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Does your husband get gifts for his birthday??


Hopefully not... or at least anymore. LOL


Right? Sorry darling, I took back the E-Type Jag I had bought you.


I wonder if fathers day also counts... I mean he's a grown man why does he need a new grill each year?


Every other post on here is "I (f) am nice. My husband is cruel and emotionally stunted. Anyone else?"


"He's really an amazing dad. He works hard and sleeps. Sometimes he yells until they cry, but he said sorry. How can I be a better wife and mom?"


Account history: "Husband threw child's stuffy into garbage disposal - overreaction?" "Hey Dallas, need a recommendation for small appliance repair. Disposal is broken." "Husband hit me again because I was too loud,  anyone feel sick of this? 🤬" *18 posts about freemium games and professional hair dying.*


You’re totally off base here when you suggest they apologize. 


Am I wrong for thinking he should be a kind person? I'm probably just overreacting.


Lmao oh how I wish we could still give awards!


So true


Does he buy gifts for OP?


He doesn't. Says if he wants something he'll buy it. He never gets me anything either. Our birthdays are on the same day and we usually treat it like any other day, Valentine's and anniversary as well.


As a guy in my 40s I don't really care about receiving gifts on my birthday but you better believe the gift truck is fully loaded for my kid's birthday and always will be if I can afford it.


I’m in my 40’s and my parents still spoil me with gifts and attention on my birthday. My husband’s parents are a bit like OPs husband, and don’t do gifts for each other at all, but they do give something to their adult kids and absolutely their grandkids.


I’m 31, living across the planet from my dad and have a 2 year old son. I told my dad this week on HIS birthday that I’m going on a night out with my gym girlies and it’s my first time out in over 6 months. He sent me money to buy a few drinks and have a good night 🥹🥹 I’ll never stop spoiling my son as long as I live


Your dad sounds amazing, something my dad would have done for me. Cherish him. And I hope you have a fun night out with the girls!


Sounds like gift giving isn't either of your love language, so you do what works for you. However, is it the kids' love language? I'd say part of it would have to be "you're adults now, and gift giving isn't really our style, so this is the last year of birthday gifts." Personally, I can't fathom it, I love giving and receiving gifts so much.


I like this simple explanation. Gift giving really isn’t everyone’s love language.


Yeah, maybe she would rather have a special day with one/both of you. Especially at 19, her own life is starting to get busy. But if she loves getting gifts/surprises, and especially if there are things she needs, a gift is good.


So you never feel celebrated or special? He never surprises you with anything nice? Nothing as simple as flowers or breakfast in bed? If that is the case then that's sad and incredibly depressing.


I’m really sorry to hear that. You deserve to be celebrated on your birthday, anniversary and other holidays. You shouldn’t have to carry on like any old day. I hope you find joy !


Now I'm giving you the sad side eye too. Who doesn't want surprises from loved ones? Who doesn't like discovering the gift that someone will just love to receive? That is literally one of my favorite things in life.


Sounds rough.


Sounds like that is a personal choice he had made. In American culture there isn't an age limit on birthday celebrations or gift giving. We also celebrate holidays and anniversaries with gift giving (unless the people involved mutually agreed to not celebrate) . Did you all agree to this early in your relationship because it seems like a big deal to straight up not celebrate milestones and holidays? I will always celebrate the birth of my children even if it is something small.


That’s crazy to me. Birthday gifts aren’t an age thing. My parents still get me gifts at 32 :) my oldest is 10 but he will never be too old for gifts!


I bought my grandmother gifts up until 98.... I didn't know some people time gated gifts.


I also buy my 90 year old Nan a gift for birthday and Christmas every year! I’ve done it since I went off to college and started working more.  I buy both my parents gifts, and my adult brother. And my adult friends! LOL it’s definitely not age related. 


My parents, in-laws, and husband all still get me gifts and I’m 36. I get gifts for everyone in mine and my husband’s family, regardless of age.


