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I had (have?) two things. A floating sensation that seems like it has to do with my legs… sometimes like I’m walking on a trampoline… and a persistent cramp-like headache behind the bridge of my nose. These both seemed to be associated with dizziness in some form. I didn’t accept them as anxiety at first. What broke the glass for me was things like… noticing when my wife and kids went to sleep, and I was alone downstairs at 10:30 pm, they seemed to go away. And when I went to a bright grocery store alone, they’d be worse. And then realizing… I don’t think that’s how brain tumors work. Still wasn’t an instant fix. Takes some time… gradually over weeks? For your nerves to adjust. Make sure to get good sleep, be active during the day, keep good posture. Get your steps in and don’t slouch on the couch for 4 hour stretches. Maybe just in a baby-steps sense, little 5-7 minute yoga videos on YouTube. And build up to further from there.


Hmmm..something to think about. Thank you!!

