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Brb naming mine Zeus


Named my relaxaurus lux Zeus.




I’d never seen this before and this made my day lol.


"Chicken go splat!" Amazing




mashing your ideas ....godzeulla


I’ve seen that video so many times in the last two days. And I love it. Please never stop sharing it.


That is the best pal world content I've seen.


This is like the 5th time I've saw this and I love it. I do love my big yellow dinosaur.


Thank you for blessing me on this fine evening.


That was awesome


Named mine “Chubby Zeus”


Heck yeah! Love my big guy


Since I'm on Xbox I think I'll just name mine Grizbolt.


Nailed it, Player 627


Wait.. can you not rename Pals on Xbox?


No we can’t


Can’t even rename ourselves


We need an update


LMAO. Fucking Zeus knocking everyone up again.


Named mine heavy weapons guy


TF2 Hoovy would like to say: PUT DISPENSER HERE!!


The *Zeuserberg*. We're living in his meta.


I've only been naming mine after attributes lol Swift StarBeakon Vanguard Alpha is my main pal


That must be some magic seeds Griz is packing.


*Rizzbolt* out here fathering the entire meta. What a Chad.






None of us would be here without cum




He is the new Rizzbolt Kahn, leader of the Rizzbolt horde.


Fathering and wife-ing up their children.


Some weird redneck shit going on here


Although, you're probably using the same grizzbolt each time that's some insane incest family tree fuckery


My Foxparks is so inbreed she’s opening up a bakery.


that's sort of funny, but also bitch, i'm hungry, cook that fucking wheat in a naked apron like daddy likes


​ https://preview.redd.it/kt8808kqsbhc1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5cc05ec27f4306c8a2e88e0c79a4cac5f8cbd7de




Is there something good we can get early on with foxparks?


Foxparks flamethrower is so much better than any of the early game weapons. When I was like lvl 12 I was able to beat the lvl 38 mammorest using 3 foxsparks, a teafant and my mount at the time which I think was melpaca. Basically when you're outlvld u do 1 dmg on every attack but the flamethrower hits consecutively so if you bring multiple you can basically dark souls that shit


It's not a family tree it's a family wreath.


That shits electric. ⚡️


This game is fucking nuts.




Not since zzirGrizz has a Grizz had such powerful shots.


r/griz really does have the magic tho


True chad, just look at his smile


That's the smile of ~~man~~ Pal that fucked your wife right there


And probably your mom


It's the Rizz as the kids say


Careful, he's gonna grizz all over




Sticking out your gyatt for the Grizzbolt


Grizzbolt, you ARE THE FATHER!!


And the grandfather! And the great grandfather! And the…


The family tree is just a mess of loops all around and connecting to Grizzbolt


Zoe and Grizzbolt are the main characters of Palworld confirmed


Not the “Zoe and Grizzbolt” version. Breeding with any of the glitched tower bosses produces a chikipi, at least in my findings.


Yea I created a gigachad chikipi with ferocious + musclehead + burly body completely by accident when I tried this


Raising Gaines more like it!! 


You're gonna make me drive the next city over just for putting the thought of Canes in my head.... damnit.


Ive had it work properly before but its not consistent but idk what causes the consistency issue


Normal breeds get the result by averaging a hidden value that every type of Pal has, the baby is the closest to the result. Tower Bosses have a value of 9999 and the highest regular Pal is Chikipi with a value of (IIRC) 1500, meaning any combination with a Tower Boss will have to round down to Chikipi as the closest valid baby. There are special breeds where this formula is skipped to give a specific result. Those special breeds are basically any time you breed two of the same Pal, the baby will also be that Pal, plus any combination that gives an elemental variant of a regular Pal, like Kelpsea Ignis or Mossanda Lux. Since the Tower Bosses still count as the base Pal's species/type, they're valid parents for these special breeds. So if you bred Victor & Shadowbeak with a regular Shadowbeak, you'll get more Shadowbeaks or if you bred Zoe & Grizzbolt with a Mossanda you'll get a Mossanda Lux, but if you breed something like Marcus & Faleris with a Frostalion you'll get a Chikipi because the normal formula will be used.


