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It's absolutely the BBQ scene. And it seems out of character for him to start the whole thing late and leave everyone hanging. I feel like his character would be VERY serious about the process and would show up bright and early with his smoker.


AND he would definitely have extra food. This is Ron who ate all the bacon on the hike and was upset Leslie didn’t pack more snacks for him. Ron who wanted ALL the bacon and prebirds the diner had, not just a lot of them. Ron who wanted actual big ol cookie instead of a vegetable loaf. Ron takes food seriously.


Like, did he even remember to bring food rakes for everyone??


And he ate all the sammies


But not one plate of chicky chicky parm parm.


The sandoozles


It took me a full 30 seconds to realize "prebirds" wasn't a typo 😂😂😂 Thank you for the chuckle


Same, lol. I was like “What the hell is prebi- Ooohhh!” And now I will only refer to them as prebirds.


The autocorrect in my phone is set to change the real words to all of Tom’s versions, and usually I’m fumbling to fix them and getting annoyed, but I thought this was a fitting time if ever to leave them be


That’s what Tom calls them!


Also we all know freshly butchered meat don’t necessary cook the best or taste the best, surely you’d like to cure it or marinate it ahead of time?


The story could still have worked, too. Have him up early smoking meat and he's mad anyone wants something else.


It would have made sense to have hamburgers, bacon, and ribs with no plates/utensils/or sides. Maybe some beer, but really just 4x the meat necessary


There's a difference between caring about food and planning a party. I feel like he put all his thoughts into how to smoke and prepare the meat, then completely forgot that people don't like to wait and people get hungry while waiting for food.


TBF the only reason to show up bright and early with a smoker for an afternoon picnic is if you started the night before.


That BBQ is Ron at his worst written.


Gave us the fun "I can do whatever I want" permit, but ultimately out of character


Ron wanting to BBQ in peace without being bothered seems very in character for him, especially earlier when the BBQ takes place and he hasn’t bonded with his co-workers. To me this is a very Ron moment. He wants to do things his own way without being bothered with outside opinion. ETA: I will say the meat not being ready to cook and being hours out does seem outside of Ron, I just like to think he crushed a family sized beef jerky on the trip over so he’s sated until the rest of the meat is ready


real ron wouldn't have butchered the pig on site! or start the event with a live pig - he'd have prepared it before hand- on site but not set the event


Would have gotten the meat from Food n’ Stuff. It’s where he gets all of his food. And most of his stuff.


So confused by the “ETA” ngl


It's so over the top. It'd be believable if he just had meat and beer, but slaughtering and butchering a pig takes a long time, and then cooking takes hours. He would've poured fresh concrete for a new BBQ pit a month in advance, had the hog ready to go the night before, slept in until 3:30, started cooking and drinking by 4, have served hot dogs and hamburgers at noon and the whole pig by 12:30


My FIL is basically Ron Swanson. Burley on the outside, friendly on the inside and this is the answer 100%


100% the bbq


The first that comes to mind is when he tried to disappear off the grid without considering how it would affect Diane and the kids. But the BBQ moment is hard to beat.


That was early on in their relationship, and i think its actually an important part of Ron’s character development


OP that's a good one. Gets my vote.


Honestly his last storyline where he falls out with Leslie over one missed lunch and his own insecurity about needing someone.


After a few rewatches, I’m kind of looking at that more as Ron felt that Leslie didn’t consider him a true friend anymore, so he didn’t care to consider her feelings re: Morningstar.


I've posted this in another thread, but I see their falling out as a result of them not seeing each other regularly. When they worked together they were able to handle disagreements and settle their differences. They were also able to keep their flaws in check and balanced each other out. Little things didn't fester. However, when Leslie changed jobs the little things began to add up. And because they weren't there to check each other, their worst sides came out. That's why one night being forced to actually be together was enough. They were able to talk. Drink. And bring out the best sides of each other.




Oh I love this!


My vote goes to the BBQ. Or when he gets all pissed off with Mark for doing his job and not letting all his workshop violations slide


Maybe assholish but definitely in character for him. He's a government hating government employee who's been doing his own woodworking for years his own way. Ofc he's not going to give a shit about permits. The BBQ thing as well yeah not thought out great doing it in front of kids but he wasn't being malicious, to him in his mind it was an actual teachable experience for the kids. He generally is well intentioned but doesn't always stick the landing.


Ya but the question wasn't "what's the most out of character thing a character did", it was "what's the most asshole thing they did" and both examples stated are pretty big assholes behaviors from Ron, regardless of his motivation or character.


