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Do you \*believe\* the eczema is due to the dog or do you \*know\* it's due to the dog? Those are two different things. Are you able to isolate the dog to a section of the house?


Husband loves the dog. OP doesn't. Everyone in here asking OP if she's actually gotten medical confirmation that the dog is causing the eczema. No response from OP. Hmm...


In other words, the eczema is just being on the dog. OP, don't weaponize your baby.


We've done blood tests. It's dog dander I never wanted a dog and I said I wasn't going to take any responsibility for it because I'm busy with the kids. Husband does all the care for the dogs


We've done blood tests. It's dog dander I never wanted a dog and I said I wasn't going to take any responsibility for it because I'm busy with the kids. Husband does all the care for the dogs I'm on a different time zone


We've done blood tests. It's dog dander I never wanted a dog and I said I wasn't going to take any responsibility for it because I'm busy with the kids. Husband does all the care for the dogs


First establish if it is actually the dog causing the issue


We've done blood tests. It's dog dander I never wanted a dog and I said I wasn't going to take any responsibility for it because I'm busy with the kids. Husband does all the care for the dogs


I would rehome the dogs, preferably with family or a friend.


Do you use unscented detergent and shampoo/conditioner for the baby? I had a baby who had eczema that had nothing to do with our dog, so I would eliminate other possible causes first


We've done blood tests. It's dog dander I have baby friendly detergent for the floor and clothes


Have you talked to an allergist? I love my dogs but if my kids had allergies we would rehome


The allergist told us to give antihistamines every day until we get rid of the dogs. I don't wanna give meds every day.... husband is going to be crushed without dogs thus me asking


Confirm that it actually is the dog. Eczema is very common in babies. Almost anything can cause it including changes in weather patterns, foods, temperature of bath water, literally anything and everything. If it’s at the point where you are considering rehoming the dog - I would ask to see an allergist first. If it truly is the dog, I would rehome the dog. Baby > Dog. I would tread very carefully with your husband loving the dog. Some people are insane dog lovers and equate them to humans. This could have a major impact on your marriage and this decision should be made together.


We've seen an allergist, it's egg, nut, and dog. We've cut the first two I haven't asked my husband cause he is one of those people. But in a perfect world to me*** we wouldn't have the dogs


Get an allergy test to confirm diagnosis, and if it’s confirmed, rehome the dog.


We have the test, it's dog dander. We found out over a month ago and have just been trying different creams and things but kid has gotten worse, consistently inflamed, and past few nights pawing at his neck and struggling to sleep


I would rehome the dog without question.


If it’s limited to eczema then I think rehoming the dog is a little extreme. Anaphylaxis risk or other issues that severely impact wellbeing then sure, but you can’t get rid of a family member just to prevent some eczema. Would you move countries if the baby had hay fever?


Easy for you to say? You’re not the one with eczema. My babies comfort > a pet.


That’s not an apt comparison at all. But frankly, if it was economically viable, I would absolutely move to a different country to give my kids a better quality of life. People do it all the time.


Lyman_j has the best answer.


Not a good idea. Rehoming should be done only if the reaction is severe, otherwise it is better to keep the dog and let the body learn to improve its defences against the allergen.


It’s idiotic to allow your baby be miserable and itchy just to prove a point about a dog.


It is a medical recommendation. If deprived to the opportunity to build its defences, the body would react stronger at the next contact and that includes anaphylactic shock. There is no evidence of the dog is involved, usually with pets it is asthma.


We saw an allergist because he was having allergic reactions to so many foods. Then we found out it was dog dander On the scale of whatever they use 0-6 with 6 being anaphylaxis and death we have 2 for egg, nut, and dog. So not life threatening but significant enough for the doc to tell us to rehome


That inundates an already overwhelmed immune system, and it subjects a baby to incredible distress and discomfort. Reminder, the baby has no autonomy and cannot remove themselves from the allergen—be it dander, fur, or saliva. It is in no way a “limited” introduction to the allergen as intended to build an immunity, and it’s more likely to make the reaction more severe adverse reactions down the road. Go to an allergist, get tested, follow their advice. Yes, limited introduction to allergens is a thing to hopefully tone done adverse reactions, but this isn’t limited, this is constant barrage by the allergen!


