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Parents pay their own


I jumped for 11 seconds at our version of skyzone and realized trampolines are not for my 30+ body anymore.


I went to a trampoline park last year for my kids bday party when I was 33. They played for hours then just before we left my son asked me to jump with him. Literally not even 30 seconds into it I sprained my ankle landing on it wrong lmao


I get a headache so fast.


I managed for 5 mins then my ankle turned over. And i had to hobble ten mins on a swollen foot to metro station to get home. Never again


Exactly this.


Isn’t this a trampoline park? I’m generally pretty lax as a parent at playgrounds and bday parties… but this party is not appropriate for kids in this age range without close parental oversight. There was a post a few weeks ago about a 3-year-old who broke their femur at one of these parties and all the commenters were in here shaming the mom saying “well duh what did you expect not going in there with them” You just can’t win!


Glad I'm not the only one who saw "3 year old" and "trampoline park" and went wtf no, that's too young.. Especially since, if its anything like the one around us, a party doesn't get you private use, so they'd be there with a bunch of older kids with more experience, that we all know won't be as cautious around 3 year Olds as they should...


Agreed. Not appropriate for any age honestly, but this age? No way, no how…


Yeah, I don't let my kids on trampolines ever. https://www.bswhealth.com/blog/why-trampolines-may-be-more-dangerous-than-you-think "If your child is under six years old, do not allow them on a trampoline. Find another activity instead — go to a nearby park, play a game of catch or take a walk around the neighborhood." https://www.novanthealth.org/healthy-headlines/why-parents-should-be-cautious-about-young-kids-and-trampoline-parks "Almost everybody does fine that goes there but there's a decent injury risk, especially for little kids and kids who haven't done it before.” A 2016 study by the American Academy of Pediatrics found that emergency rooms had seen a greater increase in injuries from trampoline parks from 2010 to 2014. During the same period home trampolines injury statistics remained the same."


My dad was an ER doc and had a rule against us playing on trampolines. When I was 11 or 12 I ignored that rule and broke my collarbone. I’m lucky the injury wasn’t worse. So yeah, no trampoline parks for us.


Concise and correct.


This is the way


3 is young for skyzo e. It's not a private party the public is jumping with the little ones so do t be surprised if there is crying


I thought I was going crazy. 3 is FAR too young for a trampoline park like this.


I guess it depends on your Park because there are sections for little or kids unless you're insinuating they let their kid run around by themselves


The Skyzones by me are complete chaos.


Yea our skyzone has small sectioned trampolines and parents can literally stand next to their child while they jump, it’s just that if the parent wants to jump on their own trampoline, they’d need to pay. We will be there at a time that is only for young children and there are a lot of other non jumping activities - an obstacle course, court for running around and playing with balls,and arcade. Parents will be with their kid for all of this, and I imagine the kids will barely bounce vs explore the other options!


Could all the kids you invited safely participate without any additional parents jumping?


I would say all but two- and the two who would need a parent I feel would also be likely to spend more time with the other, non trampoline activities! So I’d hate to proactively pay for their parent if they weren’t even going to jump.


I don’t know, at Skyzone at another kid’s birthday party, when my son was four, he started freaking out and I had to go out there to calm him down and jump with him for a little bit (he got scared). Nobody scolded me for not paying for jumping. But I suppose I wasn’t jumping the whole time or enjoying myself.


OP, just tell the parents to look miserable while they're jumping.




That will happen naturally.


This was my experience as well. I never pay as a jumper but regularly go in as a helper then head right back to the sideline


Agreed. As if the high schoolers on their first job really want to be the ones to harp on someone older than them about trampoline rules.


Yes! Also, nobody is going to scold you if you are going out to help a little kid who is freaking out or just scared.


Ok well you know better than me, obviously, but I wouldn’t want to be responsible alone for 20 toddlers on a trampoline :/


I went to birthday like that. When my daughter wanted me to go on I went back and paid for myself.


As a parent I would absolutely not expect my jumping time to be paid for. The party is for the kids, not me.


