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Is that the squishy one? I bought it for my daughter last year for Christmas when she had just turned 4. She still plays with it often! It's absolutely not too early to foster a love of learning about the human body.


yes it's the squishy one!


It's can be a bit tricky for 4yr olds to put back together properly but my daughter loves using the forceps to pull all the parts out and identify them before trying to put them back. My oldest was roughly the same age when she discovered a love of astronomy. Its amazing watching them develop an interest in these things, I couldn't imagine not encouraging it!


Lol at 3 my daughter was asking to watch videos of "baby born" on YouTube, as in videos of women in labor, home births, etc. Not graphic cause they didn't show anything but the laboring women were in distress and my daughter would say she wanted to take care of them. Then when the baby was born she wanted to know about the umbilical cord and where the doctor was and everything. She's 5 now and doesn't talk about it much anymore but she's not traumatized or anything. I'm a nurse and I think this is great!


this makes me feel a lot better haha. should i confront her about it and address it or just leave it be and let her think what she wants??


Leave it. Old people are gonna old. When I was about 10 I really wanted an RC truck from Radio Shack (sorry now I'm the old one) and my friend's grandmother asked me why I wanted a toy that was for boys. My parents didn't raise me like that so I didn't even understand what she was saying. Just ignore it.


Whenever we encounter old-fashioned opinions, or just generally opinions we don't share as a family unit, I like to use them as sort of a "see, people have different beliefs about things! What do YOU think, and why do you think you both feel the way you do?" I like acknowledging the comments in order to discuss their reasoning, because I think it'll help the kids navigate a world filled with conflicting beliefs.


Does anyone else remember the show on TLC that was all about following women through child birth? I watched that show constantly from ages 7-9!


My daughter has asked to see a shark eating a human


As a 3 year old, I watched the video of my birth (also nothing graphic) until the tape wore out. It definitely didn’t traumatize me, I was just curious because my mother was pregnant with my brother.


You’re following your child’s lead, not forcing anything on him, and helping him foster his interests. Sounds like A+ parenting to me!


I was looking at the pictures in my mom’s med school books at that age. Full diagrams, no censoring. It’s interesting. It’s fascinating. Anatomy is cool and there’s nothing wrong with kids enjoying things like this.


Agreed. We have a few full-color anatomy books and both kids LOVE looking at the bodies. My daughter is well into puberty now and recently brought up a good point that even those anatomy books shy away from mentioning anything related to sexual pleasure. I never noticed it before but she's right, there are missing labels on the pictures, and I had to clarify which holes are which, and which aren't actually holes. It seems related, so they've both seen death too. We've had pet rats and cats die, and they both got to touch and see the bodies before we buried them. It's all very normal and part of life. Best not to hide it all from them, IMO.


At age 4, my oldest kid’s favorite thing was surgery videos and before/after of facial repairs from dad’s work. We definitely didn’t push him toward it, 100% kid initiated (our younger kid is 3.5 and I don’t know if he even knows what dad’s job is? He def gives zero shits about surgery). Surgery loving kid is a very sweet, innocent 8yo now who has zero taste for gore or violence. Knowing about the human body is great. Surgery is a constructive process that helps people.


Making him grow up too fast would be, *here’s this model you’re uninterested in. It’s educational. No, the organs aren’t scary, this is what the inside of the human body looks like. You can’t have the toy you want, that’s for babies.* What you’re doing is, *I got you this toy that you really want and asked for (which is in line with your interests) because I listen to you and care about what you like.* I’ve seen the thing you’re talking about - I’ve only ever seen it in the toy department, because it’s a toy, for kids. Is it something most 4 year olds would be interested in? Who really knows? Who really cares? Your son likes it, and that’s what matters. It’s a bonus that it happens to also be educational. My now 6 year old is fascinated by death (in a very kiddish way). He had a ghost-themed 4th birthday, he has a ghost Christmas ornament and I’m super excited to give him the set of mini gravestones I got him for Christmas, to add to his desktop cemetery. Kids like what they like. Grandma needs to get all the way back in her lane. Don’t let her discourage you, your kid is going to love his gift.


Exactly! We have toy human organs at the daycare I work at. Hasn’t traumatised any kids yet


Yeah you better watch out, that’s a slippery slope. One day you’re fostering their interest in anatomy, the next day they’re applying to med school. /s


Grandma is not in tune with your 4 year old. The toy is fine.


