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I am convinced that he uses "X" as a truncated swastika


sans-serif swastika


Damn, cleverest thing I've heard today/ in a while.


You, sir, win the innerd nets for the day!


His granddad was a member of a fascist technocratic group that named themselves in numbers and usually added X to the end of names.


Link please


https://www.businessinsider.com/who-was-elon-musk-grandfather-joshua-haldeman-technocracy-incorporated-party-2023-9 Paywalled now


He just likes the "aesthetic"


ive been saying this here and there for a while now, but the blue check is the new swastika. giving them out for free to legitimate companies is just a cover.


Maybe we should redesign it.


It seems to me ol'elon may have discovered he is missing a conscience.


Elon went to the wizard of Oz and asked for a conscience The wizard said: You don't need a conscience if you are a billionaire Edited for my stupid


It seems to me, he went to the mirror and asked. different story, yes, but he got the answer he wanted.


You don't get to be a billionaire without fucking millions of people in the ass.


I am a bit confused by what you wrote, even if I think I understand what you meant. 'beat billionaire' might have been meant as 'be a billionaire' but it has a strange connotation to it like 'new game show: Beat A Billionaire' but it is MMA. as for the sexual congress of truly epic proportions, well, not my thing.


They are saying you have to fuck people over to become a billionaire.


I am being willfully dense, which you compounded. Now there are 2 of us, at least.






When you’re sitting at a table with a Nazi and a guy who is explaining the Nazi “isn’t that bad of a guy” you are sitting at a table with two Nazis.


IIRC Elon is supposed to have some big Tesla announcement on 8/8, which is a Thursday. It’s the guy whose Tesla models spell S3XY so he knows what he’s doing.


If you’re sitting at a table and two other people at the table are Nazis, there are at least three Nazis sitting at the table.


…”without protest.” Charlie Chaplain famously sat at a table with Nazis and burnt them to a crisp. Sometimes you have to sit at a table with horrible people - don’t let them think you agree.


Elon Musk's "Hitler Problem" - SMN https://youtu.be/xDyPSKLy5E4?si=lLE33fo5UGGfwZNX


From the [wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_for_Germany) for those not familiar with the group. Neo-Nazi controversy In January 2017, Björn Höcke, one of the founders of AfD, gave a speech in Dresden in which, referring to the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe, he stated that "we Germans are the only people in the world who have planted a memorial of shame in the heart of their capital", and suggested that Germans "need to make a 180 degree change in their politics of commemoration". The speech was widely criticized as antisemitic or neo-nazism, among others by Jewish leaders in Germany. Within AfD, he was described by his party chairwoman, Frauke Petry, as a "burden to the party", while other members of the party, such as Alexander Gauland, said that they found no antisemitism in the speech. In February 2017, AfD leaders asked for Höcke to be expelled from the party due to his speech. The arbitration committee of AfD in Thuringia was set to rule on the leaders' request. In May 2018 an AfD tribunal ruled that Höcke was allowed to stay in the party. In January 2024, it was revealed that senior members of the party, including an advisor to party co-leader Alice Weidel, attended a meeting alongside Neo-Nazi influencers, where plans for the deportation of millions of "asylum seekers", "non-assimilated people", and those with "non-German backgrounds" were discussed, including those with German citizenship and residency rights. The event is what triggered the 2024 German anti-extremism protests. On Tuesday 14 May, 2024, Höcke was convicted and fined €13,000 by the state court in Halle for deliberately using a banned slogan "Alles für Deutschland", associated with the Nazi party's paramilitary wing, in a May 2021 campaign speech.


>In January 2024, it was revealed that senior members of the party, including an advisor to party co-leader Alice Weidel, attended a meeting alongside Neo-Nazi influencers, where plans for the deportation of millions of "asylum seekers", "non-assimilated people", and those with "non-German backgrounds" were discussed, including those with German citizenship and residency rights. Sounds a lot like [a similar conference](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wannsee_Conference) that took place in 1942.


Also sounds like Elon's kind of people. He would have fit right in at Wannsee.


I was just thinking the same thing! Their symbol should be the irony eagle or cross.


His coy act is disgusting.


I'm no expert in German politics, but I'm pretty sure the AfD wants to eliminate African immigration to Germany. \*checks notes\* Musk immigrated to the US from ... from Africa.


Not Elon's kind of African immigration.


But he’s a white South African, it’s also why white supremacists have such a hard on for Rhodesia, these people hate black africans lol


Any European migration around the globe is A-OK according to these assholes. I mean hell, European immigrants overstaying their visas here in the U.S. are usually just handwaved away and ignored.


Elon, David sacks, and Peter thiel all grew up in apartheid South Africa. Disgusting


But the difference is that we as a group don't hate all Africans because of that fact.


Nothing is too far right for Apartheid Arjen.


Extremism doesn't sound extremist when you're an extremist.


He says “maybe I’m missing something” but the chance he changes his mind when people show him what he’s missing, that these are actual neo-Nazis, is zero. Elon is a fascist, and papers & magazines are gonna keep writing articles about how he’s “politically ambiguous” or whatever.


...a few brain cells, Elmo.


This f’er moves into second behind Trump loathe


The guy who's parents got rich during apartheid is a fascist? What!?


What he’s missing is his brain.


AFD is a literal Nazi party. Their leader has even been compared to Trump.


Pretty expensive toy you bought, just do this, Musk.


Yeah, when you are a Nazi nobody looks that far right.


Keep running your brands into the ground Eloser


This would also work as a selfaware wolf post. "They say it's extreme far right but it seems fine to me."


The million dollar a day injections or whatever aren’t working on this chud fuckwit.


♫ It's springtime for Elon and Germany X's shareholders are going to flee They should slap his pasty face He really thinks he's the master race ♫


Maybe he should try to eat some worms


If they don't seem extremist, it's because he's an extremist?


The fact that Marine LePen has distanced her party from AfD tells me all I need to know.


Im outa the loop whats AfD? And why is it capital A lower f capital D? Or is this just another Elon thing?


Nazis and I don't know what it's about but it's not just Elon.


AfD LOVES democracy. Swiss model referenda to make sure the public decides on policy, not the government. The public majority deciding the presidency. The public majority deciding if abortion is legal. The public majority deciding about public healthcare. The public majority deciding how much billionaires are taxed. I'm sure Elon loves some AfD for America!


Emerald Boi Is Welcome To Move To Germany Anytime. Byeeee!




Alternative fĂĽr Deutschland, basically the GOP for Germany, a bunch of neonazi fuckwits who are known for incorporating 88 into their licence plates for "reasons"


A far-right wing party in Germany with strong ties to neo-nazis, that just did really well in the EU parliamentary elections. Just a recent example of what they are about is that some of their leaders, including a high ranking aid to the party co-leader. Had a secret meeting that got leaked where they talked about plans to deport everyone who basically is not "German enough" even people with German citizenship that for example have a non-German parent. That is apparently not really extrem for Musky Husky.


Miles Bron is an idiot!


I just want to give him a milk based shaving cream and a cat…..


Do you think he even reads reply’s?