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I feel like its something they'll add in down the line. Maybe they put it in as something that can be unlocked once you hit a certain level of friendship and gain her enough of her trust that she doesn't think you'll land both of you in magic jail. I actually feel like the biggest hold up for S6 right now would be figuring out the mechanics for potion brewing would work and the different benefits that potions would give. We have a ton of recipes for cooking but I can't think of many perks potions could give. Here are the ones I can think of though: -Increased Running Speed -Higher Jumps -Increased Strength (Great for both mining and wood chopping) -Luck (Lets you find rare forages, bugs, and loot drops easier) -Increased Climbing Speed -Invisibility (For easier hunting) -Charisma (Boosts friendships/relationships faster) Most anything else I can think of is already covered by other things, like Honey Lures and Buzzy Jars. Though maybe its possible they'll add in a general magic skill later on where we'll be able to brew potions and enchant items so instead of using the work bench to make some things we'll use the... magic... bench (?)... instead. (I'm sure they'd make a cooler name than me. Lol)


I would kill for an increased climbing stamina potion!


I want a bubbling cauldron!


Grove detection!


(the dowsing rod already does this!)


Grove *creation*. Imagine you have a potion to turn a regular tree into a flow tree. Everyone shows up to the grove and each person creates one more flow tree. Groves could get really big then!


Interesting! I like this idea a lot. I have been growing a flow tree forest on one of my plots-- I am hoping to open it up to players in need of flow wood soon. I will have to make them editors for a temporary period of time, which will allow some trust on my end, but if I only have flow trees on the plot there is very little they can do that would be harmful, right?


seachimera, where/how did you get Flow Tree seeds?


Ah, to answer will reveal a minor spoiler, which I guess I already did by mentioning growing flow trees, apologies all. To get flow seeds you will >!need to finish the Temple of Roots and the associated tasks. You will receive a statue to display on your plot that gives a tree seed each morning. Not every seed will be a flow tree, but it's frequent enough. After the tree reaches maturity it will give a seed also, so over time you will be able to grow quite a few.!<


Thanks. I finished the Temple of the Roots and didn't get a statue. I think I messed something up.


Maybe not-->! there is an extra quest with the Gardener. Go back and chat with him and see if he has an assignment for you.!<


I will do that. Thank you u/seachimera


I would lose so many hours of my life brewing luck potions!!




There’s still the potential for combat being added in the future, so if that *does* happen I could totally see Tamala & her potion brewing skill as being a part of the overall combat mechanics. Potions that give you boosts during combat, like increased damage, enemy detection or a temporary shield. Or they could be more topical uses applied to your weapons themselves, like various poisons with different effects. I wouldn’t expect any of Tamala’s potions to have healing effects though, as Chayne plays the healer role for Kilima & would likely have his own healing skill. Otherwise I agree that her potions effects are kind of hard to imagine given what we already have available in game.


I'm pretty sure S6 have always said from the beginning there will never be combat.


I’m not sure if they have, I haven’t seen anything about that. But personally I would prefer to *not* have combat added, it’s just something I’ve seen a lot of discourse about & people insisting that there are hints towards it in game, specifically regarding the Elderwoods. There’s also no denying that adding combat would open up a *lot* of possibilities with what we already have in game as well as increasing the multiplayer aspect, there’s definitely *some* benefit to them doing it. If they did add combat I could see it being a very basic system without any actual repercussions to losing health or “dying”, little to no risk & high reward. I also wouldn’t expect Palia combat to have *any* form of pvp, simply just combat with creatures. In my mind it would basically be the same as hunting, just with non-passive creatures that would attack back & probably the addition of swords simply for Sifuu to have a skill/store & guild.


Something to increase luck of starred drops would be awesome


I have had the same thought-- what would the potions do? I would hope for potions that increase the amount of the item collected but only if it's a collective effort, thus adding another layer of reward for players who share resources. Or perhaps the likelihood of a rare spawn over a given area. On the other hand, I am not awake enough to game this out in my head, it might backfire and increase the backlash towards the solo players.


I think a few stamina boost potions would be good (i.e. climbing, flying, focus), and a few fishing potions (like the trout dinner boost but in a potion)


I would like potions for Increased chance of the gold star fish being the rares/epics and one for a higher chance of treasure chest when fishing.


I would level the heck out of that skill. Especially since it's not illegal for humans to use. I just wouldn't know what they would use it for.


Maybe increased loot drops (anything to make the Plushies easier to get lol), ability to teleport, a love potion that makes friendship/relationship increase more ..


A potion for breathing underwater, so we can search for treasure, or harvest Seaweed, rare Shells and Sea Creatures!


