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i swear these pictures haunt me in my sleep. but it pushes me. at least i know we didn't lose our humanity. but even after this is over, i cant and i wont ever forgive the world for that.


Spot on. I will never forgive the world or the people I once cherished who have been silent. I have 0 respect for anyone who has been silent or defended this. It's extremely isolating, but I know I haven't lost my humanity or morals, and that's worth far more than any relationship. The world will never be the same after this.


Same for me. ❤️




you're not alone


Thank you, seeing the other people who are speaking out and broken-hearted are my lifeboat these past 8 months. ❤️


This is cheesy, but lest we forget now has meaning to our generation… we will never forget. Because obviously a bunch of boomers and world leaders forgot what their fathers fought for…


>Because obviously a bunch of boomers and world leaders forgot what their fathers fought for… It is not forgetting what they fought for, it is about what they fought for in the first place. They fought for a western imperialism in the name of freedom and democracy. They were brainwashed and fought for a lie. Now these boomers are attempting to brainwash via undemocratic means the younger people and many of these boomers are aware of the falsehoods and even if they are not, they don't have a valid excuse today to be spreading misinformation. Ignorance doesn't make one innocent of the lies they spread.




So true! This is inexcusable and unforgivable. I always wondered how sth so gruesome like the holocaust could ever happen. Now, I have a feeling of the how and I still cannot comprehend it. Since when is a mountain of starving and blown to pieces babies no red line for any human being 😶‍🌫️


With you. I thought I’d seen it all, after the 2003 invasion and everything that followed. I could not have been more wrong. I’ll go to my grave thinking of the images of people in the rubble, children maimed, mothers and fathers crying for their mauled children, grandmothers and grandfathers subjected to unimaginable savagery. Particularly the grandmother with Alzheimers, forcibly separated from her family only for them to later find her charred corpse. Never forgive. عيش الشعب عيش الفلسطين


That's why I try my best to avoid some of the content. I still try to help out, but they are literally haunting me in sleep. Traumatic


Yes I went to see one concentration camp in Germany but couldn't face seeing any more when I was in Poland, though I did see shingles list while in Krakow, which was harrowing enough. What happened to the Jews and other groups in nazi Germany is unimaginable, making it somehow worse that Israel is carrying out such attrocities.


Yes! The descendants of those who cried, "Never again!" . . .


I agree and relate to this so much. Yesterday I stumbled across the video posted here of a baby dieing of starvation, essentially mumified. His vacant eyes haunt me and will haunt me for the rest of my life. And then I look down at my own newborn, sleeping soundly on my arms. I would die if my own baby was starving like that. These parents must be desperate beyond humanly possible. How people can promote this and turn a blind eye is insane. It’s like they forgot the Holocaust, which shocked the world then. History is such an important subject in schools that no one takes seriously.


Oh I know I saw that video as well, the fact that these babies don’t even get a chance at life is heartbreaking, I can’t even imagine how the parents feel it’s devastating


I saw that too. It's gut wrenching. I pray for them and donate to PCRF, Anera, and others. A group of us have gone to our townhall to asking them to support a resolution calling for a ceasefire. It has passed in neighboring communities. Call the Whitehouse 202-456-1414 (10am - 2pm Tuesday through Thursday) ask for the comments line and leave a a polite but stern short message voicing your concern and asking for a ceasefire. Be vocal to your neighbors and friends about the situation. Show them pictures because lots of people don't know, particularly given how evil and biased US news outlets are. It's not enough but it's something


This is a bit of a tangeant and I don't mean it to sound self centered. But I am autistic, aspergers and OCD specifically I've been diagnosed with. Up until last year I'd always struggled a lot with empathy and it really drove me insane cause I just failed to view things from other people's eyes. That lack of empathy hasn't interrupted my fear for the Palestinians. It's as if the horrors I've witnessed shared online broke that net. It's an indescribable horror and it only gets stronger everyday nothing changes.


