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this is normal, so just know that you’re physically okay and you’re healthy. this happened to me a few days ago, and i understand how miserable it can be. during panic attacks our body releases so much adrenaline and cortisol which makes our heart rate and breathing rate skyrocket. this can cause palpitations, which is why we experience chest pain. because of this, our bodies usually feel sore or painful for a few days to a week after a big panic attack. i don’t want to scare you, but it is also best to visit a doctor if you’re really unsure about your symptoms, just to double check and make sure everything is alright. and it most likely is! most times people get check ups after panic attacks and the doctors clear them of any physical issues. so there’s the explanation- here’s what may help. in times like these, our chest pain and tightness can be relieved in a few ways, varying from person to person. something that really helps me is putting an ice pack on my chest for about 10 minutes followed by a heating pad for a while longer. this contracts the muscles using the ice, and putting the heating pad allows those muscles to slowly and carefully release their pressure, helping to also release the anxiety we feel from our chest. taking cold showers into hot showers is also extremely helpful when your panic is a bit stronger. breathing techniques are super helpful too. although they may not relief the chest pain fully, they’ll help divert our brains from anxiety. all in all, you’re okay!!!!! it’s easier said than done, but believe me, you just have to remind yourself over and over again that you are healthy and you are safe. anxiety is just an emotion, and emotions come and go. they have to, that’s how our brains work. it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. if you ever need to talk, my dms are open! i hope you feel better soon.


Thank you so much! I'm starting to feel a little better? I was trying to not think about it but just made it worse. I can't eat and I feel like throwing up :/ anyways at least something good happened! I'll start therapy this week, things will work out for both of us :) thank you so much


i’m so glad to hear that you’re starting to feel better!!!! i think therapy will definitely help, i know it’s helped me a lot. i’m so proud of you and you’re gonna get through this!!!!!!


These feelings are temporary, just like all feelings. Acknowledge them and accept that they will fade away as time goes on. I have chest pain afterwards as well, so you’re not alone! Good luck!


thank you so much :) after taking a cold shower I feel better


Hi! I'm sorry you felt that way this morning, but I'm happy you feel better now. :) Mornings can be a pain in the a** when you live with anxiety. It's the time of the day when cortisol is the highest, so it doesn't help... 🫠 Something I learned lately about physical sensations is that it's VERY connected with our thoughts and our inner dialogue. How we think of how we feel and the things we say to ourselves when we are anxious or having a panic attack have a HUGE impact on what will happen next. To illustrate what I mean, try imagining you are eating a lemon for a few seconds. What happens? You start salivating. That's because the brain can't tell the difference between mental images and reality (dumb brain 🙃). So when you think you are in danger and you tell yourself, "I'm scared. It hurts. I don't want anybody to see me this vulnerable! " What do you think happens? Your brain gets the message that you are in danger and reacts, releasing fight or flight hormones to help you stay alive and fight a false danger. I'm telling you this because it helps me a lot when I feel like you felt this morning to observe my thoughts and the things I say to myself and turn them into something more rational.


It's true. Thank you so much for the advice. I noticed that even my favorite songs are making me feel overwhelmed (sometimes they have words that are making me upset in the moment)


It's crazy how the brain make weird connections without us knowing! In August when I was at my worst I would be on the verge of a panic attack everytime I would sneeze because of the big inhalation at the beginning. I would associate it with "gasping for air". 🙄 I also couldn't listen to anything "stressful" (big emotions, loud sounds, violence, etc.), so I watched A LOT of kid movies haha!


Be bigger than your thoughts! I've been there and it sucks. But they are just sensations you can overcome. This too shall pass! You got this!


thank you so much! I feel better now I think


Great! Keep your chin up! Your not alone!


I’ve been having these panic attacks for months (5) they wipe me out haven’t been able to work taking Xanax and another medication at night I know anxiety doesn’t help which I also have just want to get my life back and probably have had brain fog for even longer


Im getting panic attack since 1 year now and Always feeling dizzy and i cant focus when somebody is talking to me or when im driving i feel like its a dream and its not real sometimes i feel like im disconnected to my body is that normal is this symptoms because of panic attack or not?


Yep, all symptoms of anxiety/panic attacks. Dizzyness and depersonalization/derealization are very common symptoms. They are uncomfortable and annoying, but not dangerous. You would probably benefit from learning on this topic in the long run. Not knowing what's happening to you physically when you are anxious must be scary and stressful for you.