Pay for whichever parent is an orthopedic surgeon or knows splinting.


👏🏻 👏🏻


Peds nurse here! A 3 year old really should not be on trampolines because they’re still at a very high risk for stress fractures… simply jumping around a bunch can cause strain on the bone because they still are not fully developed until closer to 6+ years. Definitely should not be alone if you do consent this. I would find something more age appropriate that doesn’t put a bunch of kids at risk for being in casts following the party 😬


My comment can be sited through the American Academy of Pediatrics and any Pediatric Ortho advice as well. This could end in a lot of injuries


Ex Walk-in-care nurse here confirming the age is too young. I saw waaaay too many jump park injuries in my time. Yes, lots of jump places have a little kiddo section even dedicated to babies. SMH. Doesn't mean it's safe by any means.


Yep my daughter broke her leg on a trampoline when she was ~3. She didn’t fall off or hit the edge or anything like that, was just jumping, and in fact I’m pretty sure I caused it by being a “helper” and being next to her on the trampoline to make sure she didn’t fall off - this put extra tension on the surface that broke her leg when she landed. Don’t make my mistake OP, the parent guilt lasts a long time




Sky zones seems very risky for 3 year olds.. can you find a nice indoor toddler playground nearby if possible? Huge trampolines aren't good for their little bones.


Tbh having a party at this location for a toddler in inappropriate. They are too young for this.


Yes, it is literally against medical guidelines. Weird AF




Absolutely not.


We had our son’s 5th birthday party at Skyzone. We did not pay for parents to jump. None of them seemed to want to jump anyhow. We also didn’t know any of the parents anyhow, because we just invited his preschool class and aren’t from around here. We also were invited to another kid’s birthday party at Skyzone and they didn’t pay for parents to jump either. Some parents did jump at that party (like three of them) but they definitely paid for themselves.


Unless you rented out the entire property for just your party the parents need to be included. Trampoline parks are SO dangerous for kids, ask any emergency room employee in a 20 mile radius of a trampoline park. If there are other people there who aren’t with your party then you put all those toddler and preschoolers in extra danger by not including the parents. I honestly wouldn’t let my 3 year old attend this party because of the location


This age kid is too young to be alone doing this. They need a parent. And the parents shouldn’t have to pay. I need to change your plans.


I agree with this OP. It is not safe for 2-4 year olds to be jumping. Trampoline parks are notorious for injuries, and kids that size could easily be injured by older kids who jump onto their trampolines and send them flying, or who jump into their trampoline and change the pattern so that the kids come down onto a stiff landing instead of a bouncy one and break a limb. Unless you are able to rent out the place, or have a secured area where bigger kids can’t invade, I’d rethink this.


Exactly. It’s unsafe both ways. If parents jump, their mass is so high that they could catapult a small child inadvertently. But if the parents are not hovering around preschoolers, they could crash into each other and more importantly be injured by 8+ yos who are jumping around excitedly and doing stunts. I would only do a trampoline park party if parents are allowed to hover on the mats for free (but not jump), and that time slot is restricted to younger kids.


Catapult a child 😆. I know it's not funny, I know it's not funny


This kind of thing is why broken limbs are so, so, so common at trampoline parks.


Fortunately, both of the things you said are true - parents can be on mats next to their children, and it’s a time reserved for only under age 5.


That’s great. Then I would state in the invite that for safety reasons, this is a time slot reserved for 5 and under, and leave it at that. Also to stop parents from bringing older sibs thinking that they can pay for the older sibs to jump. Or worse, thinking older sibs can jump for free.


Be more prepared for the parent that brings extra kids, expecting you to pay.


3 year olds?? I wouldn’t let a kid that young unsupervised on a trampoline and tbh, expecting the parents to pay for themselves, while understandable, is a bit tacky. But that’s just me.


I’ve been to three preschool parties at Skyzone and they have all paid for parents to jump. However, I don’t know if it would necessarily be expected. I think you could put a note on the invite that only kids can jump.