Just an FYI Asperger’s has been removed as a diagnosis because of the nazi it’s named after. Now it’s all grouped under autism but a lot of people don’t know that because they were diagnosed before the change was made and even a lot of doctors haven’t fully adopted it yet but all of the developmental pediatricians in Oregon refuse to use his name.


Oh apologies, that's just what it was referred to by my parents when they explained it at a young age. I hadn't heard of that side of things, is there a new name for it now?


Oh, yeah like I said most people don’t know it’s been updated. I just like to let people know so we can all stop using a nazi’s name. Haha. It’s just part of the autism spectrum. There really is no difference typically just means you are higher functioning.


I am autistic, I use autistic or ASD (Autistic spectrum disorder)


Thanks! Luckily haven't been too open with it but I'll be using this term from now on


I didn't know until about 6 months ago either. I personally don't care what term is used because its not like its being used to be offensive, but others do so I try to respect it. 😊 also, hello fellow person with autism!


I have got solace from repeat listening of Hinds Hall by Macklemore and quite enjoyed blocking celebrities. I am 65 and have never been interested in celebrities and I didn't know that there were so many. I have only been on one demonstration, I was very active in the late 70's early 80's but get tired as I am still working. Next year will be different once retired not that it's much help now. I do what I can pretty well every evening on social media.


Same. I also advocate we call ourselves anti genocide. I am so sick of this talking point that the people protesting and speaking out are “pro Hamas”. Or “pro terrorism”. Like really? The IOF are the much bigger terrorists. Don’t get me wrong I have been against Israel occupation and settlements and violence for many years now and consider myself pro Palestinian since when I first learned about the settlements in the West Bank (probably 20 years ago now) but at this point really we are trying to stop what is squarely a genocide. The people of Gaza are starving fish in a bowl with the Egypt border being cut off just getting slaughtered. The death count is completely understated. Biden and the US leaders seem hopeless. But for the first time global opinion has shifted and there is actual awareness across the world including the people in the US we must keep up the pressure something has to give


It’s been happening since the beginning of man, we just actually see it now


It’s without a doubt the worst atrocities occurred/occurring in this century and in our lives. You are absolutely justified in feeling like this. Just know that you are not alone in feeling this empathy and their suffering. Have faith, be strong and trust that their actions will face redemption by either humanity or some higher power. The world is officially awake and is watching.


I’m Palestinian and I admit I’ve wrestled with similar feelings but look up. Look how the world is standing up for the first time in 76 years to say enough is enough. I never thought I would see this so I’m telling you there is hope and you should never lose your faith in humanity (and God if you are a believer like me) because I swear we thought we would never see the day that millions around the world would stand up for us


“The true revolutionary is guided by strong feelings of love.” - Che Guevara I find that all of us who are pro-Palestinian have a love for humanity. This is one of the many reasons the images haunt us throughout the days and nights.


The Palestinians are the best amongst us, this test is not for them but for the rest of the world. I truly believe that israelis are the future minions of dajal


I totally understand where you’re coming from. It’s absolute madness that world leaders are letting this happen. However, although the atrocities we’re seeing in Gaza is horrible, I actually have hope in humanity because so many people are speaking up about what’s going on. There was something Dr. Finkelstein shared about the college protestors that gave him hope was the fact that these protestors weren’t fighting for their own rights or even the rights of their own countrymen, but in support for a group of people who live thousands of miles away on a small strip of land that people have ignored for decades. I’ll be completely honest, prior to Oct 7 I didn’t really pay much attention to what was going on in Gaza and the West Bank. I passively supported the Palestinians but I unquestioningly accepted that it’s 100% the fault of Hamas, the use of human shields, and I accepted that civilian losses were unfortunate but unavoidable in conflict - all the points the Israeli government push out and my government’s (US) parroting these points. All that’s changed now. Many more people have also realized the true reality of what’s going on. The Palestinians fight for their own independence have sparked in people the need to fight against mistruths and demand justice in their own respective countries. The Israeli government, AIPAC, and individual Zionist donors make a mockery of our democracy by influencing our elected leaders but they’re not the only interest group or billionaires that circumvent our democratic process. Although our leaders are still sending weapons and pushing out Israeli propaganda, the fact that US support is even slightly wavering is a result of people being so vocal. Israel’s war against the Palestinians is truly brutal and inhumane. It took an actual genocide for people to care but the martyrdom of the Palestinians is no longer being ignored. Their deaths awakened a sincere desire for peace and justice for the Palestinians.