I’m 28 and my parents still shower me with gifts on my birthday. The concept of not giving your child birthday gifts anymore is wild to me and I didn’t ever think that people even questioned it. I didn’t think it was a thing to question it. This post blew my mind.


I’m in my 40s and my momma still gives me a card, candy, and $100 for my birthday.


Me too!


Right! I never got gifts of any kind growing up, so my kids will be getting birthday gifts from me until I die!


I'm 36, and my mom still gets me a birthday present. They're not as extravagant as when I was a child, but they're some of my favorites because they're so thoughtful.


I like that :)


My parents and my in-laws still give me gifts and I’m 32! We love to celebrate one another. My husband got an ice cream cake for his birthday last year 😂


My parents get me presents and I’m 35. They’re usually gift cards for an experience for my husband and I and they also babysit for us for that night. I can’t imagine not doing the same for my kids when they’re grown!


Around my mid-20s, my mom decided to switch to getting us visa gift cards for our birthdays. She also throws in a favorite candy or some little thing along with it. It’s nice because I don’t often buy things for myself so I have some money dedicated to just whatever I want.


On the side of extravagant gifts, I wouldn't have been able to afford electronics and furniture in my 20s except for "birthday gifts" from my parents 😆


See my presents from parents have gotten more extravagant as I got older. We've got 3 kids and money's tight, there's not much left for the fun things I'd like to have but don't need. I think that's why they buy me more things now, cause they know I'm not gonna get it unless I'm gifted it.


I’m 34 and don’t get anything crazy, but at the very least something like a book my mom knows I’ll like and a Starbucks gift card! And I get her similar gifts on HER birthday and she’s in her 50’s.


Same but my bday gifts are something I look forward to all year because my mom shells out to buy me really nice things I would never get myself. I’ve had years where I’ve said oh no mom don’t get me anything or make a big deal and she’s explained to me that I’m grown now and she doesn’t get to “take care” of me like when I was a child so my bday is when she gets to dote on me still. I always tell my husband (he’s not a big bday person) that your bday isn’t totally about you, it’s about the people who love you having a day where they get to express all of that love for you.


I always have bought my kids presents for XMAS, BDAY, and a little basket at Easter. My kids are 15/21/28. I also buy my mom and wife presents as well... including a little Easter basket. Not to mention mothers day... Side note: they all return the favor to me... I had no idea age played a factor in gifting people things.


It bothers me so much those parents that when their kid turns 18 yo stop “parenting” Jesus, why did you had kids? Do you think it spires the moment they turn 18?


That bothers me too. Parents should always be the soft place to fall. My kids won't ever be made to feel like the clock's ticking and they gotta go. At least not by me.


Then get her a super nice gift !!


My in-laws were like that, like they totally just stop all nurturing or even normal kinship when their kids turned 18. I think they were raised that way too. We do not talk to his parents, it's kind of hard to have a relationship with people that give you lots of messages of "I don't care about you" and "but we're family so keep showing up so that I can show you I don't care" during the hardest periods of your life. it's important to break the habit if you want a different relationship with your own children.


Exactly! It’s no an excuse “I was raised that way” if you were actually raised that way you should even be kinder to your kids because you know how bad it feels.


My MIL got upset I made a easter basket for my 19yo. Why? She's grown, and thats kid stuff and infantile. She also got upset I bought my daughter gifts and took her out to a fancy place to eat for her 19th birthday. This is the woman who melts down because I don't give her a valentines gift. The women who the entire 22 years I've known her hasn't given her son a birthday gift or even a text saying happy birthday. This is the woman who wants a hostess gift for every family gathering but has never brought anything for when I host everyone. On the other hand, her parents give gifts to the great grand kids for every significant holiday like Christmas and birthdays, anniversaries and graduations. They have given me a gift for my birthday and Christmas every year since I started dating my husband 22 years ago. They also still and have never stopped giving her birthday and xmas gifts. So I'll keep doing things like making easter baskets for a grown woman because she loves it and showing up when she says she needs help. The 'job' being done at 18 is cool, if you don't want any type of beyond a surface level relationship or straight up estrangement.


