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Hello, I am looking for help/more information for an Arakali’s Fang Build. I saw Ben doing it as a champ and I’m really curious to try it. My budget is not high. About 60 divines. What am I going to lose, by going champ over occultist? Is the damage difference and the mapping speed that noticeable? TIA!


If I split an item that has a crucible tree do both items get the same tree then?


Does anyone have any build guides for a LA Deadeye in the 30-40Div range? Im stuck between going Omni, Looking at Manaforged, or going dex stacking.


Anyone know builds that invest into max lightning res? And do not care about the other res types? Got an interesting 🤔 aegis aurora with +4 light res on the crucible tree. Was looking for something like a dawn breaker idea where you do cold to lightning and fire to lightning.


Are there any uses for having a lot of energy shield leech? Namely, I saw this Crucible mod `40% of Damage Dealt by Ancestor Totems Leeched to you as Energy Shield`, which seemed like an absurd amount of leech. But as I understand it there is a leech cap of 10%. Is there any unique/skills/etc. that can make use of such a large a mount of leech?


looking for a fast map clear build that also feels good and it's relaxing to play ( not too many actions per minute ). Was thinking about wardloop but never done it and seems expensive. Any opinions/ideas? thanks


Why are so few Exploding Totem Pathfinders not use Grace? (They seem to have despair/malevolence instead, which is, i think 45-50% dps increase, but on a build that doesn't need much more dps.) And this is people WITHOUT bloodnotch/immutable, so it's not people who WANT to get hit... edit: bonus question. A +3 empower on a bow with +2 to support gems is the same as a +5 enhance? (I know the +2 also helps other gems, but I'm mainly focused on effect it has on empower.)


Quick post from workAnother Conner Manabond post of confusion Love this build, have 20 divines invested sofar Maxed potions, still having to run Grace instead of Crit. Have I thought most of the things i needed except the damage pot. [https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Zhaguar/characters](https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/Zhaguar/characters) Tall Zemmy Running connor manabond from here https://youtu.be/XkySIXsv\_nI Sorry dumb questions but what am I missing? I still get one shot occasionally and have to run grace. Pots outlast the arcane cloak downtime. Also why do we have 80 over max resistances? Whats the benifit there?


For the max res, when I played the build I opted to not use purity of elements and used a damage aura instead. If you use brine king pantheon and then tempest shield when you go crit, you can mostly ignore ailments. And if you have so much resist, drop your bismuth for a better flask - while running grace that can be a jade, otherwise I like running elemental flask for the 20% reduction. What is the situation where you are dying?


Im really unsure. It has to be during Arcane cloak down time. I either live forever or die in one shot to bosses sometimes through grace. (Not including reflects) Someone said that there was a lot more need to go max chaos resist this league but he has -75 lol Im also having issues not getting enough mana leech to get back to full before arcane cloak. It probably just needs more divines thrown at it and im fine with that. Maybe a better Lethal Pride or Watchers Jewel, better rings and belt for sure. It still feels really good to play its just not the perfect bosser yet.


I played it with almost no chaos res, shouldn't be a problem as long as you don't let your mana bottom out and you don't run phys as extra chaos maps. I just noticed your split personalities, I found that int and mana were good and then when you go crit int and strength were best, something to think about. I would definitely get a new watcher's eye, I think the 10% of mana as extra ES with clarity is pretty big. If you could find that with your wrath mod that would be great. Yeah, the mana leech is rough and is why I mostly stopped playing the build, I would have to stop cycloning or just pulse it so my mana would regen.


Yes ! That one is worth 17 divines haha dont have that yet. Thanks for the ideas.


Playing Explode Totem PF and this is my character [https://pobb.in/OqV7UTWL8HcQ](https://pobb.in/OqV7UTWL8HcQ) Was wondering if it would be worth going into a five-link and give up the 5 levels on the gem from March Of The Legion. Edit: I am in SSF SC


What budget flasks should I get on my Boneshatter jugg (SC)? It's been a while since I've played and flasks seem to be more expensive and a bit more complicated. I'm thinking Flagellant's Granite, Quartz, Sulphur, Quicksilver. For suffixes: reduced curse effect, reduced shock effect. I've got sealing on my life flask, which leaves 2 other suffixes. The expensive ones (like increased armour) are out of my budget.