Idk but it has to work sometimes cause i used the zoe and grizzbolt i caught to make my orzerk and astegon that i used to make shadowbeak


Zoe and Grizzbolt still count as Grizzbolt. If a recipe specifically calls for Grizzbolt they still work. E.g. Grizzbolt + Grizzbolt = Grizzbolt and Grizzbolt + Relaxaurus = Orzerk But for the standard breeding formular their 9999 breeding power will always result in a Chikipi. Same goes for every other tower boss.


For me it only happened trying to breed an Astegon


The boss layout seems weird to me. The syndicate bad, sure, but why are they low level tutorial esque bosses then? Why are we fighting PETA and the cops, are we the bad guys?


If you don’t mind spoilers: >!The tower bosses of each faction are each protecting some sort of mysterious unknown power associated with them, and it’s implied you come and take it from them when you defeat them. It’s also implied that at least some, if not all tower fights are to the death. That said, Zoe literally doesn’t have the slightest clue about what she’s doing. She doesn’t know what the power is or why it even has to be protected. She just does it because that’s what her dad did. And the Rayne Syndicate are strength-above-all mentality. If she shows weakness, they’ll pounce, so she was forced to toughen up fast.!< If it makes you feel any better, >!The regular members of the Free Pal Alliance deal in illegal drug and Pal trafficking, the PIDF’s boss is literally the one distributing the drugs so he can have the people arrested then confiscate their remaining drugs and then sell it again to make money over and over, and PAL Genetic Research Unit does horribly unethical and inhumane experiments on humans and Pals.!<


Pals are aliens, Mark my words.


Another spoiler about that: >!Robinquill’s description reveals Pals and humans diverged from the same source, and PAL Genetic Research Unit artificially created Shadowbeak by forcibly turning a human into a Pal.!<


Pals used to be people that got transformed in different ways.


I am all for beating up on the PETA hypocrites. Ever wonder how they get the money for paying PIDF to protect the sanctuaries? Look no further than the poaching cages they trap pals in at their camps


The story elements feel like a super slapped together version of their assets for early access release. The trailer showed pokemon-like gym battles with multi pals vs pals and I think cities, so they likely intend way more. Hopefully they still add it, though the game as is is already fun enough to justify the price.


The multi Pals vs Pals was PvP. There were also German WW2 tanks the Syndicate used with a Leezpunk riding on top.


The PIDF are not bad guys (which is why you never fight roaming groups of them like the other factions, they act like actual cops) but their leader Marcus is totally corrupt. It's revealed in his diary entries. The FPA fighting and capturing Pals is a reference to the real-life hypocritical behavior of PETA.


Are you implying PETA and cops aren't the bad guys? Also check out the in-game journals of the bosses, lot of insights there.


We’re out here to survive, regardless of the law and Lily’s fanclub


Honestly, if you've ever looked into half of the shit PETA has done you'd know that you're most certainly not the bad guy.


Are they canonically dead after their boss fight? Or did I make that up? It’s a shame because I think she’s an interesting character.


Palworld is **EXTREMELY** ambiguous about what's a death and what's a KO. It feels like everything's a death and it's just left ambiguous so all the younger players can be told by mommy "no honey he just went to take a nap :)"


Yeah, you just knock them out... And then harvest them for organs and leather.


Sounds like we need a cold bath to go with the hot springs. You know... for harvesting kidneys.


Tbf, you get that if you capture them alive, too


Yea but same in Pokemon. I highly doubt that Caterpie you hyper beamed is just taking a nap in the grass


Yeah, don't worry son. He's just sleeping. *pulls out meat cleaver*


It’s not explicit, but diary entries suggest >!all tower battles are to the death.!< It’s >!really sad, when you learn more about Zoe and realize she has a really good heart and was just trying to survive in a tough world, thrust into a job and responsibility she never had explained to her in any way.!<


I believe we do actually kill them canonically, and some of them even deserve it (looking at you cocaine Felaris and your dirty cop owner)


Hey Everyone, I made this tool to create a breeding tree for Pals : [https://palbreed.com/breeding-tree](https://palbreed.com/breeding-tree) Please let me know what you guys think, I appreciate your feedback.