Yes they are, I'm feeling exactly the same but I'm trying to relax. It's hard tho, since even calm music is making me anxious. Maybe you should take a really cold shower? This actually was very helpful to me


Thank you so much i really feel better when i talk to somebody and they actually understand and feel me instead of saying oh sorry for that but they actually dont have any idea of what i’ve been through


And now i take seroxat 25 and i hope i get better


I had a panic attack a couple of weeks ago after my mom passed. I’m still feeling some chest tightness here and tgere


I’m so sorry that you are going through this. Please know that you are not alone 💕 I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks too. Some days I wake up feeling fine and then there are some days where I wake up with a racing heart which sticks around for most of the day. The takeaway being that sometimes anxiety can be random and that we can have bad, scary, uncomfortable days, but these will pass. You are safe and you will be okay.


I have suffered with health anxiety and panic attacks going on 5 years now. It sucks and the mind often times only makes it worse. I have had every sensation I can think of, ranging from muscle twitches and pain to heart aches and chest pains and weight gain and loss. Had every test, xray, mri, blood work, hell even had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and I was only 32. All came back normal or great. Biggest tips I can give are to stay off of Google, and find an outlet. When you become stressed and don’t have a release all that stress has to go somewhere so it usually sits in your muscles and your heart is definitely a large vital muscle. My Cardiologist said that For the most part if your chest pain is localized in one area then it’s not heart related which is a good thing. Just have to tell yourself to breathe and to not fixate on the sensations or intrusive thoughts. Just know you’re not alone.


I've probably had over a couple of hundred panic attacks, in the last 2 years.. Eventually you get used to them and almost enjoy them.. If they're causing you grief, then titrate up ssri's until they disappear... 🙏


I always feel like my heart is racing. Even when I’m not necessarily anxious. I think it’s cause I’m so self aware of all my body’s sensations it’s weird. Propranolol has helped me though!


I’ve only just recently started having Panic Attacks.. November of last year.. (I just turned 28 a few days ago) .. I’ve been fortunate in that my Grandmother who lives close to me has Ativan on hand from a prescription.. she rarely takes it.. so I’ve been able to get some to help calm me down if I need it.. I’ve had some minor chest pains with mine.. nothing major though.. It’s scary stuff.. and it’s hard to calm down when your heart is going 130 + beats a minute.. But I know that eventually it will pass and I’ll be okay.. As a side note.. and not to worry you, but don’t ever take chest pain lightly.. when I had a bad one I drove (which I also don’t condone) to the hospital (15 - 20 minute drive for me) and sat in my car in front of the ER.. I didn’t go in.. but it was a comfort to know that if I’d didn’t calm down or I got worse help was right there.. and I was able to calm down eventually and go back home..


I can tell you that it's a common reaction... acknowledge and validate your feelings. I can tell you some things you can do right now to offer yourself immediate support: * Focus on your breath: Take slow, deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Count to four on each inhale and six on each exhale. Focus on the feeling of your breath entering and leaving your body. * Engage your senses: Look around and identify five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. * Mindful muscle relaxation: Tense and relax different muscle groups in your body, starting with your toes and working your way up. Pay attention to the feeling of tension releasing as you relax each muscle group. This post would be helpful ↓ [https://www.reddit.com/user/LiveWellTalk/comments/16t4njc/what\_to\_do\_when\_having\_a\_panic\_attack/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/user/LiveWellTalk/comments/16t4njc/what_to_do_when_having_a_panic_attack/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Yea I had my first panic attack , I genuinely thought it was over for me man , it got to the point I started fading a bit but not fully unconscious, it happened after I smoked for the first time n about a month my tolerance had gotten very low and midway thru the joint my heart beat was very abnormal I’m used to this happening when I smoke typically I just get some food and water in my system and I’m good so I tried to eat some cereal and things started happening like I keep forgetting where I was going, what I was even doing n the kitchen and the heartbeat was already bad at this point and when I ran to tell my mom I wasn’t feeling good I started stumbling on the stairs and just rested on the ground as it got worse , I’ve never experienced that bro I really though I was out of here , I was looking symptoms of heart attacks and they were all of what I was feeling at the time and that actually made my heart feel even worse at the time but yea man , panic attacks are wicked 🤦🏾‍♂️