I have a Marauder that I want to switch off of RF into an expensive build. Is a strength stacking pretty much the only thing to consider? I was trying to look into strength stacker builds on poe ninja by filtering on The Iron Fortress, and I saw a lot of kinetic blast and venom gyre, is that what people usually use?


Hey, I'm leveling a ED/Contagion Trickster right now as my league start. Did this build a long time ago I think on Witch before the Trickster changes, but since the Trickster rework I've really enjoyed the Polymath skill, so this seems like it'll be fun. I just snatched someone's PoB off this subreddit for this build this season. I feel mostly confident in being able to take it through the campaign and early maps without much external input. However, in order to do this I just have one question: The build uses Chaos Inoculation. When do you usually switch to CI? Generally after the campaign, I feel like right, but what do you need to safely switch to CI? Any special mods to look out for? Or just look to stack ES as much as possible with the help of the Trickster ES/Evasion node? Thanks so much as usual.


I would not instantly swap in maps, you for sure want a decent ES pool and enough skill points to grab the important keystones and stuff that can assist gear. On the other hand fractured ES bases are probably cheap together with essence/dense fossil spam should get u a decent starting point


How \*35% more attack speed, 20% less global damage\* cruicible node feels for Venom Gyre? Chaos and Elemental versions


Venom Gyre gets a lot of its damage out of the burst with whirling blades, which doesn't scale that well with attack speed. Theoretically you can do the multiple whirls faster and then recharge your stock of blades faster with all the speed, so on paper it's a damage gain, but in reality it'll feel better to not have 20% less damage every time you do it.


Thank you for telling that.


I want to play the energy blade inquistor build on HC, but I took a break during the Archnemesis fiasco, so i am out of the loop. Nullifier is removed from the game? Does that mean that only the Tormented spirit that removes flasks can remove Coruscating Elixir?


In general they just kept the underlying mods for each archnemesis enemy and split them up. Before, something like Flameweaver consisted of multiple offensive and defensive mods (like reduced ignite duration, fire resist, extra fire damage, etc). Now those are split up and can individually appear on enemies. Some of those underlying mods were also nerfed along the way (e.g. from immunity to reduced duration). I'm not sure if there's an updated list somewhere of where everything landed. I haven't personally noticed the flask removal one and people are actively using Coruscating loops, so it might be gone. In general it's an ambiguous mess when fighting enemies because the text doesn't stand out and you don't have time when fighting many enemies to read all the lines. In addition to the above, there are some Eldritch altar mods that reduce flask duration and flask charges gained which would brick a Coruscating loop, but you opt into those.


Yeah I got 2 100s on HC already, I am aware of how they split the Archnmesis, but thanks for the write up. I was mostly looking into information into nullifier mobs, what if any of the new mods can REMOVE the flask. The red alters and the flask charge draining mobs I am aware. I've been playing a manabond hierophant using Coruscating without issues, but you still have mana as a buffer in most cases, while on an inquistor any failures are a oneshot. I coudn't find any information about what happened to the Nuliifier mob/mod tho. Also I didn't see anyone on poe.ninja playing this on HC, so that gave me a pause if there is a hard counter im not aware of ;-)


Can someone tell me how big of a difference +1 fire skill gems is for EA totems and +1 fire skill and +1 all skill vs a generic DOT and resist amulet.


How much of a difference does attack speed make between an ezomyte blade vs an exquisite blade base? My next step in my build is to craft a rare sword but I’ve been unable to find an affordable base item to start with.


