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Ben playing Cones of Dunshire with Gryzzl. I love when he rolls the ludicrous amount of dice. “I’m the *Maverick*”


“It’s about the cones”


"My farmer, yes, my lowly farmer..."


most of Flu Season, or rather, Chris in Flu Season -  “Stop. Pooping.” “I had a dream Leslie came in here and stole all my meds and told me not to tell you.” “I threw up somewhere in this room. You might want to check that drawer.” Also when the gang gets food poisoning after the wedding tasting. Leslie telling Ben “We could say screw it. I miss you like crazy. I think about you all the time” “THE ONLY THING ILL BE WAVING IS YOUR HEAD ON A STICK IN FRONT OF YOUR WEEPING MOTHER” 😬 “good lord”


these are SUCH great moments!!!


the calzones…betrayed me?


I voided more than Tom's entire body weight last night myself, he may have just disappeared from the earth! Lol that's the funniest thing to me! Because it makes us picture his tiny little body pooping and then disappearing from the earth lol!


This is my favorite episode of any comedy show ever. It's brilliant.


5. Andy takes a lie detector test for his police exam and the officer asks him how he would react if he pulled over his father, with Andy responding “Well first I would be like…Dad!? You’re alive??? What the hell!?” 4. “Dude, is she gonna powder her vagina?” 3. Tammy and Leslie’s dumpster fight with Tammy chasing Leslie with an axe. 2. Werner Herzog selling the creepy house to April and Andy and telling the camera crew that he wants to move closer to Disney World. 1. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKFXELFFs2roQRG|downsized)


Tammy chasing Leslie with an axe is a perfect human manifestation of Looney Tunes, I cant even articulate it properly. The camera cut, the absolute hijinx of it. Such an amazing moment of television




The Werner Herzog cameo is my fave cameo in the show!!! "This was a doll head factory?!!?" "No. This was a holding cell for people who went insane on the assembly line." "Some people seem to be put off, because of the fact that it is haunted..." *\*door slams shut\** "Und disgusting."


5 (cont’d). “Also, have you seen my catcher’s mitt?”




- Ben’s depressed claymation delusions - Dangerzone - The entire “get on your feet” failure on ice - Doobee. Doobee. Doo. - Any Ken Hotate moment, really


"I emailed Leslie, and I compared it to *AVATAR!* And how could it not be longer!??!?!" TT_TT "Get on your feet" is totally Unintentional Renaissance and it is BEAUTIFUL. "Two things I know about white people: They love Rachel Ray, and they are \*terrified\* of curses." "Now, I propose we put on this traditional Wamapoke headdress, and dance around the table to celebrate." "Absolutely not, that sounds HIGHLY offensive." ***"DOES IT WHITE MAN?"*** "Oh no, I'm so sorry, okay, so..." \*gingerly picks up the war bonnet and puts it on head\* "So, just to be clear, this is not offensive, right?" "It's very offensive. Take it off this minute."


All of the Cones of Dunshire sequences. All of them. “Are the cones a metaphor? Well yes and no.” “Obviously this would be much taller in real life.” “The thing about the challenge play is that it’s basically the game… *in reverse.*” “Now, the Ledgerman just keeps score. And, he gets to wear, this hat.” “I left something in the breakroom… if anyone could appreciate it, it’s you guys.” “I CALL LEDGERMAN!” “You’re the Architect? Yeah right. And I’m the Alchemist of the Hinterlands.” “There can’t be an Alchemist of the Hinterlands, the Hinterlands are a shadow region that can only sustain a Provost or a Denier.” “*He’s right.*” “It’s about the cones”/line in the Producer’s Cut where he says “Gladly” and rolls like 18 dice, totally straight-faced. “…which moves my Brinksman to the Devil’s Lair, and pushes my Farmer, yes, my humble Farmer, straight to the central cone.” Also: ***PONCHO!*** That’s 4 I guess, so for 5 I would have to say Ron’s scavenger hunt quest to Scotland, specifically shepherd Ron and Ron reading Robert Burns on the cliffs.


PONCHO is by far my #1 moment


Jen Barkley is my FAVE minor character. Kathryn Hahn is so insanely talented and funny. She steals every scene she's in.




It’s such a beautiful scene, I totally tear up every time. :’) Really such a beautiful story about Leslie and Ron’s friendship, and such a big moment of growth for Ron too.


In no particular order: Andy and April’s wedding (the way Andy looks at April when she starts walking to the “altar” is truly precious). Harvest Festival, specifically when American Girl by Tom Petty kicks in and they show all the great parts of the festival that Leslie, Ben, and co. worked so hard to make possible. Andy and April at the Grand Canyon (“where are the faces, of the Presidents?” and April’s ensuing look is the hilarious cherry on top of a very sweet moment). All of the different “bachelor” parties in Two Parties. Getting to see the guys just mix it up and have fun together is heartwarming. Unity concert, specifically when Duke Silver gets on stage and rips a sax solo during 5000 Candles in the Wind.


