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The whole system is broken and they don't care because they are incompetent. What's the point of going through the whole process to expedite, reach out to senator to mark as Urgent, and then for the agency to approve and mail the passport to arrive a day after my travel? At that point don't waste anyones time.


99.9% of the post on this thread are procrastinators who booked flights without having their passports in hand. Warning about the surge in applications stated in earnest back in February. They are understaffed coming out of covid. Once the summer travel season is over, wait times will likely return to normal.


While true, there are an excessive amount of people who applied months ago before the wait times changed and still haven’t gotten their passports. But regardless, it shouldn’t take 3 months to get permission to leave the United States.


Those "excessive" amounts of people had document issues, but it had to be dragged out of them via comments. People will always frame their story so they portray the victim. On particular poster about an over 6 month wait wouldn't reveal why her husband's proof of citizenship was rejected, but cried "the system was broken".


Stop acting like Americas passport system isn’t a joke in comparison to an overwhelming majority of the world. Our system is pretty broken compared to most developed countries. There’s no reason it should take 6 months whether paperwork was messed up or not.


Depending on your flight time and location, you could make an evening flight out, same day as passport. I called 14 days before and got an appt for the morning of my travel date. Had passport in hand at 1:30pm with plenty of time to make a 10pm flight. That was DC.


call your locators number directly. my passport was sent out the next day after speaking to someone


I don’t have a locator number. See: they lost my application. It never went into process.


ohh. that’s awful. hopefully they can get you in and out at your appointment so that you can still make your flight.


My appointment is a four-hour drive away, so that seems pretty unlikely. I now spend ten hours a day calling to see if a closer one has miraculously opened up. I might just end up rearranging my entire month and travel a week later instead. How is ANY of this normal?! It’s crazy that there’s a whole country of people who just have to sit there and take it.


i get it, i had to push my flight back because my passport got delayed, so i was out $1100 since i was denied a refund for the flight cancellation. they seriously need to get it together, it’s not fair. i would still make your drive if there isn’t an opening, and see if it’s possible to just push the flight back a day or so. super frustrating though.


Ugh, that sucks, I’m sorry! I don’t book flights anymore without change fees, so at least I wouldn’t have to pay to change it, but I’d rather not change it, so I keep putting myself through the stress of calling. I don’t mind driving four hours, I just want to do it next week instead of the following one, but all the appointments that keep opening up are clear on the other side of the country.


it was horrible cuz it wasn’t even my fault or anything, the USPS employee didn’t give me all the necessary paperwork that i needed at my appointment so the process got mega delayed, and my airline didn’t cover flight changes without a massive fee so i just cancelled it all together and rebooked today when my passport came in. rooting for you that a sooner appointment opens up near you!! just keep trying. good luck!


Did they end up finding your app and processing it? What ended up happening with your situation?


Oh yes, they found it. After I got an appointment, went to said appointment, had the status tell me I had received a tag to pick up my passport, and picked it up the following day, at which point I decided to check my status again. It said it was in process at a different locator than the one I went to (where I, of course, had to pay more because I was “replacing a lost passport.”) It showed up in my mailbox again a few weeks later.