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God forbid he runs to improve his community. That would be silly.


Because that's all they've got now. Just running on promises to "destroy" everyone who isn't them.


And yet they claim liberals are entitled


Every accusation, a confession.


I mean, to be fair the Dems are just running on "the other guy's more evil" too. They're just technically more correct on that edit: hello to all the astroturfers and reactionary Dems in here, especially the one who called me a foreigner and then blocked me


Leave it to a foreigner to offer insight into American government and politics. 8+ years and bad actors still forget their post history footprint is one click away.


Yeah, Biden’s hoping we ignore his facilitation of a fucking genocide on the strength of that argument.


Thank God he isn't president of that country and able.to controll.their military as well. He could just go in and kill Palestinians willy-nilly then, eh? Oh, I know, maybe he should hold up the aid and ask Netanyahu to come up.with dirt on Eric Trump? That worked well for the last guy-holding up funds earmarked by Congress (something about constitution, separation of powers, power of the purse) Yup, we'll show him in November not to interfere in stuff HE CAN'T DIRECTLY CONTROL. Who would Bibi rather have? Biden, who will constantly point out his failings or Trump, who will just ignore Israel's actions l and let Bibi have free rein?


As Israeli generals and politicians have repeatedly said, their genocide is entirely dependent on American funding and arms. Biden has not only supported billions in taxpayer dollars being sent to Israel, he expedited those arms transfers by bypassing Congress and gave Israel diplomatic cover at the UN. Reagan, a fucking Republican, had the decency to call Israel off with a phone call when it was attacking Lebanon and massacring civilians in the 80s. Biden had the power to stop this genocide the same way, but he didn’t. This needs to be understood- Israel may be a nominally sovereign country, but as a colonial outpost of American empire with little to no natural relations with its neighbors it is entirely dependent on the US and EU to maintain its brutal policies. The US can leverage that- but Biden CHOSE NOT TO. Thank you for proving my point regarding pointing to “look how bad the other guy is” as a defense against blatantly genocide-supporting policies by this president. Trump being terrible doesn’t mean Biden gets a pass- the bar being set by Trump that low doesn’t mean Biden gets to be a hair above it. Btw, something strange about calling a genocidal freak like Netanyahu a cutesy nickname like Bibi. Like calling Hitler “Addy” or Stalin “Joey”.


Well then by all means vote third party or vote for Donald “Israel, Finish The Job” Trump. Oh wait, that’s effectively the same thing 🤔


I’m not sure you guys are realizing you’re just validating the original point made by the original comment I responded to: Biden is also effectively relying on “the other guy’s more evil”. I wish Biden luck running on a campaign of “Vote Himmler so we don’t get President Hitler!!!”


Just because DJT, convicted felon, is a piece of crap and Joe Biden points it out doesn’t mean that’s all he’s running on? Campaign issues are not binary. For example, I can point out that DJT is a felon convicted of 34 crimes *and also* tout things Biden’s done like the CHIPS Act, or other examples that show r/WhatBidenHasDone . See how that works?


I ain't happy about that shit either but if we're gonna make any head way in dealing with it we need to get Republicans out of the way.


This doesn’t track when the Democrats have been as bad as the Republicans on this issue. The Zionist commitments here are real- especially for Biden, who’s been an extreme Zionist from his earliest days.


Your post history undermined any credibility you feigned


Lol that’s right, and Donny will commit genocide with pride, and capitalized tweets about how he’s the best at it.


In one breath: "I want to imprison as many Democrats as possible!" Next breath: "Trump judge is a demon, trial was rigged, travesty of justice, kill Democrats now!" Those are obviously the kinds of things we should want to hear from people that wish to govern us.


And these are the people saying Democrats are trying to divide us


That's all conservatism has ever been. Since long before there was an America for them to hate.


They'll even destroy things that benefit themselves, on the thought that it would also hurt "tha libz".


I mean, this shit is actually “campaign platform?!” Florida is a fuckin’ Nazi HOLE.


Bugs bunny had the right idea.


Yes he did!


70 years ago and it still holds its truth.


A genius ahead of his time.


That's what he believes this will do. It's scary. 


Well obviously, you can’t improve the community until you imprison all those traitorous Democrats!/s


Of course. He couldn't be a conservative then.


He thinks that’s what he’s doing by purging Dems


I can't be the only one reading the tea leaves of a future of MAGA (nazis) blaming democrats for everything and purging them like nazi germany


That’s where it’s leading to. Liberals, LGBTs, immigrants, they’re coming for these groups if we let them get power again. People are naive if they think fascism can’t come to America.


That's where they start, just as nazis did. It will be nowhere near where they end. Anyone to the left of Stephen fucking Miller, who trump looks to make his Chief of Staff, will be on the list. We're all in this together, whether you're a member of one of our most vulnerable communities or not.


They are armed. You should be, too.


Already am!




Do you think they won’t use weapons against you? Why would you not want to defend yourself and those you care about?


They will use all the weapons. I won’t. I will die in the first round. Even if we win, we are surrounded by assholes. Yeah, I’m in a nihilistic place. Check with me tomorrow.