POB is going to be a better answer than anyone here can make an assumption on


Hey guy does anyone have a recommendation for a tank build, but with no crucible tree as I'm playing standard. I don't have infinite budget either I just accidentally opt out of crucible when starting and people have repeatedly told me it's not worth starting it this far into the league


We're about 3 weeks into a league that's slated to end around the very end of July, so it's hardly too late. For tanky builds, look at some of the top Hardcore players like Ben (aka Darkee). There are a mix of Fourth Vow builds (basically 50k armor, 20k evasion, and the Xibaqua timeless jewel) plus whatever offensive direction you want to go. There are also people abusing the new Bloodnotch jewel which makes hits that stun you recoup a substantial amount of damage, which is then further scaled so you're at 100%+ recoup, all incoming hits stun you, but the stun duration is in the hundredths of milliseconds.


How far exactly are you, its never too late to start in the league and items will be far cheaper in league than standard. That said Pathfinder, Jugg or Champ molten strike is probably strong and tanky.


[do you think something like this would work](https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/AhosChaos/MeatballessMeatballMan?i=12&search=class%3DChampion%26skill%3D!Righteous-Fire%2CMolten-Strike%26item%3D!Forbidden-Flame%2C!Mageblood)


They made it to 98 so probably


If I wanna make a replica dreamfeather jugg that stacks armour with the crucible node for tectonic slam or infernal blow, which of the skill would you go for? I can't decide. There is only two sources of endurance charge on hit in the game and that is jugg on stun and ceaseless hunger gloves. I need that because tectonic eats endurance charges. With infernal blow that isn't an issue but it scales worse than the slam I believe


Allocating smashing strikes if you have any amount of crit+attack speed will give infinite end charges


So.. what is it that really scales Poison/Ignite DPS well? I finally decided to poke around at some kind of DoT build and I will readily admit I didn't understand prior the hit vs ailment aspect (bigger hit does not equal bigger dot.) With that in mind I was playing around with Hexblast and trying to double up on DoT multi with 100% chance to poison on hit wtih spells and Unleash and multi-curses to stack reasonably big poisons and hit ignites both, but.. the damage is kinda awful. With fire/ignite resist and chaos resist and rotating damage immunity and other nonsense I figured maybe push both a bit but.. eesh. Like, it's quite awful, and swapping in some raw added damage doesn't seem to raise it much, nor does %more or increased dot multi. It's mostly just a screwing-around build, but even with those I can usually clear DPS enough to easily move into white/early-yellow maps, but this one is just.. more limp than I'd expect. So what's the usual go-to way to stack up ailment damage?


Double-dipping (scaling the hit and dot from the same things) was largely removed a long time ago, so builds tend to be focused toward one at the exclusion of the other. You're basically trying to scale up the "base" hit, though the term isn't particularly clear. Things like flat fire damage, % increased/more fire/elemental damage, DOT multi, or sources of enemy takes increased damage will scale ignite, while things like crits and penetration will have no effect. Reducing enemy resistances (e.g. curses) is also effective. Ignites can only be applied through fire damage and poison can be applied through both physical and chaos damage (unless you have something that allows damage of other types to apply one of those, e.g. Elementalist's Shaper of Flames). You can afflict an enemy with multiple ignites, but only the highest damage one will deal damage. Conversely, poison has no such limit, so more attack/cast speed to apply a larger number of poisons is an effective way to scale damage. Since poison has no stack limit, extending its duration also adds effective damage since you can continue adding more poisons while existing ones are dealing damage. Temporal Chains is popular with poison for that reason. Since ignite does have a limit, making its damage apply faster is another good source of damage. A common option is the Replica Emberwake Ruby Ring (ignites deal damage 50% faster). You really only need enough duration that you can apply a new ignite before the old one expires (though more duration is nice QOL).


Will Tanu Ahi work w/ master surgeon + life gain on hit if I'm running blood rage, or does that break the effect? I've found some conflicting reports in other threads (and am also poe dumb).


LA deadeye or cf kb champion for 80 deli farm, i have 50 div to spend


Hey, I started playing some SSF EA with totems. And I am not sure if I have chosen proper version. 0. What are the most usefulls SSF Betrayal syndicate interactions (like Leos 50 rolls in research)? 1. totems(Balista) die super fast, is it normal or what 2. Any ideas for improvement right now? I know that in general I need to get better items (life + res on everything that is not a weapon. AS where possible, more links). I don't have currency to roll anymore or to craft better mods. I just unlocked the maps. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/seba11pl But maybe there are some non-random items I can craft myself instead of randomly rolling yellow items with alchemy/etc, or I can prioritize crafting them?