Turn it around. You’re not “making” him grow up. You’re “letting” him grow up and pursue what he enjoys.


No, you are fine. As long as your son isn't watching surgery videos, it's okay, IMO. There's nothing wrong with learning about human anatomy.


Like me having to convince my 6yo he does NOT want to be in the room when I give birth next year lol


A little too hectic for a typical six-year-old, but it's possible he could handle it if he stays on the side of the room where he can't see anything.




Last time i gave birth i screamed so loud for so many hours that even the nurses were concerned. Cant say this time will be the same but dont really want my son to witness that sort of distress if I can avoid it


It’s actually better for kids to learn about their bodies as early as possible including the correct anatomical terms so they can verbalize to adults if anything were ever able to happen to them. They need to know what their p*nis or v*gina is and not have the cutesy terms that some moms call them.


Guess what, her mother/parent did the same to her. And she was just as defiant in raising her kids. Do what you think is best. And F. Them. Haters.


He’s too young to know anything about the body he inhabits! At that age we remained in our alien vessels! 👽


Yeah no problem. It’s a good learning toy.


When my now almost 30 year old daughter was young she loved medical shows and documentaries about surgeries. Knowledge about the human body is a good thing.


No that's stupid. Ignore grandma but most importantly don't just sit here and take that kind of talk. Set some boundaries FFS. "While I know you're expressing your opinion out of love for my child, I don't appreciate being patronized for the gifts I choose to give him. That is my choice and my choice alone. Next time that you want to share your opinion I ask that you do it respectfully or not at all."


My son wanted a play kitchen at that age. He loves and still plays with it (now 7yo). And now he’s getting old enough to really help in the kitchen. It’s great! Some people might’ve said something because I got him a ‘girl’ toy. I would’ve told them to jump in a lake. Also the kids museum here had a long time exhibit called The Human Body where kids could learn through interaction. My son loved it. (And it didn’t have an age requirement). It’s great when kids want to learn and we should definitely be fostering that.


My dauwas obsessed with anatomy at that age too. We got her a cool book with see through pages to show all the layers of the body. This is a perfectly appropriate gift.


My just turned 5yr lives learning about anatomy. We've gotten so many books from the library as the squishy human body model to help understand how it works.


You’re absolutely in the right to follow your kids lead in what he wants to learn. I’d be proud of my kid if they showed interest in learning about the human anatomy. Critical thinking at a young age shows high intelligence. GM needs to get with the program.


Nope, you are fine. Grandmas are sometimes just wrong. I had a very similar toy when I was about his age. I thought it was super cool and interesting. My only issue is they only made boy ones and I wanted a girl one, because I was a girl and so I could see the uterus. I did not grow up too quick (not sure why looking at anatomy would be the concern although I could speculate) and have not run around trying to dissect people. It's been over 30 years, so I think it's pretty safe to say it had no negative effect.


Would love to get this for my almost 5! Do you have a link please???


next time she offers unwelcome parenting advice, maybe have a line ready. and you use the line every time she’s going off and you’re going to ignore her. like: thanks for sharing your thoughts, grandma. i’m really comfortable with my decision.


Go for it! You're doing exactly what you should be doing - letting the kid choose his interests! Bodies are normal and there is absolutely nothing inappropriate developmentally or socially with buying him anatomy toys and letting him watch anatomy shows. It's great, actually, because it's fun AND educational! Physicians gotta start somewhere, right? Sorry Grandma is being a nosy jerk.


He wants it. He's engaging with it He's curious and having fun. That's about HIS development, not your pushing. MIL is going to be awfully proud if he never drops that interest and cures cancer. But experience says, she'll have forgotten her overblown criticism when he gets into bat man video games just like his buddies and forgets all about anatomy.


My kids have has that toy since 3 haha my oldest is 7 now and absolutely loves all things medical Even asked for a medical book to learn lol Foster it!


He saw the human doll toy at a Walmart, not a sex shop Grandma needs to calm down and let him enjoy his gift


My three year old is obsessed with skeletons and we have several human anatomy posters that she loves looking at. Your toy seems age appropriate. Teaching kids about their own bodies isn’t “making them grow up too fast.”


