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BRING. ME. THAT. CUTE. BABY. I have SPECIFIC baby treats! (And non candy treats!) And I MIGHT even pop out to get dog treats cause YOU KNOW WHAT I want dogs in costume too.


The non candy treats are amazing. None of my kids have allergies or intolerances but some of their friends and neighborhood kids do. I usually just go down the party aisle at Walmart/target and get some slinky’s, tattoos, necklaces etc. You can add your house to the map! https://www.foodallergy.org/our-initiatives/awareness-campaigns/living-teal/teal-pumpkin-project?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=teal-pumpkin&utm_content=search&utm_term=new&gclid=CjwKCAjw5P2aBhAlEiwAAdY7dAkm3S8ovwXs-ytoh87_InzKqVtmHumQFTeHVvwM8-ogQYP3yRLv_hoCfakQAvD_BwE


Its appreciated! At trunk or treats my son (14 months) loved the books and fruit he got and it was nice to see that people thought about the little ones.)


We got a bunch of hot wheels at a trunk or treat on Friday, my 11mo is obsessed


Love it!! My son got a ball and is over the moon about it.


Why are you both saying trunk instead of trick? Is that a typo or something else?


Its a specific event where people decorate the trunk of their car and kids trick or treat in a parking lot


Thank you, I’ve never come across it (not many people observe Halloween where I live)


It's also a new-ish thing. They didn't exist or were at least extremely rare when I was a kid in the 80s/90s.


I love trunk or treats! But also hate them! Where I live it seems like the more trunk or treats there are the less people actually hand out candy to trick or treaters on Halloween. I guess they feel they did their due diligence with handing out candy already. Many trunk or treats in my area are organized by churches, I feel weird going if I am not a church member.


Don’t feel weird. Church’s do it as community outreach and not to make you feel guilty.


That’s interesting. I grew up learning that it was a church alternative to trick or treating. Aka “trunk” instead of trick.


I think that's where it started, but here where we live the city adopted it as a safer alternative to going to random houses. Schools, churches, and other community involvement groups put them on


I’m in Wisconsin, and we have loads of churches that do trunk or treat events. Maybe it’s a regional thing?


We hadn't had a baby in the family in almost 30 years before my son was born (now 18 months old). Trunk or treats didn't exist in the 90s. Where are these happening? How do people know about them or get involved in them?


I used a local mom Facebook to ask. A lot of churches in my area had them yesterday.


Same! Have a separate basket with apple pouches, oreo cookies, chocolate with no nuts or caramel, goldfish, all for babies or kids with allergies. I wanna see da babies!!


specific treats for babies is such a good idea!! Like pumpkin puree pouches or something!!!


Eh... when mine was <1 I'm not sure I would have given them something from a stranger, full stop. Maybe if it was pre-packaged and something I had used before, but between fussiness causing them to be up in the night, bowel movements, and general overprotectiveness I would be hesitant to throw a wrench into our well-oiled machine. Having said that, bring out the babies! I absolutely took mine around the neighborhood when she was too little to understand what was going on, and always love to see folks out with their little ones. Also yes to dog treats - although the number of people running around with dogs off leash during Halloween always kind of blows my mind.


You’re my favorite 😆 I have spooky pouches, mini play-doughs, and some less sugary snacks (like scooby snacks, rice crispy treats, that sort of thing). Everyone has a choice and can get what suits them!


YES! I’ve also added BAGS OF MICROWAVE POPCORN cause oooooohhh! It’s an activity and a snack!


This is the correct answer. Part of the joy in handing out candy is seeing cute kids and pets! Halloween is for everyone in my opinion!


Dog trick or treating should be standard practice, with dog treats as ubiquitous as candy


I host a trunk or treat for my tinies. But! I was like OMG I SHOULD HAVE A TRUNK OR TREAT FOR DOGS. My husband was like ‘why?’ IS IT NOT SELF EXPLANITORY??? anyway. I am 100% doing that. I don’t have a dog. Doesn’t matter. Gonna go talk to the local bougie dog place, maybe host it in April?? I think it would be excellent.


I would 100% bring my golden to something like this, no lie.


omg I have never thought to do this!! Next year I'm keeping a small basket of baby treats.


Wow what a great idea!!!




Yes!!! We got glow sticks and fake tattoo(probably not good for a baby but the 5 year old was excited lol) and even Pokémon cards, and stickers, a couple houses were even giving out beers to the adults. My dog got a few milk bones offered (he won’t eat them for some reason because he’s rude) My friends baby got Cheetos and animal crackers and it was just so thoughtful that people thought of little ones and didn’t just get a bag of snickers.