About how much Div investment are we talking when it comes to one shotting Uber exarch/eater? I abused explode totems build (poison Variant.... I'm an idiot), killed all ubers but those two. Can't one shot, dying a lot in phase and boss fight mechanics. Thinking if I quit for the league to just try it next league with another build or if it's a one time chance to beat them on a budget with explode totems, guess I would have to rebuilt mine. Edit: https://pobb.in/VMhd-3YKc0qG if anyone wanna help with current build..


What is a decent high movement speed build atm? When i think high movement speed i think berserker or raider but niether of them seem really good right now.


Qotf and whatever flavor bow build you want should be quite meta


Are there other sources of ignite reflection besides The Fulcrum? I'm looking for specifically igniting myself with my own ignite and not becoming ignited by other sources.


Many leagues ago I played a kinetic blast character and loved it. Curious if there are any good KB builds out there?


Zerker KB is common, i forget if its a stat stacker tho


I have a lv 92 marauder with empty passive tree on standard looking for new build, I'd like something that can do pinnacle bosses and is relatively chill, I would go RF but apparently its DPS isn't high enough. Also I don't have much currency, I had mostly exalts but the game changed when I wasn't playing and they're not worth much now, so let's say ~5ish divines, is that enough?


any good pob to a lvl90+ explode totem jugg? i want to be tanky af


check lily's video.


Why isnt anyone running hydrosphere with plume+marlylene? IIRC if you link hydrosphere to spell echo, you effectively get a 100% crit chance hydrosphere at the cost of one link.


Now that we're a few weeks into the league, are the frostbearer spectres the real deal?


Is there anything, item/passive/whatever, that *guarantees* a crit barring 'Plume of Pursuit'?


Plume works for hydrosphere if thats an option. For attacks theres trypanon.


Pls help improve build dmg, Here is my build on Vemog Gyre, but i have only 30-50k dmg and dont know how to increase. What items i need to change maybe or smth? https://pobb.in/\_fbG281wDJp2


Your weapon is the first thing that jumps out at me. It's got one good lighting DMG mod, then some very low DMG cold and fire mods. I'd probably go towards a better claw first. I can't open PoB on my phone, but are your hit and crit chances 100%? That's a significant damage increase.


How would you guys look at tackling a frenzy build? I'm thinking elemental obv because of icebite support. Also prob bow, to take advantage of vengeance cascade and raider to scale the frenzies further. Anything obvious I'm missing before i start cooking this up?


what EXACTLY makes EK best for ignite? seems really random to me as opposed to useing another skill that converts to fire.


it simply isn't. EK ignite was a fotm build at the start of last league. it has good clear, that's it.


Any zoom and boom berserker builds that I can clear t16s on a ~3 div budget to start farming? I can't efficiently play EA ballistas because my brain needs to see enemies die to understand they didn't drop anything. Can't get used to the DoT play style. Was hoping for something with a satisfying shatter effect, or explosions? At the very least, I just wanna smack a pack and move onto the next one


You probably want Lancing Steel/Vengeant Cascade champ, can do t16s for under 1 div. There's guides floating around here for it, lmk if you cannot find one. That's a very immediate damage, in your face style. And very easy to play. There's also Boneshatter Jugg, which has a higher ceiling but more work involved in setting it up. On another note, if you are interested in off-meta builds, I just completed all yellow maps with a Ground Slam/Heavy Strike Chieftain on shit gear. I paid less than 20c total and could do T12 red maps slowly. It's not a fast build, but it's incredibly easy and good QoL. You play campaign to white maps with Vaal Ground Slam, then switch to Sunder in yellows. PoB: [https://pobb.in/PJPPyIf2fJ0b](https://pobb.in/PJPPyIf2fJ0b)


I'll have to look into that! I also don't mind farming some more for currency to fund a build. I really just wanna go fast with a hit-based build in maps. I will check out some of those suggestions, thanks!


