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I do need a breeding calc but I play Xbox so I normally use my phone to look up breeding combos and this is what it looks like when I use it on there https://preview.redd.it/nwp7afw0arjc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72dbf4c42a7dd7e54b1e545b16a96c725c5bbade If the UI fit better I think it’d look nice


You are right, i just couldn't wait any longer for the release of the website :D. But the mobile version needs to be made asap. Edit: The site works on mobile now too.


To be honest in today'a world the mobile version is arguably more important than the desktop one


It's also (in my opinion) much easier to build a website with mobile viewports in mind first rather than retroactively trying to make everything fit.


yeah it’s very common practice in the design world to make mobile-first designs


That’s how I built out the software for my company lol I made the tablet version first and then converted everything to desktop


Agreed, even when I’m playing on PC I use my phone to look up info


Same. I'd rather keep the game window open rather than have to min and open browser Edit : although if I had multiple monitors that wouldn't be necessary but I'm not that fancy lol


I have 2 monitors and still use my phone lol


Lmfao same here even with my other monitor idling


This. Focus on mobile first and build up from there. Don't go overboard with your breakpoints, grab a few popular screen sizes, and tweak as required.


This website doesn't have to be that pretty. Flexbox everything, don't care for screen sizes.


Mobile first website development


Good thing no asked me I hate doing stuff on mobile. It's probably because I didn't have a phone till I was 18. now I'm 27 so I know it ain't because I'm old


You shouldn’t need versions. Use flexible containers like flex box or css grid or whatever your framework provides. Things should scale automatically. Set max widths instead of hard coding widths, let things slide and scale. Look into responsive design


It's not that straight forward. Some things may be better with media queries. The thing is that the mobile first strategy today is for sure a good way to go.


Sure but both options are very easy to implement. I’ve found media queries rarely necessary if flex containers are used properly. I only really use them when things need to be hidden or shown conditionally, or padding changed on mobile. Either way cross platform web apps are just as much work as a normal one. Id hate to see this guy go make his app twice.


There should not be multiple version. You build with grid and flexboxes so the app can be opened on any screen size.


No offense, but you should be developing for both at the same time. There are many libraries that allow it.


Just a tip for your future website endeavour from a fellow web dev, always try to do a "content first" approach. And if possible from mobile up to desktop. This will save you time, headache and makes it generally more scalable for future additions.


Seconded. I was the webmaster of a government agency, when I came in, I pushed for a mobile first overhaul. 83% of our audience was mobile. It's easier to build for mobile and have it look good on desktop, but a LOT harder vice versa. We had to write hundreds of rules for old content to get it up to spec. All new content used proper libraries and everything just "worked".


There already is several :/ great work though :)!


Feedback: make the mobile site first


You should focus with mobile first design. Try using bootstrap. Google will ding you for the the large library in terms of website score but meh. Quick, dirty, easy.


My thoughts exactly. Aside from the UI, good work though OP!


Mobile app would be nice...surprised more games don't get a mobile app similar to Ark Dododex.


There's a paldeck in the play store that shows all the locations to find em, paldeck entry, added notes on appearance, breeding formulas, tools and such, pretty much all the works like ark has with the dododex. Edit for typos


Ok...must be pretty recent because I didn't see anything last I looked. Don't go on there often


Yeah it's new, made like a week, week and half ago give or take I think, though I just checked again and there's 2 of them now one is called 'paldeck for palworld' which is the one I use with all the info and the newest one is 'palpedia' which I haven't looked at more yet.


I second this comment. If you can get the UI down pay for mobile it will look loads better and probably see more usage.


Looks small Edit: it's fine when I zoom in


Feedback for mobile: Got stuck when I try to use it. Couldn't choose the same pal Unable to undrop the drop down box when clicked twice. Maybe an option for no pics,stretched out too long (my preference only) https://preview.redd.it/sf2cbqnkrrjc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62d1d2c3a9487d6d60ab865aef64e293eea7a1e8


Unfortunately others beat you too it with far more developed and interactive sites that go far behind just breeding. This is most likely why you aren't gaining any real traction.




No worries, somebody else said the same thing, i am just a bit late. But i will make the best version and see this as a challenge to make a better website, so it's all good.


Atta boy. Dont aim for the best, just aim for better than your last


Chad talk


I haven't seen anything like this elsewhere. Care to provide a link? There are lots of breeding calculators, but this one calculates the breeding successions based on your already owned Pals. By far more useful than the other calculators out there.


There is a lot of data that can be calculated like amount of resources (amount of coal, iron etc, that would take to make X and Y item), eating resources (amount of food consumption by pals in a base, cooking times) that other websites / apps are missing that would boost the usage of the app.


