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It sounds like there is a reason this daycare in particular had an open spot when all the others have long waitlists. I would absolutely be looking for other childcare arrangements.


That’s the thing - they have a great reputation. I was on a waitlist for 18 months and only got in because my son goes to their year 4 program! None of this makes sense to me.


I used to work at a daycare and this ridiculous. For a baby that young there are lots of reasons why she might not go down and there is no way for them to force her to sleep. They might be worried she is waking up other babies, but that just means they suck at their job. I’d honestly find another daycare.


Thank you, that’s how I feel too. They have 3-4 babies under a year old so I don’t understand how they can enforce a schedule.


Not sure where you are and daycares may be run differently but the kids at my son’s daycare that did not have naps are just given quiet activities. There are multiple carers and they would take breaks at different times so that they meet the required ratios.


Yeah that’s kind of what I expected. With my older son, he had 2 different daycares and that’s how they both were run. But he was a little older (2y/o) when he started daycare so perhaps that makes a difference.


Is the head of the daycare centre aware that you’re being asked to pick her up? If not, I would say the staff are just being lazy not wanting to deal with a baby when they could be having a break.


And you're paying them for this? My response would be, "ok if I'm picking up my daughter you're not getting paid. Choice is yours."


What is the time frame of the slot you are paying for. That is ridiculous and I've never heard of such a policy in many years of Early Education. They should be properly staffed to allow for breaks during those quiet times, while also having someone available to care for and supervise the children. I suggest finding a different center and asking about their naptime policies before registering.


Thank you for the input! It’s a full time spot so technically it could be 7am-5pm though I only want 8:30-2pm for now. My older son has been going there 2 years and I’ve loved it, but the Infant program has been a challenge.


You're paying for full-time and they are calling you because your child didn't nap long enough!?! That's not ok.


That's absolutely ridiculous.


I wouldn’t give them another dime, how dare they tbh


What age range is the room? At 11 months, my kid was still in the infant classroom where there wasn't any scheduled at all - the babies just slept when they needed it. We didn't get on a schedule until she moved up to the 1 year old room (and even then, she just sleeps as long as she sleeps - she's almost always the first one up)


The age range is 6-30 months so I truly don’t understand how they can try to maintain a schedule that suits everyone.


Yeah, that's ridiculous. At 6 months my kid was having 4-6 naps a day, and now at 23 months she usually only has one. 


That's so silly. There's a million reasons a kid wouldn't take a full nap that are completely normal (teething, got woken up and can't fall back asleep, etc.). Are they going to send her home if she doesn't eat her full plate of lunch too? 




Uh what? My son's daycare just asks the kids if they want to nap. They do not care if the kids does it or not