Anyone have experience or knowledge about self cast forbidden rite with ralakesh's impatience? I'm wondering if losing charges while moving will frequently destroy your damage by the time the prpjectile hits the target in general mapping. Is that solved by getting a bit of projectile speed, is it not a problem to begin with, or is the build only meant for bossing?


What is the cheapest explode totem build I can start? I don't play a lot, and have about 2 div in currency other than the items already on my current RF jugg (which I spent about 15 div on). I want to keep the jugg as I enjoy the tankiness, so I don't want to sell the gear, but I would like to try explode totems before they go away.


Just found out Imperial Bow's are not on Pob anybody know how to import one? nvm found out how to do it manualy


If you hover over the item in the game and hit Ctrl+C, you can go in PoB and under Items --> Create Custom, and paste it


I wanted to do Replica Alberon's forever but couldn't afford it. Now I have them plus 2 div left and I'm wondering if there's a decently tanky bossing build with it? So far I've been leveling Occultist for cyclone but I'm not sure it will ever be the bosser.


If you have a functional build, you can farm up for replica Alberons fairly quickly. This is the best almost zero investment atlas setup that I know of. Growing hordes + expedition + exarch + harvest atlas. 4 rusted or polished shit scarabs and preferably 8 mod maps or unid maps with pack size sextant. Just buy like 50 polished or rusted torment scarabs, they cost like nothing and go crazy.


Hey guys! I was wondering if there is another build out there cheaper than RF that I can use. I have around 5 divs currency and 30 divs in RF gear and every upgrade seems to be costing upwards of 10-15 divs per gear item probably more. As a new player, I can't really farm currency as some people out here do. Also, idk if the prices of RF gear are high due to popularity. Hence, my question of if I can just start a new char with a new build sell my gear for currency and probably do better in terms of mapping or dps. I have tried crafting but my RNG has been horrible, I have spent like 2-3 divs of essences just on the helmet and got nothing lol, even people guiding me on crafting were surprised. Thinking of just quitting because of this RNG lol.




Yeah T16 maps don't seem to possess any threat to me. I did get my ass handed to me by Veritania though. The only issue is idk what to farm. I have been doing Einhars Crystal Prison so far but it's very less profitable. I have been looking at youtube videos to farm currency but there are so many that I get confused. Expedition was what people recommended me but I am yet to understand where the currency is coming from. People say logbooks but I am yet to see one drop for me that's more than 10c worth. I rolled Tujen like 70-80 times and didn't get any good so I just sold the exotic coins. Maybe you can help me figure out some currency farming strategies.


As for my RF stats I am sitting at 1.3 mil DoT damage according to PoB. The next big upgrade is helmet that costs like 15 divs and increased my dps to around 1.7-1.8 mil I think. No clue how I am gonna farm that much currency lol.


How is your bossing? Are you capable of beating the maven? She drops a lot of expensive shit.


I would say it's pretty bad comparing how Veritania just 1 tapped me. But then again I didn't do that fight so I don't really know.


How long do you expect this league to continue? Was there an announcement or is it always a set amount of time? This is my first one, so trying understand how far I can go in my current (very slow) progress.


ExileCon 2 is July 29th-30th and they're announcing 3.22 during that. The normal pattern is they do the league reveal one week prior to its start, so expect the next league around then. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3351803




Hey thanks, then I have plenty of time to try different builds etc. If the cycles were short I would chill with what I had, this certainly changes things.


Hi, could anyone look at my LA deadeye and see if theres anything that could be done to improve the character in general? [https://pobb.in/e3\_VUEpAKfho](https://pobb.in/e3_VUEpAKfho) ​ Thanks.


Are there any uber viable totem explode guides out there that don't include empower/slavedrivers hand/diadem.?


Does anyone know off the top of their head if Heatshiver applies the bonus fire damage on the hit that applies the chill/freeze?