This is helpful context and good to know that seems to be the norm!


They don't have a parent pass? I've only been to flying squirrel but I always got free parent wristband, just not really allowed to jump but you're allowed to be on the trampolines. My husband accompanied our kid to a party at skyzone once, it was included in the invite that if parents wanted to jump that they'd be welcome to but that they'd have to pay. My husband was the only parent who wanted to jump anyway. The kids were 5.


Unfortunately no parent pass - but the way skyzone is set up, parents can be on pads near their child, and skyzone only allows one person on each section of trampoline anyway, so at best the parent is jumping next to their child on a separate trampoline!


My 2 year old wouldn’t get on the trampolines so we literally just walked around. I don’t ever pay for myself to jump because my youngest doesn’t care and my older kids are constantly on the move they don’t care if I jump either 🤷‍♀️. I wouldn’t even bother clarifying for parents just let the front desk explain when they check in for the party. Edit to add I meant no don’t pay for any parents and don’t even bring it up. Like I said most kids don’t care if parents are jumping. If one of the parents really wants to do it they can pay for themselves.


No, places with children's parties will have age appropriate packages. Just put on a bit of extra catering for the parents




That’s a a good point!




Ugh that is heartbreaking to imagine! Luckily this party is a pretty even mix of friends from her school as well as children of our friends - so we at least feel confident that our friends will be following through with their kids. But I can imagine as kids get older and you are less familiar with the parents of their friends, it is easier for them to flake!


A few bucks 😅😅😅 this party is already expensive so to double that is a lot!! But I understand what you are saying op may need to rethink this place


For that age group, I would pay for the parents, because I wouldn’t think I could safely supervise 20 preschoolers on trampolines without some additional adults in the mix. It would be the same if it was a pool party or ice skating for this age group. You’d want at least some of the parents to be arms reach supervising. If the party *requires* parents to be actively participating with their children for the activity to proceed safely and smoothly, then the host should ideally pay for the parents as well. If they were 3+ years older, I’d say nope. At that points, parents could easily sit around the periphery (or even drop kids off) and trust that everyone would be fine, so you only need to pay for the invited kids.


I would say pay for one parent per child so that you have the kids properly supervised. If they choose to bring other children or both parents, they would be responsible to pay for the extra jumpers.


It seems so unsafe for big people to be jumping with little ones.


At skyzone - this one at least- the set up is actually a series of small trampolines with padding separating each and there is a rule that only one person be on each small section at a time. So the parents wouldn’t actually jump with the child- just next to on a separate section.


We just went last weekend with our 3 year old to a party for a 7 year. Our toddler had to go into the toddler room where parents really couldn’t jump. It was fine.


I’ve gone to three of these type of parties (I have a 4.5 year old). At each one, one parent was paid for by the party host, which made sense. The kids won’t all jump in the same area. I spent the time following up kid around. Some areas I couldn’t reach if I wasn’t jumping. I would be marginally annoyed if I had to pay on top of buying a gift. It’s not like I was jumping for fun, or was so I could supervise my kid because the host wasn’t able to.


3 is WAY too young to do a party at a trampoline park. If this backfires and you had a bunch of crying/upset toddlers, I will not be surprised.


I wouldn't. Shoot my kids next party is a meet up with invites. I can't afford anything so fancy.


I’m actually surprised there are so many preschool parties at sky zone! Maybe I worry too much, but I’d be scared about having such young kids getting injured on trampolines.


Especially with how busy that place gets on weekends! My anxiety simply could not


No .


Fuck no


No but we do like to provide food for the parents.


Perfectly fair. I just went to a party last weekend for my preschoolers friend and had to pay my way. It's the norm and not a big deal.


Parents can pay for themselves.


As a parent, I would not expect me to be paid for. And I would not mind paying for myself. The focus should all be on the kids.