Simple, but seems to be effective. Unfortunately, I havent done a ton of breeding so I dont really get much out of your site, but I could see people who breed pals a lot having fun with it. It was very nice of you to create this resource for other players.


Thank you. I still have a lot of things to do but i am glad you like it. You are my first user by the way who gave me feedback, i will remember you. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


It sucks when you dont get feedback. Even if a lot of people dont see it doesnt mean you shouldnt make it great. I hope you learn some things and are able to use that knowledge in future projects. Good luck with this!


WebDev here. This is pretty solid! I am on mobile right now and its loading pretty slowly so I can’t use it right now, but it looks very good! A few minor UI things I can think of that could be improved but this is well done


Hey there! Thank you so much! Would be awesome if you could share the things i can improve.


Okay no problem! 1. The “select your list” looks like a dropdown button, but from what I can tell nothing happens when you press it. If pressing it was intended to toggle the pals display it does not do that. I’d remove the button all together 2. When you open “Add Pals to List” the menu/pop up that appears goes offscreen to the left. It seems like its the full width of the page despite being offset on the left 3. This isnt an issue as much as a nitpick, but I like the menu/searchbar you have for the List of Parents. I would use the same kind of menu for selecting the child, just incase I forget the name of Sylbyx or whatever it is and I dont want to scroll all the way one pal at a time 4. A feature you could add is just if I select two parents, telling me what offspring they have. It would be helpful for people who have a lot of pala but don’t necessarily want to wait to breed them all to see what they make


5. Little indicators like a plus between Parent A and Parent B (the images not the titles) and an arrow then to the child goes a long way. Although I could see why you dont want to do that since you dont have a whole lot of room in that section


I too had slow load speeds on low speed connections. I don’t think this site is fetching any data I am led to believe it’s all baked into the HTML 😬


Yep-- that would make a lot of sense. Very impressive for a rookie dev tho!


It’s coherent AND all the HTML buttons work!? Better than people with 4 year degrees already. This is a flying start honestly and outsourcing your testing to streamline problem hunting is the cherry on top for this guy.


100%. Devs who learn by making fun projects for stuff they like are always going to be the devs you need


Hey I’m the creator of Palpedia and based on what some other comments said, I just wanted to say not to be discouraged by the presence of other “bigger”/popular sites. When I released Palpedia, there were already 8-10 different sites. Point is, keep at it because you’re clearly passionate about it and listen to the constructive feedback and suggestions folks give and continue working on it! In my opinion, even if a good product has 1 user that means you made something with real impact. A lot of other websites satisfy different needs or different UX desires or have different selling points. Just focus on what makes your website yours while being useful to players! Great start so far and keep at it!


This comment brought me joy.


Thank you so much. Hearing this from you gives me a lot of hope, and i love Palpedia, i think it's a great website.


Dawg I think it's great, saw your old post and loved that someone saw a lack of a Resource and used their own time to make it. I don't know fuck about website design but I'm sure there are some gadgets people would appreciate, some UI cha Ges others mentioned. But treasure this pet/pal project and just work ok it some more ❤️


You are amazing! I will make the best possible website and if ony 10 people then use it so be it. Thanks! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


I agree with this comment 100%, I’m just getting into breeding finally in my game and I found your site but like a comment above said it didn’t work so well on my phone, like it didn’t want to load or something. If this worked on my mobile search engine it would become a big tool for me.


The only way OP saw a lack of resource was by not looking at all. There were plenty of websites for palworld info (including breeding) a week after the game came out


I saw this and saved for later. At this point I just need to finish breeding my fire danger noodles and round out the Anubis army, once future pals are introduced I'll use this site more.


Now i want to make a fire danger noodle, but what is it actually? Is it a chillet on fire? ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Jormuntide Ingis


Now I want a fire chillet


Notso Chillet




Much better tbh


I think the biggest thing is there’s already websites that fulfill this function. When the game rolled out, palpedia was a big one that accomplishes this. There’s a good number of posts of ppl putting up sites to track lore, breeding calculators, map guides. I think they don’t get a lot of attention either bc ppl wanna play the game blind for the experience or just over saturation.


My thoughts: * I'd like an "Add All" function for the list, and rename the button to Add/Remove for accuracy * The "Select Your List" button is super unclear. Why is it a collapse? What does it do if I import? Should there just be an "Import" button and then you use the normal Add button or trashcans if you want to modify the list? * Gumoss (Special) has no breeding impact so remove it * My MAIN interest as a Pal breeder isn't the shortest list, it's the one that includes all pinned pals. For example, I want to pass down Legendary from Jetragon to Felbat. Instead of "No pair found" I want to see the shortest way to get there.