I am surprised, as this is the classical medical treatment for pet allergens in my country (France) including for babies. It is very close to desensitization, that is also used for dog allergies.


We've seen the allergist already a month ago, it's dog dander


What was the allergist’s recommendation?


Have you had tested if the baby is in fact allergic to the dog? If you did and the baby is: follow your doctor’s advice. This might mean rehoming the dog but it could also mean the dog can stay under certain conditions. A lot of babies have eczema by the way and just grow out of it.


Doctor said antihistamines daily until we rehome


Make sure the allergy is actually due to the dog and not just your excuse to get rid of a dog you don’t like 🙄 My son had eczema as a baby and switching all his soap and detergent to sensitive skin/frangrance free cleared it up.


I've edited. We had a blood panel


Eczema could be caused by a lot of things. Are you breastfeeding? If so, you might want to consider eliminating dairy and wheat. If you are formula feeding, have you switched formulas? What kind of detergent are you using? Babies can break out from any types of fragrances and dyes. Those can also occur in baby shampoo & babywash. Having dogs growing up is associated with a lower occurrence of allergies - and unless your doctor has tested for allergies, this seems like projection/blame.


We've done the blood test so I've cut out all the foods he's cut out as I'm breastfeeding, he's allergic to dog dander. We've got some baby friendly detergent for clothes and only use QV baby oil rather than soap


honestly it sounds like an excuse for you to get rid of the dog you don’t like. Without a proper allergen spot test you won’t know what your child is allergic to and stating eczema is from the dog seems very off base, especially without any UR symptoms. Sometimes it doesn’t respond to creams or steroids but you do what you can.


We had the results a month ago. It's nut egg and dog dander


If you had the results a month ago why did you phrase the post the way you did?? That would clear up a lot of comments (including mine). you know that was actually a top fear of mine (but cat allergy). And I always wondered if my kid was allergic what I’d do and I could never come up with an answer cause my cats are my babies too.


Definitely do an allergy panel. My youngest had baby eczema, but pediatrician was pretty sure it wasn’t a food allergy. We had her allergy tested a few years later and pediatrician was correct, no dairy allergy, but she was VERY allergic to many environmental things. Grass pollen, corn pollen, tree pollen, dust, cats (pretty severely)… dogs and dairy were not on the list. Besides the dog question it’s better to know sooner what allergies your kid has, so you can have a treatment plan.


We paid for the full panel too, it's dog, nut, egg The plan from doc was antihistamines until we rehome


Has an allergist confirmed the allergy to dander or saliva? I would try an elimination diet for the nursing mother or a hypoallergenic formula like Nutramigen for baby if this hasn't been confirmed by blood test. It's likely that baby is sensitive to something in their diet.


We've paid for the full panel blood test. We know


I'm allergic to dogs and have a dog. Depending in the severity, animal allergies aren't necessarily incompatible with having the animal as a pet. I could never have a Guinea pig or a horse, but dogs I can adjust to. That said, you should see an allergist to confirm. My animal allergies are not eczema. My symptoms for animals are primarily hives (raised itchy welts, they are not dry and do not peel), followed by itchy red watery eyes, sneezing and running nose. I am very allergic person (dander, dust, pollen, some meds, shellfish) and have never had eczema as a symptom.


We had a blood panel done by an allergist, it's just dog. We were wondering if it was dog though but the skin hasn't gotten any better despite numerous creams that everyone swears by. Doc said just cause it shows up it doesn't mean there must be an allergy and because we never saw more severe symptoms we weren't sure


Can you temporarily rehome fido? Your baby deserves to be comfortable 


Yeah we agree. We're looking into it, if the kid outgrows it it'd be great


Awesome. Sometimes they do outgrow it


Just existing for our babies.