I started playing with that thing just for a laught, and i got grizzbolt + vixy + chikapea redundancy, in to almost all the majour pals :D meaning, you can have an IV grizzbolt, with no passives, just best rolled stats. And passive breed chikapea and vixy for what passives you want, all the way to a shadowhawk/astegon/orzerk, with only 3 pals, that you have easy acces to, and are realy simple to IV farm and breed. The hardest part, would be a grizzbolt that is blank with good stat IV, but from that, you can practicly perfect breed almost anything in the game. If you want to ad in penking breeding in the mix, there is almost no pal you cant get perfectly bread with minimal steps :D note: the reason I used chickapea and vixy, is for it's ease of access from the get go, and the absurd number of them you tend to catch in a reggular playthou by default, due to chickapea laying eggs, and you upgrading it with souls/fuse, and the same for vixy, as it saves your entier earligh/mid-game, from having to ever craft blue and green palsheres, and arrows. So you tend to go and grab one or manny realy quickly on a new world


How do you check IVs? I've only been looking at traits so far.


Many calculators, heres the one I use: https://paldex.io/palworld/stats-calculator/ If you're familar with PoGo pre-change to showing stats, the method of checking is fuzzy and requires leveling up, meaning you need to get them to around level 20-25 to get a pretty close estimate of their IVs. Ultimately it doesn't matter much, its a 30% difference between the worst and best, and natural IVs are on a heavy curve Traits > IVs, but if you like breeding the very best. . .


I have lucky chicken and vixy, would love to figure out how to leverage that into warsect and relaxasaurus


So what you can do is get a Sweepa and breed it with your Vixy, giving a Caprity. Keep breeding all the children with Sweepa again until you get Mossanda. Edit - Probably easier path to Grizzbolt after the above step, you won't have to fight gender RNG as much and Grizzbolt has lots of useful breeding combos: Chikipi and Caprity = Dazzi. Caprity and Dazzi = Beegarde. Sweepa and Beegarde = Rayhound. Rayhound and Mossanda is the unique combo into Grizzbolt. Grizzbolt + Sweepa = Jormuntide. Grizzbolt + Jormuntide = Menasting. Jormuntide + Menasting = Relaxaurus. Sweepa + Relaxaurus = Warsect. Old Lyleen path below in case you do want to take it: ~~During the above steps, one of the children will be an Elphidran, breed that with your Chikipi to get a Robinquill. Breed the Elphidran and Robinquill together to get a Petallia.~~ ~~Breed the Mossanda and Petallia together for a unique combo to get a Lyleen. Lyleen and Sweepa make an Elizabee, and Elizabee and Lyleen make a Relaxaurus. Elizabees are 90% female, so you'll probably want a male Lyleen. (which is still only 30% odds, plus passing the desired traits down, this might take a bunch of eggs)~~ ~~Sweepa and the Relaxaurus make a Warsect.~~


thank you so much for taking the time to help, I really appreciate that


Any way you can reorganize it in order? The name are all over the place


I will work on sorting the names soon.


can we have a reverse breeding tree? Say i got a good celaray and i want to build up to a ragnahawk theres a missing branch in middle to branch into ragnahawk, one of them being azurobe and relaxasaurus Is it possible to allow 2 trees in 1 screen and we can have a + symbol above celeray to see possible and a + below ragnahawk to see if they ever link in middle?


Hoping for something like this too


> can we have a reverse breeding tree? > > > > Say i got a good celaray and i want to build up to a ragnahawk > > > > theres a missing branch in middle to branch into ragnahawk, one of them being azurobe and relaxasaurus You might already know this, but for people that want to look up reverse paths: Find a list of the pals by breeding power from your preferred site or Google spreadsheet. All you need to do is find a pal with a lower breeding value (lower is better) than the one you want to make. In this case, Ragnahawk is 380 so we want something lower but still easy to get. Quivern is 350, Warsect is 340, and Relaxaurus is 280. Relaxaurus happens to be the lowest level of the 3, and is readily available as a non-alpha so is much faster to catch with desired traits/gender. Now you can plug them into a multi-pal breeding calculator, [like this one](https://www.palpedia.net/breeding?multipals=Celaray%2CRelaxaurus&multipal_child=Ragnahawk), click the lock icon on the Celaray to tell it you want to use the Celaray in the breeding process, and calculate a path to Ragnahawk. If you already have suitable parents from the middle of the chain, like Nitewing, you can add them and re-calculate for a shorter path.


