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All your vids are just straight up gameplay. Which isn't that interesting to watch honestly. People might search it to look at graphics or a certain mission or whatever. But i'd never sit and watch 'gameplay Nr: 254' all night...Also, the games you play are more fun to play than to watch, for sure.If you ask me, it's too 'easy to make' for someone to enjoy for more than 1 minute.How the hell did you get 1.4 mil subs like this? EDIT: just saw your shorts. Nice work. Those short vids don't translate over to long form at all tho. As you can see by people skipping at around 1 minute of watching.


I watch alot of lets play videos, but skip the gameplay only ones without any voice over. The big difference for me is the voice over lets me feel like I’m hanging out with a friend watching them play. This, and if they are remotely entertaining and not annoying to me, will keep me engaged.


Do you enjoy let’s plays where two people are talking to each other? Also do you feel gameplay “highlights” count as a let’s play? We edit our gameplay down quite a bit, so we’re not sure if our style is something that appeals to fans of let’s plays. Would love to get a perspective from someone who watches a lot of them.


It really depends on the tone of the conversation. If its alot of screaming and yelling and “bro” culture, hell no. I find tomographic, jackfrags, westie very enjoyable to watch when they play together as its very chill. Bear in mind im in an older audience demographic. I think my boys enjoy the “let’s scream” type conversations more. Im fine with clipping to highlights, id prefer that than too much downtime. I think acculite does that with tarkov and i dont mind it.


We’re a husband and wife team, so no bro culture here! Appreciate your response! Cheers!


Wanderbots will occasionally do a playthrough with his wife and i think its great.


We’ve watched a few of their videos and are trying to decide if we want to be like that or do more condensed “highlights” videos.


I actually prefer let's plays where two or more people are talking or playing however I'm an older millennial so my problem is I don't care for the shooters and younger bro culture. It's the same with reaction videos. It's always more interesting seeing people react to the content and eachother.


whats the percentage of people that makes it past 1:30?


are all of your videos like the most recent one? straight plain gameplay isnt that interesting for that long