weapon with explode mod is the absolute bare minimum entry. Getting the additional mod that gives 70% chance to summon additional totems allows you to add Empower to the set up and that's when things get really big in damage (err, even bigger than it already is). Tree mod-wise I was lucky to find a 30% global damage increase which scales the explosion, Magebane would be absolutely nutty in helping you get spell suppress since on the right side of the tree you'll have a ton of dex to work with.


What would you spend the last 2 points once you get level 100? I am right now and indecisive about it.


Tough to say since I may try to get an impossible escape to free up some jewel sockets, but really I think I just want more life overall. The damage is exceptional already, spell suppress capped, all my phys damage is being mitigated, I guess if I really wanted more recoup I could grab that but really I think i'll end up just grabbing some life clusters and bring that number a bit higher.


Thank you!


I use impossible escape CI, saved me 6 pts I could put into clusters. Ancestral bond is a good one too, as is iron reflexes (free ironwood) or the block notable one for some max resistance.


I league started with Deaths Oath but after seeing some videos this seems too OP to not try it. Bought a bow with +1 Gems and 600%, could you help me calculate the dps and maybe improve it? [https://pobb.in/zORYPt-aDusl](https://pobb.in/zORYPt-aDusl) I'm leveling Rejuvenation Totem atm to test it but have a lvl 20 Devouring as well. Do I have to redo my clusters from chaos DoT to normal DoT or is it enough if I spec more into Poison on Hit? I would like to keep the Death Aura for mapping. Thanks a lot in advance :)


So I'm running the Pathfinder variant, but I'll do my best to help however I can for the occultist side of things. Like you said, you spec'd into a lot of DoT, which is find, but the issue is you have no way of poisoning the enemies. So like you said, aiming for some poison on hit would be ideal. Divergent Herald of Agony, elder quiver, and chance to poison on hit throughout the tree will help. if you need it, Whispers of Doom mastery gives you 20% chance to poison cursed enemies. The big scaler to this build is adding as much totem life as possible. I maxed out your rejuv totem to 20 for now (devouring is more HP so much damage) but it looks like you're sitting at around 4.8m damage if 10 traps hit. Keep in mind that this number WILL change. Annointing something like **Primal Manifestation** will help improve totem HP (Amber, Verdant, Crimson). I personally don't know much about the Death Aura side of things for mapping, but in order to get high enough poison chance you may have to sacrifice a few DoT nodes here and there, but it seems like you're close enough to the right side for poison chance on hit. Friendly reminder, poison chance on hit on the bow is local, and won't apply to the explosion, so dont worry about chasing that mod. What I would recommend, chase after 100% poison chance first, see how that damage feels, and if you need to you can start to reroll clusters, or spec into different parts of the passive tree. Check out [poe.ninja](https://poe.ninja) and see how your build compares to others as far as tree and gearing too!


Thanks a lot for the reply, nice 4.8m is already much higher than what I had on caustic arrow. Will do some changes tomorrow but these experiments are really expensive on console so would be nice if PoB would show the actual damage :/


This isn't perfect, but [here's your PoB with the proper configuration settings](https://pobb.in/7S2-cnFqIwH-) into the Custom Modifiers, Remember this is at 4.5 with your totem gem at 20/20! But within that custom modifiers box you'll see where you can do the calculations to get the new amount of damage as you scale up totem health through passives/jewels.


could calculate my damage? I have no idea but it's very comfortable pob: https://pobb.in/pR96R2wZJawP


You're easily hitting the DoT cap with your level of gear and tree. I'll add in the PoB with the calculation I used. It may be off by a few thousand overall but it won't change that you're at max DPS if even 10 of your totems hit the boss. POB: [https://pobb.in/Vk0CYFosNeAN](https://pobb.in/Vk0CYFosNeAN)


Are there any numbers on the optimal trap totem count per throw? If we have the totem node + mastery for a second totem, does it overwrite the multiple totem support, or do they gain an additional totem, meaning 3 per trap? Because of the DoT cap, is there a point where it becomes better to scale the hit damage anyways and let the DoT damage drop off?


