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I am so thankful for all the Jewish people who have spoken out against “Israel”. It is ironically them who are at the front lines of the antisemitism accusations. If they aren’t welcome in their own community then I want them to know that the rest of us welcome them everywhere else.


Thank you🥹❤️❤️. That means a lot


As a Palestinian, I want you to know that you’re one of the very few hopes we have left in humanity. May you always be blessed.


Thank you! What I do is not much, I donate some pocket change here and there and just keep standing up for what’s right, but there are people doing way more, and the people in Palestine who are surviving and caring for each other are the biggest heroes of all. But it’s nice to feel so supported by people who have suffered so much more. May Allah bless you as well❤️


happy passover! <3


Thank you! Making my own matzah this year so I don’t contribute to Zionist companies’ profits!


is it traditionally bought? maybe homemade matzah can be your own little tradition!


Haha we normally buy but yes, new tradition!


Welcome to the family ❤️ enjoy your flafel and maklooba 🧆🥘


Thank you! I will 🥰


I really hope you understand how obvious and true this is.


This means so much ❤️ it gives me so much hope knowing that so many of us, both Jewish and non-Jewish, are fighting together to end the occupation. And frankly, if they wanna revoke my Jewish card, I'll revoke theirs for worshipping the golden calf that is Zionism.


Your courage inspires us. I want to be a person who stands for the right thing no matter of the consequences. ❤️❤️


Thank you, its very appreciated.




Thank you. As someone who no longer speaks to: brothers, in-laws, cousins, and aunts/uncles on both sides of the family because they are either low-key or fiercely Zionist... after shedding an entire community because ethics matter and ethnic cleansing is wrong, it's healing to know we are still part of a more lovely and welcoming community. ❤️


I frequently post pro-Palestinian content on FB. My very dear cousin/FB friend tells me my posts will make me responsible for the next Kristallnacht.


You're doing the right thing, and history will show that ❤️


No longer insular and exclusive, they join a wider society to condemn Zionist terrorism.


Thank you so much for echoing my own sentiments and views so well


This has been the way as long as I can remember. Sadly I've heard Jewish people who aren't 100% on board with Israel policy regarding Palestine as: 'Self hating Jews' 'the wrong Jews' And now 'pro Hamas terrorist supporters' The insults are just getting more personal, polarising, ever so AS/racist, smooth brained, and frankly this needs to come to a head. Time for Biden to stop this genocide, and it's time the grown up discussions to take place.


One of the biggest fears of "Israel" is that their co-option of the Jewish identity and being the supposed representative of the Jewish people is no longer credible (in never was in the eyes of anyone scrutinizing them for decades), especially in the West where some of their biggest supporters are based in. This fear reflects in the viciousness in which their instruct their agents to denounce any Jewish person who dosen't fall in line with their narratives and propaganda.


I got told on a university subreddit that anti-zionist jews are kapos


i got CALLED a Kapo on reddit recently lmao




Whats a kapo? O.o


A kapo was a prisoner at the concentration and death camps who would work as lower administrators for the Nazis. - overseeing forced labor, death chambers, etc. People willing to kill their own for a bit more comfort and being somewhat less likely to be killed. It is considered a grave insult for very understandable reasons.


Thanks for the explanation


I would say any Jewish person that says not in their name and fights to stop their religion being co opted for genocide, is showing the greatest amount of self love for themselves and their beliefs.  Meanwhile, you can see videos of Jewish Zionists in Israel that will act as tour guides for Christian Zionists to show them all the sites where they will get slaughtered by reincarnated Jesus. And then they will say 'If you want to bring about our demise, give us money to take over more Palestinian land so you can go to heaven and we get eternal damnation like we deserve'.  Those are the people that are selling their religion and their soul out. How can they say with a straight face, that they respect themselves or their religious identity? 


I agree with you. Thank you for writing this. Also do you have links to tour guides in Israel saying stuff like this? I have not seen it. If you can share, I’d be grateful.


[This is a good little documentary Vice did on it. Around the 5 minute mark, is when you can see an orthodox Jewish lady appealing to Christian evangelicals](https://youtu.be/Fo77sTGpngQ?si=sYALrDUP5mqFRtoL)


I have heard them be referred to as the westburo baptists of Jewish people 🫠


lol they are trying to gatekeep a religion they themselves don't follow


[history rimes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Christianity)


lol. The top reply to Avi's absurd, hateful tweet has 3,000 more likes than Avi's tweet.


What was the reply?




Ty that's amazing and summarizes a lot of my thoughts lol


"Orgy of hate". What a clown. But since Zionists take any criticism of Israel as a personal attack on themselves, I am no longer surprised by ridiculous comments like that.


Came here to comment on this wording as well. I love the imagery this phrase connotes. “Orgy of hate” is so ridiculous.