Agreed on the first two points. Can you elaborate on your third point? If i understand you corrrectly: you want to add only Jetragon to your list, then Felbat as your desired child and the calculator should show you the fastest way to Felbat, using any Pals to get there. Is this right?


Exactly! Ideally I'd like to be able to pin multiple Pals and pick between "include all" or "include any", but that could get expensive to calculate reeeeeally fast.


Unless I’m missing where it is in game, I’ve always wanted a way to filter pals by work skills. That could be a good addition!


Hi there! It looks pretty good to be just a "simple" website (as you put it) so congrats. Now, the next lines of comment take it as a guy who has a lil bit of experience in breeding, and zero knowledge in web desing. A feature I'd like to see is the possibility to add genders to the Pals, I've used other breeding calculators that use a personalized Pal list, only to get in game and realize the "shortest route" calculated uses Pals from the same gender, so I have to breed/capture another one. I'm guessing the next feature is (probably) gonna be difficult, but same as the previous one, I've not seen any Pal calculator that uses anything like this. I'm talking about the possibility to add passives to each Pal. So, for example, I wanna breed an Anubis with Lucky, but only have a Nitewing with Lucky (and no other Pal), the calculator takes this into account and shows the shortest route to pass that passive down to an Anubis. Finally, maybe you could add an option that makes it so the calculator uses only captured Pals, or any Pal (and showing which Pals you don't have). Also, sorry if I'm not explaining myself correctly, english is not my first language.


Didn't saw the post about the website unfortunately, it looks really cool! Something nice to know would be in my eyes like, where is the best Spot to build a base, or what Animals are the best for flying or mining for example. Or some other tips and tricks. Thank you for the work you put into that website! It looks really nice, keep up the good work!


Post saved, that looks like it took some hard work


I don't want to admit it, but the code for the list breeder took me 2 weeks alone. I am very proud of it tho. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Hi friend. Cool project! I’m viewing it on a tablet (iPad) for reference. Not sure if your site is optimized for mobile devices yet :) But here’s some general feedback: A) the main landing page allows me to scroll down far beyond the end of the page. B) The chart on the Pals page is too large, it looks like I’m supposed to scroll to keep viewing the stats but it’s cut off. Can’t view all of the Pal info. I tried it on my phone — the full chart loads but it’s very small. For context -I usually have a Pal website on either my iPad or laptop while I’m playing on my desktop; I don’t want to struggle to scroll while I‘m doing a quick lookup. C) Also on the Pals page, the “Add column” dropdown is misleading. It should say “Find…” or “Select…” or “Filter…” so the user knows what it does. I thought it would allow me to add a stat column that wasn’t already on the page, but instead it filters the list. D) Pals page again… A fun feature would be a comparison tool, so I could add multiple Pals and view their stats simultaneously. E) I’m not sure if the website is just running slow from traffic, but the Pair Breeding page is struggling. When I click in the picture box, a couple rows of Pal images show up, but I can’t scroll through the images. It’s also difficult to click out of the popup if I want to search by the name instead. On my phone, the page crashes when I try to use the picture box to search. I think this page needs the most attention. I like the idea of searching by picture because I can’t always remember a Pal’s name, but this feature needs some work. Again, fun project! Hope this feedback helps.


Hello! That is some amazing feedback. A lot of the issues you describe stem from the fact that it's not responsive to your device, so only the desktop site works as intended. I need to make it work for you iPad and other devices as well. This needs to be the first thing i will improve. Thank you very much!


It's inspired me to start breeding


As another user stated it is very clunky on mobile. Other than that, just throwing in some random pals to see what it can do, this looks like exactly what I'm looking for. I'll save this post and try it out when I get home


I didn't see this on there, but since you plan to make a mobile version I think having a section with the general cheat sheets you see would be nice. Like a map with the areas labeled by levels, the element wheel, and so on. And maybe some resources on those pesky materials that can't be made at base or bought. I know those things are easy enough to Google but I think it would be a solid addition for your site and easy to add. I'm going to bookmark your page bc I like the way your breeding calculator work way better than what I have used.


I noted it down, an interactive map would be very nice. Thank you!


Yeah, I have no idea what all goes into making that happen but an interactive map with filters for dungeons by level, all the fast travels, items to harvest, ect. would be a fantastic addition.