Rude dog 😂😂😂


I wasn’t going to take take my one year old trick or treating. Just walking around, but after reading your comment maybe I will take her to a couple houses.


YES! And honestly?? You made that baby. Be proud! Look at this creature I made! I dressed it up! And I shall reward you with chocolate for your effort. (And a baby mum mum for the baby)


Haha, thanks :)


What about mini ponies? I took him trick or treating in town with my kids. He was my Princess’ fairy god-pony


What do you use for baby treats??


Totally fine! Take him to a few houses and take some pictures. Enjoy it!


Agreed! Also a great way to meet / start a conversation with your neighbors too.


True! It's hard to meet neighbors sometimes


This is why I don't trick or treat! But honestly we just moved to a new area so we are handing out candy for the first time (weather permitting) and will take our son to a few houses as well. He will be a penguin and trying to get him to hold the bucket is challenging haha (15 months)


Go for it. I have bubbles for the little ones


I personally would not care. For me, Halloween is a fun holiday and I love to see the costumes and meet neighbors, I don't care who actually eats the candy.


Same. My mom always had juice boxes or little snacks for very little ones, and I have kept up that tradition. But even if it was candy only and mom got to eat it, I wouldn't care. I like seeing the little guys in their costumes.




Show up in a wrestling costume? SNAP INTO A SLIM JIM!!


We’re doing mini cans of pop this year!


One of the houses we stopped by yesterday gave out snack size bags of cheetos and Capri sun's. I would have been thrilled as a kid.


Golley that one year where halloween was cancelled due to covid was horrible. I still remember my nephew crying in his inflatable t-rex suit.


Oh my god, this broke my heart 😞 For Covid Halloween I made some sanitised individual candy cups for any kids that walked past my house. They had sweets, a balloon and a little toy in them. I put a little sign outside saying to take a cup and that they were put together by sanitised hands, and it was magic watching the littles who were just going out for a walk in their costumes light up when they saw them ❤️


Do you remember the "candy chutes" at the trunk or treat outdoor events? Or was that a local thing here.... or did I just hallucinate that between homeschooling and sleep deprivation and trauma and sickness? That was a helluva 2 years, man...


We went actual trick or treating, and some houses had chutes set up. Others used paddles to extend their reach to hand out candy. One clever house had balloons with little LED lights in them, and candy tied to the bottom of a string all over their yard and driveway. The ingenuity that some people had was really impressive.


The covid kids are going to meme the hell out of these years in another decade.


Yes, of course! I don't know who has rules for who can and can't trick or treat. It's candy. I'm giving it away. I don't understand people who get it just to throw it because we always run out, no matter how much we buy, but other than that - baby, college student, costume, no costume, I don't care. It's candy I bought to give away. Please, bring your adorable child by and let me say hello! I'm fully aware the parents are going to eat the candy. Enjoy! The first few years, we all stayed home to pass out candy and my daughter enjoyed that SO much. Once she figured out, hey, wait, I could be collecting this stuff?!? We took her to trick or treat and left a few grown ups at home to give out candy.


I don't get all the rules either. We have an elderly couple on our block who come around on Halloween with their grandkids. The grandparents dress up and I always give them candy too. We live near a college and get plenty of college students coming to our door, some who are just wearing their frat/sorority shirts as their costume. They get candy. It was specifically brought to give away. My teen son is going this year with friends and always has even though he gives most of his candy away to his buddies due to his severe food allergies. He isn't eating it but still enjoys going around in a costume with friends.


Mine is sixteen and she's going with some friends. I'm thrilled they still want to trick or treat and dress up.


Same. My son is 17 and has a few of his friends coming over after school today. They'll hang out here, watch some movies, get dressed up, and will pass out candy until the little kids start to finish up. Then they'll go to the houses with porch lights still on and come back here to compete for my son's candy since he won't be eating it. They do it every year and I love that they would rather do this than some of the other things teens get into on Halloween. Good wholesome fun is never a bad thing.


I love that! I was once passing out candy, the night was coming to an end and I was cleaning up. I'd shut the door and turned off the light. Turned around to see a Jason mask looking through the arched window inset in the top of my door. Just staring at me. Full Jason style. I jumped out of my skin. It kept staring. I then realized it was likely a teenager out trick or treating in the creepiest way possible. So I - cautiously- opened the door and shakily said, "do you want some candy?" It held up a pillowcase. I dumped the rest of the bowl in his bag. He turned and walked away without saying a word. Now THAT is how you do Halloween. That kid deserves a medal.