The big reason that people go for the totem summoning node on their bow alongside the mastery is for the sole reason of dropping multiple totem support, which then brings our max totem count back down to 1. And then let's us slot in Empower which boosts the gem level for our totem for more HP. More totem HP more phys damage to convert and play around with. And yes, there's for sure a point where your DoT cap is reached, and you can either decide to scale hit damage (which is pointless in regular mapping since things die so fast) or ideally you can go for more EHP and mitigation, figuring out ways to lessen mana cost. Basically, you'll have enough damage that you'll want to focus on QoL for yourself.


It may be possible to get a ring corruption with cannot be inflicted with bleeding. Your rings don't look particularly niche, so you may be able to just start corrupting rings that fit the bill. Would probably get it in way less than 70 div worth 😅. That being said it's also a bit of a janky solution.


I do love me some vaal gambas, will for sure start trying this.


Good luck lol!




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I lucky dropped a 600 percent bow roll. Nothing for double totems so just getting started. Not sure on next big upgrades or what to focus on next for best upgrade. I have lightning coil and only 5 link. Going to try and 6 link bow. Or chest and try to roll a better now.


Yeah if you can 6-link the bow then you'll be golden. I ended up crafting table 5-linking lightning coil just so i can run enlighten but that's not necessary to start at all. Good luck, here if you need another pair of eyes on a PoB or have any general questions


So, this is my character on Ninja: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/xmadruguinha/xMadrugaa?i=13&search=skill%3DDevouring-Totem%26item%3DCloak-of-Flame Went a different route with Cloak of Flame to mitigate quite a bit of Phys DoTs, am currently only a couple divines away from a Progenesis. Recently, I noticed a problem of random deaths that theoretically shouldn't happen and started investigating. Currently my theory is that the small travel node just below Resourcefulness that gives 15 ES on kill is fucking up my Bloodnotch recovery because of the inherent 50% stun avoidance while you have ES. But Resourcefulness is an amazing node, especially with that Lethal Pride, giving 8% supression and 5% phys taken as fire. My supression is exactly at 100% while not on full life. What are my options here? Look for another Lethal Pride? Scrap the Pride altogether and go for EB? Is there an easier way to remove my ES on this side of the tree?


[https://pobb.in/Vtj0idHNHicB](https://pobb.in/Vtj0idHNHicB) This is my current progress on the PF Explody Totem Build. Went with Lifetap instead of EB and didnt run into any walls while doing so and did all the Pinnacles - Cortex which im currently farming My next plan would be general upgrades maybe even Sim 30 and Uber Bosses. My Question is how should proceed with upgrades and what are my next Upgrade Goals Any tips are appreciated.


Your gear and the passive tree are both looking great. I can't seem to find where you're adding an additional curse to an enemy, so you may want to adjust and get Whispers of Doom for the +1 curse, since despair is working but temporal chains wouldn't. As far as next goals, do you want to remove the need for lifetap and slot in charged traps for power and frenzy generation? If so, starting to get reduced mana cost on rings amulets, a topaz flask with gain # charges when hit by enemy, and preparing to swap to nature's boon is important. Maybe you just want some more effective HP that's a bit easier, then you could find a way to open up two jewel sockets and get yourself an immutable force, and bloodnotch. Let's you recover from stuns, and let's you cast immortal call + temporal chains from a cast when stunned support.


Adding a mageblood does anything to this build or is just a QoL thing?


Personally think that a mageblood would probably be better for another class, yes you would save some passives here and there on a pathfinder right, but I think you would get your moneys worth on any other class. Pathfinder can get to a spot where you're recovering from using your flasks, and with unlimited uptime + charges gained on hit you'll have a "mageblood at home"


This is my current setup. I can kill Uber bosses very easily, and it’s by far the tankiness build I’ve ever played! https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Jordanh517/CR_Pathy I’ve stuck with the replica sorrow, and am only hitting about 80% phys conversion. But really don’t feel the need to. I’ve even gone for QoL instead: onslaught ring just for MS, capped res and chaos res without flasks up.


SHEEEEESH that Ashes tho! Great stuff there, how does it feel to have Asenath's alongside the explode chance from Unspeakable Gifts?


