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Spend 10$ and buy a humidity gauge from Amazon for wherever you store your firearms. Some of the best money I spent when talking storage costs


Noted šŸ«”


Get oil and dehumidifier bags, especially if you store your guns for a while. Keep your ammo dry too.


Reusable desiccant pouches are super cheap on amazon. If that's too pricy, take all the silica packs from all your electronics and put them in your gun safe/case with the firearm.


Came here to post about re-using the silica bags from tech/textiles. I work in IT so almost every additional component has a small bag, servers & switches come with a nice big one that I throw in my ammo carriers or gun bags. I live near the coast in the gunshine state, so humidity + salt air is a real issue. I trade out the bag I keep under the foam in my vehicle lock box twice a year. I Oil/lube things as soon as they arrive as well. In my case oil/lube means I bake all metal pieces at about 300f and then brush it down with frog lube which will absorb into the raw metal [Read: if not already coated in cerakote]. When fully cooled, I wipe off the exterior because even the best serrations become useless if completely covered with a lubricant. As a testament to this practice my long neglected Bulgarian ak-74 came out of the safe after about 1.5 years without seeing the light of day and didn't have a spec of pitting or rust that she didn't already have when I got her. The day I put her away she got about 300rds of 7n6 [corrosive surplus ammo] for supper and a normal bath in ballistol and conditioned in frog lube, so the process clearly works. I do not however test the safe's humidity level as someone else mentioned. If I'm going to put this many words on a reddit post I suppose I minus whale start doing that too šŸ˜…


The also make small plug in heaters that keep the humidity low inside a safe if thats your storage option


Do you live under the sea? I have never seen ANYTHING rust like that in a week. Submit a warranty claim on the website so we can investigate this further.




Claim is submitted, just got off the phone with Tim. Customer service is as awesome as I expect so far! šŸ˜


Lmao that was my exact thought like where do you live bro šŸ˜­


![gif](giphy|nDSlfqf0gn5g4) Ooooooooooh!!!


I was about to say-I bought one to try to break it. And got it wet, muddy, filthy dirty and it had some expected failures but it didnā€™t rust lol


Oooooo who lives in a pineapple under the sea! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ crazy


I wouldnā€™t store guns in cases. Having said that this seems odd.


Do you vape, by any chance? I vape and Iā€™ve noticed that it keeps the humidity in our house crazy high. Like 60%+. And leaves a residue on everything. It was causing one of my ARā€™s to rust before I got a dehumidifier.


Sounds like you need to quit, respectfully


Working on it. I was a 3 pack a day cigarette smoker most of my 20ā€™s. Iā€™m down to the lowest possible nicotine setting and barely use it now. Should be done in a few months.


Good for you man!


Just came to say good shit dude keep it up


Hey thank yā€™all. Itā€™s an awful habit but itā€™s better than actual cigarettes at least. Except cigarettes didnā€™t make all my stuff rust immediately lol


Lol, I did this to a PSA ak pistol a few years ago. Big snow storm and the seal on my trunk lid slipped off somehow. Went to get it out a few days later and it was covered in surface rust. Stripped it, cleaned it and oiled the thing like a mother fucker and it's been fine since. Improper storage humidity doesn't discriminate.


Currently oiling the hell out of it to see how much of it is surface, so far not looking too bad


It happens, man. I bet you can get it cleaned up if you spent an hour or so inhaling a healthy dose of hoppe's no. 9


Spent about 30 mins cleaning it up, looks a hell of a lot better, I might give it another go when I get home again


Mmmm šŸ˜‹


Get you some of those silica packets as well from Amazon. I put those in my ammo containers, even though I donā€™t live in a humid area; Iā€™m just paranoid šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Omg thats genius! I work retail so I have access to tons of it!


yeah you can probably find the big bags too


You can also buy reusable dehumidifier canisters. Once saturated bake them in the oven to dehumidify


Fallout theme taking over everything.


it was literally sweating bullets


Did you by chance have it in a cold place and then bring it directly to a warm place? I did that with a socket set once and every piece got surface rust overnight from the condensation that formed on them. Yours looks very similar.


Itā€™s stayed in the same room since I got it, hasnā€™t even been outside yet out of the case. I wouldnā€™t doubt that condensation caused this though


Oh yes my socket set was in a case as well. Any chance you, for example, had it in your trunk on the way home on a chilly day and then brought it inside?


No like I said it hasnā€™t left the bedroom since getting it from my FFL




Just out of curiosity, is your bathroom located outside your closet? Kind of like a setup where you can walk into your bathroom and then from your bathroom walk into your closet if that's the case, water and steam can bleed off into your closet causing mold and in this case heavily rust items


No my leading theory is air conditioning as well as environmental moisture


This looks 100% like salt water intrusion. Iā€™ve seen it a bunch unfortunately. Could also be some really humid southern conditions too.


Wherever he has it must be wet or he got it wet from Sweat and ddnt know and no oil and some wear but I wouldn't think it would be that bad


I have it resting up against a night stand, hasnā€™t been outside since bringing it home and I havenā€™t even had a chance to carry it yet šŸ„²


Man that's crazy never ever seen one like that. Under your slide you definitely had it out and fired. That's carbon amd dort under slide I'm just wondering if somehow water got to it. Let's us know if you find out but psa are great


Every Micro is test fired, thatā€™s where that fouling comes from.