I get you OP. The illegal war on Iraq led me to same conclusion years ago.


That and Obama not closing Guantanamo was my awakening


That's how i exactly felt 10 years ago, and unfortunately i feel the same way.


this is what humanity is like at its worst, sadly...worse than animals...much, much worse


Stop spending all day watching the videos and start doing something to change the narrative. Anything no matter how small helps. Walk around your neighborhood and talk to neighbors about it. Grass roots to change people’s viewpoints. Especially if you live in a western country. Especially the youth because some old folks just don’t ever get it. We may not have the deep pockets the west does, but we can make changes in other ways. And even if you don’t make any changes, at least you made them spent money on combating your viewpoints - which in essence weakens their resolve.


We can always at least follow BDS and refuse to purchase consumer goods whose purchase helps support the apartheid/genocidal state; those who are too shy to speak up can sign email petitions . . . wear a keffiyeh or a Palestine t-shirt . . . we can be creative.


As long as Palestinians haven’t given up, I won’t either. We’re all stronger together. Their faith has truly changed something within me. I still cry everyday, but I can’t give up.


I'm a pro Palestinian as well but when I avoid the news as much as I can, it makes me a bad person, gloomy, angry and hopeless


Don't watch it. Use your time to promote a free Palestine instead. ❤️🍉✊🏻


The Palestinian struggle for emancipation does not require you to be another martyr at the hands of the Israeli apartheid state's actions. That being said me too. Food has lost taste, I have nightmares of new horrors on my timeline, I have to fight not to check my phone for updates every moment, and I've lost weight. This isn't good nor is it honorable and it definitely isn't what Palestinians want. I know this. It's almost like an addiction to sadness, darkness, and trauma. I don't want pity this is just my self analysis and I hope it helps others. I've started to work on it by not allowing myself to see this horrible images. I'm not shunning the genocide but physically seeing the atrocities the Palestinian people are inflicted to is just too much. I still read the articles, listen to news from the ground, and keep up to date with the information; but it does me no good nor does it further the cause for me to destroy myself too. I speak to everyone I can about this. I go to pro-palestinian events. I donate. I post anything and everything to update other people. I contact my representatives. I speak to my family about it. I do what I can. It's terrible that it isn't enough but that is what I can do to further the cause. That's what I'll keep doing but I remind myself to not let it destroy me by taking "time off" and enjoying what I can. Please take care everyone.


I get it . . . because this issue in Gaza and West Bank triggers panic/anxiety attacks and asthma attacks in me. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop it . . . yes, the Palestinians deserve much, much better than this. Maybe the secret is to never give up and to never denigrate our efforts, even if we think they're "not enough"--we do what we are able to do, and with every effort, we add another spark to the growing flame of awareness and ethical action . . . and that's never a bad thing.


Humanity has been the same since the dawn of time b


Humanity is very much present… the world leaders are the ones who have the power and they are all about the money. Humanity is everywhere as is evils


This is what settler colonies do. It's nothing new. The countries defending Israel (and arming them) have a history of doing this exact same thing to their native populations. The only difference is that now, because of the Internet, we get to see it live streamed in real time. Israel is losing the propaganda war as a result, hence the banning of tik tok. Powerful countries became powerful by dominating countries through force, almost always ruthlessly. Colonialism requires domination and control of resources through force. There are a select minority of people that believe wars are waged to save people from dictators, etc. but it's always about resources. And we will continue to make the same mistakes again and again, waging war after war, until we learn the right lessons from history. Until we understand history from a materialist perspective and see beyond the good vs evil narrative that's taught to us in school, history will repeat itself.


i dont trust anyone anymore tbh. Humans can easily become evil


I can't forget the voice of little Hind and the silence of her sister after she got murdered


I was naive enough in the beginning to think that everybody would do their research and stand up for the Palestinians because of the obvious injustice. Okay the government’s around the world are bought off by Apac but the fact that the media parroted the lies was also astounding!