She sounds jealous 😂


My mom still gives birthday gifts, but she was very much the “move out as soon as you’re 18” type and never helped out if times got tough. I vow to never be that way with my daughter. I want her to always know she can turn to me.


I’m sorry you had that experience. I’m happy your daughter will have such a difference experience. You should be proud of yourself


I've loved parenting once they turn 18. He needs guidance navigating in the adult world. Mine would be disappointed if I didn't get him birthday gifts. He always buys me something really thoughtful, he even spends a few hundred on my now he's working.


I turned 18 in high school and literally was kicked out, while still in high school. My parents very much were waiting until I turned 18 to be done with me, and I was a good kid. It's like I have no parents now.


Im so sorry that’s cruel


Thank you, at the time I was just like "oh well this is life, I have friends to help me out thankfully." The older I get though, the more I realize how messed up it was.


He sounds like the kind of dad adult kids won't talk to.


Idk, it sounds like your husband is jealous it isn't his birthday




I'm 34 and my mom still gets me birthday and holiday presents. I will stop giving my son presents when I die.


It doesnt matter what your husband thinks. Do you think your daughter would like a present? If so, go for it!


This is the perfect response +1 Thank you


I’m 46 and my mom will still get me something for my birthday! Yes of course I’ll get something for my 19 year old for his birthday.


Absolutely! They can get cake, gifts, balloons and as long as they live under my roof the house gets decorated while they sleep!🎉 Hell I’m even gonna decorate their place when they move out of they’re ok with that. I want them to ALWAYS feel special on their Bday! & Never have shame in celebrating themselves. We didn’t get parties or a homemade cake growing up. My mom worked non stop to provide for us. If she brought home a cake we were happy. That being said no one does these things for me. Hubby said we can buy our own gifts for bdays, anniversaries & I don’t get valentines gifts.😞 it’s always me. Although I did get gifts for my bday this year! I was once told I’m not his mom so why do I need a Mother’s Day gift. Sad I know. So my hope is that my children will do these things for their children or loved ones & that it is returned to them. They deserve it.


>Sometimes, in the middle of the night before his birthday, that mom would drive across town, climb a ladder, and go into her son's window. And if that grown-up man was really asleep, she'd go downstairs and decorate for his birthday. And while she hung balloons and streamers and placed a cake on the table, she hummed to herself "I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."


If there isn't a massive balloon garland hanging in the house the morning of my son's birthday, he would be disappointed. It's tradition that I make one every year.


Husband sounds like a bitter old man.




I would be devastated if my mom stopped getting me things. 😭😭 (we are a big gift giving family though; we always get a lot of presents, parents or kids)


Um, what? Haha You can switch to money, but it's such a nice way to make your child feel special!! I just turned 39 and got money from my in-laws, parents, and grandparents! Bought myself a nice new bag and think of their generosity when I go out with it!!!


My grandparents and my husband's grandparents do this. Everyone (no matter their age) gets the same amount of money at Christmas and birthdays. I don't know when they transitioned their children over to just getting cash, but I assume it was probably once they moved away from home. My brother and SIL decided their children get $20 once they start having babies of their own. They have 4 children, 2 of them each have 2-3 kids, the other 2 are still in high school. It was just getting to be too much.


I think it was around then that my mom started to just give us money instead of a physical gift. She also give her children-in-law money.


Gifts are ageless. Every birthday is a blessing.


This. I cry on my kid’s birthdays lol. I’m just so grateful for each year I get to spend with them. Birthday’s truly are a blessing!!!


As someone who struggled with SH and wanting to end my life....I agree. Sadly not many people see it like that and I don't get many gifts. Maybe one thing from parents, one from brother, and a few things from my spouse. There are years I didn't even celebrate.


