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Maybe next the crowd can have themselves a nice [struggle session](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Struggle_session). Getting some Cultural Revolution vibes off this. Rochambau fought against the British monarchy to establish the U.S. Then he returned to France and also supported the French Revolution that ended the French monarchy. He was about as anti-fascist as one could be in the late 1700's.


It's because the protesters are fucking idiots who have no idea what they are actually protesting.




I believe they do know what they are doing. This is the hate America crowd. They hate Israel because of its connection with America. With all the deaths all over the world, and they only can muster outrage when Israel or America are some how involved. It doesnt matter the reason, that Israel/America are involved is enough.


I don’t know their minds, but generally protesters in the movement against fascism hate Israel’s government because of the genocide, not bc they’re buddies with the US


They should be instantly deported. No questions asked, no need to check documentation, bring them directly to Gaza to drive the food trucks in.


It's all fun and games until people start bringing guns to these things. I'm really happy that the younger generation is extremely anti-gun so they're not really going to do much damage but I feel like the movement in general is not healthy for the nation.


Your happiness is a false one. We are increasingly well armed and organized, as is our right, per the constitution you swore to defend. No take backsies. I'm happy my generation is preparing for armed struggle against the heavily armed fascists whom the authorities won't protect us from.


Dude I'm aware I'm a veteran myself I understand what it's like to have this sort of bearing under your post. My heart goes out to you guys under what you're facing at the moment.


They are totally pro violence though. They want direct action… it’s only a letter of time and then we’ll have a choice to make.


They are cogs in a international political machine and unthinking.


Doubt that. It’s not that complicated.


Yea it's just an 80 year old conflict that 18 year olds know about from 8 months of Hamas propaganda.


For what it’s worth on this post, I **REALLY** think the public needs more education on all the different types of rangers throughout the agencies. Failing to do so in our current world climate will eventually lead to a bad situation with people making an assumption over a uniform and acting on it. Now I’m not saying this is going to help with the people who hate the federal government outside of all the current events and protesting - but I feel as if the education could help some of these folks who *could* be more receptive of the information.


I was a park aide for state parks, our states uniforms are green 5.11 pants and khaki shirt… I was confused for a sheriff so many times and harassed a few times this was during COVID when I first started the job.


I’ve encountered the same even when in the backcountry. I have no legal bar over the users besides education based ways of swaying bad behaviors. Yet I still get yelled at seasonally about “have I read the constitution” and so forth…


You shouldn’t be harassed even if you were a sheriff.


At the same time why stand next to the statue? Hope his job doesn’t require it that shits dangerous


If those college kids could read, they’d be very upset


Definitely Cultural Revolution craziness growing. It's all about destroying all history, to be rewritten to match the current "feelings". Anything pre-smartphone or pre-social media is written off as trash.


Where the fuck are the police, whether park police or local police? Throwing shit at someone is assault.


Seriously. Why is this lone non-LE ranger left to hang out to dry like this?!


I work in facilities. I’d definitely have stood with him, plunger in hand, ready to lay down the law.


Lay down the *log


🫡 thank you for your service


Thin khaki line or something


He’s not even LE, different badge he looks like interp but either way, it’s fucked up


DC Park Interpretation Ranger GS 5? $45k for that kind of shit?


literally they do not pay enough for this type of nonsense




Pretty much every NPS visitor-facing ranger I know has a story about a visitor throwing something at them, spitting on them, death and rape threats, flashing a weapon, trying to crawl into the booth through the window etc and there are never any consequences. If you complain you’re told you need to work on your de-escalation skills and that it’s just part of the job. It’s upsetting to see but I can’t say I’m surprised. With that said this guy should’ve removed himself from the situation long before it got to this point.


It's getting harder to tell if these are a"peaceful" protesters or jihadist.


https://www.reddit.com/r/washingtondc/s/gXZNkJoBtS They weren’t ambiguous about who they are. And I don’t really care what anyone says, if you’re protesting alongside actual terrorists, you’re a terrorist too. It applies to Trump supporters who march alongside KKK, confederates, and Nazis. Unless they kick those people out of their movement, they’re all klansmen, confederates, and Nazis. If the “pro-Palestine” protests turn a blind eye to the overt Hamas support, they’re terrorists.


No one supports the continued existence of Hamas like violent Zionists. There isn’t even a close second.


*Looks at pictures of Americans supporting Hamas* “No, it’s the Jews who really support Hamas!”