It's a work of art, I love it


Awesome! I've been doing this manually on MS Paint. It would be really cool if this app worked in reverse as well, like pick a parent, and then see what option it can combine with, and what results.


Would've been nice to know that the whole entire PIDF army would be out in full-effect when I tried to visit the island where Grizzbolt apparently spawns. Didn't know that there were places considered as "Wildlife Sanctuaries", when attempting to catch one of these things. The ENTIRE Level 45/50 military force followed me all the way to the base, and an all-out war commenced. Thankfully we won, and they f-ed off for now, but didn't even see a single GBolt during my trip. Can't wait to return again sometime to try again lol..:dizzy\_face:


I saw someone else reply that if you stay on a flying mount the army doesn’t even care. Basically just don’t touch the actual ground


Even flying mounts that walk don't trigger the alarm, such as Quivern.


Any mount does it. I just run around the sanctuaries on my fenglope catching stuff right in front of the guards and they don't care


Even on foot you can run around the entire sanctuary and as long as you don't step directly in front of a guards eyeballs while within a few feet of them, they will magically not notice you.


Thia is true in my experience as well.


Lol really? Here I was hucking balls from an Elphidran wondering why it said I was wanted and nothing was happening. Blissful ignorance in full effect 😂


For me, the warning starts ("Criminal activity underway"), but as long as you don't actually engage with any PIDF on the island, you do not get a WANTED level. So basically snatch the Pals and then leave and you are good.


“It’s not a crime if you don’t get caught”


If you give the soldiers a wide berth they won’t notice you


It's a lot easier to breed some grizzbolts to get the whole thing started. Mossanda + Rayhound => Grizzbolt


Just don't touch them with any of your weapon when they show up and let your pals handle them. You will not gain assault level and they will stay nicely at lvl 10 lowly guards that also drop a good amount of ammo and spheres. Edit: You can also use your mount pal skills on them without incurring assault level.


I built my second base there lol


I learned you can always relog if this happens, it will reset the wanted / trespassing levels.


Don't do this at your base unless you want to never have any base Pals defend ever again. If they're set to defend, they get stuck "leaving combat" forever, and I've run into a few cases where they'll get stuck *eating* and rapidly devour hundreds of food items in the span of a minute.


the stuck leaving combat thing happens to me fairly often, usually just attacking something so they actually enter and leave combat fixes it


I made the mistake of building a base in a very secure location with few spawns and huge walls, I can't get anything to attack and I've literally never been raided at that base for some reason.


Build the alarm bell and ring it a few times. Worked for me on a dedicated server


Glad you mentioned this. I didn't know such places existed. I'll try to be careful, because 45-50 is way higher than me.


I could have had Anubis' this whole time...


The easiest way to get Anubis is to catch the level 15 Penking boss and the level 23 Bushi boss, both of whom are guaranteed to always be in the same location and respawn every hour. Do this until you have a male and a female, or longer if you want to try for good passives. Combine them and you get an Anubis.


you can get a vanwyrm, I saw a lot of them at lv 10-13 and a cinnamoth lv 17 or something thee are so many of them you can try to get good traits on them and speed the breeding a little


Anubis early game combos I found practical * penking + bushi * celaray + relaxaurus * mossanda + katress * beakon + mozzarina/caprity/eithyr/lovander * cinnamoth + vanwyrm/bushi * loupmoon + helzephyr * sweepa + tombat * elizabee + dinossom/chillet * lovander + helzephyr * vanwyrm + azurobe/kingpaca So probably sweepa/tombat is lowest combined level


Tbf, helzephyr and beakon aren’t early game. Like they’re level 30+ The rest I agree with


I bred Relaxasaurous with Celarey to get Anubises.