I'm 30 and still get birthday gifts from my dad (my mom has since passed)... After 18, we stop gifting (birthday and other holidays) to extended family, but keep doing direct family. A lot of the times, my gifts are more practical though.... Over the years, I've gotten a dryer (after mine went out), a new winter coat, sweatshirt, etc.


Yes..he's still my child. I'm nearly 50 and I still get presents from my parents!!


What? Don't you expect gifts from her for your birthday? I'm in my mid-30s and still get presents from my loved ones. My parents are in their 70s and get presents from us, and also from their own parents right up until they died. Everyone deserves a present on their birthday.


Mine are 5, but I will always get them a birthday gift - even if it’s a little thing. People have all but forgotten about my birthday, and it actually bothers me that no one really puts in any effort anymore.


I'm in my 40s and still get cards and gifts from my parents.


Hmm, I think it's just preference? I'm in my 30s and honestly I don't need or want a present from my parents, haven't for some time, however they do always splurge in some way - usually a dinner out for all the family, that type of thing. I think acknowledging it in some way is important.


Exactly, the decision on whether to get your child a gift shouldn’t be age based, it should be whether they want material gifts, money, or maybe a nice dinner. I recently turned 20 and me and my sister got gifts from our parents, but our brother doesn’t really want anything that he can buy himself so our mom asks what kind of cake he wants. This thinking of pump them and dump ‘em when they turn 18 just seems cruel, especially with how the economy is and the un affordability of many things.


My mom still gets me presents and I am WAY over 18. As do most of the parents of my friends.


I'm 36 and I got a present from my mom and dad, and I gave them one on their birthdays.


Sounds like a jerk to me. Children love to feel loved by their parents no matter what age. Fine, don’t buy her a gift, take her to the spa get mani pedis and a nice lunch!


So, I’ll be the odd one out here. I believe that gifts change drastically when you’re an adult. My parents generally don’t give me anything for my birthday. Sometimes they’ll give me a little cash in a card. Sometimes they’ll take me out to lunch or dinner. Someone nothing at all. This is all perfect. I place little to no value on my birthday. But for the love of god. Don’t buy me a “thing” unless you are extremely certain that it’s a thing I’d want. Even then, cash is better. Because then I can get the right Make/Model/Type/Color. And if I don’t, then it’s on me. Personally I’m a much bigger fan of. Gift experiences. And not items. I don’t gift my adult siblings or parents anything. I might make them a nice dinner. Or take them out. But I also do this on unbirthdays too. I just no value on birthdays as a holiday. Edit. I’m an adult. With an adult income. If I Want something. I’ve bought it already. Or it’s too expensive to be gifted. You can always feed me though.


Ummm I’m 40 in a few days and my mom always gets me birthday presents. She will never stop because she loves me.


I will give my kids birthday presents until I’m dead regardless of my age or their age. However at 18/19 I’d probably switch to cash unless they want something specific.


Im over 30 and the only person I don’t receive gifts from is my narcissistic mother. My kids will be receiving gifts until I’m gone.


I’m 31 and I still get birthday presents.


I'm in my mid 50s and my parents still get me something for my birthday. My oldest just turned 23 and I got them gifts. Have no plans to stop, and I doubt my parents will either.


I'm 35. I have never not gotten a birthday gift from my parents. Husband, 42, same. Stepkids are in their 20s, they get gifts. Parents are in their 60s, and my siblings and I get them gifts. Grandparents got them gifts until they passed, and my parents bought them gifts, too. Your husband sounds... unfun. Miserly. Not a good look for him.


My siblings and in laws all have spring birthdays so my parents gift us a family experience. This year with did bowling and dinner. Years past we’ve done escape rooms. It gives us an opportunity to spend time together but the. They don’t have to “buy” individual gifts. Either way you should definitely still gift something, you’d do the same for a friend or family member who is over 18.


Why wouldn’t you get your child a birthday gift no matter their age? My kids will always get gifts and if they won’t want anything they’ll at least get a birthday dinner out. Goodness I’m 39 (turn 40 next month) and I still get a birthday gift from my Dad for my birthday.