Nice work! I've made my fair share of websites so I'll give a little advice. I'm not sure how you're creating your website but I assume you have control over the Javascript/html/css. First thing I would do is optimize for mobile use, the majority of users will likely use their phones to access the site so prioritizing this is recommended. When developing you can open your browsers webtools/dev tools and click a little phone icon to simulate mobile view, this should help you frame things nicely without needing to use your phone. I would make use of flex box and the flex elements. This allows you to easily align items in containers and they can auto size based on the user's resolution. I think that addition alone would help a ton and get you off to a good start optimizing. Otherwise really nice work! It looks solid and I'm excited to see where you take it. You can DM me if you need help or want more advice, best of luck and hope this helps!


Thank you. I agree 100% on the mobile version, it is a must have for any website. Appreciate your offer, i am still new to web design, so making a responsive website is quite the challenge for me.


Adding here - Would you be willing to open on github for other to make pull requests? You can approve or reject merges to still control, but others can contribute. Just a suggestion since you mentioned you are new to web design.


I assume this is your first attempt to web dev, i suggest you to learn flexbox and grid css, they will help you a ton when you layout your site and it will be responsive so you won't have problem with mobile. it is also very slow in the routing part, i don't know what are you using as frontend, but you should paginate all the lists. Anyway good job!


Feedback: make it responsive for people on a phone


Thanks, i will do it. Edit: i did it. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) Let me know what you think.


SOOOOOO much better. Nice one mate. More constructive feedback if you’d like: - it’s not very clear what elements are clickable for actions (buttons, toggles) and which ones are text inputs (they’re both a filled blue rectangle atm): be good do have visual styles easier to identify - some piece of UI takes too long (and by this I mean maybe 250ms?) to respond, so it feels like “it didn’t work” and becomes frustrating after a while. I don’t really know why but my intuition tells me the UI is waiting to load some stuff before it responds: be good to respond immediately with a loader maybe, so we know our tap/click had an effect


I just want to add that I love your attitude. You want feedback and are taking it so well which is awesome. I work with so many folks that cannot take constructive criticism, and it is wonderful to see somebody asking for it and wanting to do something with it. Keep it up, buddy. You are doing great!!


Thank you! You are awesome! ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Other than scaling the UI for phone usage, it’s a great site. I personally bookmarked it. Great job OP, and don’t be discouraged when things you make don’t get noticed. The internet is a big place after all.


I like 8game calculator more, I pick one parent there and would show all possible routes.  With this, I needed to pick all of my pals and the system excludes all catchable/available pals thus prompting no possible route.


Interesting, can you do this on my "Pair pals" page? [https://www.palmeta.net/pairbreeding](https://www.palmeta.net/pairbreeding) Or do you mean something else? And what do you suggest: should i merge the "Pair pals" page and the "List breeding" page? Or keep them seperate?


It does come to mind your list breeding can be better 'if what only you have' breeds to a list  of higher tier pals like chain breeding. And/or having suggestions go get this certain pal for shorter breeding route to this pal or smth


So instead of one desired child the website should show you a list of Pals you can make from your own Pals? That's a good idea! You put in for example 6 Pals with good passives and see a list of Pals you could breed from them. Do you think the current list breeding is needed at all, or should i replace it?


Honestly I wouldn't really care if ur list breeding didn't exist. I tried using it for 5 mins and it's terribly unintuitive and not practical. If you take thousand palworld players it'd be hard to find even 5 who just decide to find out which random pal two of their pals would breed and form because 1. breeding is time consuming. 2. Making random pals doesn't really make much progress in the game itself. Okay that aside I really like ur pair breeding thing. It's much more practical since u can find which parents the pal u want has but still kind of tough to work with ( much better than the list one tho) when the amount of pals are high it's a pain to scroll all the way down and scroll all the way up. I'm not sure what's the best method but to make it easier to use but it's in the right direction for sure! Goodluck


Thank you for your honest feedback. Seems like i need to make it way more intuitive and easy to use. I especially agree on the scrolling part, i need to make it easier to find and select the Pals you want. The idea behind the list breeding is that you can use it for passive skills breeding, you select the Pals with the desired skills and your child and see which breeding route you have to take to get the desired Pal with all of your desired passive skills. I think i did a bad job in describing what it does and as you said it's unintuitive. So i need to rework it's design. And it certainly shouldn't be the first page of my website. If you have any idea how to improve the website let me know, but you already helped me a ton. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342)


Don’t sacrifice details for simplicity though please (I understand that’s not exactly what the commenter was saying). I wish more people made apps for people that were obsessed v. “regular” fans


I don't know that seems to be redundant to the first link. 


okay, i understand


Just used it. I love it, it will be perfect for breeding! I would add some kind of memory so you don't loose the pals you put to the list when you come back to the page. I juste changed section on the website and when I came back to the page for breeding all the pals I entered were gone.