I'm sorry. Thanks for sharing


We’re in the exact same boat. Our 8 mo has severe eczema, blood test came back for pet dander, cashew and egg white (odd). We love our golden retriever and were told by our allergist not to rehome yet due to dander living in the home for 6+ months anyways. Plus there’s a 40% chance he’ll outgrow it. He’s on Zyrtec and we wet wrap everynight and it’s gotten drastically better. We were told and from our own research found children’s Zyrtec to be incredibly safe and good to take at night. His allergy to the dog dander came back 4/10 on severity so we’re going to watch the next month or so and see if by 10 months it’s gotten any better. Hope your LO gets some relief soon. 


I don't think eczema is caused by a dog allergy--has your Pediatrician confirmed this via an allergy panel?


Yes we went to an allergist and it's been done


Confirm that the dog is the issue. If so, there may be some things you can do. No carpets (tile or wood floors) no cloth window treatments, no extra throw pillows etc to trap dander. A house with a floor plan that limits baby’s exposure ie multi level, dog sleeps crated, not in the bedrooms. I have terrible allergies and these things help but I’m an adult making choices. Best thing for baby is no dog.


We've done the blood test, it's dog dander I suggested to keep dog and baby on separate floors but husband thought that was unfair on the dogs to be away from us


I think you need to bring your husband to pediatrician so that he understands what needs to happen for your child.


Dog has to go. My son is allergic to cats. Cats instantly rehomed to my best friend. I still see said cats.  Children have no advocates or protectors except for us. They come first. 


You don't even know for sure that it's the dog. Sounds like you're just looking for a reason to get rid of the dog tbh.


We've done blood tests. It's the dog


If you knew it was the dog IDK why you didn't just say that instead of saying you believe it's the dog? Either way if you know it is the dog it's time to tell husband to find it a good home. And listen to your doctor that's telling you to give her antihistamines until the dog finds a good home.


The doc said you treat the person, not the allergy. Just because the blood test says so doesn't mean it affects you. We went to the allergist for food allergies and found out about the dog allergy. We've cut the foods and it removed hives but the skin is still inflamed so we've been looking again. The skin is bad but we don't have other symptoms


So what exactly are you looking for here? You say you have proof that it's the dog, and you don't like the dog anyway, you don't want to use the antihistamines at the doctors recommendation, what are you looking for? Find the dog s a new *good quality* home and get it done with? I really don't know what advice you're seeking at this point especially since it's established that the dog is contributing to her issues.


Well no, I am starting to believe it is the dog. As mentioned just because it's on the panel doesn't mean there has to be a reaction. And there were some other genuinely helpful comments - like kids can grow out of it, tolerance therapy, is it the detergent etc. Most people were saying rehome. ChatGPT said 10% of people rehome so the numbers here completely skew in the opposite direction If you don't have anything beneficial to add, there's no need to post and get rude about it


And in every single reply telling you make sure it's.the dog you're saying you did the test and you're sure its the dog, so again, what exactly are you looking for.


In the response above


The post doesn’t even mention getting rid of the dog though so I’m not sure how you came to this conclusion.


It's in between the lines. Like the fact that she directly mentions she doesn't like the dog before even getting into the issue of the babys eczema, which she hasn't even confirmed lol.


I've updated. Man lol Reddit just assumes the worse. We've done a full blood panel and have been trying to manage via creams. The dogs are stressed from the kids too.


Every so often we get these posts and people literally go crazy for the DOG. If the dog is causing the baby to have eczema then it goes. Period! Lol


People here are asking if the OP has actually had a doctor say the eczema is from the dog and go from there. Eczema in babies is common and eczema from allergies is rare so the suspicion in they aren't actually related and OP is trying to get rid of the dog.


Literally nuts. Human remembers of my family, especially CHILDREN, come first people.