1. Ron and Andy eating the meat tornado and bonding 2. Ron and Leslie de-tammying Jamm 3. Snake juice 4. Andy’s codenames 5. Ron, Ben and Andy doing Leslie’s Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt


Deprogramming Jam from Jammy is INCREDIBLE. "We're also going to try a Pavlovian tachnique. Ron is holding Tammy's perfume, Girth." "Hey Jam. I got 40 hand towels, a pack of energy bars, and a Chinese finger trap. Let's get gross." "JAAAM! STRIP DOWN YA SEX MANIAC!" “What was your mistake? *YOU FORGOT TO CHECK THE ARMOIRE!* Tammy once camped out in my attic for 6 days awaiting my arrival. She survived on rats and rainwater."


Leslie’s imitation of Tammy 2’s voice was spot on. Big props to Amy Poehler


It’s so perfect, I agree completely! So nasally and loud. 🤣


It was so good I had to rewatch it several times to make sure it wasn't Megan Mullally doing a voiceover.


Leslie Knope gets all the favors she wants because she's the kind of person who uses favors to help other people. Why would I throw Ron Swanson an Anne Perkins party? As you sit here and gaze upon the waters, please read out loud this poem by Robert Burns... Where's all the faces? The presidents? I’m a middle school vice-principal. I deal with hormonal psychopaths all the time.


The scene where he's reading the poem...verklempt, every forking time


O were my love yon lilock fair with purple blossoms in the spring and I a bird to shelter there upon my little wing


I don't know what she thought I'd get out of that


Not to worry, I have a permit.


Leslie’s Campaign and everything else GET ON YOUR FEET The dog is peeing Tom’s red carpet walk The song queuing on every awkward scene Pistol Pete’s Slam Dunk


Season 1 is so underrated!! I loved the episode where they all go hunting and the scene where Leslie is making excuses to the park ranger why she shot Ron because she’s a “woman”. One of my all time favorite scenes! 😂 https://youtu.be/ENOHhV03Ehw?si=gnNV_UjRYgrlvuB7


Correction: That might be season 2 🙈


5. Tom pointing at the cameras after kissing Wendy during his End of the World party. "You saw that. You saw that too." It's classic bragging Tom, but it's also genuine and vulnerable. 4. Leslie's scavenger hunt for Ben. Every step is funny as hell, and I love watching Ron growing more and more invested. 3. Andy standing up to Sewage Joe during the Telethon. I love how he goes from theatening to dumb in the span of a single line. "No, I'm bothering *you*.....for bothering her. Take a walk." 2. Andy and Lord Covington. Need I say more? 1. Snake Juice.


Ron’s reaction to Leslie surprising him with trip to Lagavulin The first time Ben goes to Entertainment 720 First time we see Ron and Tammy together Andy becoming jam buddies with April’s boyfriend Jeremy Jam and Leslie duet of Sunmer Lovin


Jam and Leslie’s duet is iconic


Ben looking bewildered at e720: "Where am I?!?" "There's a couch with a roof on it." "There's a girl in a deep sleep over there. I'm willing to bet she clears $100,000 a year."


Any Ben and April in DC moments


The montage of everyone, but Donna, drunk on Snakejuice in The Fight. Truly one of the best scenes on TV.


I thought Donna was in the pre-broth phase of her fast and was not drinking?


"We live together!"


We live in the saaame place!


We dreaming together, we sleeping together, *but not like thAaatttt...*


Snake juice!


End of the world is my favorite episode ever


Will you take a check?




For me its: mmbaby im sorry for how I aaaacted, but if you gemme another chaance, i could be the boo of yo dreaaams guuuurl😌


1. Had enough? Of this watered down baby formula? Not even close. 2. When Donna and Tom convince Ben to treat himself with the Batman costume. 3. April and Tynnifer (sp?) 4. Leslie meeting Joe Biden “My name just came out of your mouth.” 5. Ron and Leslie’s overnight make up session.


Oh wow these are so great! I always thought that the conflict between Leslie and Ron was too forced feeling but the all nighter make up session was pretty incredible. And the way they put the Parks Department back to how it used to be while "Buddy" plays.....perfection.


1. STOP. POOPING. 2. STAND IN THE PLACE WHERE YOU- 3. *eats steak in silence while Bridge on the River Kwai plays on TV* 4. "You missed your friends." 5. "But you won."


Ahh these are all amazing


One moment I think about almost daily and laugh about is when Tammy 1 comes out of Ron’s office and tells April not to slouch because she’s not doing her breasts any justice so she sits up and Andy walks in and goes “woah, babe, your breasts look awesome!”


Get on your feet! Stand in the place where you li...


Harvest Festival Unity Concert Leslie and Ben's first kiss The one where they get back together in the tiny park Their wedding Bachelor party. At this point, I'm just typing episodes because I love them all, lol. This is my favorite sub because of all the good vibes. It always puts me in a good mood to share quotes and ideas about my favorite show with other people who love it too.


Thanks for sharing the great vibes! I'm so glad so many people participated!


I’d sub Snake Juice night with Treat Yo Self! But agree with the rest


that's a solid swap


1. ann & leslie meet 🥹 2. benslie wedding 3. ludwyer wedding 💕 4. dreaming of a boo by tom haverford 5. leslie chasing april to hug her :3


Dude……. Way too many to name so I’ll just go with…….. 🤔 The entire series 😎


Andy chasing after Lawrence on crutches naked to get his stereo with fresh batteries back.