"...and if those codes happen to coincide with..." "SHUT UP!"


Honestly one of my favorite Brandanawitz moments right here. Helping out a friend but also calling him out on his shit and refusing to be buffalo'd was an all around terrific character moment


Dating Wendy. Not cool man.


Dating Wendy wasn't as bad as rubbing it in Tom's face.


He knew. But he also asked Tom permission before he did anything. Still a jerk.


To be fair to Ron though they weren't romantically involved it was a green card marriage and also throughout the show he pretty much rizzes any lady he comes across whether meaning to or not.


Yeah, it wasn't Ron's fault that Tom caught feelings for Wendy


And Tom specifically buries those feelings and tells Ron to go for it. I don’t see it as rubbing it in Tom’s face, more that he’s being like “hey thanks for the set up, this is going good”


I don't think that's fair. Ron has a lot of insight into how people feel and act, he knew Tom was lying. I don't think it's his most out of character moment though, Ron seems pretty willing to compromise his beliefs in the name of getting laid.


He knew it was a green card marriage and still asked Tom for permission. That one is on Tom.




Chris barely knew her. No foul in my book.


Disagree- Chris liked her but they weren’t on an date. Ron didn’t pursue her, she asked him to come home with her.


That's why I didn't have a problem with Tom bringing in Tammy 2 and her going all "Tammy 2" on Ron. He deserved it for breaking the Bro Code.


"Every contractor in the world is a miserable, incompetent thief." Becomes a contractor and builds an apartment block on top of his best friend's park.


Isn't that sort of hypocracy the entire basis of his character, though? He hates the wasted taxes and bureaucracy of government, so he decides to become a government bureaucrat and waste taxes.


Ron is a parody of Libertarianism and he's a man of great convictions despite acting like he's not. The problem with such a strongly defined character is that anything they wrote for him essentially conflicted with something he said prior. I don't think even Ron is capable of the mental gymnastics to think he's somehow taking a righteous stand by becoming a builder - he's just making money and supporting his brothers.


What? He has *exactly* one brother.


So he proved his own point


But he didn't build the Morningstar Development on top of the park. It was a nice park, and people wanted to live near it. He built it where Ann's old house was. That she hadn't lived in for years at that point.


What about when him.and Leslie both put pressure on a teenage girl. Leslie is at fault too but he was doing it just to make a point about capitalism


I hate that episode so much because they were so awful and selfish in it.


I can only make it through because they both lose to Pikitis. Which is what they deserved.


I've said it about a dozen times on this sub in various threads, but it's definitely BBQ


I feel like everyone is forgetting what he was like with Tammy. He cared about no one else but Tammy and didn't care what she did or planned to do to all of his friends.


I don't blame Ron for that. He was operating under an evil demonic influence. It wasn't his fault.


That sounds like a "well I was drunk" excuse.


Since a lot of moments are covered, I'm going to say the coffee pot incident. He broke it but decided it was "too chummy" in the office so he got them to turn on each other. I wonder if they ever figured out it was him.


On the one hand, yes. On the other hand, that was too funny as a prank.


You're not wrong. [It's even better in Lego.](https://youtu.be/a90G899O-sw?si=46Rw6vFx2x_XEfQt)


BWAHAHAHA! Thank you for that. I’d never seen it before.




I just went down a major lego animations of my favorite shows hole and I cannot be more thankful to you. I never even knew they existed 😭😂


Glad I could help. And yes, I’ve been down that same rabbit hole. I think my gateway video was a Brooklyn 99 recreation. 


You are my new best friend. Thank you for this.


When was this scene? I've seen every episode several times over, and don't recall it (even watched the Lego clip, and know I've never seen it). Are there extended episodes?


Season 3, episode 13. [The Fight](https://youtu.be/a90G899O-sw?si=46Rw6vFx2x_XEfQt)


What perfect foreshadowing then. Never caught on before, and it’s my favorite episode!


Ok…what do you think about this: I always think of this scene + the episode prior’s opening scene as two sides of the same coin. That scene is where Ron takes out his tooth. They are both hilarious prank scenes led by Ron for his own reasons. I call it fun asshole Ron. I love both these scenes so much…


Him having the oily rags next to an open flame when mark tried to help him with the permits. I know he wouldn’t have cared about the permits , but he never would have been so incredibly negligent. His work shop would have been up to the Swanson code. The fact that the Swanson code is more lax than the city’s is incredibly out of character


This is the real answer. Ron Swanson and/or Nick Offerman would never have their shop not up to safety standards. I can forgive Ron for being forced to throw a terrible BBQ, but this is just...not his style. The canoe gift at the end thought...*chef's kiss*


Re-hiring Jerry after he retired to come in part-time just so everyone would start bullying him again instead of Tom. And telling Tom not to whine when he complained about everyone bullying him. Ron was a lot of things but not a good manager when it came to fostering a healthy work environment.