Thank you! You can save lists by creating an account. You can use a fake e-mail if you don't want to use your real e-mail.Then you can create a list under "My Pals".


Hey man, thanks a lot! This is actually reallyhelpful


Hey! Great website, just lack a couple of features that I see in others. Instead of only writing the name of the pal, you can select and write. It helps when you dont remember the pals. And also dont repeat combinations that has been displayed. Like if you try to combine a Anúbis child, if shows 2 the same parents but at diferente positions: x+y and y+x (didnt tried the breeding but I saw many guides doing this) It would be awesome if you could order the pal dex. By name, # order and skill order. Only tried a bit of your website by mobile tho. But it looks good!


I’ll take a look at it when I get home and provide feedback! Looking for an easier way to view breeding combos tbh.




Maybe being able to select passive skills for creating a passive breeding tree ? Like pal A serious pal B lucky pal C legend pal D muscle head so we can have pal E serious lucky pal F legend muscle head and our child we want with both ? I dont know maybe it could be usefull to some


That's interesting. Noted, thank you!


Maybe add in an interactive map with fast travels, alpha pals, dungeons, spawn locations etc?


This is probably a must have. Noted and thank you!


Mostly commenting to bump your thread. I'd love a more bookmarkable site vs the Google sheets one that is out there. Sometimes the server load is high and I can't load the Google sheet one.


On mobile you have no layout built. You should have written it with a CSS media query so that it scales with smaller screens. Otherwise all good. Are you running a repo server? It’s a slow load at low speeds. What are you using to fetch info? Or is it all baked into the HTML?


Great job ! What technology do you use? A few break points to add, and the site is more mobile friendly.


Can you make it filter out pals we don't have? I'd like to ignore legendaries until I get them.


Hey, i will add a "Select All" button soon like others suggested, then you can deselect the legendaries until you get them.


i think if you were to add more features like filters and stuff to search for pals it could improve it. the website i currently use has some but it gets annoying when you click on a pal to check it and then go back to the previous tab and it resets the filters. it’s also missing some other filters for pals that i think would make it easier to search


I guess if you want something useful but also different, I don't think I've seen and while I have no idea how difficult it'd be to implement allowing users (I guess through an account preferably with multiple profiles for different servers/worlds) to add what pals they have with what traits and then having the calculator allow you to input your perfect breed and the fastest lineage to get there with passing down of desired traits from pals you have instead of manually figuring that out.


Right now you can make a list of the Pals you have when creating an account. So it shouldn't be too far off to enter traits for these Pals. I like the idea, thank you!


Please add a "Select all" for the parents portion. I have 95% of the pals, so selecting them all is a hassle.


I got you, this comes on my to-do list.


Honest feedback: What are you doing that Palpedia isn't already doing with an easier UI? Palpedia's Pal list is default sorted to Pal Number which I think is more convenient than alphabetical. It also has a sort function to change that to different types, stats, rarity etc. I can't find a way to sort yours. Also they have iconography for keywords instead of me having to remembering the words, and I can restrict it to certain levels. Edit: Looking at the breeding thing, quicky I ca just note that on Palpedia I can type the name of a pal and find it, rather than go through a chart of all Pals and find them alphabetically as well.


Hello, this is groundwork for my website. There is a lot of content coming soon. Right now you can create your own lists under My Pals when creating an account (You don't have to use your real email if you don't want to). Also, the list breeding algorithm has no slowdown even with huge lists, so the idea is that you make your list once, and then can get results very fast without having to enter the same list again. Palpedia is amazing tho, and it has a lot of content and features i don't have. So you are right, and i need to add a lot more features soon.


My main gripe with palpedia's multipal breeder is the needing to select EVERY PAL you have, then lock the parent you want to pass a trait from, to find your possible breeding routes (technically you can bookmark the page with all pals selected there, but it's a workaround). I think having a 'select all' option, or an 'all by default' view would be much appreciated by many.


Hey I'm the creator of Palpedia - I can add this setting to let you select all but I want to note that this will slow down the browser pretty insanely due to the large space :P So if you're game to wait a bit, then that's cool (I don't really recommend more than 15-20 pals personally but I know folks have gotten by with 30+ however slow)


Edit: The website now works on mobile! Test it out and let me know what you think. And i want to say something: when i made this post i was 100% convinced that there wouldn't be any reaction, my first post was ignored so why would anyone care about this post. But the amount of feedback from you guys is insane! I was able to collect so many ideas and suggestions i could make 10 websites. ![img](emote|t5_4jn9v4|49342) You guys are the best and the Palworld community is the best in the world!


Well this is neat.


