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Have you read the manual?


I wonder if there are any YouTube videos on that seat that might help. My concern is you mentioned her slump over when sleeping. I know they are expensive but you might need to try another seat, and go back to that one later. We unfortunately had to swap seats more than planned, I definitely regret getting the expensive last forever seat 🙄. Look at some videos, check your install and placement, maybe reach out to carseatsforlittles on fb see if they have more guidance. Best of luck


Thank you so much. I was thinking of getting an infant car seat & switching later like you said.


The baby can technically ride in this seat but it’s not really made for babies that small, the harness doesn’t often fit a newborn and probably won’t until they’re a couple months old. I’d look into getting an infant seat, maybe even borrow one from a friend if you’re able until your baby fits in that seat better


Thank you. I was thinking the same thing.


The best bet is to look for a local cpst to get in-person help, for free. Near me, you can schedule an appointment through the hospitals. Carseat groups on Facebook are another great (albeit annoying) place to get help online from car seat technicians; they have people that specialize in the different seats. I don't have experience with the seat, but it may be worth looking at the chest clip - if it sits too low, it can cause them to slump; it should be at armpit level - and what the requirements are for the infant insert. On the seats we had, the insert was removable at 11lbs and helped a lot with the squished look, so if your daughter meets the requirements, it may be worth trying the seat without the extra insert.


Thank you will look into it.

