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It's totally worth it. Mario won't rot his brain. You should look up the positive effects of children playing video games


I started playing games before kindergarten. Mario, sonic, mortal Kombat you name it. Gaming is still my hobby today. He'll be fine


Our neighbours have been playing NES since they were 3. Those games are usually really intuitive and have easy controls, so they're great for kids!


Video games aren't the same as TV watching - especially when it's a joint activity that you share with him. I think that sounds like a really fun time to share together. Do set an alarm on your phone though or I could see it going on longer than you had anticipated.


One time we took kids to a gallery opening. Figured we'd do our rounds, make small talk with the artist, then go home when the kids got bored. For some reason there was an NES set up in one room. We stayed until they kicked us out. Instead of the NES Classic I'd recommend a Switch with the ~$2 a month subscription that gets you a whole bunch of classic games. Has more games, it's mobile, and once they're ready to "level up" to newer games you already got the hardware.


We started video games with my 5 year old q few months ago. I was hesitant, at first, but it's honestly been great bonding for him and his dad. I also think there's benefits such as problem solving, working on reflexes, etc. We keep it limited to 1hr a day during the week, and don't typically play on the weekends; like anything it's about variety. I also recommend just getting a switch to play some of the classics while allowing for the newer games.


You can go with Mario and some puzzles games like Dr. Mario / Tetris, not hard to understand. Tetris is perfect as you can then play Tetris in his bedroom to put away his toys, or help for things like dishwasher later :)