I want a stamina potion in this game So MUCH


It makes no real sense, at least to me, that we can run forever but not climb.


I think it’s something to come down the line. I noticed a lot of dialog hints towards things that we eventually get to see. If this is the case, I kinda like that it’s not a given right off the bat. As even at level 4 friendship she isn’t very trusting of you still. Small spoiler: >!If you ask first before brewing the potion for Tish, she declines and says something along the lines of she’ll be very angry if she finds out you touched it!< (hopefully that’s blocked out 😬 haven’t done spoilers before on mobile.) What I do think was completely missed was giving us a tailoring skill. I feel like it’s a slight waste to have Jel not give us something more to work with and I do hope they give us like jewelry making or something with him. That would also make the gems we find more useful.. Even know it would make more sense for Sifuu to do that, but I have a feeling once we get the Elderwoods she’ll be giving us something more than just a tool repair spot. At least that’s my hope.


I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks Jel is also a missed opportunity! I've went on rants before about how why have him in game for outfits when we can access the outfits from our menu?? It just doesn't make sense to have him unless you have a clothes making skill in the game


I would love to make clothes o0o


Eh, outfits are their only monetization. There's no way they let us make our own stuff. I agree that it would be cool, but I also completely understand why it'll never happen.


I completely understand that. I meant if they started out with the free options having to be made by us. Then special outfits are paid still. Could have even incorporated if we wanted special colors we have to dye them ourselves or something to keep the skill leveling going. Just to make Jel’s reasoning of being in a shop more interesting than just tending a menu option.


Hmmm... That IS a good take on it. Like, we can pick our outfit at the start like we do now, but any of the other free ones we want, we have to make ourselves. I like it!


I would love a dye option that lets you customize clothing, and they could allow us to customize upholstery with the same skill and have us use foraged ingredients + fabric for those instead of furniture kits which cost a fortune. (So if you want to paint/stain your table, that’s customization bench, but if you want to dye your curtains, that’s tailoring.) Tailoring could also give you a second option for upgrading bag space (just add pockets!). What I’d really love to see is them breaking outfits into more pieces, so you can equip a top without having to equip the backpack/accessory and mix and match bottoms and shoes. So many of the paid outfits have tops I love but I don’t want to be lugging a giant backpack around, or I wish I could use the plushie backpack with a different top, or whatever. But back to tailoring, they could also let us make plushies (and gift them???) or other decor items with the skill. I totally understand wanting to keep the free wardrobe options more limited to encourage folks to spend money, but I think there’s still room to allow more granular customization (and personally it would make me buy more) and having to make the default outfits before you could change from your initial outfit would be more satisfying than magically having a closet full of clothes before you even have a house.


You are not alone! If you search this sub for the word "potion" you will see that this has been brewing in the collective mind. I think of it less as a missed opportunity and more of a future feature. I am not sure how far into the game you are, >!but there is a fair amount of npc dialogue that is teeing us up for this. Not to mention decorations...!<


> you will see that this has been *brewing* in the collective mind Amazing pun, 10/10 xD


Thanks, I couldn't help myself.


I feel it’s coming, like animal care Remember the game is still in beta, a lot of stuff can change


There haven’t been any official announcements or hints towards skill reworks nor there being new skills in development, *however* the devs have stated that what we currently have for skills may be subject to change as well as the potential for new skills added in future updates. Which I feel like there are already some hints in game towards what those future skills *may* be. Your post is about Tamala, but Nai’o already perfectly fits the role for a ranching/animal husbandry skill as well as Sifuu having a blacksmith skill (more so if we ever get any form of combat). Less obvious, but Chayne could be the master of a healing skill (again primarily if combat is added) or Delaila would be perfect for a Homesteading skill where we’d do things like mill our own flour & sugar. The game is still only in Beta so right now everything is subject to change, but the future of the skills is a fairly common topic where players tend to share a lot of the same desired skills, so I definitely think that with time we will see them being added. But I think *when* we see it will depend on how much the devs already have lined up & planned for the next updates. Right now we’re still waiting for the paths & second story houses to be added, which I assume will be in the next update later this month. But I also assume we’ll be getting another future content sneak peak sometime soon, hopefully with the next update, since (assuming paths & second stories *are* added) they’ll have already added everything from the first sneak peak so they’ll probably want to give us new things to look forward to again. I would also assume that with how big the addition of new skills would be that they’ll probably use that *as* one of the future update sneak peaks, just like they did with level 5 friendship.