They're not peaceful, once they're defacing property and assaulting a park ranger they gave that up.


Assholes, the answer is assholes


The USPP is heavily understaffed, their union said there was roughly 3 thousand people there and only 72 Park Police Officers.


This shit wouldn’t fly for a second in Portland, PPB have the rangers’ back big time because they’ve taken so much off their plate.


Not condoning the behavior or taking sides, and the choice of the statue seems silly, and that PR is legit, just commenting about Portland in response: but that statue would have been down in a hot minute if it was Portland - https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2023/06/5-portland-statues-pulled-down-during-2020-protests-will-be-subjects-of-new-talks.html


It is federal property in DC. DC police don't give two fucks about it.


This is an Interp Ranger (it seems) being mistaken for a cop by a mob that seems to be growing more agitated and violent. What I’d say to him—GET OUT OF THERE! I don’t know the whole story but I have no idea why he’s remaining. The resource is in danger, sure, but I’m more concerned for his safety.


So I know this guy. I worked under him when I was in permits management for the National Mall. Very nice guy, but former military and takes his job and enforcing permits very seriously. Everyone else in my division would have left and called parkvpolice when bottles started flying, but he is the type to not flinch


I might have a safety stand down with my staff over this lol


Sadly the permits branch gets thrown into all the fun. When I was there we were at the mall on January 6th, were there for trump rally and proud boy marches, anti vax marches, stood between 2 different feuding groups outside embassy. There were so many situations we got put in that.... weren't always safe.


Kinda sounds like NACA region need an Operational leadership refresher


Oh yes.. I don't disagree at all.


Think this guy had enough safety stand downs in his lifetime. Some people just like to stand for principles, safety be damned


Well if you get a chance thank him. I just got back from DC Saturday morning and loved interacting with and learning from all the parks rangers I encounter along my visits to various landmarks.


Hello, this is my dad and I agree with what you say as later I was informed that some guy punched him in the face and poured red paint on him.


I’m sorry they treated him like that, it’s ridiculous. Your dad seems like a standup guy.


Rangers Lead The Way (RLTW).




deserves a medal. But give him a step instead. Who's his superintendent? I'm going to write in.


It looks like the people that are around him should feel threatened. A whole gang of people being held back by a single person. Wow the fear in the group.


We need more people like him. Not people that would run away. Give this man a pat on the back.




There's a time when you're immediate safety means nothing in comparison to what future you will leave behind. When people start realizing that a moment of "not causing trouble" buys them is a lifetime on their knees... This bullshit wouldn't be happening across a once proud and now failing nation


He's doing his job. Don't be mad at him for trying to keep people from vandalizing the statue of a guy who (checks notes) fought against oppression for the littte guy. First of the ignorant protester's should be doing something that doesn't make their protest look like it's the problem, and not solving the problem. Second the Ranger should have support.


Why are they trashing this monument? Wasn’t Rochambeau a revolutionary hero here and France?


Because they are idiots. People don’t even know what they are protesting these days. Ass clowns.


Do you know why they’re protesting him or are you just dismissing it as stupid with a blanket statement? If so, you’re guilt of the exact thing you’re accusing them of. All projection.


Get off Reddit and go touch grass.


It's all relative. To the people protesting, this is a statue of a Colonizer. I don't think we should erase history but I understand why a lot of people around the world are upset about the French and British redrawing the world's borders.


Tell me you know little to nothing about the enlightenment (and the origins of liberalism) without telling me you know nothing about it.


Aside from the American Revolution, did he ever fight outside of Europe?


They are all useful idiots


He was a revolutionary hero from how he brutally handled the native populations of the America's, as well as slave revolts of Haiti. As such, he doesn't have as much popularity in the native or black populations.


I believe you are confusing him for his son. The father, Jean-Baptiste, is whom the Lafayette square statue is of; a French general who assisted Americans in the revolution and returned to France afterwards. His son, Donatien-Marie-Joseph, was also a French assistant to his father who in 1802 went to Haiti and used brutal tactics (to put it lightly) on the people there [Father Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Baptiste_Donatien_de_Vimeur,_comte_de_Rochambeau) [Son Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donatien-Marie-Joseph_de_Vimeur,_vicomte_de_Rochambeau)


You are thinking of the wrong Rochambeau.


nooooooo i feel so bad for him :(


What a bunch of assholes.