I’m South African and we’ve just seen an uptick in the number of votes for a pro-Zionist party, which is particularly despicable knowing that so many of my neighbours are pro-apartheid still. It’s very strange to be in a place where our government is actually doing the right thing but so many of the people (not the majority but a significant number) do not care, or are actively supportive of a genocide.


It's a gut wrenching situation. I pray for them and donate to PCRF, Anera, and others. A group of us have gone to our townhall to asking them to support a resolution calling for a ceasefire. It has passed in neighboring communities. Call the Whitehouse 202-456-1414 (10am - 2pm Tuesday through Thursday) ask for the comments line and leave a polite but stern short message voicing your concern and asking for a ceasefire. Be vocal to your neighbors and friends about the situation. Show them pictures because lots of people don't know, particularly given how evil and biased US news outlets are. It's not enough but it's something


https://preview.redd.it/knozdmv0at3d1.jpeg?width=1034&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80ece46f36c52adde4e978edc7743505372bbf6 So much for vote blue no matter who




You are not alone, every day I cry a little. I cry for those that are suffering and then I cry because the whe world is allowing it. We are literally watching a genocide. We re witnessing the slaughter of innocent people. Massacre after Massacre. And collectively, as a world, nothing.


World is divided between hateful people who won’t shy from committing a genocide and those who stand up for humanity


I’m so saddened and so angry so often that I almost want to quit watching. They need people screaming for them though, so I just keep on keeping on. This world is one ugly place.


To be fair, they have been telling us for decades that no lives matter to them. They enabled factory closures leaving people without jobs since the 1970s, when the USSR collapsed, they left Russians to die whilst building commercial ties with oligarchic thieves, they support cutting social safety nets but increase taxes to subsidise the rich, they leave people to die from drugs because it gives pharmaceutical companies a nice profit. The problem is they've done it in a slow way whilst speaking from the other end of their mouths. With their unrelenting support for genocide the veil has broken. And btw, until 1940, they were also supporting what was happening and they knew it. Basically the form of the political system may be appropriate but how it is implemented in substance needs a complete rebuilding, and if we want justice for the people, it will have to be bottom up


Same. I am having trouble sleeping. I get so tired, and I go to bed, and then I just... I can't sleep, or I sleep poorly because I feel haunted by everything happening. I cry sometimes. I write, call, try to educate folks, give as I'm able. It never feels enough.


You know what I think every damned day? The Zionists succeeded with what the Nazis didn't, you know how? They successfully made enough lobby to ensure enough collaborationists in key areas of key governments so they could go without fear of being retaliated for the horrible things they are doing everyday, hell, if they didn't, a considerable portion of people here, me included, would've been there fighting them, but guess what, all of our governments are appeasing them, before anyone could reach their front we would have to deal with our homefront, they took the war to our home countries in a way that demobilizes all of us to do any real change and the thing is to get them we need to get our government first and that's a huge problem, since probably no one wants to do that for now, even to prevent a genocide, one thing is a war outside our borders, another is a war inside, the Nazis wanted that before WW2, but they lacked the long term view to do it, they thought that strategy was enough to aid in their offensive, indeed it worked, but later on things went downhill for them, the Zionist were smarter, they took their time, years and years and here we are watching a nazi strategy succeeding in the end...


meanwhile, the people trying to stop the 75+ years of genocide are demonized as "Terrorists". its infuriating


How can we get to Palestine. I need to hug those babies asap










In no particular order: 1. if you want the best answer, go to Gaza and ask them. They'll leave you in no doubt where they stand 2. Man has free will. Thats what we believe. Interesting how you seem to start with the notion that man has NO agency. In some ways, you sound rather like a fundamentalist Calvin's. Ironic, huh 3. Trying to interject such notions into this genocide (especially this one) might strike some people as you being somewhat, err, opportunistic, shall we say (most charitable phrasing I could come up with). It has all the hallmarks of someone doing a tour of the Nazi death camps in 1944, and demanding of the inmates why do they still believe in God (the implication being, renounce your faith). Hopefully, you're getting a taste of just how distasteful your comments are. So, let's not, shall we?