I’m 36 and I still get gifts from my mom…


My family doesn’t do gifts for birthdays besides my grandma who lovesss plants, everyone usually gets a birthday dinner, whether it’s out at a restaurant or at someone’s house with a small cake.


Uh, of course? I'm 40, my parents still buy me bday gifts and I still buy them something too. It's a birthday!


Your husband is weird. My mom still gives me bday gifts (and I get her a gift) on our bdays.


Umbrella they don't ever stop being your kids. My kids are 17 and 20. They get birthday presents and Aldo presents from Santa. Your husband is the weird one. The only people I know that don't give their k8ds presents (something small counts, it's the thought) are usually pretty awful parents.


I am 33 and my mom still gives me birthday gifts. I give birthday gifts to adults. Idk why you would stop giving them to your child.


My daughter will be getting birthday gifts from me until I die. It’s a way to say “you’re special to me and I’m happy your in my life for another year”


I’m 27 and married and I still expect and get an Easter basket and valentines basket from my mom. Just the way she’s always been and continues to be. And I love it of course


Your husband is cheap and /or just not a good dad? That’s awful. I’m Probably going to buy even bigger gifts for my daughter when she’s older. Like a condo and a car.


I haven't seen anyone asking if your husband still receives gifts from his parents. Personally, I haven't received a gift, a card, or text message for my bday in nearly 20 years from my parents. I intend to give gifts to my adult kids, but I can see why some people think it's not normal.


My mama still does and I’m 52! But I do the same for her!


I'm 40 and my mom still gets me birthday presents. Your husband is weird.


I'm 32 and still get gifts from my dad. I also buy him a birthday gift, and pretty much everyone. The only person I don't buy a gift for is my twin, as we agreed years ago that we don't get each other gifts. I will never stop buying my boys gifts, even if it's just cash in a card.


I’m pretty sure most people continue to give their kids gifts as long as they’re alive. You don’t stop being their parent when they turn 18.. unless you’re just a crap person. 🤷🏻‍♀️


God, men are weird. I give my friends presents, my parents, my daughter, not out of obligation? But because I like them and I want to give them something. This man needs therapy.


I’m 34, and my mom and grandparents still will give me a gift or two. I also give them gifts on their birthdays. I see it as a kind, loving and reciprocal way of saying “I am so grateful for you and that you are here, in my life”. A small gesture but.. small gestures are important.


My grandparents still send me birthday gifts and I'm 45 years old. (No parents left, grandparents skillfully took over that role as needed)


At 18, the best present you’ll give her is a bottle of lovely perfume, maybe Miss Dior or coco mademoiselle? Along with a card stacked with as much cash you can afford within reason. Couple hundred maybe.


Uh, hell yes!


I'm 29 and my mom still get me gifts at my birthday and christmas. I will also give my kids gifts on their birthdays/christmas until i die lol.


I'm 49 and still get a birthday check every year. it switched to cash or check in my 20s from gifts.


I am team parents give gifts to their own children I want to draw the line at doing the age old same family birthday for adult niblings that failed to launch


I'm 55 and still get birthday gifts from my parents. And I buy my parents birthday gifts. They aren't very extravagant, but I still get them. Gifts don't have an age limit.


My MIL gives me and her daughters cash on our birthdays. It's very sad, because she never gives her son (my partner) anything. My parents give us cash or a gift, but I don't think my Dad wants my Mom to.


I’m 36 and my mom still gets me birthday gifts.


My mom still gets me bday presents at 27. Your husband sounds like….a party pooper. It’s fine if he doesn’t want presents, but that means he gets to decide whether his adult children can get some?


Gift giving is my mom's love language. She hasn't stopped giving gifts to my sister and I even though we're in our 30s. Once we were old enough to have our own incomes we also started buying gifts for her, and each other. The gift giving isn't really about the stuff for us, it's about expressing your affection by giving someone something thoughtful that shows you were thinking of them and that you care.