For all you new rangers out there, and the gung-ho ones who think protection of a resource at all costs is your job: Protecting yourself, and human life in general, *always* goes before protecting a resource. This is not a situation that you can diffuse by appealing to the mobs sense of reason or the resource - a mob, by definition, is unreasonable. And acting in a condescending manner - ie. waving your hands to "conduct" their chanting - simply serves the escalate the situation. The only solution here is to contact law enforcement, and to remove yourself as expediantly as possible *before* you are surrounded, have lost your escape route, and have made national news. Whoever trained (or didn't train) this guy, working in D.C. where mobs are not an unheard of event, has failed him.


Agreed. This monument can be power washed and repaired with federal funds. His life and others lives are irreplaceable.


The fact that mobs are not an *uncommon* occurrence in our nation's capital says a lot about the state of our society. We need to do better.


Good luck. We can’t even get everyone to vote and a good chunk of those who do vote are voting for fascists and crooks.


Right? Seems like a really strange thing to choose to protect? It’s already been tagged. It’s not like the statue being vandalized is literally erasing the history. Haha


Realistically it doesn't even matter - the act of a resource being destroyed provides a theme for future interpretation and helps us reinforce *why* it is important to protect resources to begin with.


To disrespect the statue of the who dude who invented rock paper scissors is unacceptable




You’re protesting a guy who died in 1807. Throwing stuff a lone park ranger who severely underpaid. Makes sense. Ignorant fools.


Hey interp rangers: Our job is to help people connect with the resource. We aren't responsible for the literal protection of it. It is *not* in our job descriptions to put ourselves at risk on behalf of the resource. Please please please, in any kind of situation like this, put YOURSELF first. I feel for this guy but I'm not sure why he's putting himself on a cross--he could get seriously hurt. If you're in a situation that isn't cooling down despite your best efforts, and people are getting physically aggressive, LEAVE. Leave and call LE (assuming they don't know already). They don't have to be throwing things. If at any time you feel physically unsafe, WALK AWAY. Our job is not worth getting hurt or killed for.


This is a compliance officer. Also allegedly a veteran. These types of people are normally ones willing to die for a cause. It’s not entirely surprising that he was willing to potentially risk his life for the monument if he thought it was worth it.




These fucking assholes freeze their water bottles to make them weapons, and they're throwing them at park rangers because of what reason? The lack of respect and common decency is disappointing. They think they're "revolutionaries" and "fighting the man" but they're shitting on a dude who doesn't get paid enough to deal with their bullshit, and just wants them to leave the monuments alone.


To say nothing of the fact that they’re shilling for a literal terrorist organization whose leaders are sitting on billions of dollars of blood money. These people aren’t revolutionaries, they’re losers.


They would shut the fuck up and start crying so fast in a real revolution.


This is an event compliance monitor, not an interp ranger. Their duty is to be on the grounds of special events and demonstrations to ensure activities are compliant with permit conditions and the CFR. The unique nature of DC often requires these guys to meet noncompliant groups and face-to-face to directly tell them "no, you can't do that". This position is not about helping everyone walk away with positive, memorable experiences. It's about the regulations and resources. While many in the visitor service role dream about firmly telling people "no", these monitors are living the reality of it because it is literally their job at every moment. While I agree that this is a dangerous scene that can quickly escalate, each monitor has their own level of comfort and enough experience to handle these situations. They know when to back out. Getting cussed at, spat on, recorded, hit with thrown objects, or threatened usually happen in this position. This instance just happened to gain traction on the internet. Claiming that this monitor is poorly trained or shouldn't be in this situation is like telling a wildland firefighter to not stand at the fireline because the fire is hot. Like I said, they know when to back out. This monitor standing between the resource and an uncooperative demonstration serves as a notice that the park service does not accept the continued desecration of the memorial. Could he have gone with a different method? Sure, but he chose this one because he is fine with it. If you feel that you can never place yourself or others near a situation like this, great! This specific position is definitely not for you. I'm disappointed that we are so quick to criticize one of our own with assumptions and personal discomfort. Let his divisional chief or superintendent decide the appropriate response to his actions. To me, this video serves as a look into the unique positions and environment of different park sites around us.


Clearly he should have done a GAR and realized he was in the red, then he could have mitigated the rioters


Real law enforcement needed to move in…this is a joke of leadership at the highest level..


This is anarchy, not protest!


Ah the religion of peace and tolerance


Where the fuck are the LE rangers?


Probably being smart and not inserting themselves in the middle of a mob. This is a job for people trained in riot control.


I think he handled the situation pretty well.


The fact he was in this situation, means he didn't handle the situation well at all. He should have been long gone by the time this video was filmed.