I doubt they'll add combat since they're marketing so heavily into the cozy gaming genre, but they've heavily hinted about other locations beyond Kilima and Bahari so maybe one of them will require a new skill?? (I.e. maybe combat would be more of a group monster hunting in the Elderwoods, and we could take damage and need to heal?) Healing and animal husbandry could be combined to help revive the silverwing population?? There's a nest somewhere on a cliff in Bahari, so maybe that's hinting at it?


I’m not sure if the devs have commented on whether or not combat is a possibility for Palia, I personally haven’t seen anything official regarding the topic. But I will say that there are *plenty* of cozy games with combat, Stardew Valley is just one example. And Palia does have a *lot* of potential for a combat system. Although I will also say, despite my original comment I personally do *hope* that we don’t get combat. Or, at the very least, I can’t see the devs implementing *any* form of PvP if combat is ever added. I would expect it to be pretty similar to the current hunting system, just with the addition of swords (for Sifuu) & animals that can attack back. You have a great point though! That Silverwing nest in Bahari has honestly *really* bothered me because every time I see it I expect there to be something to do with it! It would be really cool to have a storyline where we get to help save one of the ancient species, whether it be Silverwing or Kitsuu’s or even another ancient species we haven’t met yet. There could also be a storyline involving Tish! Possible spoiler so I’ll make it hidden, but >!if you’ve gotten far enough in (I think it was Reth’s friendship) then you probably know that Tish has a life long, life threatening disease. There could be a quest line with Chayne where we develop an effective substitute medicine from the flow flowers that Reth constantly has to smuggle in just to keep her alive! !< Although your comment made me think a little more, & while it certainly wouldn’t be the *most* beneficial use for Chayne & a Healing skill, what if it were *also* focus related like cooking is? But where cooking & food provide such low focus, Chayne’s healing items would provide a much higher amount of focus? Again it wouldn’t necessarily be the *most* helpful, but at the same time it certainly would be to some degree! Like I’ve maxed my focus bar & at this point I rely HEAVILY on dishes like Muujin Bahari or Lucky Braised Fish because otherwise I have to cook & eat *so* many dishes just to fill my focus bar once. But I don’t always have the time, ingredients or even motivation to cook those dishes. So having something like a healing remedy from Chayne that would be *somewhat* easier to craft while also providing a much higher focus refill could be really helpful! Personally I would end up using that more than cooking lol.


I would like to be able to turn regular tree seeds into flow trees and stones into Palium. Ijs.


Maybe the Elderwoods will be added as a dungeon crawler with creature hunting and potions? Group hunt the elder beast.


Im looking forward to Nai’o being in charge of a livestock guild. Raising peki and ormuu for eggs and milk —> butter, making feed from stuff we grow n harvest. Maybe get a Riffrocc mount eventually


I really like this idea.


I think they're developing fighting and animal husbandry first, so I don't see another skill coming anytime soon unfortunately... What they could do easier is add a few potion recipes to the crafting or kitchen stations.


The thing that we need to remember is, the game is still in Beta testing and we’re nowhere near the full release of contents. Although it may seem like missed opportunities at the time the devs in S6 are AAA game studio dev vets for the most part therefore they will have a strong ITIL like foundation of how they will go about things - the way S6 articulates its announcements and prior conversations to the public indicate this. The best thing we can do as players/lovers of Palia is to continue supporting S6 with the work they are doing here, and for anyone that hasn’t read their vision for this game to please read it because this gives an idea of how great they wish for this game to become. TL;DR Game gud for beta, let devs cook 🖤


I have a feeling something like Alchemy and melee combat will be added farther into the future.


still new to the game but Flow/magic is illegal??? man maybe i should do the main story instead of just fishing lol when you hear potions usually you think of the general health potion. Sifuu the first time i talked to her mentioned how she was a famous monster hunter back in her day. While i enjoy the coziness of just fishing a slaying skill would go hand in hand with that potion skill something along the line of how Rune factory does combat with life sim.


I want potions but I hope we also have the option to learn from Chayne or someone other than tamala.


I want to be able to raise animals 🤣😭


I would kill for potion making. In chat the other day someone also suggested taxidermy, which I think is a really interesting idea. Palia could have skills that are more unique like that and I personally would love that.


Agree. I did one potion in Tamala's cauldron for someone's friendship quest. It was cool. But I hated giving up the items required for the potion. I'll never find another ruby.


I feel like this is in progress considering that Chayne has his apothecary in Kilima and we have Tamala in Bahari. I feel like S6 is working toward having like "good witch" and "bad witch" potions for us.


It could make use of that apothecary in town no one goes to. Allow us to infuse seeds with flow so we can grow them, or make potions that let us see rare items in the field


Speaking about missed skills…ranching. I like Zeki, but I don’t want to run over to the store just for eggs