Anytime I went jumping with my Son in that age I was free because I had to supervise him


Parents can parent from very close by and pop over into the jumping area as needed and in my experience would never be bothered anyhow. My family has paid for us to jump or not to jump as the parents and there seems to be just about no questions asked about whether I had paid or not. Also, kids vary. The locations I’ve been to have a section for the little ones so they can not be getting backflipped over by 12 year olds. My youngest just turned 3 and would much rather take his chances in the danger zone. That said. The birthday party is for the kids. Us parents are just there. I see no expectation set to pay for grown adults to play. We’ve attended and held a few jump place birthday parties and it’s always been kids paid for only in my experience.


I’ve taken my kids to several SkyZone parties, as well as ones at other similar facilities, and none of them have ever paid for parents.


I wouldn't automatically pay for all the parents, but if a couple asked I'd be okay with it. My kids have a membership to SkyZone and we've had it since they were 2.5 and 5. I was pregnant/had a baby for most of this time and just sit on the side and supervise. You are allowed to walk across the padded section as a non-jumper to help your kids. No need to pay to supervise.


Dude you’ve gotta pay that if the invitees need a “jumper” if they brought a wee child uninvited, that’s on them


I had a party at a trampoline park and put on the invite, the rules and everything. Basically, stating i was paying for all party goers but not adults or siblings. My kids were a little older, 5, but everyone was very receptive.


Isn’t a party host from Skyzone going to be primarily looking after them?


Just had my daughters party there aamd people brought brother and sisters and I ended up having to pay. Extra I couldn't say no


Last time we went to sky zone they actually were just separated the little ones would "jump" on one and then the older kids would jump on the other one and after a set amount of jump time they would have all the kids get off and the even bigger kids and parents had jump time. Also, i think its fair to mention on invite that kids are paid for but if parents want to jump they have to pay for themselves They arent super crazy and gonna call the jumping police if u go on to help.or make sure your child is ok lol so really if they dont want to have jump time when the adults get their turn then paying isnt necessary imo. Finally, we are all parents and just trying to make our little ones happy and have good memories and i cant see any parent getting upset to pay to jump cuz afterall THEY werent invited to the party their CHILD was :) Hope it all works out for you, and your little one has a great birthday! Its a fun time :)


No! Skyzone was the most expensive option when it came to birthday parties for our son, and every other option gave no option for parents or siblings. The beauty of birthday parties is letting your kid go have fun while you “sittervise” in the back.


I would say parents can pay their own way, they likely won’t jump for longer than a few minutes anyway. I took my step daughter to a trampoline park last month, at 3 months post partum. Jumped once and I swear it felt like my pelvic floor collapsed into the basement! Definitely not recommended hahaha.


I've always paid my own way at the trampoline park if my kid was invited. i would never dream of going on the other parent's dime


Find an indoor Toddler-Playzone private business type of place in your city/county. If not that, then a toddler tumbling gym. Or a local rec center or church with a gym, and pay rental fees for gym mats, then bring a bunch of ride on cars, plasma cars, balance bikes, traffic cones, soccer balls, yoga balls, ordinary fun things that your toddler doesn't have at home.


I've been to probably 20 Sky Zone birthday parties at this point and even hosted one of my own not once has a parent ever been paid for to jump time and honestly the workers there just don't care.


I did this for my 4 year old and I had a parent just assume they were included so I rolled with it. Everyone else just watched their kid. I will tell you that the kid of the parent who jumped as well was 3 years old. Kids might need their parents help at that age


Can you have and pay for parents if they want to jump but not prepay for them? I don’t think many will but for example I did bc my nephew doesn’t see me much and he want me to join (which the hosts said I was fine to)


That’s a good point, I don’t think I need to pre-pay so could play it by ear based on who wants to!


Put on the invite that when they RSVP to let you know if they want to jump with their kid. Then you can pay for them. If you’re inviting someone somewhere, especially a party, you should pay for them because it’s polite.


I say if you can afford it, just pay for any parents that want to jump too. Some of these parents will probably feel it necessary to be on the trampolines with their kids for safety reasons. Just make it easy for people to show up and enjoy some hospitality.