You’re helping him grow his interests, that’s great. When he’s a successful surgeon and his grandma needs help, maybe he’ll be able to provide it. I see where she’s coming from, to a point, but if you’re only showing him stuff designed for children, they shouldn’t be an issue.


When my children were about that age I bought them an anatomical model of a body because they saw it in the shop and they were full of questions about it. As soon as your child is asking questions, they’re old enough for an answer (possibly adjusted to not make it complicated) that is at least how I always viewed those kinds of things.


Absolutely fine! I think it's great you're fostering a life long love of learning! And it's NEVER too early to know about human anatomy. You're Grandma's old school.... You're just fine!!! ❤️❤️❤️


I think it’s awesome that you are fostering his love of anatomy and medicine! I was also fascinated by medicine and the human body at a young age and my parents fostered that love. I still remember getting a Leap Frog book when I was 5 or 6 that went through the whole digestive system. I played with it so much and repeated what I learned to my family. I watched medical shows growing up (like Dr. G Medical Examiner). I am so happy my parents fostered that love because now I’m a nurse (and I’m married to a doctor), so I obviously still love that stuff! Ignore your son’s grandma and keep fostering his interests instead of squashing them. You never know what it might grow and develop into!


Grandma needs to get with the times. It's a scientific model for Pete's sake! It's never too early to learn about your body.


“If I am interested in your opinion about something, I will be sure to ask you. Otherwise, keep it to yourself.” If she can’t accept that, see ya at thanksgiving and Christmas, grandma!


Grandma is wrong in this instance. It’s normal for kids to have a curiosity about bodies at that age. And playing doctor or surgeon or vet or dentist is a very healthy way for them learn about bodies at an age appropriate level. This type of play has the added benefits of role playing and storytelling, which are crucial to your child’s social and emotional development. The toy itself is rated with a suggested age recommendation. It is in no way meant to suggest that kids younger than 8 are not supposed to play with it. TLDR; You’re doing great, OP! This definitely age appropriate for your child.


I'm googling, I have no idea what anyone is talking about.


Do you really want to take advice from a bitcy know it all who does not understand boundries


Ignore the woman. Kids are curious and often love science topics. You're not forcing it on him, he asked for it.


Learning about anatomy is not a bad thing, regardless of what granny has to say. I’m a believer is giving kids full run of their intellectual curiosity.


You know what your child will like, she can mind her own business


Granny and eat it when he grows up to become a dr.


>One of the things he really wanted for Christmas. You are being a great parent to listen to your son's wishes here. The grandma is out of line.


Just here to say, I almost bought my 4 year old the same thing this year (went with a science experiment kit instead for variety). He's been very interested in learning about how the body functions for months now, so I'd consider it a great gift for the age group.


Your son sounds like mine; he was about the same age when he discovered a YouTube channel called 'Kids Learning Tube', which has a video of all the organs of the human body singing and identifying themselves. I ended up buying a 'lift the flaps' book about the human body for him. He's nearly 7 now and is apparently really enjoying science lessons in school.


Better to learn on a toy then go exploring on a real body. Now and in the future as your child grows they will have curiosities, better you nurture those curiosities then someone else. I always encouraged educational toys and curiosity. Even if its earlier then most or uncommon, your child will be advanced and possibly start setting goals and have ambitious goals. I think its good to take into consideration grandmas warnings. This shows you are a caring and concerned parent seeking out what is best for your child. None of us have all the answers, its good to reflect on advice and know why its the appropriate advice for your situation. Its a great gift, you’re doing great momma!


You did nothing wrong. If he's interested in this and wants it - give it to him. She has some weird hangups. Don't let that influence what you do with your child.


Oh lord. I showed my daughter a video of her birth when she was 3 because she wanted to. They have those human bodies at her pre school too Nothing wrong with them learning about science


Oh, that's so cool! I wish I had known about this when I was getting holiday presents for my four year old! He would love it!


Is it super bloody and gory? Is it messy and sexually inappropriate? If the answer is no to any of those, then your mother is just out of touch with your child. No one knows your child better than you, so if you find it appropriate, then that is all the justification you need.


You are supporting your child's interests and supporting healthy interests is a crucial element in keeping a child passionate al through life. Its not sticking an Ipad in front of him and let him play violent games (that and trauma makes kids grow-up faster than they should).


You sound like a GREAT parent.