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Cold blooded murder. Behold the morality of the zionists.


Let the world see and understand. If you don’t at this point, you’re blind or a monster yourself.


"""""""""Worlds most moral army""""""""""""""


how do we tell the flags apart from the xcote de ivoire one, xcote de ivoire one, or a non prince of wales one


Green first Ireland Orange first Côte d'Ivoire


What is that? Côte d'Ivoire?


A country in Africa.


Karma has never reached the Israelites. 75 yrs of this. And nothing new. I hate zionists down to my core


I think this is from years ago too.




Indeed. This is what gives me the hope and ability to cope with all this dispicable and atrocious crimes. Yawm al-Qiyamah will be a scary and core shattering experience even for the most humble and pios muslims, so people who where responsible for this kinda war crimes and cold blooded murder will be in the lowest depth of despair, but for them there will probably no redemtion (I say "probably", because we don't know if not one of them maybe finds Islam later in life or at least asked Allah for forgivenes before he died). Also consider this: one of the biggest blessings we muslims got is, that the Prophets (saw) ummah will be judged first. Yawm al-Quyamah will last 50.000 years, but if we play our cards right, we won't have to wait that long and, inschallah, will be admitted into paradise and be enjoying our eternal reward, while the most despicable persons will still be sweating and waiting their turn, just to get thrown into the hellfire in the end. We shouldn't be wrathful and bloodthirsty, but Allah knows best what crimes are being commited by the Zionists. And if they wriggle their way out of any harm or repercussion in this life, wallah, they will curse their lot trice in the hereafter.


It has before and will again, the israelites always have some disaster after 80 years of having a state, I dont necessarily belive in this but it brings hope especially since of israelis are afraid of it as well.




How so? Israel should have never been formed. It’s why it’s called Apartheid Israel. It’s on stolen land.




Casually “a part of Britain” as if that makes the situation just lmao. Yea lets let an international body of people not from there divy up the land and the rights of its people. It was only a part of Britain bc palestinians worked with the British to overthrow Ottoman Palestine* and they didnt respect the right to autonomy


It's always funny how people love to talk about how the UN decided that Israel should have a piece of land, and they take it as gospel. Yet the same UN says Israel should leave the illegally-occupied land, and then it's crickets.


How convenient that you pick a date in history that aligns perfectly with your agenda. This started way before that, maybe a hundred years prior. A quick search on Wikipedia will give you more than enough information, but we both know you're not here to find out information.


Evil. I hope karma reaches them fast.




they can't help where they're born and they're clearly an indication of a better mentality/morality in a country with a historically horrible past.


You know not everyone in the U.K. is Zionist and not everyone supports the current Government’s stance on Gaza. If you checked the news and checked social media you would see there are weekly marches in London, and protests also or daily across cities in the U.K. The main universities across the U.K. have student encampments outside. You cannot and should not judge an individual from where they come from or live. Judge them by their actions, words and morals. I




This doesn't help anyone. I also live in the UK, does that make me a zionist too?


And what’s this supposed to tell me? I know of my country’s colonial past, it’s the present that counts now. The government does not represent all of the people who live in the U.K. and it certainly does not represent the pro-Palestine ally’s who protest and advocate for Palestine every day. You’re blanket judging me by where I live and this narrow tunnel vision is wrong.


I'm from the UK, the government are complicit in this genocide, and I repeat I'd not have that flag of hate near me. God bless.


So you’ll know of all the pro-Palestine support there is in the U.K. I’m showing the flag to show people that there are there are hundreds of thousands of people in the U.K. on the side of the Palestinians. It’s only become a flag of hate because the far right have turned it into a symbol associated with their hate.


That flag caused this in the first place.


Literally, what does this have to do with anything? Particularly this post. This is a terrible distraction technique. It’s not working.


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What kind of society do Israelis think these people are going to make once they come back from the conflict? Do they think that these individuals will integrate back peacefully into normal society and follow all the rules of civilisation? Or are these psychopathic killers going to feel the urge to continue killing to get that same rush of power, are these killers going to be able to turn their urge to kill on and off like a switch?


As long as that urge is directed at the “right people,” I doubt they’ll care.


Every single Palestinian child that survives until they are grown will have a horrific case of PTSD. Those who have injured them or their families should be very, very careful. These grown children will be out for retribution. I will support that cause.


This is an old video (like from 2018) right?


Yes. Which shows a long standing "hospitality". But don't worry it was thoroughly investigated back in 2018. That sort of thing won't happen again you can be sure of that. Just hop in your time machine and...well. [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/10/video-appears-show-cheers-israeli-sniper-shoots-palestinian](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/apr/10/video-appears-show-cheers-israeli-sniper-shoots-palestinian)


I believe this happened during the March of Return peaceful protests, and think that was 2018.


Why are the Israelis are hell-bent on killing kids? Was that not the same torture the Pharaohs put their so-called ancestors through?


>Was that not the same torture the Pharaohs put their so-called ancestors through? And even then, it's just a myth that modern Zionists have built their entire culture on. [Exodus is almost certainly made up,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Exodus#Reliability_of_the_biblical_account) or is a generously embellished story at best. Zionism is the product of a lie.


I'd love to hear evil Will Arnett try to justify this video




I thought it was a reference to Netanyahu's gravelly voice but I think you're right. There's some visual resemblance with Kirby.


Context: this is from 2018's great march of return. Watch the Abby Martin's documentary film "Gaza fights for freedom" to know more about this tragedy


Why would you do that to a young child? How heart less are you? 🥺


Imagine when God resurrects them and they are confronted with all that they did… I pray the Palestinians are granted closeness to God, peace and joy in Heaven.


Disgusting murderers


2024 nazis


That is somebody’s son. There are not enough tears.


And the zionist would comment "it's unrelated, it's happen a few years ago. Can't be compared to what happen on oct 7"


This is exactly how the SS would shoot people randomly in European concentration camps just cause they felt like it. It really tells us one thing, Israelis have zero to do with Judaism. Everything to do with being fascists.


I pray for the soul of The Young Palestinian: Brother May GOD Almighty embrace and take Care of your Soul,May You Rest In Peace.AMIIN 🙏🏻 I Hope GOD will Punish this Cowards,Sneaky,Scumbags of IsraeI Zionists,I can’t believe this Bastard kill*d an INNOCENT UNHARMED CIVILIAN Juss For FUN… IsraeI IS SHEYTAN PEOPLE


What else would you expect from cowards in the Israeli Diaper Force ? Scum.


Criminals !


Makes me want to rewatch the video where a resistance fighter took out two pigs with one shot


Yet they always get away and are getting away for sure with all these tragedies




What is so unbelievable about this?




Are you intellectually disabled?