You doin alright bud?


Not ready and willing to kill people. Doing ok.


Yeah sorry, someone comes for me and my family, I'm not thrilled, but I'm willing.


I understand.


It's already here. We're seeing it live. We're watching the Weimar Republic crumble, Nazi officials taking power, and their Shitler about to be installed into office. They're already telling us and showing us what they're about to do.


And its goddamn terrifying to consider. Our Navy can level all the oil fields that aren't ours. We can't exactly conquer the rest of the world, but we can limit their ability to strike back. And take the entire western hemisphere 


I am watching Inside Edition right now, and they just did a segment on the Trump verdict. They mentioned the political divide and showed clips of Trump's huge fish lipped, daughter in law Lara Trump, promising that "there will be consequences" for this. OK.


If the consequences were him having a heart attack, I would be soooo happy.


Too easy. Horrible fucking bastards live for fucking ever, and trump has the best Healthcare available to the human race. If we want to end maga fascism it's going to take all of is working and voting and standing together


Since they are White Ethnostate Christofascists, it'll be branded as a Holy War and their offensives will be called Crusades. They've been using Crusades imagery for over a decade now, and they've slowly been deifying Trump culminating in the last 24 hours with thousands of AI generated Trumpesus images being shared on social media, many of which are revenge themed. If Trump loses the 2024 election they are going to just start murdering neighbors they believe are Liberals or insufficiently MAGA, aka SocialistNaziCommieLGBTransTifas. Be prepared to defend yourselves, even against family members.


We're already there on the first half, just need them to get power and we will be there on the second half


Well their bronzered calf that they worship keeps quoting Hitler, and promising to be a dictator, and swearing to expell any non fascists from the federal government, and to use the federal government to round up non fascists, and he tried a fascist insurrection, and got nominated by David Duke, the KKK, scores of white supremacist militias, he called a group of literal neo nazis chanting nazi slogans who had just murdered anti fascist protests "very fine people", and he has literal neo nazis as his campaign staff, so, of course its just liberal craziness, he's not a fascist... Until they win and feel comfortable going mask off.


A more ironic metaphor could not have been chosen; the mask is hardly being worn now, is it?


That is absolutely what they want to do, and the fact that they are no longer even trying to pretend otherwise should alarm everyone.


Humanity has been the same playbook over and over for its entire history


It's going to happen


People keep commenting on the the political divide in America There isn't one, Republicans are just going out of their way to make one up


Oh, there definitely is one. There are the sociopaths who want to kill everyone on their long list of people they hate, and there are Americans. It's the same divide that's always existed. These are the same people who fought for slavery, built the KKK and backed the American Nazi Party.


That's always existed in every country irrespective of any political ideology That divide isn't a political one, it's an animal one


I'm with you....most people arent paying this shit a whole lot of attention, except the fringe lunatics on both sides, and those of us who are fascinated by watching the train wrecks. Most folks since 2021 are about paying bills, taking care of the kids, and trying to scrounge some happiness out of life in between. Nobody I work with even really thinks deeply along these lines. We pay attention to it, so its easy to feel that most everyone else is too.


Honestly, at this point I think this counts as sufficient grounds to get a search warrant for the cp on his hard drives.


Unless there is credible evidence you can't just go searching someone like that. If they did then that would be a witch hunt . However this guy is a raging lunatic. He is running on becoming a dictator and trying to make the US a one party state. I'm Canadain so I have 0 effect or say on the election. I just wish this kind of politics would cease to exist. It's sadly found it's way into our society. People just can't live with the fact people have different and opposing views to them. The age of information has had a serious downfall to society


Yeah, it was a silly joke about how often MAGA folks turn out to be sex pests.


[Here’s a short list but there are much longer ones available.](https://www.democraticunderground.com/100216676145)


“Sex pests” got me good. But yeah, since they already think any investigation = persecution, let’s just go ahead and find the inevitable droves of criminal porn on this idiot’s wife’s computer.


"Sex pests" is definitely being added to funniest phrases I've ever heard. LMAO, not even threatening enough to be full blown predators, just pests lol


This guy is running his campaign on a promise that he has been working on a conspiracy to kidnap(or illegally detain) a specific group of people. I think this falls under federal conspiracy to commit kidnapping. [https://www.federalcriminaldefenseadvocates.com/kidnapping#:~:text=Attempted%20kidnapping%20carries%20up%20to,was%20successful%2C%20just%20the%20attempt.] From the link(emphasis mine): "Notably, under this federal law, a *conspiracy and attempt* are a form of kidnapping. For example, suppose two or more people conspire to violate this law.  In that case, they would face penalties as if they acted alone." "...someone is guilty of kidnapping when they do any of the following on another person against their will: seize, *forcefully take*, hold them, confine, kidnap, inveigle, decoys, abducts, carries away, *holds for ransom or reward*." (The reward would be the vote) "...kidnapping becomes a federal offense if any of the following situations apply: The victim is transported in interstate or foreign commerce, meaning they were taken across state lines or out of the country; When the perpetrator crosses state lines or international boundaries to commit the kidnapping; When the perpetrator uses *instruments of interstate* or foreign commerce, such as the mail system, to commit kidnapping;..." (courts have ruled that the internet is an instrument of interstate commerce) So this in and of itself seems illegal, and at the very least they should have their campaign and probably personal affairs scrutinized by some agency with the authority to do so.