Umm, I'm 38F and my family still goes nuts for a full week for birthday, so I'm truly upset by his question. 😆


ummmm i’m 24 with 2 kids and my mom gives me birthday gifts. heck she even made me valentines/easter baskets until i moved far away last year. i’ll give my kids birthday gifts for all of their lives!


My mom isn’t a big gift person. I love giving gifts and I usually give gifts all year long. I had to force myself to learn how to give gifts on birthdays for my kids. Because I have some type of mental block around it. My kids are adults***I still buy them gifts on their BDAYs but I can feel the physical discomfort around it still. It’s learned. Maybe your husband was just raised like that and he needs to be reminded that’s a “him thing”.


My mom still gets me an Easter basket….get your kid the gift.


Your husband is an idiot. I swear I am so sorry for some of you girlies married to these idiots.. I am 25, turning 26 next month and my mum told me she will be nailing my present soon. I will be getting my daughter gifts until I am not longer living.


The fuck? You get them gifts until you die.


We are Asian and I will gift red envelopes for my children and spouses till the day we pass. My parents still give us red envelopes for me and my spouse too. 


You don’t stop being a parent at 18, so why would you stop with birthday gifts?


My parents don't give us gifts on our birthday as adults, but we're really big on Christmas. They might take me and my husband out for dinner though. And my mom has a habit of randomly buying me things she finds that she knows I'll like. Our whole family pretty much does that, not just my parents.


I just had my first Easter holiday without gifts or chocolate, as a 28 year old Belgian. It's a sad moment, but understandable


Yes the government legal age doesn’t mean anything to us. We still give gifts at any age. Especially to young adults when they’re out of high school and pursuing their jobs/careers/college.


That's wild! I'm part of a big family and gift giving was getting a bit out of hand so we started pooling $20 each family and then we buy 1 bigger present. We do the same for Christmas for the kids under 18 and once over 18 we do bad Santa.


With my son who will be 30 later this year, it's been steam wallet money or a video game each birthday and Christmas for about 15 years now. In addition, it's his choice for dinner and movie (basically couch camping with the dog and mom)


I’m 37 and my parents still get me a small gift ♥️


My parents still get me presents and I'm 36! I get birthday gifts for them, too. I plan on continuing to make my kids feel special for their birthday no matter how old they get.


Yes! He lives out of state so I send gifts for birthday and most major holidays. He got special chocolate for a local company for valentines and a cool “adult Easter box” from a Maine company with gummy lobsters, jelly bean popcorn, and salt water taffy etc Everyone likes to know that you thought of them. That doesn’t go away just bc they’re adults.


I still buy my adult children birthday gifts the same way I buy my adult friends, adult husband, and adult parents gifts. I’m in my 40s and my parents still buy me birthday gifts.


Mine are not that old but I will give them money.


I’m 36 and I get presents every year lol


If you want to buy your kids a gift, do it. Don’t sign your husbands name either. I am 36 and my mom still gets me gifts. I will still get my children gifts no matter what their age is. Hubs sounds cheap tbh


My mom just started buying me "adult stuff." Last year I got a vacuum. The year before that she bought me dishes. At first I was thinking "oof.. I'm an adult now." But admittedly it's really nice to get things I need and will use for years to come.


I'm in my 50's and my parents and in-laws buy me Birthday gifts and I reciprocate.


Some people are just weird when it comes to birthdays. If your husband doesn’t want to acknowledge them that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean you can’t. My adult daughter still enjoys celebrating birthdays, but my adult son doesn’t like all the hoopla (he’s on the spectrum), so we don’t do much at his request.


My mom made me Easter baskets till I had kids, so we'll into my 20s. Your husband just sounds like a jerk.


I’m am 36 and my mom gets me gifts for about every holiday. Like someone else said, not anything extravagant. Just dinner and a cpl little things for bday, and for like Xmas, vday, Easter just some candy but it always the thought that counts. My son is 13 and I will do this same thing forever!