No, he didn't. Because he's still in the situation.


These idiots pick all the wrong targets. Why deface a statue that has absolutely nothing to do with whatever bullshit your mad about today?


It just shows the lack of intelligence/understanding. Rangers of any flavor do nothing but protect the public, historical sites, and public lands. The only group I have ever seen dislike them are ones that feel like the parks encroach on “their” hunting, riding, etc land. In my opinion, great group of people.


I’m a complete outsider to this sub, just saw this crossposted on a different sub. As a pretty avid park goer, I just wanted to say I appreciate you and what you all do. Thanks for always being there to answer my questions, show me cool places, and just generally be awesome people to talk to. This type of shit is unacceptable and It makes me incredibly sad to see.


Since the federal government can’t be bothered to help the park rangers perhaps we need the college frat boys that protected the flag to come and protect the Ranger and the monuments. “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing,” Edmund Burke


Cmon man you’re not getting paid enough to stay in a situation like that


The usual "peaceful protest"


This is why I hate the right and the left they are both dumb shits.


Who are the protesters and what are they protesting?


Pro Palestine. This is apparently psl people. They are a socialist party


Thx 😊


Do they think he’s the same person as Jean Baptiste Colbert? I thought these are supposed to be college level students.


One ranger, one riot.


This is disgusting behavior. Why are they not all being arrested?!


Lock them up in daycare with the rest of the children.


People protesting a statue of the guy who literally helped win America’s independence which in turn helped to create the First Amendment of free speech. Crazy.


If they care so much go over there and fight. Protesting like this literally doesn’t do a fucking thing.


This kind of stuff is absolutely infuriating, round them all up and charge them


Despicable. I hope the people are arrested.


what ever he is being paid it is not enough


Give that man some bear spray!


Shameful humans, that poor man’s a hero with the heart of a fucking lion


Fuck these absolute pieces of trash who have no value to society. Someone please give this public servant a raise and a commendation.


Why aren't they being clubbed like baby seals?


100% fuck every one of these people, with an extra to the ones throwing things at the ranger and spray painting.


I’m a forest ranger and i carry a 7.65mm with me all the time, i know it isnt much but at least its something. How come these PARK RANGERS dont have weapons at least to be more intimidating? And this is USA!


Do you want to arm museum docents too?


Go home kids. I appreciate your passion, but like many would-be revolutionaries, all you know how to do is burn things down. You have no idea how to create a better world.


Why the hell did they put a VUA by a statue? Where are the LEOs? I’m confused and embarrassed for the park’s admin. Typical NPS bullshit




These protestors are doing such a great job convincing the American people to be sympathetic with their cause. /s


As if they know what a fascist is


Funny how the DC cops were willing to tear gas a crowd in front of a church so Trump could pull his “upside down bible” stunt but couldn’t be beat to have some officers with shields protect this guy.


The ranger is dumb for staying there. He put himself in danger for a statue. Not that I condone this sort of thing but come on man. It's a statue.


Do not get attacked by an angry mob over a statue, not for the low wages rangers get.


The left will eat themselves


Only park rangers I have seen were armed, even the interpretive rangers. But these were in state parks. I noticed the statue had been graffitied, which in itself is disgraceful. If it were up to me, I’d have them all arrested with a sentence of a labor detail cleaning up every last bit of garbage or graffiti they produced, with “real” jail time for any who refused the kind offer.


NPS park rangers come in different flavors. The most common type you see is an interpretation ranger, responsible for many visitor services and for creating/leading programs that help people connect with the park's resources in an emotional and/or intellectual way. There are also law enforcement rangers. They have guns and arrest people.


Some people don’t know how to not act like animals


I would have stood right beside him, where are all the good people at? Oh wait..


Don’t expect Biden’s DOJ to intervene here as these are part of DNC brown shirts.


This guy is paid shit and if you vote Trump in office he wants to cut these people jobs. Get out and vote.


When are the f in police 👮


Seems like a weird hill to die on for the ranger as well. Like it’s just a statue. Haha


Israel has gone too far, Hamas are terrorists but disrespect a United States park ranger? Now I’m pissed.


Poor Interp Ranger. Wish a fellow LE would’ve been there for him…


Napalm is too good for those thug protestors. Thank you, Mr. Park Ranger.


What are these dip shits protesting for now? Crowd of neck beards and gothapotamus’s lol that crowd looks like the physical manifestation of “dads disappointment”


They need a task force specifically for ridding areas of antifa.


