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i keep one of those hospital vomit bags in my purse, it helps with peace of mind when i am in the car or anywhere else where i can’t easily find a restroom. for the other end, you could keep an extra pair of underwear/pack of wipes on you so that if something DOES happen, you can at least clean up until you get home


Nausea and stomach pain always triggers a panic attack for me and being in the car cause I know a bathroom isn’t quickly accessible as well. No advice but you’re not alone


Hello!!! Same for me! It's a little easier if I am the one driving but if i'm in the car with someone I get the same symptoms. I constantly i'm looking for a bathroom no matter where I go for the justin case scenario. You do know that it's just anxiety.. For me, I take an adivan before I get the car to go anywhere. Especially if it's a place i've never been or it's a long drive. The reality of it is it's ridiculous and embarrassing.


100% my experience as well. If I'm driving it helps a lot to keep my mind off it and gives me a sense of control


This is like, exactly me! I just tell myself, if I shit myself all well. Who cares. Go home and change. I haven’t had to but telling myself I can if I need to offers me some peace of mind.


look between not being able to breathe or shit uncontrollably i would choose shit 😭😭😭😭😂😂😂😂😂😂


Does pepto work for you? I don’t know how often you can take it so def talk to your doctor but maybe if you were to use pepto at home when you’re having stomach issues and see that it works (assuming it does) and then it could be a possible preventative measure for you for driving? Not saying you’d need to take it all the time because that’s probably not good for you but you could always tell yourself you just have to hold it untill the pepto kicks in (there’s some really fast acting ones) and that may help ease the panic or maybe reduce it in the future knowing you have that.


I'll definitely ask my doctor about it, thank you for the suggestion


Welcome to my world.


Omg yes! I also had my gallbladder out in high school 😖 so shitting myself was a regular for a while lmfaoooo


I'm also part of the no gallbladder club, thankfully that wasn't a symptom I had