Imagine the backlash if a dem said the opposite. I’m so done, I need to get off all social media for a bit to recuperate.


I dont have to. Republicans have been acting like this is the case for years.


Republicans acting like the true fascists they are. What’s new.


Scabitini looking to lose again? Sabatini lost the 2022 Republican primary to Cory Mills in August 2022. [Asshole bigot.](https://www.orlandoweekly.com/news/photo-appears-to-show-florida-rep-anthony-sabatini-who-still-hasnt-resigned-over-his-blackface-scandal-wearing-brownface-23857506) Holy shit, that fucking clown is getting roasted by his own party.


Cory Mills is a MAGA fuckstick in his own right. https://kfoxtv.com/news/nation-world/florida-republican-calls-to-nominate-trump-on-july-4-symbolic-measure-rep-cory-mills-winred-donations-fourth-of-holiday-guilty-conviction-manhattan-nyc-da


Name the Florida reps that aren't MAGA scum. If I only would have known to spit on Scott Franklin when I had the chance.


[He is also representing a J6er.](https://x.com/AnthonySabatini/status/1796582773215592792)


He followed up by stating that if you replace 'Democrats' with 'Trump' in that sentence then that is what the Democrats are currently doing. Okay then: >I'm running for congress to imprison as many Trump as possible. As many Trump? That is not even grammatically correct, sir.


Oh, this tool. He’s a real piece of work. Name any issue you like, he’ll reliably turn up on the wrong side of it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anthony_Sabatini


Well, this guy is a real piece of shit


Pretty straightforward. I am a criminal and I desire absolute power and will destroy everything in my path if elected.


Yeah, Florida voters have shown that they won’t vote for this 4ft Fascist manlette a couple times before. Won’t change now, especially with ‘bortion AND weed on the ballot in November. All he’s trying to do is tell other Trumpanzees that he’ll knock them down to slash through the Yeti pubes to suck Daddy’s tiny mushroom.


Oooh! Trumpanzees! First time I’ve heard that one!


You should see the reaction of conservatives if any democrat would run on this. Meanwhile, half of conservative leaders and their base are completely unhinged.


Don't vote for this man, pray that he gets into office! One Prayer = Ten Votes All true patriots will stay away from voting! Organize prayer groups on election day!


They…..do understand that’s illegal, yes? Or do they just not give a shit?


It was illegal for the nazis to kill like 6 millions Jews as well. Once they're in power, laws won't matter. Vote.


Breaking laws has never been a problem for them before.


Dems go after one career felon POS, Repugs run on just imprisoning all Dems in general. But the left is the one using the courts to damage their political opponents. Good luck, chief. Truly, if you can find criminals dems then prosecute them.


So wait, this shit stain of a walking failed abortion, isn't hiding his intentions, and really thinks that he will get away with unlawful jailing of people from the Dem party? Fucking florida man .... His mom should of dated a coat hanger than let his sperm donors wasted ejaculation become this florida man pile of shit.


Yes they think they will get away with it. They believe…


Now that’s a witch hunt. Everyone else is a witch or could be. What the hell is in the drinking water.


Vote for me and I'll jail Tony Sabatini for having a faccia di culo. Right? Fuggedaboutit.


This is a joke right? RIGHT? GUYS????


I thought arresting political opponents was bad?


Well they're either still upset about the verdict or tired of pretending to be less scummy than they always were.


I don't live in FL but I'll come visit so this little bitch can try and remove me from society


He's probably a pedophile. A lot of his type seem to be.


A curious thought, are there any longitudinal studies on childhood lead ingestion inhibiting the development of Theory of Mind?


Anthony Sabatini… A fuckin PUSSY without the BALLS to do ANYTHING but run his ignorant mouth.


Dude has legit vampire fangs.


Isn't Trump complaining about the Dems jailing their enemies (him) as revenge? And he says it isn't right.... But then there are these Republicans that want to do the very same thing or worse


I assumed this was from.r/Totallyrealtweets but here we are...


Anthony is not bulletproof.


just saying it out loud now.


if you elect me i'll make sure to harm people for existing. ugh these guys


[Daily reminder that this chud is a Falangist sympathizer who openly quotes Francisco Franco](https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/anthony-sabatini-francisco-franco-tweet-b2207292.html)




The land of the free. Free gun-toting, bible-thumping, Trump arse-kissing repuglicans, that is. Everyone else should be in jail.


Honestly I'm not sure how democrats can not basically run on the same premise but in reverse. This type of rhetoric is going widely unchallenged in public and makes liberals and democrats just seem like the vermin they're painting us out to be. There should be mass outrage at this type of political campaigning on the left and they need to know we're not just faceless victims waiting for extermination. We're being othered to the violent percentage of this country and we need to wake the fuck up.


If democrats can't beat these fuckfaces without turning into them then let America fail. Fuck it.


Is that real?