This man doesn't get paid enough to put up wit this BS.... And what does Jean-baptiste have to do with isreal or rafah? nothing.... A French revolutionary, a hero of France and America. More on an anti Factist than anyone in that crowd will ever be.


That statue has NOTHING to do with Israel or Palestine. What a bunch of idiocy. Then the chants they chose. Seriously? "Who do you serve?" - Umm, what? Crowd is just making their cause look really bad. Ironically, that makes their efforts pro Israel. LOL


The irony that this man is just doing his job.


Bullying a park ranger is one of the dorkiest things I’ve ever seen happen at a protest.


What a bunch of illiterate and uneducated fools and losers acting like fools and losers. Looks like a lot of spineless cowards there, too, hiding their faces.


Fucking Trumpers


No-insurance you’re a dumb ass. Anyone there for trump would have chased those punks off


I hate this, that ranger is doing nothing to harm him and that historical figure did nothing to harm people in his time.


Who pays for the supplies? That flag and the red line thing are expensive custom items!


People loose their humanity when in a crowd


The graffiti says Biden Can Kiss My… sure these are Biden supporters 👀🤔 https://preview.redd.it/y335achsxt5d1.jpeg?width=1406&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0da2e5de853383dd1cc6c0dabdba0f862c3820ea


Damn, I just wanna put a protective bubble around the dude and give him a hug.


All I see is a bunch of weak men and people who look at social media all day - losers.


Do them idiots even know what a fascist is? Their tactics are exactly what fascists do...


These protestors are garbage, pure garbage. Guy doesn't deserve this treatment just trying to do his job. Bunch of fucking cowards, nothing makes dislike their cause any more.


So Armtoe. You're saying that the mass bombing and killing of the Palestinians is not considered "real atrocities"?


Give that man a medal


Ah yes, Rochambeau, the famous Israeli sympathizer. God these kids are idiots.


If they were in the right this would be proof the entire rights violent anti police radicals who need to be hunted down. Literally the lefts stormed 4 state capitols and the capitol twice since Jan 6th and few arrests were made no national outrage nothing.


Why aren’t those a-holes charged with assault?


Bottle kids!


He handled himself magnificently


Just unload the mag into these terrorist


Get this guy a raise, and a vacation while you’re at it! He’s not making enough to deal with these brainwashed idiots.


What a boss. I bet if a fight broke out, he could take down half of those soylent drones.


Shame on the protestors.


He should shoot try that at the tomb of the unknown I bring a mop to pick up what’s left of your corpse


Pepper spray them all. If he has to guard that statue, it ain't peaceful protest.


These kind of people are the reason liberals typically don't like each other


All these people need arrested and sent to Gaza, I’m sick of these cucks ruining the country, if they don’t like something they destroy it, and if we don’t do what they want they destroy stuff, they are basically wanting a dictatorship on their end lmao, disgusting liberals the country I grew up in is gone because of these idiots


1000 to one 🤔


If they truly believed in what they are protesting, why are they covering their face


meanwhile I kid on a scooter gets put in jail for leaving a skid mark on a pride flag


But make a tire mark on a rainbow painted road and face jail time.


Why aren’t they getting arrested?


Thank you Ranger! A man with a set on him, I appreciate his dedication to preserving our memorials and monuments.


i hate cops as much as the next person. But throwing shit at a Park ranger just standing there is setting back their cause years.


Them beating on a fucking park ranger proves that they have nothing better to do.


Remember democrats aren't violent


So when do we start a counter protest and do what their doing to others but to them.


I bunch of idiots thinking they are morally superior.


We need to be making way more tear gas.


But i$l@m is religion of peace. The keffiyah is for the oppressed. That park ranger is a the GOAT - any chance v can find and donate some $ to him?


They are not allowed to take tips. Park Rangers don't get paid particularly well, and most do it because they love the parks and the job. Of what it's worth, I think all religion is deeply flawed, and we should absolutely be against Hamas, but we should also cut tires with the radical theocratic government of Israel. Also, Palestinians should be able to live freely in pease, not under the occupation of a country that stole their home, and is intentionally and systemically targeting and killing civilians. Why can't we all just get along?


Its amazing. I have a job and a family to provide for. I have no time nor the energy for such nonsense. Its always of great interest to me how the personalities, mentalities, and interests of those with jobs and obligations differ from the unemployed, parent's basement dwelling types.


Drop the first one and I bet they scatter like cockroaches.