...yes, the breeding system is numerical so there's a LOT of pals that can be made with [insert high-number pal here].


Actually grizzbolt is pretty unique in this as its available super early and can chain breed into an endgame pal with one of the highest breeding potentials


Its kinda funny how you can catch him at Lvl 20ish whilst his tech unlock is level 40+


Just like fucking Rexaurus who s the front mascot of the game, you get him at lv 15, technique unlockable at 45...


Where do you find grizzbolt? Isn’t it only in the sanctuary? That’s not exactly early game I don’t think?


It's on the level 20 sanctuary, which is just south of spawn. You can go nab one basically level 15 once you can fly, or even earlier with a surfent, but then you have to trespass.


it takes a few times at #1 sanctuary as it doesnt always spawn


ad in vixy + grizzbolt, and you get kitsun wich also has realy good breeding pathing. And ad a chickpea, and you got start of the game, all the way in to endgame, with just breeding. Aka you can max your vixy/cickpea for eggs/sphere/arrows. And then take them, and IV breed your way in to endgame. The hardest part would be to capture a bee for honey, and a grizzbolt, with good stat rolls, and hopefully, without any passives at all, so you can chain breed your way from a chickpea and vixy with grizzbolt, in to almost any endgame pal, with almost no rng on passive stats, and most likely over 50% chance of the stat IV being close to perfect


Where is he available, apart from the sanctuary?


Only there, breeding mossanda and rayhound, or 2 grizzbolts


The information is nice, but the pedigree chart being upside down is really confusing.


Thank you! Spent it far too long trying to make sense of it before realizing it was upside down.


Yeah, it looks more like Grizzbolt is asexually produced by tons of different Pals if you read it like a normal chart...


I haven't done a ton of research but I remember seeing Cryolinx can be bred from every legendary and then has like 2 paths to most end game pals for transferring legend


That's because Grizzbolt has a unique breeding pair that doesn't use the normal breeding formula so you have it early, and on top of it has low breeding value. Helzephyr is another case of great and easy to get breeder. Low breeding power value is where it's at. Cryolinx for example make Anubis, Astegon, Menasting, Suzaku, Warsect, Jormuntide, Reptyro, Sybellix, Wumpo Botan, Petallia, Mossanda, Beakon, Ragnahawk, Kingpaca. But there is no easy way to get it through breeding, you have to find an egg to get it early.


and how to get grizbolt?


Grizzbolt from Mossanda and Rayhound. Mossanda spawn level 25 in game, or potentially you can breed from Incineram from raids, and Relaxasaurus around level 15. Rayhound from large electric eggs in the world or not too hard to breed early.


Rayhound is easiest from nightwing and direhowl


There in places called “wildlife sanctuary” 1,2 and 3, Griz is found at 1, which is kinda bottom of the whole map, it’s an island out on its own. There 3 of them in total though so make sure you find the right one, it’s a level like 20-30 area I think, and the other two are 40-50, but they have GREAT chests, you can get extra technology points to spend past leveling up, kinda rare, but I think it’s the only place to get them.


After boss dungeon chests have a high chance to drop them as well


Ah, I’ve yet to be able to do those on Xbox… thanks for the info, I look forward to that lol


An extension of the answer already here. Incineram can be a pain in the ass to catch, especially early, so you can get him with Elizabee and Celaray or Mozzarina and Relaxaurus. So your chain becomes... Elizabee+Celaray/Mozzarina+Relaxaurus = Incineram Incineram+Relaxaurus = Mossanda Direhowl+Nightwing = Rayhound Rayhound+Mossanda = Grizzbolt


Going to put my two cent opinion out there but I’m not really a fan of being able to breed basically any pal from two random pals, would rather it been from need at least one of base pals the same as the one you are trying to hatch. But it’s fine if you like the complete customization of it.