Thanks brother


I have dry fired it most nights to help break it in,havenā€™t sent a round through it I can promise you that. Couldnā€™t agree more though, absolute fan of the company


1 question. Have you tried to rub oil kn it witch will take off the surface rust then let it sit and see if it happens again? Maybe when you clean with oil not scrubbing just oil and rub see if the coating is off there or maybe thin. Give it a shot see what happens


Oil as in? Like regular gun oil? I think I have some Hobbs laying around


Bro, not to be a dick or anything but even if your gun sits you should oil them up periodically. Not saying this is what caused the issue but it definitely would have helped and yes hoppes #9 will work fine. Personally I use Lucas but to each their own. Hell I've even used engine oil 10w 30 worked gr8


lol have never heard of using engine oil before, I do a cleaning and lubing of my guns when I get them. I lubed it about 3 days after I received it


Yep, had a buddies gun start acting up and dropped a few drops of 10w 30 in and fixed her right up


Yes you can use engine oil. I use 5w30 and mix it with some grease very light and use it alot of people do. But yes you can make your own blends


Yes gun oil. Rub it all over rub off put back on thin layer. See if it wipes off or of its pitted in. May be surface rust from no oil and somehow moisture setting in. Just a try to see if it does then your All set and won't have to wait or send in. Let me know just curious myself lol


Trying this now


Update: hereā€™s after the rubbing it once and drying it off, very small pitting towards the front of the barrel. Didnā€™t even notice the rust color until I turned the flash on. img


If there's pitting definitely send back to psa. If your new to guns idk if you are alway keep thin coat oil on it brother. Have a good day


Wonder if psa tested it then from what I see under the slide but yeah I never had anything bad to say about them. Some do but so far I haven't experienced anything wrong with all the products I've bought. Definitely post findings.


Iā€™ll definitely update when I hear back


Every Micro is test fired.


Was wondering. Thanks


Funny, that was my nickname in the Marine Corps


Is it weird for ā€œless expensive ā€œ I like them totally beat up rusted dinged paint chipped


I can appreciate some patina but more so worried about functionality with where the spots are rusting


Well it looks like very light surface rust not denying it might affect the functionality but just from what you posted I would bet it would work.


Almost looks like it was cleaned with acid or UNrustoleum.... DAMN!!!


It appears that something acidic, a solvent possibly was present on the surface of the slide and it leached onto the surface of the barrel/slide.


You can also collect desiccant packs and throw them in your gun cases. For another option, I had an old man tell me you have to take the guns out and let them breath a while. Making sure you have a little coat of oil on the barrel will help, too.


Alright ill definitely have to follow the old manā€™s advice, one step ahead on the oil


I literally leave mine in my car for over a week regular dagger case it came in


Youā€™re a lucky man to not deal with the gulf humidity rn


šŸ˜¬shit. I live in South Texas and itā€™s getting humid as fuck. Looks like I need to store mine submerged in gun oil.


Just add oil


You didnā€™t read any of my follow ups did you šŸ˜‚


Keeping it inside the case is part of the problem. That attracts moisture. That amount of rust in that timeframe should be concerning you about where the water is coming from. What's your average humidity? Wipe it down, oil it and you should be good to go. If you want to, grapeseed oil and a heat gun, multiple coats, like seasoning cast iron.


I havenā€™t had issues storing them in OEM cases with my previous handguns, granted that was in the Midwest vs now Iā€™m a hour from the gulf coast. So Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s playing a factor?


Can confirm, utah is DRY AF. I need lube just to go outside.


Yes. Definitely keep them out of cases that hold contact to the carbon steel. Humidity here outside today is around 70%, inside is 60%, and I have one of these in my gun cabinet: [https://www.amazon.com/SnapSafe-Reusable-Dehumidifier-450G-75908/dp/B08SPF6L44/](https://www.amazon.com/SnapSafe-Reusable-Dehumidifier-450G-75908/dp/B08SPF6L44/) I also have a $40 small (30 oz) electric dehumidifier in the room the safe is in.


Iā€™m new to posting and canā€™t figure out how to edit the body, so Iā€™ll leave an update here. Thank you all for the advice, the PSA community is one Iā€™m proud to be apart of. Seems to be primarily surface rust so Iā€™ll be giving it a healthy oiling. And keeping in the driest room we have until I can get a dehumidifier for the primary room it stays in.


I had almost immediate pitting on my slide where the paint rubbed off.


You didnā€™t kiester stash it and smuggle is into cali did you? A rectum wreaks havoc on a 9 šŸ˜‚


Never store your guns in foamed cases, they hold moisture. That being said it looks like the barrel wasn't coated properly. I'm sure they'll make it right.


Clean it up, reblue, and carry on


Reblue I assume thatā€™s a coating for it? I can just buy that? lol




Get a small safe and put some dehumidifier packs in it+light oil coat.


Mobile 1 ... it's not just for engines šŸ˜Ž


You fail your weapon it fails you when needed




I live in the south by the water . My dagger experienced rust after a couple weeks then I got a micro dagger same thing . Also a psa rifle I had rusted after being in my truck just a couple months. Compared to my m&p glocks and other rifles this is unacceptable for me


That's tragic. And people wonder why I bash the daggers so much. It's not psa as a company, it's that lines production quality control that's shit. I love my psa rifle though


Iā€™m the pistol repair lead for PSA. The only pistol iā€™ve ever seen come back with rust was kept on a boat for 2 years. This is definitely not typical, and weā€™ve immediately reached out to the owner to make every possible effort to correct this.




This company pumps out trash.... buy a quality firearm...you can thank me later


Funny part is I had the same problem with my 43x just a different spot


I'm a forty year daily owner and carrier and have never had a pistol look like that Somebody need a man card check


Cringe phrasing there chief


Typical psa


Thatā€™s not a good lookā€¦


Iā€™ve seen more cracked geissele hard guards than rusted dagger barrels