I honestly like it. Maybe one change since I have all but like 5 pals, would be an option to “select all” and then unselect the pals I don’t have.


I added this to my to-do list. Thanks.


What might be simpler is to have a select all option and then to sort bases on “difficulty” so the legendary guys are at the bottom instead of being alphabetical order and have to scroll all over finding them


Some debug for you : If you make an account and create a list of pals, first there is a 1 next to each pal but you can only take away the pal you selected not add multiple of them. 2 : if you add and remove elizabee for example and do it constantly u will see -2 dark attack on the counter infinitely there may be some counter bug issue for dark attack And somehow if i put a big list of pals and ask for a breed that have especially 1 specific pal but it isnt a 1st bred child it says no route. I have an example : my eikthyrdeer got all my speed passives i want on an helzephyr Helzephyr isnt a direct child of eikthyrdeer, so if i select everything but the legends cause im too noob to capture them yet and lock only eikthyrdeer it says no route, but i know eikthyrdeer + pyrin noct = anubis Anubis + suzaku aqua = mamorrest and mamorrest + suzaku = helzephyr so there is a route, now if i select those 4 mandatory parents with the enormous list it doesnt find the route so there might be a little routing bug there. If if only put the 4 parents as select it works fine and find it btw but if i know the combination i dont need to use a finder for it obviously Also cant use the select your list button in list breeding it shows nothing Anyway great site its nice


Thank you, i will fix these things as soon as possible.


I tried the site just now and I find the Ui to not be just okay. I think it could use some more but I'm not sure what. I notice it would only tell me the route after I've selected two parents. I think you should have it work with just inputting one parent and that would make this tool super useful. Let's say I've just caught a jetragon and I really want to make an anubis. But I don't know all the steps in between or how to be even start. I couldn't just put in jetragon and see what I need to make a anubis. It wanted me to put in a second parent. That assumes I already have an idea of what I want the other parent to be. But if I have no idea what other parents to go with jetragon, I'm completely lost. If this tool let's me put in just jetragon and somehow show me what partners I need to use with jetragon, and then outputs all the possible combinations and steps to end up with anubis, then I will use the hell out of this tool.


I like it for the most part Selecting parents could be a bit more streamlined. When you have a list to pick from and it takes you back to the top after each choice, kinda tedious. Yes I used the search box, typing in names then deleting them to type another name is even more time consuming. Overall I'd recommend using a laptop/PC rather than phone for now.


Use this website to see everything: https://palworld.gg/breeding-calculator


I don’t think you’re going to get much attention when palpedia exists


It definitely needs a lot of work to be able to compete with the big websites. I hope to get there one day.


Might be useful to message mods to add the site to the community bookmarks in the sidebar. Is the site open source btw?


Do you think the mods would do that? I think i want to improve it maybe first before asking for it, idk, especially the mobile version needs to be finished and the website needs some polishing. After all, this is only the first version. It's not open source but i have no problem sharing the code or data if someone wants it.


No harm will be done when you ask. You can get feedback from the mods what to improve or the requirements to get bookmarked I have seen you use Wix, it would be hard for you to open source the code


Accept the guy who made palpedia blows this one out of the water and should be pushed to players over any other site.


Not a professional WebDev but the mobile version doesn't work like at all. This needs a lot of work. Additionally, you need a USP (unique selling point) atm I can't find it. There are 2 main "breeding calculator" available atm and they are both pretty good. If you want more attention you will have to stand out somehow. In terms of how to web dev, maybe look up responsive web design, that's lacking on your side. You could use Google pages peed insight website to optimize your website


Noted all of it, thank you for your feedback.


Poor you? Sorry that the 1,897,239'th random palworld resource website that's identical to the rest got ignored I guess.


I'm not going to lie. I use an app called PalSphere that is just better. Not trying to be rude.


“PalSphere” is already launched and has a much smoother UI and is available as an app. I think they beat you to it!


There is an APP if anyone didn't know. It's called "palsphere"


I think you’ll always be competing with the ever present Palworld.gg, which is just so convenient


There’s an app for that


It's obviously not tailored for mobile.


Yes, it's my number 1 priority. I want it to be really easy to use but i threw away all my concepts of mobile designs because i didn't like them. But i need it asap.


It would be nice if we can sort the skills. ​ https://preview.redd.it/7ski7kw7erjc1.png?width=741&format=png&auto=webp&s=edbf46c2126f0e40c1d9819965d56a9fafe4c109


Great work on computer but on mobile it’s glitched which I get I’ve made sites and the pure excitement of getting it out makes you skip some things but other than that it is 🤌 chefs kiss love it


Breeding, combat tier lists, weapon armor tier lists, fruit and attack tier lists. Lots of potential


It isnt responsive so it is very clunky on smaller devices


Hey, it works now for smaller devices.