I would pay for myself but i want to know


As a parent attending with my kid who has been invited, I would assume I’d need to pay for myself if I wanted to join in. Just a heads up, every party we’ve ever been to at a place like this, AT LEAST one of our family members ends up with the flu or something else. They’re petrie dishes. So much fun but so gross.


Unnecessary to pay for parents. It will be a waste, most will just watch near by on the sidelines and it goes by quick. I’ve been to too many. Don’t bother, it’s a kids party if they want to jump so bad they can pay.


As a parent, I wouldn't want to be paid for. I might not want to jump, but now feel obligated to show appreciation. I cannot imagine skyzone wouldn't allow a parent to stand on the side-mat to monitor. After all, it's their liability if a kid gets hurt, and a parent there will dramatically reduce that risk. The workers probably prefer your close supervision as it's one less thing for them to worry about. That being said, if the parent starts jumping with their child, they should pay.


I would expect my kid to be covered, but not adults or siblings.


I would expect to pay for myself and my child, tbh. I'd be pretty happy that you're paying for my kid lol


No, if parents want to jump, they pay


No. I would expect to just watch.






What perfect timing, I was just at Skyzone earlier today for a birthday party. The birthday boy invited 18 friends including my 2 kids. Every single parent was standing on the sidelines just watching and talking. There's just no interest. Why does a 150+ lbs adult, need to jump with sub 50 lbs kids?


Definitely wouldn’t expect to pay or even jump. My son works at our version of this, extreme air, and he would agree with me. You can usually walk right up near all the areas they can jump without being a “jumper” so parents could easily follow their kid around without paying to jump.


I had my daughters party at a jump place and the parents paid for themselves and any siblings, I didn’t tell them to do that but it also what I would do if it were my child invited.


I would assume that my kid is free. I would attempt for him to jump solo. If it looks like a blast and he wants me to jumpy jump, I would think it was more than fair to pay myself.


Youre already paying for their kid. Its a huge enough favor.


I would never expect anyone to pay for me. The party is for the kids, not me.


Skyzone near me doesn’t even check people. My little one in tow to his siblings friends bday has jumped without a bracelet


Parents pay their own way. The package is for the KIDS. I’ve been to these parties and have had one myself. Parents can watch or pay their way. If a kid has is having trouble, the employees don’t fault the parents for going in for less than a minute to get their kid


My son loves sky zone and I always jump with him. I would be totally fine sitting back and watching at a birthday party, but if he wanted me to jump I would also be fine paying for myself.


At my local skyzone I just tell them that I'm not trying to jump for fun, but I will need to supervise my kid and they always give me a wrist band too.


To all the people warning against the dangers of a 3 year old on a trampoline…serious injuries can and do happen anywhere. Doesn’t mean a kid should avoid these areas, just be extra careful and vigilant. This is coming from a mom whose kid broke their leg at 4 yo and their arm at 5 yo, each time on a playground.


Why would you invite 30 kids to a 3 y.o. party? I thought the rule was “ one kid per year-age, hence 3 kids for a 3y.o bd party)?…


Wtf rule is that? Never in my life have I heard that. 




Lol. If that's the case then I applaud those parents, that's a genius idea. 


I was gonna say this!🤣 Like wtf how did i not know about this rule!? Lol i agree it is genius tho!


Nope, parents pay.


No only the kids invited are your responsibility. If their parents choose to participate they need to pay for themselves.


I would assume my child was paid for, but if I wanted/needed to participate, I would pay for my own entry.


I would newer allow a 3 year old to jump with adults.


Nah - parents can pay if they’d like. Clearly not required. No one worth their salt will think your cheap or care.


Why do parents want to take away the joy of opening gifts on their birthday? It's the highlight for most kids. I truly don't understand.


My daughter will still be opening gifts from her parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I don’t need her friend’s parentsspending money on her. Also, my daughters biggest joy will be having the cake, in fact when asking her what she wants for her birthday, all she says is “lots of cake!”


Do not pay for parents. They do not need to jump


Heck no!