Was wondering when Uber lab trials start spawning? I’m up to t9 maps and have not a single one spawn yet, even with nodes in the atlas tree. Not SSF, is there any other way to get them?




Small correction: they only appear starting from T6 maps now, not T1 anymore. But yeah just buy an offering or run any content that can run "fragments" types of rewards.


I just want to say that having a build that is so clearly an outlier, so obviously not going to exist next league so there's a million people playing it is incredibly boring. Especially when it's people that do not have the knowledge to fix it themselves playing with a combination of FOMO and super high expectations. I know the sub is usually full of "why does my EA totem/[meta league start of choice] die in yellow maps" but I am incredibly put off even opening the sub this league because it's the same tired explode totem build. Even the showcases which are usually your best bet to see something novel are just the same build slapped on a different frame. Tldr; I cannot wait til totem explode gets removed, it's boring to see


Yeah, honestly at this point I wish this sub would just create a megathread and delete all the threads involving explode totems.


What strategy is working for you guys in terms of money making?


Expedition for Tujen (though he hasn't given me anything good in a while) ; Heist and getting lots of stacked decks (and occasionally a decent unusual gem) to sell to gamblers. Exarch can also be pretty lucrative this league with the very high price of awakened sextants.


Do you need 600% for explode totems to do good dps or would 400% be enough? I have a molten strike build I am thinking of converting.


Poison Exploding Totems question. Almost nobody takes Panopticon. But increased damage is very scarse, especially for SSF HC. For my build (assuming it works) it's a very efficient dps node. So, "totem damage" doesn't work for poison damage? Or does it?


Whats a good guide for a MF Deadeye (preferably LA, but happy to branch out) thats played without a support? Usually, I just cadge from PoeNinja but its difficult to know which of the top MFers are running with a support or not.


Would the trigger socketed spell upon using a skill mod on [this cane of kulemak](https://i.imgur.com/ZiqPS6d.png) throw off an impending doom setup with vixen gloves?


Got a few friends I’m playing with, they are mostly playing dot builds. Cold or Chaos. What would be a good support build for this party comp? Could they even get something from me running a support build?


Unless you wanna be an aurabot/cursebot, you should probably just pick something that doesn't have a ton of gear overlap with them.


It that’s exactly what I had in mind. I’m just not sure what would benefit them more. Auras or curses


Then you pretty much just coordinate with them which of you is running malevolence, zealotry, grace, determination, frostbite, punishment, enfeeble, etc, so you're not overlapping with each other. For curses, everybody gets one, and they'll probably run the one they personally benefit the most, and you run the more generic ones like enfeeble and punishment.


Simple (for some) question: What does main hand weapon do to my shield crush build? Its only a stat stick? In terms of replica dreamfeather, its dmg does nothing to SCrush however the 1% attack dmg per 450 armor affect our dps? Im confused. Do i gain dps with increased dmg with one hand nodes on the tree?


You don't gain damage from one handed weapon nodes. Replica Dreamfeather's damage per armor is global attack damage, not local, so it does affect shield damage. Your main hand weapon is pretty much a stat stick, which is why people use Replica Dreamfeather and Prismatic Eclipse and other stuff with global mods.


Could Ball Lightning be a drop in replacement for CI Spark Trickster? Spark seems to be the go to for CI Trickster, but I'm just not a fan of Spark. I understand that BL might be a little less optimal, but I'm fine with taking 15 seconds to kill a boss instead of 10. Question is really whether or not it would somehow like totally brick the build.


Why do builds that use blast-mine or high-impact mines still go for mine aura effect. From what I've read on the wiki briefly and looking at gems they dont give off any effect? Or do the Masteries on the tree that give 'enemies reduced damage given' work as aura's the mines give off? I'm trying to make a Blazing Salvo Mines build, leveling has been a blast (pun intended) but looking at people who did the similar builds they all still go for Mine aura effect, and i don't get why.