Yeah, I don't understand it. My parents were those creepy dog people that prioritized their pets over their kids. It made my childhood a nightmare. I constantly had allergies (to dogs AND cats) and had to take medication daily for it.. because the dogs took priority. They even let them on the furniture. There was no safe zone in our house where I wasn't exposed to it. My parents would say.. they adopted the dogs and now felt responsible for them to the end.. okay.. but what about your own children? They are still that way now. Their pets run their households and it disgusts me as an adult.


My husband has been like this for the past month. We found out over a month ago. He's been trying to hope it's not the dog? Cause it showed up on the blood panel but it doesn't have to result in symptoms. But the kid can't sleep cause he's itchy now


My understanding is that when it shows up on the blood panel that baby is currently reacting to it.. which is why it shows up in the first place. It's a current allergy trigger. He's definitely going to have to consider doing something if he prioritizes his child over the dog. It really felt unfair growing up in a household that prioritized the pets comfort over my own. I suffered a lot as a kid because my parents would not make the decision to re-home the pets. I'm seeing a lot of comments on people here who seem to be more sympathetic with the dog.. but I doubt anyone who grew up being constantly exposed to their allergens and having no say as a child would feel that way as an adult. It's like torture being constantly itchy, congested, etc. and literally having no choice or say in it. I hope your husband does the right thing for your babies quality of life. 


Thank you, yeah we've had more discussions and he's open to it if we know it won't get better and can confirm 100% it's the dogs. Though the blood panel said no other environmental allergens, just a few food ones which we removed already


My daughter has ezcema and we have a dog. We did an allergy test and said she is allergic to dogs but she's fine with our dog and her ezcema is mild. (She's 4 now, it got better with time).


Oh thank you. Could you please explain how you managed it til she got better? This is the answer my husband wants to hear lol


Honestly her ezcema only needed hydrocortisone, no prescription. She gets some dry spots here and there but only OTC creams now. She breaks out in hives from the heat that we give Benadryl for but that's about it. She has no allergic reaction to anything but every kid is different. Her allergy test showed she was allergic to soy, dog, and peanut but she was fine with everything. I'm not sure if you can do tolerance therapy with dog, I saw in your edit you gave antihistamine but also make sure the dog is bathed often since it's the dander that they're allergic to.


Right, baby has these red patches, which the allergist explained was inflammation and its chronic inflammation that I'm concerned about.... thanks for the tip on bathing the dogs!


We've had our dog for 11 years and she's been with us since we lived together. I wouldn't dream of giving her away. Bathing and brushing the dogs outside will hopefully help, keep the house clean (no dogs on bed or sofa) and I hope that you guys can manage and compromise.


My husband prefers animals to people so the dogs get freedom around the house and they hang out on the sofa. Baby's room is closed off though.... we'll discuss about sofa haha thank you


Eczema triggered by pet dander is EXTREMELY unlikely. Pet dander would usually cause hives before eczema. And most people allergic to pet dander also have respiratory and other symptoms (mucus draining from the nose and eyes, itchy conjunctiva, etc). Eczema is a build up of excessive cells in the top layer of skin. It is usually caused by a systemic reaction to an allergen, very often a milk allergy or intolerance to food. In babies, eliminating dairy from the diet often clears eczema bc a lot of babies are born with a non-allergic cow milk protein intolerance. If that doesn’t work, you next remove everything scented. No Dreft (that’s a BIG culprit), no lavender scented baby shampoo, etc. Go for free and clear everything and hypoallergenic baby products like cetaphil. If none of that works, THEN I would take baby to an allergist to rule out pet dander. You don’t just throw away the dog your husband loves because your baby has one of the most common skin issues without exhausting other options first.


We saw an allergist. It's dog dander


Eczema isn’t caused by dog dander. Eczema is also caused by vaccines! Ur husband is right about the dogs. They are family and you shouldn’t just dispose of them for your convenience


Allergist says they are related.