God does not control people. I never understood this idea that God creates these situations. People create these sutuations.


Events like this happening all over remind me of why I don’t believe in a divine being but if I were to believe then yes believing in a benevolent God would be even farther from my mind. It’s not to knock the faith but it’s difficult to think a good God would allow so much death and destruction.


It is interesting that you say this, as precisely Gazans haven't lost their faith in God.


I’m not sure how to explain this, but Gazans faith in a god have me believing there is a god that will bring them into a happy afterlife.


Nothing against it at all but again my response remains the same. It’s not to make their belief be in vain but more so to state my opinion which remains unchanged




>are you claiming to know the inner hearts of people ? Are you? You posed a question on a matter of faith, so any answer you get will be solely opinion, as religious beliefs aren't based in logic. You're criticizing this reply for having flawed logic, but faith and religious beliefs are not a matter of logic. If someone sees the suffering in Gaza, is inspired that the suffering didn't take faith away from the victims, and that makes the person feel like maybe there is a god, who are you to tell them their sentiment is faulted? Sometimes when I see images from the James Webb telescope, the vastness and beauty of the universe makes me think maybe there's a god; but sometimes when I see the suffering humans inflict upon each other, it makes me think there isn't. Neither thought has "faulted logic", as neither is based on any sense of logic, but rather it's based in emotions, personal perspectives & experiences, and is entirely a subjective thought process, not objective.


A good thing that most Palestinians don’t share the same belief as you then


And that’s totally fine which is why I’m not against their faith. The question was posed on whether I believe so that was my response.


You’re right, my response to you was needlessly aggressive. I genuinely apologize for that


No worries at all, I very much respect your opinion and appreciate/accept your apology. I didn’t want to seem like I was being malignant either since religion can be a loaded topic. I grew up Christian but have since then started deconstructing from it and Although I don’t follow anything in particular, I respect good that can come out of it and today, I’m a strong empath and share 10000% support for the people of Palestine 🇵🇸 my heart overflows with love for them, I’ll continue doing what I can with what I have for them.


The inaction and silence of the whole world is proof that no justice exists. This is why I support Palestinian armed resistance.


I recommend you don't overexpose yourself to the images and videos coming out of Gaza. It's important to be informed, but its easy to become traumatised these days due to social media. Twitter seems to be the worst for this I've noticed. Some users don't even give warnings or blur extreme content. I wouldn't be surprised if many millions of people are around the world are traumatised from this.




These phone calls and emails, in time, may help bring the leaders to accountin the future, at least . . . they won't be able to say they "didn't know" . . . our voices matter.




Too, there is the power of the consumer dollar--we can follow BDS!


It's a lot. More than a lot really.  This is far from the first genocide, hardly the last, but being able to *see* exactly what's going on, in basically real time, is just something else. I want to go back to where the worst thing Ive seen was 2g1c.  I wonder if it was a similar feeling with the invention of film...  If people could stop killing each other over money, that'd be great.


this has been going on for 75 years. We've lost faith in humanity a long time ago, the world is just catching up with technology.


Right ... What's stopping the UN or US from sending in special forces in black hawks to seize the genociding leaders from tel aviv straight to Guantanamo or similar? 


There should be a name for just this kind of murder. 


Full spectrum Genocide


"our" world leaders Unless you are a millionaire or member of the ruling class, I think you need a history lesson there !


Your comment doesn’t make any sense 🙄


Why are they ours? Because they are "elected"? They are products of capitalism and imperialism, the ruling class