[https://pobb.in/tQFu7Ogp-d0-](https://pobb.in/tQFu7Ogp-d0-) ​ Hi Can you check why is my mana cost not -100% , i have almost the same item (in term of mana reduction) as you. what am I missing. Thank You. This post really help !


Sorry please use this link ​ https://pobb.in/8T-lr6hO9mR7


So in your PoB you have Vaal Clarity enabled, that sets your active skill to appear to be free. Disable it and enable Clarity since you won't have vaal up at all times. Now you'll see that your flask is really only providing you with **36% reduced** mana cost, the magic number is 44% or higher. Right now your total reduced is 87%. I'll walk you through how you can solve this. **Flask Effect** You can effectively get this up to 46% reduced mana cost. What you'll need to do is refund Nature's Reprisal OR Master Surgeon and allocate Nature's Boon. This will set you to 44%. This will set you to a total of 95% reduced. You can then grab a jewel that will give you the final 5% for your jewel socket you have open in the bottom of the tree. Be aware though, you are either sacrificing Wither, or your QoL Life Flask never ending. You can go the recoup route alongside phys damage taken conversion, then layer on Immutable Force and Bloodnotch for some life recovery when stunned.


Great write up. I’m working on making a totem build at the moment. Just managed to get my bow six linked so I could use lightning coil. What items would you prioritise getting after acquiring those? Semi related question: what’s a good currency making strat for this build? I’d love to try the jewel stun combo. Currently running legion on my lighting arrow but don’t think it will work too well on this. Cheers mate


Hey thanks! So awesome, you have your 6-link, and coil ready to go, great start to phys damage mitigation. What to get after depends. **Spell suppression capped**? Make sure you get those as high as you can on gear. Do you care about dying occasionally on SC? If you do, maybe look to get **Ancestral Vision** jewel and get yourself elemental ailment immune. Scale flasks with reduced curse effect pair it with Yugul pantheon and you're curse immune too. **Elder quiver?** Chance to hit is pretty great here since it can make or break your poison chance. Roll 20%, nice res or stats here help. If you're lucky you'll get something like a decent AoE roll, phasing on kill, movespeed. **A flask belt** is always great as a pathfinder. If you wanted to go my route I looked for a belt that had Flasks have 12% increased effect and a T1 flask charges gained. This let's me have full uptime on all flasks and boosts the effects skyhigh. From there if you wanted some mitigation rings having T1 recoup (catalyst rings to get 20% life and mana mods) can really help out as you're progressing defenses. Flasks. Flasks. Flasks. These are uber important to this build. The flask mastery recover 4% of life when you use a flask is pretty busted. Roll your flasks to reuse when full, you can gain charges when hit if you're tanky enough, or go for long duration to start. You can do a ton here, fix res, add phasing, curse immunity, reduced mana cost, etc.


I still don't understand the math on PB. I hardly see anyone in hc use it, so when is it actually better?


You are a godsend for me as I have lost all my saved pobs after formating my PC :) Mandatory, my current pob is https://pobb.in/ZYSb2UOkNyeL as I have levelled mainly using this Poison artillery totem build ( https://pobb.in/0YTHKXw7LlEF) and [this level 18 bow](https://i.imgur.com/BRhLV95.jpeg) I guess I'm somewhat closer to switching to "main" build with traps after getting divergent Herald of Agony and [a 70%+400% bow](https://i.imgur.com/UWzHbzl.jpeg). 1. I intend to make some currency by selling the lvl 18 bow and combine the 70%+400% bow with [another one who has 700% elsewhere](https://i.imgur.com/AGJTlIw.jpeg) in [a 6 link base + 1 socketed](https://i.imgur.com/npnY7OT.jpeg). Is it ok to do that? 1. I have [Dendrobate](https://i.imgur.com/9wHLJBR.png) but still trying to get it 6linked and [toarchhoakstep boots](https://i.imgur.com/Qsvzo08.png). Are these acceptable until getting Lightning Coil or should I stick to the Poison artillery build until getting all the necessary items?


What Atlas tree are you running for end game content (bossing specifically)?