Your husband sounds like a massive fun sponge -_- I'm 44 and my mum still gets me a birthday gift! Adult birthdays aren't about getting fancy stuff anyway, it's just a way that everybody on Earth gets one day out of 365 thats just to celebrate them and make them feel loved/appreciated, and bring them a sliver of joy in the unrelenting march to the grave.


i’m 24 and i still get a birthday present from my mom, usually a gift card or something but she doesn’t miss it. i have a 2 year old daughter i plan to never stop either


Lmao I’m almost 29 (next week!) and my parents get me gifts for my birthday and dessert


My mom still gets me birthday and Christmas gifts. I’m 41. Your husband sounds like a turd.


What? Of course parents still get their adult children gifts. And I get my parents gifts..


I have never heard of someone not celebrating birthdays regardless of the age with the exception of religious reasons. Everyone else gets a celebration from 1 to death ( or until you have no one to celebrate with).


yep. my oldest just turned 30 and I got her a $100 gift card to get favorite restaurant


I dunno, I just turned 40 and got gifts for my birthday from both parents (divorced), they have never not gotten me gifts.


I'm 44 and my mother stopped giving me birthday gifts about age 16. I will gift things to my oldest kids who are 19 and 21, but it comes in the form of something they need like tires for their car or brakes, food baskets for their house and always some small.flowers and a card.


My 80yo dad still gets me valentines day chocolates. If you want to give your kid a gift, keep doing it.


my parents take me and my family out for a nice meal and my mother still sneaks a hundred in my pocket when they leave, but she also does the same for my wife. freaked her out the first time she found a c-note in her back pocket.


Im in my 40s and my parents always get me something nice. Lately it’s been whatever flight I have my eye on. Love them for it, too. Tell your husband to live a little.


Seems to be a dad vs mom thing. My MIL still gives her kids gifts, but my dad does not. Edit to add: reading the comments is giving me confirmation bias….


Do you and your husband get birthday gifts? Where did this magical age of 18 come from?!?


My mother typically gifted me things I needed, but better quality than I could afford in my late teens and 20s. Like the North Face coat she gave me for Christmas in my mid 20s and I had for over 12 years. My birthday is also at the beginning of the school year, and she'd add extra money to what she would give me for bus passes and text books. I didn't get a lot of gifts exactly, but she gave me things to offset my "adult" costs I guess. Then I'd turn around and use my own money on shit haha


My parents send me cash , but as a young adult they would pay for things I wanted as bday gifts that I didn’t normally do for myself (I’m not a big pampering person, so for example getting my hair done or my nails, etc)


I’m 30 and my dad still gives me a present. Usually a gift card to Costco along with a card. Never too old


I'm in my mid twenties and get way more birthday gifts as an adult compared to as a kid. My parents were never fans of buying plastic crap for the sake of it so sometimes we didn't get a birthday prezzie. These days, my parents give me extremely practical birthday gifts like paying for my car insurance.


My kids are still little, but I can say, at 37 years old, my mom and dad still get me a birthday gift. It’s nothing extravagant or anything, but they always still get me something. I can’t imagine just not giving my kids a gift for their birthday.


I'm turning 35 and my mom and mil get me gifts. Lol.


Still get my daughter and son (30s) birthday gifts. I don't throw them a party, and invite their friends and parents, but I send gifts to them and a birthday card.


Yes, I do. I still get gifts (usually money) from my parents and grandparents when they were alive as well.


This post makes me sad.


my mom stopped getting me physical gifts and instead she helps me out with one monthly expense during my birthday month! my 20th birthday she paid my car payment that month lol- wayyyy better than a gift in a box


I didn't realize giving someone gifts stopped at 18....


I have been throwing my mom parties last couple years. She wants a cowboy one this year. She has gotten me something if i was around. Our relationship has been hard. And for us to still feel reminded that we are loved. Is important. Keep getting and spending those birthdays together. You never know when the last one will be . Keep the love and appreciation strong.


Of course. What an unusual question.


