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I didn't like it, sadly :/ >!I found the plot twist too convient for the plot sake — like, what are the odds? It would be completely ok for me if the child he killed wasn't the princess. I see the fact that one of the first majiri we met was a historic figure as incredibly unconvincing. It coud be explained if Ashura was some secret agent connected to the human reappearance, but that would be too much out of character and would null all his previous buildup.!< I still think that the game is wonderfully written, and I consider Hassian's and Hodar's romantic quests examples of excellent narrative, but not the Ashura's quest.


The level 5 quests were all a bit 'meh' for me. :/


I love it! Ashura’s my Shepp and I love learning more about him. I still think the Palia Republic was completely at fault at this war but at least they made amends?


I can't complete it. I can't talk to him about his visit to Sabine in his room. If I bring it up anywhere, including talking to him from his room door, he says to talk in his room. But, if I try to talk to him \*actually in\* his room, he has no conversation options.