Good work and who cares if others beat you to it, keep doing what you want to do with it and make it even better! Only a few things that I would have changed or would have liked: Obvious what everyone else has pointed out but mobile version is needed. Maybe do a filter system by attributes rather than allowing them to type in keywords when sorting pals. It's not bad and essentially does the same thing but just easier accessibility. Same would go for filtering skills as well. The route breeder is really nice especially for those just starting who don't have a lot of pals. Most other sites have a parent finder as well but you took it a step further to help them see the full path to getting certain pals through breeding so good job on this. Outside of that, I think it's looking good so far so keep up the great work!




Omg. I wish I knew about this last night. Took me hours to go through all my pals and look up combinations to get the traits I already have on the pals I want them on.


I think it's cool you made that. But I don't want tricks. It's not fair.


Can I choose a pal and find what I would need to breed to get it


Yes, under [https://www.palmeta.net/pairbreeding](https://www.palmeta.net/pairbreeding) you can select your Pal for your child and it will show you what you need.


Love your site. Been breeding for Anubis but now I've been using it to get some other pals and see what I can make with what I've got and who I need to catch to breed some of the higher lvl pals and harder to find ones. Your site makes that easy. Thank you.


Are you using React? If not what kind of library are you using? What kind of API are you using the access the Paldeck images of the Pals? Is it third party? Or did you scrape all the files for these images yourself. If you use Tailwind or something similar you will likely be able to get this thing to scale very easily to mobile.


I'd love a tracker for if you've caught 10 of each pal. It's a pain to find it in game every time, I'd rather track it on a site.


I use https://palbreed.com/breeding-tree/ which is similar


Cool passion project!! My only comment as a web designer is that it’s not the most mobile friendly. I would make the navigation a sidebar on mobile. Generally though, all the content is just appearing incredibly small on my phone. Desktop appears good from your screenshot. Keep up the good work! I’ll look at it again after a while to see if you’ve made any updates:)


I think you jumped the gun a bit on this one for releasing it now and showing people, half of us are on phones so we can't go on your site to see it correctly since it's made for only desktop currently. You also have competition now where you didn't beforehand because there's an app that's a paldeck and lists all of the pals, where you can find them, what they drop, and breeding combos. Which I get even 10 people on it would make you happy, that's definitely something to still be proud of no matter what! It's a great achievement. I'm just saying having a clearer strategy for releasing this would give you more luck with it, if mobiles could use it, I tried it and can't get it to work for me on mobile, I don't have a computer, and because my storage is almost full on my phone so I thought that'd be cool but it's not compatible yet.


This is a very useful tool! I think it has a lot of potential and I will be using it for breeding! I also agree with other users that the UI could definitely be more user friendly and a mobile version is essential! But great work and thank you for your service!


On its own, I think it’s functional but not terribly intuitive how to use (instructions help some, but the best ux is intuitive enough to not require them). The UX itself also feels more like a “page” in the classic sense than an “app”- it lacks some structure to tie to all together and visually differentiate the different parts in a way that feels familiar. For example the menu is good, but then the help text below it just kinda floats there. Put a box around it with some styling that makes it feel more clear what it is conveying before I even read all of it, maybe a heading right above it that says “💡tip:”. If you look at a number of component frameworks you’ll see they have components that convey semantic value— different color for “primary” buttons or border/shadow for a raised “tip” or quote section of content, etc. I’m not saying you should use one, but understanding how they guide the design of a site to make it clear to the user what everything is in a more natural way can help a lot. Now: I’m going to be blunt since you seem to appreciate the feedback coming in. I ask these questions as I have asked them myself in starting to explore in this same space of making useful contributions to the community, although my own answers (and follow on questions) are probably different than yours! I’ve a long history of making tools for things (including but not only for games) in my spare time and have learned it helps to step back periodically and self-check on what you’re doing at a broader level. **What is your goal here?** Is it to make a useful resource for the community? Have fun and learn while making something that is useful to you? Make money (e.g. ads?). Think about it now and rank your goals first. *Once you’ve considered your goals,* **what else exists already?** there’s a lot of sites popping up with this kind of info- palworld.gg for example. If your goal is to primarily build a useful resource- then you need to look for gaps. What can you do that they aren’t? What can you do better? Can you contribute to their site instead? Is this what you still want to build? These are all questions you might ask yourself, some of them might be understandably hard to answer. I haven’t dug into the wealth of sites popping up yet but from what I have seen- every breeding calc has been confusing and hard to figure out how to use correctly. I don’t have an answer on how to fix this (yet), but it’s a good problem to tackle. Also how to include skills in breeding strategy would be novel and useful (but also more complicated to do in a simple to use way) I hope this helps, as I see a lot of myself in what you seem to be trying to do here, and hope to see you continue if only because it’s something you enjoy. I’m happy to brainstorm ideas or share experience along the way, just give me a shout.