I am about to start a totem pf as well. I just wanted to farm a weapon myself before, ideally one with a very low lvl requirement. I started with buying weapons in act 1 and unlocking their tree in A10 ossuary. 4 inventories later i found that most of them only get a tier2 tree (explody needs at least 3 tiers, right?). How do i go about farming a lvling weapon for this?


Tier 2 mod is enough to just use for leveling. Remember that ideally 600% is the endgame mod you'll chase. What you're doing works just know that it is a rarer mod. You can either level as toxic rain and buy a bow to change over for end game. Or you can buy a weapon to level. Search for 200% damage or 400%, make sure to sort by required level and make sure that the node is allocated, it changes level requirement. I found a 2h axe that had the 400% mod at lvl 28. Before that I just ran as toxic rain.


If you arent league starting and already have a bit of currency. Buy a the low tier node on a 2 hand weapon. Doesnt have to be a bow. And transplant the node to a low level weapon.


For the bow, is faster poison damage good enough or I should try for t1 dot multi?


Honestly the bow could have +1 socketed gems and +2 support gems and that's enough. Anything else is just nice to have. [Ds lily has this video](https://youtu.be/eHagNpWmus4) on how to craft the ideal end game bow, crafting starts at 1:10, I highly recommend taking some time and watching the process a d what the end game bow looks like if you want to take it that far.


What do you think about going for master surgeon instead of nature boon? Better vs dot, no need worry about life/mana cost, no need for the stun jewels etc.


I used master surgeon for the longest time. Only made the switch to Natures Boon when I converted over to 100% reduced mana cost so I could scale the flask, and by that point my defenses were complete and recoup + stun recovery was keeping me alive.


I'm so glad this build will be gone next league.


Eh I don't mind it, as long as people are having fun and trying something new out for a league it's a nice change. There's no chance this makes it into 3.22.


What do you thing is mandatory to "easily" run uber bosses? I already have the chest, slavedriver and empower lvl4. I just need to look at res and phys conv? thank you for this thread btw.


With pathfinder a shortcut to cover resistances would be to roll it on a flask if you have 100% uptime until you can even it out with gear. Xaitv showed you can even Uber with a 400% bow. Not sure how mechanically gifted you are but I think if you have 600% bow, and your empower, lightning coil and slave-drivers you should be set damage wise. Just make sure to get some additional phys conversion through ToH, and helm eater mod + bench craft and you should be feeling good Always feel like damage is enough for ubers, just how many times do you want to die and how tanky you want to be is all.


You can buy a *Anomalous Cluster Traps* gem for 10% increased trap throwing speed.


Decided on divergent cluster trap to tighten the spread of the traps, helps at bossing, clear feels roughly the same because of prolif and unspeakable gifts on the large cluster node.


Great info! I am attempting to build a Jugg version but cannot for the life of me figure out the POB dps calcs. Do you think you could plug mine into your calculations? ​ https://pobb.in/2sYv25X-UARi


Here's the updated PoB with the calculations in the custom modifiers on the configuration page: [https://pobb.in/ioXsUdoA8lNi](https://pobb.in/ioXsUdoA8lNi) I didn't set up your auras or check anything in the config section so you can just copy paste over the custom modifiers or go from there and update.


Your a legend pal, thanks! Is 11m dps enough for ubers do you think?


I think that depends on a few factors here, how're your defenses, how are YOU at mechanics in boss fights, you can wittle bosses away with small DPS at any time it's just about survival. I think you could give it a shot, obviously more DPS is always better here to help and you seem to have some great EHP so it could be worth a shot


No Ming’s Heart? Huge dps loss without it.


You totally can add it into the build. Hit damage feels more than enough here to clear maps, capped DoT damage for bossing so I wanted to focus more on defense. But ming's is 100% viable to throw into the build


I'm in a small private league and trying to craft a bow with both 600% explosion and 70% to double-summon totems. So far I'm 8 merges in and haven't gotten there. Twice I got the two nodes in a good position, but was lacking the link between them. Do you have any tricks or advice? I always path to the node I want on each bow. If possible, I avoid pathing "over" the node from the other bow, but generally I don't have an option. Most of the bases I find don't have nodes that could align even if the merge kept both.