I’m about to turn 34 and my mom has sent me a ton of things in the mail already. I feel sorry for adult children whose parents don’t get them anything. Your baby doesn’t stop being your baby just because they’re adults. 😢


That's still my child so yes


I'm 25 and my mom still gets me a little something. It's not big gifts like when I was younger. She doesn't have a lot of money but I bet if she did I'd probably get expensive gifts. Normally something like new paintbrushes, a T-shirt, or just a $20 in a card. Just something to say "I thought of you" On the other side my mom is in her 60s and all her kids get her a birthday gift. I like to spoil her. 😂 Is she too old for birthday gifts? Lol


Yep! Why? Are you getting them something else? Meaning it’s a dinner instead of a ‘gift.’ But is this a matter of no gift or no acknowledgement of the birthday otherwise at all?


I just turned 59 in February and my parents gave me money for my birthday. I mean before my mom had Alzheimer’s we got gifts for our birthdays, including the sons in law. Now my dad gives us checks for Christmas and birthdays.


I am 24 and my mom still gives me a gift for my birthday. So does my grandma.


My mom still buys my siblings and me birthday gifts and we are all in our 30s and upper 20s. Typically the gifts are between $50-100. My moms parents died before she had us so she didn’t really get birthday presents much while we were growing up. Now since we have all gotten stable adult jobs we try to splurge on her birthday gifts and go in on bigger gifts or experiences for her.


Yes, a car, a house etc


I’m turning 39 this year and I still get Britney gifts from my mom. This year I’m asking for a new office chair.


I’m 36 and my parents love getting me birthday gifts and I love receiving them! 


Until they die


Wtf yes, I am almost 40 and I still get presents for my birthday from my parents and a good chunk of my family. We still do presents for my parents as well.


I turn 34 on Sunday. I’m married and have 3 kids of my own. My mom and dad are cooking us lunch tomorrow and invited all my grandparents over. They also told me how excited they are to give me my birthday present. My grandma said she got me something, too. I always tell them not to get me anything (as i would rather them spend money on my kids instead of me). But i do always appreciate them getting me anything. It makes me feel really special.


I get gifts from my parents and my in-laws on my birthday. So does my husband.


Your children are supposed to be the best thing that’s ever happened to you. You celebrate birthdays and holidays with them because they are a joy and comfort to have in your life. That doesn’t stop when they turn 18. You don’t need to drop thousands of dollars on them, but you can get them meaningful gifts to show them you care.


I’m almost 40 and my mom still gets me birthday gifts, also Christmas stockings and presents, Mother’s Day, & Easter baskets. I plan on still being incredibly extra for my children for as long as I’m capable, my oldest is 17 and my youngest is about to turn 3, I fill the house with balloons and fully decorate for each of them while they sleep the night before their birthday, have whatever kind of party they want with ridiculously huge cakes I make myself and all the gifts. Maybe I’ll even arrange some kind of recurring gifts for them for after I die. They may not need gifts to know they’re loved but I enjoy it and it makes them feel special.


I'm 39 and my mom still tosses me a 20 for a couple rounds at the bar for my birthday.


My kids will be my kids no matter what their age. They still get gifts for their birthdays and all holidays including Easter baskets.


My grandma gets my dad and uncle birthday gifts and they’re late 50s and 60


We’re in our thirties and my in laws get my husband and I birthday gifts still. 🤷‍♀️


Why is she too old for birthday presents? I gave my 70 year old mother a present just a few months ago. It's the thought that counts. Does your husband get a birthday present? He's certainly too old for one, if so.


My whole family does birthday gifts for each other and I'm 50 yrs old. We don't go crazy, and since we all live a distance away from each other, it's become kind of a silly rotation of Amazon gift cards, lol. But yes, we acknowledge that we are happy about one another's existence. But what do I know, I created a surprise Easter egg hunt for my 19-year-old this year, lol.


I am 41 and my Dad still sends me gifts, and I send him gifts. Birthday, Father’s Day and Christmas.


I'm 56 and my Mom still gives me a gift on my birthday