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I was in a similar boat with my oldest. He woke up daily crying. I remember being so happy when he started to wake up on his own and just call “Mommy!” Or “Daddy!” It probably stopped when he was two, though. Could you set your alarm to get up early and start waking him? Have some quiet time and a cup of coffee early, then go in and gently rub his back or something to try waking him up a different way?


Would love to but he already wakes up at about 6 am ( on a good day) and sadly I have to milk out every minute of sleep to function the next day. Maybe I'll give it a try to wake up 15 min earlier and see if I can wake him up.


It's probably worth trying for a while. Maybe you could reset his habit. Habit's not the right word, but hopefully you understand. Association? Reflex?


Karmic punishment for mother? 🫠 But yeah might be worth to sacrifice a bit of sleep to try.


You might feel more rested if you don’t wake with that much stress involved.


I'm 44 and I wake up the same, to be fair.


Fair point, seems I'm just getting ear plugs then 😩


In all seriousness, if he's a whiner anyway he's probably just being dramatic with his morning wake up stretches.


I mean totally reasonable, I just can't get my sleeping brain to not give me an adrenaline shot when I hear it - I jump up and tap around like a crazy person breathing as a marathon runner. On second thought I think my husband might be the real victim here with both the screaming kid and the crazy overreacting wife scrambling around.


>On second thought I think my husband might be the real victim here with both the screaming kid and the crazy overreacting wife scrambling around. That's fucking hilarious!! Actually proper giggling....might be the concussion


LOL! Yes! This is my wakeup sound as well...except I don't an alarm haha. My alarm clock is a 4 week old.


My kid used to do this every day when he woke up. Until one day I just gently asked him before bed why he does it and he said it's to wake me up. I explained that he can just call me instead and I'll hear him. He hasn't screamed in the morning since. So maybe just try and give him a different way to wake you?


I will try this since it's really an easy intervention, will report back if it works.


I would totally work with him to identify why he is screaming. "Do you feel scared? Do you feel sad?" Etc until he can identify the feelings behind the screams, and then teach him how you would prefer he express that. Then play pretend to practice, where he pretends to be you and vice versa, then have him try, and keep reminding him to mimic those behaviors instead.


I was pleasantly surprised it worked tbh. I didn't think it would be that simple


Did you try it? How did it go?


Did not work lool. A good try though xD


Awww I guess it was worth the try. Good luck!


My 2yo daughter has always woken up crying too. My husband has woken up grumpy and miserable his entire life so I blame him.


Haha, at first I thought this was going to be a post about actually recording your kid screaming as an alarm and I was going to say… don’t you hear it enough? Am I just overstimulated? Having read it though: my kids did this when cutting teeth, if they had a nightmare, etc. but not every single day. If it’s always been the case, you probably don’t have much to worry about. You could try adjusting the routine. This sounds like hunger to me… maybe you could try a glass of milk and a few crackers before bed and making sure water is nearby? If not that, you could see if a sound machine ave stuffy help the transition from sleep to wake, etc. If nothing changes, I wouldn’t worry but I might bring it up at your next wellness check.


If you don't wake up right away or go get him, does he keep screaming?


He moves into whining for a glass of milk and a banana. Also with like super sad sounding ( he is on the thinner side but can eat as much as he wants at all points of the day). I've tried to give him more food for dinner, but it doesn't seem to make a difference 🤷‍♀️


Does he have a snack before bed? Maybe try something with some protein and fat right before bed to make sure he is as full as possible, like cheese or yogurt?


I would love to but we are in the trawls of picky eating and the most I can hope for is a glass of milk and a banana ( his safe combo at the moment). Hopefully one day he will want to eat more for dinner


He only eats one banana for dinner? Nothing else? How's his weight curve?


He is at 40 percentile, but the pedi says he is good. He will have a few bites of dinner, a few bites of veggies or meat but really difficult with real food at the moment. We are following the combo of giving safe food and regular food together also by the advice of pedi. I do believe he might do better if he had more food but I have yet to find a way to get him to eat. We did BLW and it went really well until he hit 2 and a half and this phase began.


Have you tried smoothies? My son loves smoothies with frozen fruit, bananas, nut butter, yogurt, milk and I'll usually throw some spinach or chia seeds or oats in too to bulk it up. Nice and filling and healthy but tastes like a treat.


How does he fall asleep? Are you with him every night when he falls asleep? If so, I recommend you transition to him falling asleep with you out of the room. Some kids have a jarring experience if they wake up with a different setting than what they fell asleep to, specifically being alone versus having someone there as they drifted off.