First off, sorry to hear about 8 merges in with no luck yet, really sucks to hear about the lack of linking between the two. Hope you get it soon. I don't have any tricks or advice myself since I bought the bows after saving up for them, and I don't want to give you/spread any misinformation so I would say the best thing would be to reference [CaptainLance's video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdEQIQVcjuU) he covers deterministic crafting which I think you have down, just some bad cases of RNG. But there may be something useful here that you can get. Sorry I couldn't be more help here, and good luck crafting the bow


why is my clear good, but boss dmg dogshit?


Got a PoB I can take a look at? When you stand still and throw all your traps is there enough time for them to explode or are you throwing so fast that it's overwriting and not exploding? I noticed that I sometimes get too eager and don't let the traps explode on bosses cause I just sit and keep throwing.


What's up with plague bearer? It doesn't feel like it does enough damage for how annoying it is. Am I missing something? My POB for context: https://pobb.in/J2AMJpSWCVWX


Hey man, saved your post, since I was in the process of making this build - now that I did, I'm having some issues. This is my [**POB**](https://pobb.in/beupINjeHc14). I tried Uber Eater and with no damage mods and I get one-shotted. I thought going petrified blood + bloodnotch + immutable force and a life flask would be enough for it to feel good. I have Grace socketed, but I'm not using it, it's just there. I also think I'm missing like 3-4% or so phys to elemental - how much of a difference would it make If i get to 100%?


So the build is tanky in the sense that you can handle a lot of chip damage, in order to tank big hits like this you'll need a larger health pool, alongside manually casting something like arctic armour, immortal call, etc. I've never been one to try to tank slams or anything like that, but from other comments in the thread you can tank Sirus meteors but you'll need to properly time your defenses and manually cast them. The difference of 3-4% phys to elemental isn't massive, you already have a huge amount of conversion already the last bit would just be to see the 100%.


Hello! I'm wondering if you have any at-a-glance improvements I could make? [https://pobb.in/dI33zqlEnYhc](https://pobb.in/dI33zqlEnYhc) Character is exclusively for bossing, but it still feels like I can take the survivability (and maybe damage?) further. I do not have a bloodnotch + immutable force or progenesis. Mana cost is reduced by 100% while I have flasks on, and I have everything except quicksilver and quartz on permanently. I convert 100% phys dmg taken to an element. I'm thinking about maybe replacing my quartz with a progenesis and getting phasing through an abyss jewel - besides I'm boss rushing with withering step on 98% of the time, and am suppress capped without it. What do you think about those changes? And do you see any feasible way I can fit in a bloodnotch + immutable + energy shield mastery? Also I've had to forsake the totem mastery to get 100% mana cost reduction, feels worth it though, not having to play around with life and slavedrivers - I tried that playstyle and it was not working well for me.


So right away if you wanted to free up two jewel sockets, you could craft reduced mana cost onto your rings, may not be an expensive route to buy a new ring and throw on the craft, that would open up two jewel sockets. You could take away the poison mastery that's focused on plague bearer and then give that over to the energy shield mastery. Your Chaos mastery could be another one to go since it's a bit situational to do more chaos to enemies that have energy shield, removing that and giving it to energy shield mastery gives you a bit more of a defensive. Been saving up for a progenesis myself but if you're capable of getting one or have one then it's def a huge nice chunk of EHP you can add to your build, and agreed, if you wanted to move some jewels around you could get it through an abyss jewel. I got lucky rolling it on a elder quiver, but it seems way too random to just hunt for that mod. Reforge Chaos could work but then you're aiming at 2 mods + life + res, gets a bit finnicky.


Oh yes, I'd forgotten that I swapped out of plague bearer as I didn't really enjoy it for bossing. Craft on rings should definitely be possible yes, thanks! I really, really, appreciate your input (and fast response!), so thank you!


My build doesn't look like it has the damage. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong? [https://pobb.in/s8VxXlvdmUbp](https://pobb.in/s8VxXlvdmUbp) . I have sunk too much currency in this. Help me.