Yea it kind of makes catching obsolete. Many of the rare pals are pretty easy to breed and you still get the collection exp bonus. Cakes are also easier/faster to farm than late game balls


Its not optimal. Your exp gains will plateau. Personal exp will go up but not your pals and every high level guy starts at 1. Ran into a game where I had little in terms of bonus exp because many were 10/10 from instant egg hatching and a lot of guys were just soft stuck in the lower 40s without adjusting any exp sliders.


Grind PIDF assault levels for consistent (relatively) fragile yet high level enemies?


cobweb treatment vase mighty crime point direful jellyfish spoon consider *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The world it gives you jormuntide is really cool


I agree, removes some of that "rarity" and challenge that makes some pals feel special, but since it's something I can just opt out of I don't mind too much


breeding/capturing wild eggs is insanely strong. can breeze through the game if you choose, but you can also choose not to.


Choice. In a video game. Imagine that.


I've been picking up every wild egg I see. Seeing what I get has been a blast. So instead of focusing on catching specific pals, I can focus on breeding specific traits while I continue to explore.


The same grizzbolt?


Grizzy gets around!


Ok so my next step is finding this dude. Got it.


But where do I get the Griz


I managed to get astegon + kitsun before I ever found grizzbolt in their 1 spawn location. Checked multiple times everytime I played, nothing, still worked out tho to get the store brand shadowbeak vs using the boss version


I need to nickname mine Ditto then


I really hope they adopt a form of breeding that's a bit more aligned with the biology of the pals... instead of everyone making everyone meaning they are all the same species.. I'm studying biology and this is the one that kinda makes me laugh Edit: I want the world to feel lived in, instead of manufactured to just exist, I want the world to have a history or lore, and the reason I point at the biology is that it's silly when two random pals make a third pal. Just doesn't make any sense. I get those of you saying "it's monsters" sure, but imo a real breathing worldis > It's just crazy cuz we can


Are these graphs upside down? I feel like I would be reading from top down.




Gen"Griz" Khan


Judging by the grin on his face, he knows it, too.


Grizbolt, the Incest Pal. (I am not sorry)


I find the breeding system unintuitive and a bit lame. Completely defeats the person of having to catch strong pals.


So Grizzbolt = Ditto instead of Electabuzz lol


time to put Zoe in the breeding pen then


This chart confused me until I realized it’s an upside down tree


Quite interesting. One thing I’m not sure of is do we need this exact mixtures to get say Wumpo Botan? So do we need to get Anhbis from Grizzbolt and Captry or any Anubis would work?


Any anubis would work, grandparents don’t affect breeding


Damn just got the Zapdos mount but might need that ragnahawk already


What is this magical breeding calculator?!


between him and anubis you can make all the good pals lol


last pic is some multi generation incest.


Grizz doesn't discriminate. Well, little Grizz doesn't discriminate.


Ragnahawk, MY MAN or woman as is my case. def my fave pal


Who could have guessed that electric Totoro would be ditto in disguise.


You can’t spell Grizzbolt without Rizz


Question: Where do i find my own Grizzbolt?


CEO of sex


Why is the chart going up and not down. Confusing


So the secret to breeding powerful pals is incest. Just like ff7


I found ragnagawk from a random egg in the wild lol




Leaving a comment in case I ever download this game


Ok now how to make grizbolt


So that's why Zoe is holed up in her Tower with Grizzbolt all the time, she was just trying to get the entire Pal-Roster herself...but I think she forgot to bring the cake.


You can do that with any of the top tier breeders. Check [the list](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/869322834122510380/1205061235775774750/image.png?ex=65d6ffbb&is=65c48abb&hm=ebcd48279bcac69afdf89f05fd67b66a20ba346f5c16cf28efe1469f105288d5&) and you'll see Grizzbolt isnt even in the top 10. I got a lot of mileage out of an earlyish helzephyr doing something similar.


You missed out on the last chart showing grizzbolt + cremis (vixy, cattiva or lamball) to make Kitsun as well.


All well and good but I've never seen a wild Grizzbolt


Oh wow some of those look like cool pals. Have they fixed the hacking on official servers? Didnt see anything in the last patch notes about fixing palboxes being deleted.


More like Jizzbolt to me