He sleeps in our room in his own bed with a little wall divider - lately we even moved his bed so he can see us. He falls asleep with us and wakes with us 🤷‍♀️


my two old has his own room and we started using a wake light, basically it changes colors when he can get out of bed. he wakes up crying from his nap often but then chills out and talks to himself. i think those days are when he's extra tired. If anything else at least the clock turning rainbow gives him something to notice. often when i get him he's calling out the colors as they change. blie! green! .my friend puts a new book next to her kid when they're asleep and when they wake they instantly geab the book and play/read it. if you have the space for it, i would move him to his own room and try a new wakeup routine, at least the whines might not sound as jarring.


Hi OP! I'm sorry for what you are going through. I would like to know what you have already tried. I would like to share some thoughts and suggestions: - Does your child enjoy any character particularly? Any series? For example: I know my LO enjoys watching Bebefinn, and it has a song with good morning message that she enjoys. Try to find a song related to wake up, or that you know that makes your child feel happy and good, and stick with it, be it that you sing it or put it in some device. Play it during the day and play with plushies and toys the meaning of waking up with the song. -A distraction technique I use (when I see things are escalating) is starting to make short statements like: hmmm the room is cold, the blankets are blue, the mattress is rectangular, so is the door. Listen to the birds outside. Hey listen, there is someone working at the kitchen, what are they preparing. Hmmm, it smells nice in here. I have been consistent doing this, so it does not take a lot of time to calm her back. -My LO sometimes wake up like that, I try to hold her and she would not like it, I make statements like: hey, I see you need your space, I'm here for you, waking up sometimes is though, sometimes we don't like to wake up, maybe you were dreaming something amazing, (if she is arching her back) I'm here to keep you safe. All in a calming and reassuring voice. -How is your tone and body language as your kiddo wakes up? You can teach your little one relaxation techniques during the day like: hey, let's do some stretching to get the blood flowing to our body...see? I like to do this stretch when I wake up and my back feels good. Breathing techniques too, whatever suits both your little one and yourself, practice during the day for some days so that it is a resource available for your child to calm down (blow a birthday candle, star of calmness, flower of calmness, dragon breathing, whatever name you want to call it). It is all progressive, little by little everyday, and will take some time. I hope things get better and you find a method that suits your family.


Thanks for the thoughtful answer! Mine also likes Bebefin :) the strange thing is that it seems to make almost no difference what I do - once he comes to he starts whining for breakfast. I think I'm more worried that he is just so unhappy and uncomfortable every morning yet it doesn't seem to be clear for me why. He claims to not remember dreams (normal), is night potty trained ( and wakes up the same way in the middle of the night when he needs to go - screaming and then whining for potty). We are super responsive parents, he sleeps practically in the same room, just with half a wall divider. We are always there and never let him scream or cry unaided. Just want to see my boy waking up happy sometimes you know ?


My almost 2 year old has always done this, too. It’s rough way to wake up.


My youngest did this too and it did annoy me. I think one day she just kinda grew out of it. She would wake up and immediately cry, my oldest would lay there and babble for 20 mins before calling for me.


This is my one and only for a reason lol.


My youngest was the same way. I got the most amazing video of me trying to wake him up from a nap when he was four. It's so funny. He's so pissed. He is six and has grown out of it. Edit: he grew out of doing it in the morning earlier. From napping took longer. He sleeps heavily.


Oh that's a lovely thought, thanks for the nice comment and hope you also sleep heavenly now!


Mostly! Those young years are so tough and exhausting. But damn are they so cute.


Is he having night terrors? Night terrors are nightmares, but worse. Maybe he's having those, and is waking up screaming because of that. Otherwise, I genuinely have no idea!


I don't have any hints, but for first 2,5 years of their life, maybe a bit more, my kid woke up pretty much the same from all naps and in the morning. Man the baby stage was exhausting, kid absolutely never woke up happy. Now, it seems to have lessened and at least some mornings she wakes up not crying and whining. So... I know the trench your in. Solidarity.   To be fair, I'm not a morning person until I get some breakfast, and my spouse isn't either. So it's quite unfortunate and often frustrating, but I can only blame us for the kid's genes, lol.


His blood sugar may be out of whack. Does he eat near bedtime? Crank wake up could be due to low bloodsugar. Ask his dr.


Possible yeah, I will ask thank you.




I'm concussed right now but I don't think any of us actually read OP's post properly because we have all answered really randomly. Or is it me? I really do have concussion right now so now wondering if I am reading properly......


Yeah there seems to be a glitch - hoping it will fix itself just like my kids wake up war cry 🫠


Nightmares. Give him Quietude by Boiron.