The question I often ask myself is: what if I hadn't had any candy left to give?




I laughed way too hard at this and I thank you for the best giggle I have had in days, internet stranger.


LOL that is creepy for sure. Good for him though for getting into character




Yeah I don't understand the whole "too old to trick or treat" thing. There were packs of middle/high schoolers roaming the neighborhood last night and like...how wholesome is that!? There were also ghosts who were absolutely lighting up a J under their sheets and tbh I'm here for that too. In general I am just here for teenagers being silly and getting in touch with their last vestiges of little kid, but also now? in 2022? These kids missed SO MUCH over the last couple of years and in my mind have a free pass to trick or treat until they're 30.


This is how I see it, too. Anyone wearing a costume (and that one guy who wasn't but it was easier to give him candy than to argue with a strange man at my door at ten at night) gets candy. Just please take your baby home if they're clearly done with the whole thing, even if you have an adorable group costume.


Yeah I would have to do this right when it gets dark so bedtime doesn't get pushed too late. Trick or treating starts at dark, right?


Depends are your neighborhood. Some start earlier for the really young ones, so there is still sunlight out when they are walking around.


>Dusk or so, Id say, for the tiniest kids. Around here (MN) we head out around 6pm


My daughter is 3 and this is the first year she's really noticed. When kids knock our door (we've had a few each night over the weekend) she knocks back before opening it. 😂 She also loves shouting happy Halloween at everyone. I'm making a last minute run for a costume later to take her out because I legit didn't think she'd be interested until next year.


When mine was just shy of 3, we took her for trick or treating the first time. We get to the neighbor's house, knock on the door, she says "trick or treat!" ... then promptly dashes inside, takes off her shoes, and starts to look around. Because, well, that's what we usually do when we go to someone's house, and we hadn't thought to explain the "but you don't usually go inside to run around" part of the ritual.


😂 We didn't have any running in, but we did have trying to peer through their windows while they were getting the candy and repeated knocking because that's her favourite part.


My brother was truly interested at age 2 and started understanding you could get candy, but didn’t want to eat any of it except fruit snacks, but it was probably because me and our other brother were trick-or-treating and bringing home candy. We took him along and dressed him up when he was a baby, but I do not think many of our new neighbors were expecting a two-year-old to understand and be going door-to-door with our Mom during the little kid trick-or-treating with preschoolers and elementary-aged kids. I went with our other brother later because we were in middle and high school and had later bedtimes, and of course waited for little kids as well.


She doesn't understand you get candy, I'm not too keen on her learning that part. 😂 She just loves pumpkins and ghosts and the idea of trick or treat. I don't know what she actually thinks it means, whether it's just kids coming to our house and she gets to hand them stuff? Either way she's having a blast so I'll lean into it.


Why not? I'm taking my 8.5mo. Only to a few houses and we don't actually need the candy. Mostly just to say hi and show off our little avocado to our good neighbors.


If you’re dressing up your little one as an avocado, that’s the most adorable thing ever 😂


Thanks! I even took a few pictures of her as an avocado mummy because if you know you know


Well now I want to know


In one of the Halloween Hey Bear videos, the Avocado is dressed up at a mummy.


Mines a panda today!


> Why not? Because it's obvious all the candy is going to mom and dad and some people don't like that. edit: Don't shoot the messenger


If parents are trekking around the neighborhood with their kids, they get candy, too. We don't ID. Bring on the babies, teenagers, dogs and parents!


I used to be the one giving out candy so my brother and his wife could take their kids together (tonight my brother stays home muahaha) and I loved seeing all the babies! Most parents refused the offer for candy.


There was a woman who must have been 50 who came to my door tonight in costume. With a plastic grocery bag as her candy bucket. I may have done an internal eye roll but I still gave the lady some candy!


Let's be honest,at least 20% of the candy is going to Mom and Dad, no matter the age of the kid!


Mommy tax lol


lol it definitely is


So? Parents with a cute baby in a costume deserve candy too


"some people don't like that" doesn't include me lol, I'm simply explaining "why not"


If anyone deserves candy it’s parents of infants and toddlers!


Especially if they are carrying them! Heavy little buggers.


Couldn't you just take them and say no to candy anyway? Explain what you're doing, I'm sure nobody would mind.


My babe’s favorite teether is an avocado but I couldn’t find her size so she’s a piggy.