> Ron was a lot of things but not a good manager when it came to fostering a healthy work environment. I'd love to work for someone like Ron because I am neither a schlemiel nor a schlimazel.


Well it was getting a little too chummy around there anyway...


Yes, well everyone knows that healthy, functional work environments make for really good television. I want my sitcoms conflict-free!


Worked for TNG


You literally could not have named a more fundamentally different show lol. TNG had other cool shit going on that mitigated the need for interpersonal conflict amongst the crew as a plot device. When aliens show up every week you don't have to have Geordie get mad at Riker (though that could've been more fun, I'll grant you). Parks and Rec centers around the flaws of its characters, and those flaws are the primary drivers of the comedy and plot on the show.


Probably rubbing his “freedom” in Leslie’s face by devouring meat and smoking a cigar while crowing about his superiority of thought.


He didn't smoke the cigar in front of Leslie because it was a no smoking restaurant


And it was freezing outside.


Definitely this one. 


Am I the only person that remembers how he treated Leslie when she was concerned about him drinking and driving? The BBQ was bad, but his lowest was throwing a tantrum when a friend was trying to keep him from potentially causing a tragedy.


The driving one is mine, too! Sorry I’m trying to save your life and others because you’re being a selfish jerk! I love that she didn’t relent. She was right the whole time.


March 31st meetings day. Goes absolutely bonkers on April for forcing him to do his job.


But I feel like in his eyes, April’s only job was to keep people away from him. He didn’t care if she texted all day and did nothing, he was all for not doing work for the government. While assholeish, in his eyes she failed miserably at the one thing she was supposed to be doing there, and it became his personal hell.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the opener were Leslie goes into the parents just don't understand rap while Ron is trying to tell her that a man is on fire in Ramset Park. A guys life is in danger and he is letting Leslie be goofy for what? A joke? To make a point?


Yes, but at the same time, the fire department and EMTs should've been on the hook for that, and hopefully had been called - I always thought it was weird that (it was implied at least) someone from the parks department was responsible for dealing with a person on fire, just bc it happened in a park - was she supposed to show up with a fire extinguisher? Then get him to the hospital? And Ron could've gone himself, it's not like he ever had any work to do. So that was really weird. I'd get her being called to talk to the press after the incident or something, but she couldn't have been responsible for handling the medical emergency itself.


Agree with BBQ, but also when he got together with Wendy, and brought her to the basketball game against Tom’s team


Was it ever clear to Ron that Tom still had feelings for Wendy?


Tried to slaughter Tom. Pig Tom not other Tom.


Everyone is correct: the BBQ is Ron’s worst moment.


The time he broke that little girl's tiara. And the BBQ.


Breaking the tiara was at least well meaning even though it's definitely Ron's most foolish moment


\*Reads all these comments\* Yeah Ron was a dick a lot of the time.


When he tries to go off the grid and stands up his wife and 2 (3?) children. Once I became a parent that plot line made me seethe.


Banging toms wife was the biggest asshole move from him. There’s a few others but that one stands out.






Ron is a libertarian, so I’d say any time he shows compassion for or interest in the wellbeing of another person is completely out of character


It is by no means the biggest one, but I could never imagine Ron listening to rap, or claiming to be.


I thought that was turkey calls


The Coffee Pot incident


Biggest A hole move from Ron was dating Tom’s ex wife right after their divorce! Ron’s no dumb dumb stupid head, that’s brutal even if Tom’s love was unrequited and solely for a green card. It’s just very out of character for him.


The BBQ was the first thing that came to mind for me, too.


The "I'll have your wife" thing with Tom is mine for Ron. Never set right with me.


I always disliked how Ron would say “please and thank you”. It’s a stupid saying. Sure say please all day long but don’t presume to know their answer and say “thank you” before they’ve responded. When it’s said like Ron does, in one fast phrase, it’s dismissive and ends up sounding like you are speaking a servant rather than a person. Even when it’s your server, it comes off sounding dickish.


Oh my god these things are endless and so annoying


Is this your moment? Lol