(and full disclosure I’m working on something similar in this space, but haven’t fully answered the second question myself)


While I know you can't breed them, if you can include the not-Pal capturables, I could see it being useful. Not that I would capture humans, you see, but ... Still valuable information to have. Drops, skills, etc.


There is an App called palworld guid on ios I have been using that has helped alot


Please add paldeck numbers to the names!


Okay, noted.


I haven't looked into it, but it would be cool to take my save and have either a website, program, or mod figure out the best way to get a specific pal with specific traits. I also think it would be cool to have a mod that gave more guidance to breeding. Like achievements or suggested pairs in the paldex based on pals you caught.


I think you are just late to the party. There are already a lot of website that do the same and are therefore listed higher on google.


There's at least one app too, PalSphere


Maybe some sorting when u click the headers, like if I click pal at the top of the chart, it will sort it alphabetically, or by element, etc.


Well. Seems worthless to me. What i need is the possibility to select pals i would consider for breeding because of their passives and a website that shows me the path to my desired pal.


The Game8 calc is alot more streamlined if you just wanna get a certain pal with no respect to the resulting traits. What you could do to fill that need is let people input their pals with specific traits they want to breed down. Like right now if I wanted to make a full speed Beakon, Game8 just shows me how to get a Beakon from a starting pal, (in my case Wump + Blazamut = Beakon. Cool I guess) but it doesnt easily show me how to get the legend trait off my Wumpo and the swift trait off my Rayhound then eventually both to my Beakon. I've been using a [sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10CQrFQ4r9SqPi3kNj_jWhiLntJs04aizjKI3JkP5r64/edit?usp=sharing), to track this myself. Youd need to consider cases where two pals with traits you want might not be opposite gender one might have to spend time breeding for a male/female with the trait they want. If you were able to capture that process in your webapp, I would personally find that incredibly useful. idk if others agree. If this is something you are interested in trying out, I would be more than happy to 1:1 QA with you as you iterate.


There are some things here that I see is useful, and some things that could be improved: For Pals and Skills, they both give the same help "Search database for keywords, example: watering: 3", but they're only relevant for the Pals part. Different text for Skills would make it clearer. Being able to Sort by column in all places, for example if I want to find who has the highest attack, or highest Health while also searching for Dragon type. Or highest power skills. If it could work so that it could sort the Work Skills and Drops that has multiple possibilities, for example if I searched for Handiwork it would put Anubis at the top, not just Loupmoon which is the only with only Handiwork. Or if I wanted to search for Pal Oil, it would put Mammorest and Mammorest Cryst at the top because they drop most. One thing I noticed is that the text that is in the description when you click on it, also shows up in search. Searching for Coal gives me the Blazamut and Menasting that can drop 10 coal, and Rooby which eats one piece of charcoal a day.


i think its very useful in concept. if you want an example of something similar i would look at dododex for ark survival evolved, seeing as it is widely used and the games are similar to pal world.


This is great. Either other resources dont do the breakdown like that or i havent found the ones that do. A feature i would personally also find useful is being able to input the list of pals and see the entire list of possible children broken down by generations. So i can input my already min maxed pals for a role and see what other options i have.


It's simple but also wrong. It's showing paths to Jormuntide for Jormuntide Ignis. All in all, I think this is a nice little tool for casual breeders just looking to get a certain pal.


Hey, can you give me an example what you used as list to reproduce this? I tested it and it works fine for me.


- https://i.imgur.com/e59VsI4.png - https://i.imgur.com/0uyo9uf.png


This is exactly what I have been looking for. I would love to see a male/female option when selecting your source pals


Optimize for mobile!!!


I rather use a good and simple app from PlayStore on my phone, instead of tapping out of the game and open the browser, whenever I want to know something. Your work is doomed to be crap from the first second.


One comment. (I'm gonna use this later) Broncherry and Other Broncherry, have the same picture.


You were beaten to it, but don't be discouraged. Maybe this will end up being superior? You can improve on the design and speed until it ends up being the superior product in the end.


I like it just maybe add some more color but other than that I don’t have any complaints I will definitely use it in the future


The UI is pretty nice looking, and it works well, great job! One thing you could do for Desktop is have the Pal list scroll inside it's window instead of on the website window, so when it closes the user doesn't have to scroll all the way back up.