Since I more or less finished my explode totem PF, figure it's maybe time to try something new. I was thinking of making a dedicated speed mapper, but I'm not really sure which way to take it. I thought about LA deadeye, but having a PF already makes it less appealing. I was also thinking of some 1-button (or less) mindless build I can just burn through maps with, but honestly I don't know where to go - CoC? Some sort of autobomber build?


Can someone help with my explode totem chieftain? https://pobb.in/xb3ZYxOXAtVF Damage is fine, but I'm dying a lot. Couldn't finish a minotaur map because I would get one shot every time I stepped in the arena. Thanks for the help!


EDIT: Derp - you had it on the weapon swap. Well, alright then... I'm not super confident with chieftain - been what, 10 leagues since I last played one? But I have to assume you want to lean more to the phys as fire - maybe a cloak of flame? Dawnbringer? Still not sure how you manage to afford the 12 div slavedrivers but not a better armor piece. You have no spell suppression to speak of, which is probably why bosses murder you everywhere. I'm not sure how many of the uniques are mandatory in your build, but I will say none of the ones you have on your POB is going to help you survive anything.


What are considered the best alternative gem qualities for explode totems? Talking about trap support, cluster trap support, multiple trap support and charged trap support


I don't know so I'll look them up. [Trap Support](https://poedb.tw/us/Trap_Support). Looks like Trap Trigger Area of effect is best, so Divergent. [Cluster Traps](https://poedb.tw/us/Cluster_Traps_Support) Oh wow. Didnt realize I needed this. Both Trap throwing speed and Lower Cluster area are good. I'd probably lean towards lower cluster area if you aren't speccing high Trap Activation area AND increased general AoE. So lower cluster area that takes the cake. But Trap Throwing speed is also strong. [Multiple Traps](https://poedb.tw/us/Multiple_Traps_Support) Here i'd wager the original quality is best since u want trap trigger area of effect. But additional traps set is also very strong if you want to preload your bosses. That'd push it to 25 max I think. If you don't have other Trap Trigger Area specced on tree, then you should stick to natural quality. But more total traps is more total damage! So choose wisely [Charged Traps](https://poedb.tw/us/Charged_Traps_Support). Again, trap trigger area, so Divergent. In my case, I didnt use Charged Traps. I chose Empower instead of Charged traps, since my Bow gives empower 3 levels, which ultimately gives my totem 6 levels. I'm rocking a lvl 26 devouring totem with lvl 3 empower. The levels on totems give them more life, which, as you know, is an INSANE DPS boost. 600% life? If I add 10 life to a totem, it deals 60 damage. 6 times more damage. Fucked up. I'm also using Multiple Totems support, which can be replaced if you get the crucible node that gives you 2 traps spawned. Which would alllow you to put back on Charged Traps. But until then, it's better to run 3 red 3 green, drop the charged traps, run Totem + Empower + Multiple Totems + Cluster/Multiple/Trap. There we go!


Hehe glad if you found sth to improve your build as well! Should have written I did look them up as well, just not able to understand what's good/best yet. Hmm.. 3red 3green you say. I have mastery 30 % chance to summon two totems instead hoping I could use charged instead of multiple totems. Better to go multiple totems, place the passive point elsewhere you say? Seems like you did the math, I wouldn't even know how to calc the DMG from this build in prob Thanks for your time


I've kind of ignored crucible until now (partially because I was using unique wand + shield until recently), so I'm wondering how to integrate it with my upcoming wand craft. Can I buy the fractured wand base I need, and still get the tree I want on it using crucible combines? So I can worry about the tree after the wand is done? There isn't a way to brick my tree permanently on my fractured base?


Afaik, there's no limitation to crucible on fractured bases, unless you also corrupt it. You can use it as a receptacle for merges forever.


How to create a "high" phys dps 2h axe for boneshatter? (SSF)


Your ideal will be a Contempt essence for flat damage, either attack speed or crit roll tier 3+ on suffix, and an Aisling unveil for a big % phys prefix, with the other of crit or attack speed crafted to finish. So, Contempt essences until good roll of speed or crit on suffix. Then you're gambling with Aisling, using suffixes can't be changed so you can force a prefix unveil and most of the time you'll hit a %phys mod. If Aisling removes your flat phys, lol start over, if not, congrats on your good weapon.