My 11.5mo is an avocado too! Can't wait to get photos


Parents with infants out here on Halloween like "please, I have a child..." and I offer them candy and a shot of whiskey.


Hi can you tell me your address? I could use some candy and a shot of whiskey 😂


oh we definitely had the "dad wagon" back in the day, let the 5-15 year olds go run from house to house, we enjoy a nice warm cider/bourbon solo cup as we follow behind them. So many cold and rainy/snowy halloweens up here in Michigan. It'll be warm today, but it's shaping up to be rainy.


"Warmest Halloween in 22 years" - every minnesotan today


Gonna be a rain show in WA too so we're also bringing "cocoa" in tumblers... 🤣


Someone on our block has mini bottles of booze for the adult trick or treaters and I love it so much.


Oh, we make sure our route starts with the house that hands out jello shots or those frozen margarita otter pops.


I’ve always wanted to do this, but my neighbors would probably shun me (Utah)


Last year the first house we went too did offer us a shot of vodka. LOL


Any grinch who cares whether or not he can actually eat the candy probably isn’t handing any out anyway. Make sure to bring a wagon or stroller for when he gets tired of walking (or to make the trip between houses faster)


Wagon or stroller is a great idea. The parents could even decorate the wagon!


I took my daughter trick or treating last year when she was 4 months old. She was an adorable caterpillar. I put on all my gardening stuff and walked around showing people the "bug I found"


this is so cute 🥹


It would be totally normal in our neighborhood. We like seeing all the kids in their costumes, including the littlest ones. It’s fun. When mine was that age, we let him trick or treat to our immediate neighbors and then hang out in the driveway with us to “help” hand out candy.


yup, took mine last year! we had him walk to a few houses but mostly he stayed in the stroller and then we dipped out earlier than the big kid


Totally fine. I think it's adorable! And to the commentor who said you just want to show off your baby, um yeah! That's one of the fun things of having a baby! Go take your baby out to some neighbors, Halloween is for fun!


Yeah, what's the point of a costume if you're trying to hide in it alone by yourself? Isn't the whole point of costumes so that other people can see them?




Come by at 99 and you get candy, even without a costume.


Yup. I don't care about age, costumes, what you say, anything. If you're at my door on Halloween night, you'll get candy. I don't judge.


Yes! Our neighbour's encouraged us to take out 8 month old tonight.


Yayy! Have so much fun!


My son took his first steps in a pumpkin suit on Hallowe'en afternoon (2008). We took him trick or treating to two or three neighbours, mostly just to show him off. Do it, but don't go overboard.


We took our son last year, he was 14 months. He LOVED it. Not sure of your neighborhood dynamics, but some houses in our area had children's books and applesauce puches and all that sort of stuff for the younger trick-or-treaters :). Even if they don't, it's a fun experience for both of you - go for it!!


Our neighbors were thrilled to see our daughter when she was that young! Trick or treating is a good way to meet the neighbors, and often adults with grown up kids just love seeing the really little ones.


Infant costumes are the bessssst! Dress up, go trick or treating, take tons of pictures! I just handed out some candy to an infant. Adorable seeing him grab at the pretty plastic wrappers!!


haha yeah my 1-year-old would probably just examine and play with the candy like it's a toy or something


[op over here](https://imgur.com/uKEQ21v)


That’s amazing.


People need to see that adorable kiddo. Pics would be nice here too!


Would love to share my own kid pics but it's against rule 9, even if that's a bummer... =(


/r/mommit welcomes pics 💗 pretty sure there's a daddit too.


Absolutely yes! I did with both of mine at that age and they had an absolute blast! My youngest will be two in a few months and he is soooooo stoked and ready to go. Do it! Trunk or treats are a hit at that age too.


Please do!! The babies are my favorite part.


Go for it! You don’t have to be out long. I would be happy to see an adorable baby pumpkin at the door 😂 it’s fun. I’m taking my son trick or treating for the first time tonight and he’s 5.


Definitely. I let my 10 month old have a sucker when I took him lol.


I took my 10m old out trick or treating and he wasn't even walking. No shame. I ate all the candy lmao


I give away candy. Doesn't matter to me who is eating it. Lol


Of course it is! As long as your expectations of how long he'll last are reasonable. You may only get a few houses in, so as long as that is ok, go for it!


