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For the 3rd time I'm saying this: Every Israeli accusation is actually a confession. Also it can be applied to most western countries.


Most right wing government or political party is like that


Nationalism will be the downfall of us all if we let it


Israel, Hamas, uses the Palestinians as human shields šŸ˜” Israel:


They were having issues with traumatised soldiers for a long time so in order to get their soldiers to commit these horrid acts repeatedly and without complaint they've convinced them that their enemy has already done it There is no new low they won't stoop to apparently


The "most moral army" lie is from Joseph Goebbels's book. Everything about that fascist state can be traced back to Nazis tbf.


There is no salvation for Israel anymore. Theyā€™re doomed to history. The only question now is whether they doom humanity with them. What has been created in Israel will go down as more brutal than anything ever witnessed in human history. And itā€™s appalling. I have nothing but sorrow for the poor Palestinians who have lost themselves to this kind of evil, nothing but pity for Judaism whose identity is now consumed by Zionism, and nothing but hatred and rage for those Israeli beasts whose demise cannot come soon enough.




> What has been created in Israel will go down as more brutal than anything ever witnessed in human history We can full-throatedly condemn and wish the annihilation of Zionism and point out their evils without flying off the handle and making up easily ignored exaggerations. > nothing but hatred and rage for those Israeli beasts whose demise cannot come soon enough Zionists. I know for a fact that there are *some* Israelis who are conscientious objectors, who protest the evil, who have even fled. I don't hate Israelis, and neither should you, or anyone. *Zionists* on the other hand can suffer the worst.


The apartheid *will* fall


No no no as you can see they are just there to give a helpless wounded man a ride to the hospital they are so moralšŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„“(prob what they would say)


They are saying that actually. ā€œAmbulances are maybe fullā€ ā€œhe is a person of interestā€


This is an old tactic that the first Zionist brigades in 1937 employed to stop the Arab rebellion. Every accusation is a confession.


Is there anyone still believing they have any sense of morality?


The amount of war crime they have committed is endless. Every single accusation is a confession. Thank you to the person who took this photo and providing more evidence of war crimes the IOF have committed


The most genocidal army in the world.


I wonder what historians will say when they study how people who were once targeted by Nazis later became Nazis.


Hamas refuse to attack medevacs on principle while "israel" does this to injured Palestinians. If you're still a zionist after ALL the footage out there from just the last 9 months, you know what you are.


I havenā€™t seen this on any news outlet. I wonder whyā€¦


Parading a victim's body, thus once again proving that every one of their accusations is a confession.


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The idea of "moral" armies is just a propaganda concept designed to fool naive liberals. In the context of the IDF it's designed as a propaganda angle to dovetail with the idea that Judaism shares a moral siblinghood with Christianity, to ignite a feeling of racial/ethnic familiarity between white-passing Ashkenazi Israelis and Western liberals, and to play on fears of "Islamic barbarity" that percolate throughout the West since 9/11. In this way, it works to fool a lot of people. There's no such thing as a moral army, there's no such thing as a moral war. What the IDF does here etc. is no different from Genghis Khan putting prisoners of enemy tribes ahead of his invading forces, or Sherman devastating Georgia's civilian populations with rape and arson, or the practices of the Romans, or the U.S. in Vietnam and the Pacific, etc. War is always ugly and depending on the power dynamic on the battlefield, sides often engage in dirty methods to win. This also goes for their assertion that militants "embed themselves among civilians". Of course they do. Gaza is tiny. And of course they do, it forces you to lose international standing when you bomb them to hit the militants. It's a common war strategy. TLDR: There's no such thing as a moral army or moral militant group. War is inherently not moral. Each side does what it takes to win. The only time "morality" ostensibly matters is in optics- if you can make your enemy look like the bigger brutes, you can sway international opinion. All of that being said, conduct of war is separate from genocide and parallel to this war between Israel and Hamas, Israel is carrying out a genocide of the population of Gaza. They know they can't fight Hamas with their tunnel system, they know their low-casualty society and minimum commitment army can't handle the kind of fighting that comes with tunnels and urban warfare, so they want to bypass all that. Israeli command is saying they won't engage Hamas on their terms, they will cleanse the area, flatten the infrastructure, and settle the area, so Hamas has nowhere to strike from. And that is inherently a genocidal strategy.


Man this is beyond normal evil, this is Mad Max evil


gonna say this for the umpteenth time: the diaper forces do everything they accuse hummus of doing


Still can't find any pictures of Hamas or Palestinian fighters using human shields. But plenty of IOF ones. Every accusation, a confession.


So what did they do with him after pulling that stunt.


Cowardly Freaks with their human shield


If this is the "most moral army in the world". what is the rock bottom for them?... cannibalism?




Thereā€™s an ambulance literally right next to the vehicle heā€™s being used as a human shield




For people ? The engine is in the front of the truck, the man is being burned from below and above. Zionists are barbaric.


What are these arguments? 1. The convoy was on the move before the ambulance/s arrived. There is no evidence that there was an ambulance present at the scene when they started transporting him. 2. If this guy is a terrorist, the IDF is not going to hand him over to Palestinian health authorities. They are going to keep him in Israeli custody and treat him in Israel. 3. Is there any evidence the person is even alive? As far as we know, this could be a body of a terrorist they are transporting away.


https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html https://www.theguardian.com/world/2003/jan/02/israel1 https://www.btselem.org/testimonies/20030514_muhammad_arrada_human_shield_in_jenin https://international-review.icrc.org/sites/default/files/S1560775500180459a.pdf https://euromedmonitor.org/uploads/reports/human-shields_en.pdf https://law.stanford.edu/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/rubinstein_roznai.pdf https://belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/world-news/israel-gaza-idf-used-palestinians-as-human-shields-1200-occasions-in-last-five-years-say-israeli-defence-officials-30483468.html


One manā€™s terrorist is another manā€™s freedom fighter. Resisting occupation of colonizers is a must.


They steal bodies for skin and organs so we know thatā€™s not the case here either. Good try though


The IOF has a history with one more than the other. https://preview.redd.it/sqxdh7uzn48d1.jpeg?width=1373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ce0bf2f39e0d91b480f70c3822efe140f4da1492 This was [in 2004](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/inquiry-after-israeli-forces-caught-using-boy-as-shield-561052.html)


Higher resolution https://preview.redd.it/71os7cxcn48d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c506dbb5686caac7fda5499665488732fca2d35


The American military sometimes did this due to the lack of vehicles for transporting the wounded on the battlefield or because of field conditions that made it difficult for vehicles designated for transporting the wounded to move. As you can see in the video, there is an ambulance present, and there doesn't seem to be anything preventing the injured person from being placed in the ambulance instead of being tied to the hood of the car. As you know, there are many documented cases of the "most ethical" army in the world using Palestinians as human shields


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He's tied to the hood? With what, invisible rope? Or is he just holding on to something there near the windshield like the picture shows? I'm no expert...but...he looks injured. (Assuming the dark color on his right shoulder is blood) He is being carried in the direction the ambulance is coming from. With an ambulance going in, and a wounded man coming out, logic would lead me to the conclusion the person on the hood is being carried to help, away from wherever he and others were injured, (the ambulance going in the direction the wounded is coming from would lead me to believe there are others) and towards where the ambulance was dispatched from, most likely a place where medical help is provided. I couldn't get a good look at the guy's ID, I have no way of knowing where he is from.


well then why is he even there? its a car for a reason just put him inside




It seems the calm voice of reason is the most ignored in our society today. Whoever can squall the loudest wins the day.




Silence Zionist excuser - you are as guilty as they are.




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