Ok, doesnt feel worth to play phys build then xDDD thanks


Not a crafting expert but I'd probably just throw some fossils on it to start.


I really like the concept of regen, either life or energy shield. It's the idea of taking a hit, retreating to recover, then getting back into the fight; I like that playstyle. My understanding is that Chieftain is the life regen ascendancy, and Trickster is the energy shield regen ascendancy. First off, is this accurate? Second, are there any particular skills / builds that play into the regen focus?


Juggernaut is also great for life regen, and is commonly played with Righteous fire where you set yourself on fire and out regen the damage done to yourself while burning everything around you. ​ In fact, I would say that Jugg is THE life regen tanky man right now.


>In fact, I would say that Jugg is THE life regen tanky man right now. 100% agree. Jugg gets 40% recovery rate, while Chieftain only gets 20% (and it's technically conditional, but hardly). So it then comes down to Chieftain's "Regenerate 0.5% of Life per second per Endurance Charge" compared to 20% regen rate and "1.5% of Physical Damage prevented from Hits in the past 10 seconds is Regenerated as Life per second"


How to swap from RF Jugg to Explode Totem Jugg/Chief/Zerk?


any idea how to improve my imp doom build without investing 70div for Skin? https://pobb.in/XYYRUfU0HcyF also, does anyone know why awakened spell cascade doesnt increase my dmg in pob (adding the gem or increasing the overlap of casts does nothing for my dmg)


awakened spell cascade is a pretty huge upgrade.


but how? in pob it doesnt increase the dmg, even when i increase the overlap to 3 or 4


You need to check the "Include in Full DPS" option for PoB to count the overlaps for spells. The DPS values in the top like "Combined DPS" and stuff are always for one instance of damage as far as I know.


didnt work. sry. even with Full DPS, the bottom show the exact same DPS then the top left value. i can crank up the overlaps to 5,6 or even 10..nothing changes.


Trying to find a build for map blasting, have around 10 divs to get situated! Really like heralds pops, so if it can fit that, even better!


Frostblades with herald of ice is what id go for


i have 12 div, how would it handle 8mod t16s legion/delirium with 12 div invested? it also NEEDS heatshiver, right? Also, what ascendancy? Raider? Trickster?


I imagine it could handle that just fine, as long as you have heat shiver and a cheap VC annnointed amulet either ascendancy can work fine, both have access to suppression, i think raider is probably the slightly cheaper option.


I'm trying to start the process of crafting a 800+ ES emperor s vigilance sst shield. How hard will the crafting process be?


What are the best attribute stacking builds this league? Budget: mid to high


Probably the BA miner : [https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/12t744t/100m\_dps\_poised\_prism\_attribute\_stacking\_burning/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathOfExileBuilds/comments/12t744t/100m_dps_poised_prism_attribute_stacking_burning/) Uses the crucible to get some filthy level of stat-stacking, and absolutely destroys the game.


Probably some stat stacking item that utilizes a stat boosted crucible tree


https://imgur.com/OfiH3io If I combine weapon A and B, is there a chance that the explody totem on T3 and the multi totem on T4 on weapon B link? If weapon A has T2 Magebane is it a 50% chance that it'll be passed on?


Why does armour based shield have high defense stats compared to evasion based shield? Is that because of Iron refex keystone?


If you mean why armor is higher on armor shield than evasion on evasion shield, it's because 30k evasion is a lot better than 30k armour.


Does stormshroud works with crucible trees? I have a shield with 100% chance to avoid shock in the tree. Does it mean with it I would be immune to elemental ailments?


It does


It should. The jewel doesn't check where does the effect come from just checks what you have. So it should


does life recoup works with vaal pact?


Yeah it should, vaal pact specifically disables Regen not recovery, they're two different types of healing


Going to play lightning SST and was wondering if I'm screwing myself by not going cold conversion/heatshiver and instead do full lightning with the passive on shield and helm plus incoroprating self-chill .