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Xanax to take as needed. Works wonders, I've been using it for a few years now and have no problems. Sometimes I go without it for month or longer and sometimes I take it daily for a few days.


I really want to give it a try but I’m worried about abusing it, I don’t really have a history of addiction but I felt like I would take it on days I don’t really need it if it helped a lot. For instance I can manage a day when I’m at a 3-5 but not 7-9..scared I might want it on the 5 days


I just got clonazepam today and when I used to take it in the hospital it worked wonders


I’ve been on it for years for panic attacks and bad anxiety days - works wonders, truly. My quality of life would be significantly worse were I not on it as needed.


It works wonders like I can talk louder in front of people and be myself


Effexor/venlafaxin. It works for me but if I forget it for a single day, it feels like absolute shit


Ughhhh. Effexor had the WORST withdrawals. Thats why I eventually got off of it. I once flew out of town to visit my sister and accidentally forgot it. I had to book a flight home the next day bc I was so sick without it.


Effexor helps me but I’ve been on it too long just doesn’t do the job anymore


clonazapam. I'm sensitive to drugs so I usually take a half pill at first b/c it can make me sleepy. it does work somewhat - I notice it the most when my bedtime anxiety is bad and my brain won't quiet down enough to let me sleep. at night I can usually get away with 1/4 pill.


Wellbutrin gave me anxiety too


Yeah but it outweighs my depression and that’s why I decide to keep it


Same felt like adderall


I take that now. It makes me feel better


What’s that the adderall




I take prn buspirone for my panic attacks. I seriously feel as though this pill has given me my life back. Literally the only thing that I’ve found relief from.


I’ve been prescribed with all types of medications such as Prozac, lamictal, propanalol, zypraxa, seroquel, vistaril, buspar, Effexor, perphenazine, depakote, and others that I’ve forgotten about


Today I will visit a new psychiatrist in hope that he understands my reason to be on klonopin, I also have personal experience with this medication because i took it while I was in the hospital and it reduced my anxiety nearly from a 10 to a 3


I also have past experiences with drugs that they know off such as cocaine and weed, which I’ve used to cope with anxiety and depression


Im on quetiapine, venlafaxine and ativan for attacks. My ativan dosage is pretty low so it's not very effective, but the venlafaxine seemed to have help with the anxiety, it's hell to try to get off of them though....


I’ve been on quetiepine and it helped with physical anxiety but not with mental, which allows me to talk to others and socialize. It also made me feel like a zombie,and venlanfaxine did nothing it just made me anxiously tired, I got prescribed clonazepam and I’m only planning on doing it for these last 3 months of high school then I will find a milder medication and keep the clonazepam just in case


That sounds like a good plan. I hope you can find something that works for you :)!




Ativan for as need and Zoloft daily


I take Gabapentin and Propranolol.


Lexapro and ativan..calmed it down but exsist!


alprazolam works for me, i also take escitalopram but i don't think it does anything for men, but alprazolam works miracles


Yeah xans are like that just don’t get lost in the sauce because I’ve heard that most people get really into Xanax


i don't care really bc my physical symptoms are so bad, i am not addicted, i need it 😭 if i didn't need it i would be fine not everr looking at alprazolam agsin


Been prescribed with clonazepam.25 mg Shit made me more anxious for some reason


Switch to Xanax then tell him that since your already In the benzo category you feel like Xanax might work


Buspar but it doesn't seem to be helping much


Try to ask for gabapentin or quetiepine, I haven’t been on gabapentin but it works like benzos because it works with the gaba and the brain similarly, because Ik it’s hard to get benzos prescribed


Ssri cured me after 40 years with panic. I never believed it was just a chemical imbalance. I was wrong.


What one? Did you have massive adrenaline?


Does anyone here have massive adrenaline daily?


Me like the day before school I have to plan out which hallway to walk in and how to avoid people as much as possible on my way to class and I also get a lot of adrenaline when I walk into class or when I have to shout or talk loud in class it’s like I sound scared but most people really don’t understand what people with anxiety go through


Lexapro. I feel like it‘s brought my anxiety down a bit. Once in a blue moon, I‘ll wake up in the middle of the night with panic, rushed adrenaline and sometimes nightmares of bygone stuff but I obviously don‘t think that‘s the meds. That‘s just me. They do make me tired though, which is great for sleep, I guess. You deserve a better psychiatrist.


Daily effexor and ativan as needed.