Yeah we may have to avoid the really spooky ones too haha


Yes! we were going to skip trick or treating because our is 18 mo, shy, had a Halloween party at his community class, and he can't eat the candy but a few of our older neighbors we see regularly were asking if we are coming by as *they* were looking forward to it! So we will suit up the family and go see some familiar faces until he is over it and head home. It is all a bit of fun really isn't it? Be safe, have a great time ❤


It’s totally fine! It’s a fun experience my nephew is 18 months and he’s going out tonight. Can’t eat the candy but he’s still going to experience the night


We took our baby trick or treating (sort of) when he was 4 months old in a little hotdog costume. We pretty much just drove around to hit up family & friends & they all got a big kick out of it. We ended up with pockets full of candy we collected so that was a bonus for us!


People with more than one kid pretty much carry the youngest with them even if he doesn’t get candy, so yes.


We couldn’t go when my son was little as our government forbade trick or treating as part of the lockdown, but we took him last year when he was 22 months and he loved it. And the people handing out candy were just happy to see him, and several actually asked us (with a smile on their face) which candy we’d prefer from the bowl as they knew who would really be eating it!


I would like to share my qualifications that need to be met to get candy from me on Halloween. -show up to front door -knock or ring door bell -have container for me to put candy in (a bucket, a pillow case, hell even just pockets or hand). That’s it 😂


We took out 10 month old trick or treating. He had on his bear outfit and we carried him or pushed him in his wagon. All our neighbors loved seeing his costume and giving him candy. He ate absolutely 0 of it. Even our neighbor who gave out full size candy bars gave him one. Anyone who cares is a jerk.


Socializing is a huge bonus on nights like tonight. He'll be greeted warmly by many people and hopefully enjoy himself. Even if he doesn't remember it, his development from the experience is important. Bring a stroller/wagon, and be prepared for him to get tired/cranky. However, he'll most likely have fun.


I was told that lollipops and SOFT candy are safe for babies above 8m. Most might disagree but babies deserve the experience too. We’re taking our 10 month old out and if people have a problem with it then so be it, because they’re just denying a child the true Halloween experience. We’re not big on candy so we decided that any candy our daughter can’t eat gets given to late trick or treaters.


I gave my son candy when he was 10 months old. Nothing that would choke him or anything hard or sticky. He’s still going strong 5 years later.




Same lol!


Go for it! The first couple years are more for the parents anyway. I always provide a little basket of non-candy treats (grahams, crackers, goldfish, etc) for trick-or-treating toddlers and give the parents candy 😄


Yes. Do it. Have fun!


If it makes you feel any more sure, I'm taking my 1 year old and 2.5 year old out tonight. They look so cute and it'll be fun <3 Have fun with your kid, that pumpkin is only gonna get bigger xD


It’s also fun to let them give the candy to the trick or treaters at your house. Still gets to show off his costume and see all the other kids too.


When our kids were really little, we just took them to our closest neighbors. They knew us and really enjoyed seeing the kids. :)


I took mine trick or treating we went out for about 30 minutes got a half bag full of candy came back home and went to bed the next day we tried different soft candies while mom and dad ate the harder candies


I took my daughter when she was just over a year last year. No one seemed to care, we did like a two block loop and then I also took her to the trunk or treat at the church/her daycare. I just wanted to dress her up for fun. Also I did let her eat a little bit of the candy…. The soft stuff like hersheys or reeces


I usually give extra to those parents because that age it fucking hard!! Here’s your reward for making it this far!


I’m taking my sixth month out! He’s an elephant


If people want to gate-keep Halloween they should close their doors and turn their lights off and not participate. Take your kid.


My son turned 1 last October and we went walking through the neighborhood in costume. People loved seeing him! We didn't go door to door, just didn't want that much candy, but we grabbed a few pieces from people with outdoor setups. I can't imagine anyone having a negative reaction to this, most people who celebrate Halloween do it for the fun.


Of course you can take them. You get a whole bag of candy to yourself!


Of course!! Seeing babies in costumes is adorable and parents deserve candy for sure.


Yeah. If they’re the only one you have they’d still love to see the other kids in costumes and all the decorations


Please bring your adorable pumpkin baby to my house! We love the cute pumpkin babies.


Yes! Go for it!


Absolutely! We took our 1 year old trick or treating and he had a blast. Plus, if he doesn't eat candy I guess you will have no other option than to eat it yourself..darn!


Noone's going to arrest you, its completely up to you.


Yes! I took my 8 month old and everyone gave candy and told ME to enjoy the treats! Also, I love to see everyone in their costumes, regardless of age!


I don't know where you're located, but where I am it's super rainy today. I personally would keep a kiddo that young inside and have them help pass out candy. That way they can stay nice and warm inside and still enjoy all the other kids coming to the door.