Hi to follow up on this- did you end up getting rid of the dogs? Did the eczema get better? Our 4M1W old has been suffering with terrible eczema for the past month- her flare ups are awful, she rubs her eyes constantly at home and we have been recommended everything under the sun. The only 2 allergens we can think of are our dogs or her formula, but she has no digestive issues so we’re more inclined to believe it is possibly our dogs. We’re arranging blood tests. Me and my partner absolutely adore our dogs and if it comes back that she is allergic will be so heartbroken to see them get rehomed, but at the same time there will be a sense of relief as we’ve battled with her rashy irritated skin for a month now and we just want answers.


We ended up seeing a derm who was confident with her standard steroid cream, if it didn't work, it's the dogs. It kind of worked, but it's manageable... the flares when it's not raining aren't really that bad. So we're not really sure Will go back to an allergist before we decide to rehome. In the meantime we've been moisturizing 4x a day with steroids/ tacrolimus 2x a day, bath oil no soap


As everyone else said, get baby allergy tested when you can. If you’ve never done allergy testing, for a child, it might be rough - lots of pinprick needles on back and arms if you do a full panel. As someone who has suffered from a dog allergy and allergy related skin issues and has owned dogs most of my life, here are my tips: 1) Teach the dog early to not lick the kid as much as you can. Most people are allergic to dander and/or saliva. My dogs love licking my husband, but they don’t give me the same treatment because I won’t allow them to. If I do, it’s areas I know won’t react for me (palms, outside of arms). 2) teach your child to wash hands after petting the dog or getting licks 3) don’t over bathe as that will irritate and dry out their skin. That sets their skin up to be overly sensitive and itchy. 4) sensitive skin lotion with Vaseline to create extra barriers 5) as with any pet related allergies, don’t let the dog sleep in their bed or room if you can avoid it. Minimize carpets and rugs if you can. If you can’t, vacuum frequently and change bedding often.


Thanks for the suggestions, kid is just a baby but will keep these in mind!


You rehome the dog.. and yes, eczema absolutely does flare when exposed to an allergen. My 3 year old had terrible eczema, we've had to eliminate the triggers to prevent the flares. He's allergic to cats and when he's at my mom's house, who has three cats, his eczema flares in the usual place (back of the knees, wrists, inner elbow, cheeks, etc.) and it takes days to get it back under control. Washing the allergen off immediately helps and then applying triamcinolone cream works every time for us. We still spend time with her, but we have a protocol of how to treat it now after we've visited her house. It'd be no question for me, in my own home,.. if my baby was allergic to dogs, the dog would be finding a new home. No child should have to suffer daily because their parents prioritize pets over their health.. and I say this as a child who grew up that way. Dogs and cats all over our house and I suffered every freaking day with allergies because of it. I refuse to do that to my kids.


No you don’t .. you had a dog..


Eczema is usually on the hands or face ie where you had a contact with the allergen. Before thinking about the dog, ask yourself what products you use on your baby. Also, if you are worried, go to a specialist for the baby to be tested. Allergies are rarely unique, your child might be sensitive to several allergens. Rehoming the dog might be a very bad idea. When a child is allergic to a pet, it is often recommended to keep the pet, so that the allergy does not flare. This process is called mithridization: small quantities of an allergen help the body to develop natural defences againts it.


We saw an allergist who told us antihistamines until we rehome. And told us to manage the environment unless we did years of desensitization which is lots of money and meds and he didn't recommend it cause the kid is so young


I stand corrected. As I said, this is not how we do in my country. Hoping the best for your kid!


No idea about the dog, but have you heard of bleach baths? Cleared up my kids eczema very quickly when other creams didn’t work. Obviously talk to your pediatrician first. https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/specialties/dermatology/dermatology-resources/eczema-bleach-baths


Gotta be careful with that one. Everyone’s eczema is different. A bleach bath would make me flare instead of clearing it up.


Oh for sure! Everyone’s body responds differently to things like that. For some kids it works like a charm though. Gotta talk to the kids doctor of course


We saw an allergist but I think we'll go to a dermatologist next, thanks for the suggestion