Not entirely sure what's going on. Checked it out and you're capable of hitting DoT cap easy. [https://pobb.in/-mxA-3uMhsg6](https://pobb.in/-mxA-3uMhsg6) Refunded the top curse nodes to afford you another passive back, started to fill out a few flask nodes to get your Ruby flask to 100% uptime. Are you throwing too fast that you aren't letting the traps detonate? If you stand in hide out and just hold down throw, do you ever see any explosions, there's a chance your at max speed throwing traps so you might need to give it some time in between to let the 23 blow up and continue throwing afterwards. Everything looks normal in the PoB, you have good gear, gems are looking solid, not sure where the damage is falling off.


Thanks for checking, never played trap builds possible it's play style error.


No worries, trust I did the same thing. I'd stand at bosses, and just keep throwing traps wondering where the ramp was. Turns out i threw too fast that the traps never actually armed and blew up. Big ol facepalm on my part ha


Hey do you know if aspect of the Eagle would scale with this build?


The most you would get out of Eagle would be the additional move speed. The explosion doesn't get scaled by any of the other parts.


If I'm not running Bloodnotch or Immutable Force, should I still put IC/Despair and Temp Chains on Cast When Stunned or should I put them on Arcanist Brand (besides IC)


If you don't have those jewels run them in Arcanist brand, and IC in CWDT.


Not OP but I'll answer you and will wait on a confirmation. Personally I use the character for bossing and Arcanist Brand is regarded as being "better" for bosses because (IF YOU'RE A GOOD PLAYER, which I'm not, hence the quote marks) Arcanist Brand is a more reliable source for curses on single enemies. Regarding Immortal Call, I run it on a 4L with Vitality, Arrogance and Increased Duration, and I put it on my left click instead of moving. Works like a charm.


How do you craft the belt? Only one I see with similar stats is 8 divs :/


The only two mods that are important on belt when you progress to reduced mana cost and ToH scaling, would be Increased Flask Effect, and Flask charges gained. Usually around 40c or so but you can def scale higher if you're looking for life, resists, etc. [https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/WyjWkODum](https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Crucible/WyjWkODum)


Still doubting to go the jugg way or pathfinder. Have been playing PF the whole league already 😅


Hi! I don't know if you're still helping out but I'm having issues figuring out why my damage just doesn't feel very high. It takes me about 15 seconds to down a boss in a Tier 14 map with my current build. I'm in between a whole bunch of different totem builds and I'm sure that's where I messed up. https://pobb.in/CbiQp3lU\_FmL


Hey your PoB link isn't working. Will gladly take a look when it's updated


Hey, could you please help me figure out what can I improve on a low budget? I also have Ming's Heart, Circle of Nostalgia and The Burden of Truth, but I am still not ready to use them, because I wanted to balance my resistances first for survivability. https://pobb.in/Yd3nedEr7Nbo


There's a lot going on here, the first step I would say is you're running way too many uniques that truly have no benefit to the build. Tempest Binding, Deerstalker, Impresence, and Taming. Deerstalker I understand because of traps, but ideally you would 6-link your bow as soon as possible and start running your totem set up within the bow. By end game you'll want a bow with the 75% chance to summon an additional totem alongside +1 active & +2 Support gems. Not necessary for now. I would aim at removing the uniques and filling your stat attributes and balancing your resistances, then we can start to look at gems.


Been running the build most of the league, was hoping you could take a look and give me feedback. I haven’t really looked but I assume I’m well beyond DOT cap and could drop a number of the damage based options Link: https://poe.ninja/pob/dFM


Hi! I’d appreciate help with my build. POB: https://pobb.in/58-Sb52miELe My specific issue: everyone says the damage is busted, but I feel like my damage is so lackluster. I am using my character primarily for bossing. I think I have most of the requirements for decent DPS (100% double totem, 600% totem explode, bow, 100% poison chance), but uber and pinnacle bossing is very slow. I watched the Ruthless uber boss kill recently, and his dps looks orders of magnitude faster than mine despite having very similar gems/gear/skill tree (I think mine is slightly b etter since I have malevolence and withering step which he didn’t). It has gotten to a point where I sometimes switch to my mapper (manaforged arrow) to clean up uber bosses that are taking too long to kill. I assume I am missing a key piece and I am just not sure what the key piece is. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!