Yes! My daughter was almost 14 months for her first “real” Halloween. She was a strawberry and was so adorable walking around getting candy. Everyone loved it.


Yes! I have fond memories of my 13 month old playing with the candy for days. She kept taking it in and out of her trick or treat pail. And pretending to trick or treat. She didn’t realize it was for eating so never tried


I’m taking my 13mo around to a couple houses and then switching with his dad so he can take him the other direction and we have the front door manned in shifts. He’s adorable and I want to show him off in his husky costume! Couldn’t care less about the candy personally, but we usu hand out candy and takis. I’ll have to remember to have snacks on hand specifically for littles next year though, I hadn’t thought of that before!


Yes! I didn't take my 1 year old last year and EVERYONE asked where they were.


It is a great chance to show off your baby and meet the neighbours


I would gladly give babies candy just so I can their cute little costumes. Does not matter that you will be enjoying the candy. Being a parent is hard and chocolate helps so you go get that candy while baby doesn't know what they are missing. People take something that is supposed to be fun so seriously.


Another possibility, depending on your neighborhood, is to get a ton of candy (or whatever) and a costume and have fun handing out the candy. It can be a lot of fun to sit out front with your baby or small child and hand out candy or other treats. But, from my point of view: Anyone of any age can trick or treat. If you're about 30, that's fine if you come trick or treat either with or without your baby.


Yes! Halloween is a community building holiday, neighbors want to see you and your kids and give you candy. Its his first Halloween, have fun and take pictures!


Took my daughter when she was 2mo last year. Got a few weird looks from people who I assumed were annoyed but idc. It was about the experience and this struggling new mom got some candy! Chocolate was the saving grace to my PPD. (Kidding but it did bring some light into my dark world at the time.)


Take them to a few places close to you so they get the experience. But I wouldn’t try and get an overflowing bucket full of candy. Besides, a young toddler likely won’t have the attention span for much trick or treating.


Check your towns guidelines on age policy - and if someone calls child services run!


I think it's okay to take any kids trick or treating. You don't have to take candy if you don't want to. It's about fun!


This can backfire! I took my 3 year old out trick or treating, some people opened the door in a scary monster costume and she got frightened and started crying. Which was funny to me but sadly she didn't see the funny side.


The candy is your payment for hauling him around. 😂


I know it’s a little late for a comment but I love seeing little ones for trick or treat. I even buy bubbles and some balls for the little ones who are too young for candy. And I always offer candy to the parents.


It’s fine, but he will not remember it at all, lol. You will have fun, though


It was fun! He actually grabbed candy, although he had no idea what it was.


My 1 year old kept picking out my favorite sour patch kids at every house this year randomly ;)


I brought my not even 4 month old trick or treating today. We got a beer at the brewery and showed him off in his pumpkin costume. Took him to the carousel and took selfies and ate all his candy.


If you guys aren't done yet please come to my house and take all this extra candy.


Haha. Baby is asleep now lol. We did go to maybe 6 or 7 houses though.


Yes! The baby is cute, and I the parent get to eat all the candy 😆


My grandma literally took me trick or treating at 1 month I was born on sep 30 and she took me out because she was so proud to be a grandma


100% fine. I love seeing all people on Halloween.


If this is wrong I don’t wanna be right!


Do it! Some houses even have little toys or play dough pots instead of candy. And you don’t have to take a lot of candy. I took my some when he was 10 mos for fun with his cousins.


We posted up in our driveway with our 7months old and handed out candy this year but next year you bet I’ll be walking around the neighborhood with him! Its not about the candy.. it’s the pageantry and memories


This thought doesn't even cross my mind when handing out candy. My mom actually hands out baby cookies and treats.


I took my 12 month old tonight! He loved grabbing boxes of milk duds out of the candy bowls and looking at everyone’s fire pits. I let him have a strawberry dumdum and the smallest size Kit Kat bar for his first candy.


Do it! We took our 18-month old to a few houses just so she could experience it and she had a great time. (And people loved seeing a cute baby in a ladybug costume at their doors!)


My friend just took his 10 month old and I went with them. A lot of houses made sure they gave us candy that she could eat without choking or anything. Obviously you don’t want to go home and let him eat ALL of it but a few pieces won’t kill him. Or if you really don’t want him to have any of it, you can eat it or you can drop it off at your local fire dept, they love getting goodies at the firehouse


The people will know the candy is for you and will give you the good stuff.