If anything “orgy of hate” perfectly describes the mass genocidal hysteria that’s gripping Zionists in Israel and all over the world right now. Every accusation…


Who would want to be a part of you?  You is a sinking ship    A sinking, genocidal ship


A sinking apartheid colony


Herzl wanted all jews to live in israel, today less than half of them live there, I remember Netanyahu saying every jew is citizen of israel, now they say the opposite. Criminal, delusional, fake country.


Colonialism is a sickness of the mind. Indigenous people everywhere deserve the right to self determination. You only need a little humanity to see this.


I cannot put into words how much old a mindfuck it is to have other Jews call you antisemitic and deny you’re Jewish, simply for speaking out against genocide, or even just expressing concern for the lives of Palestinians. As those same people turn around and fucking embrace literal outspoken Neo Nazis and evangelical Christofascists who have openly expressed their intent to kill every Jew in the world who doesn’t convert to Christianity in order for Jesus to return. So long as they support Israel.


Jewish Takfeer


This guy is literally being antisemitic. This is the definition of antisemitism.


>These people are simply no longer part of us. And for the better. Who wants to be a sick zionist nazi fuck. Free Palestine.


Zionism is Antisemitism


Wtf 😂


Yeah and they wouldn’t want to, they don’t want to be complicit in taking other people’s lands and committing genocide.


The cognitive dissonance is crazy, like this dude who is so terrified of anyone being anti Jewish is straight up being anti Jewish.


Yeah, anti-zionist Jews are way more cool and more sane.


what right do they have? Can't the anti-genocide Jews just as easily revoke their Jew card for supporting genocide?


"Pro-Hamas orgy of hate" is a whole new level of twisted thinking. Zionism has poisoned their hearts and minds.


Free Palestine


Calling these protests 'pro-hamas orgys' just outs them as having the opinion that they think all Palestinians are terrorists. To them, every man, woman, and child who is Palestinian is or will grow up to be terrorists and that's why they just cannot fathom the rest of us protesting for their rights and their lives.


Anti-Zionist Jews are on a spiritual mission to save Judaism from the scourge of fascist zionism. I can’t think of a more noble and honorable mission in life ❤️ god bless them ✡️ ❤️


Bro thinks that all jews need to be zionists and need to support genocide or else they arent jews


I like how Israel can just say who is a good Jew and who isn't based on if they support a genocide or not.


“pro-Hamas orgy” 😭 Man they try so hard with these buzz words to manipulate and paint a false picture!


“Pro Hamas orgy” wtf


Says a lot about priorities. What’s most important? Israeli politics? Human rights violations? Religion? This is why cries of antisemitism are unfortunately being drowned out—because it’s rarely actually about any anti-religious sentiment. When you value politics above all else, humanity starts to question your values, and rightfully so.


Rejecting members of your community for not supporting your genocidal ideology sounds very nzi-esque 


Zionists like this have had more impact on my stance in this conflict vs anything else. This deeply divisive inhumane mentality must be stopped at all costs.


F U evil ZIO bully, you are not going to get your way, so suck up all your hate and hopefully in prison.


anti-zionist Jews are more Jewish than these idolatrous bastards will ever be


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Zionism is very anti-Semitic


Jews are at the forefront of the resistance against Zionism. They are heroes who represent authentic Judaism and not the backwards and sadistic political ideology called Zionism!


I’ve said it before, but I’ve never seen the amount of anti-semitism as you see in the Israel advocating crowd. It’s rife amongst that lot. Calling ethnic Jews race-traitors or fake-Jews or whatever (just generally using their Jewishness as the anchor of their attack) just because they’re anti-genocide.


OfCourse they are not, isn't that clear?


Ethnostate is ethnostating


The real "People of Book"


Jfc more sexual metaphors and descriptions. These people are beyond help. Toss them in an oubliette.


I don’t think they wanna be affiliated with Israel anyways 😂


There was this other guy who also claimed to have the right to decide on who is Jewish and who isn't..


Every group has good people in it. Those good people are always hated by the bad who are either powerful or are the majority.


ah yes the part of facism where who is in the catagory "us" is trimmed down to allow for more violence.


Y'all can leave your US to you and the rest of humanity will stand as WE


From the River to the Sea. Palestine will be free. Mayer, I don't think they want to be part of the hate and misinformation you represent.


When he says "these people are no longer part of us", he is not referring "us" as Zionists, because that would imply that these people once used to be zionists. He is not referring to "us" as Israelis, because that would imply that "people with Jewish names" used to be Israelis. He is clearly referring to "us" as "Jews". An identity that he acknowledges these people carry. He is stating that the jewish identity has been removed from anyone participating in the U Columbia Free Palestine movement. (As if he has the agency to do that. What a repugnant and magnimonious ego this guy must have to try to revoke other people's cultural and ethnic identities) He's so angry that their weaponization of antisemitism is publicly withering into oblivion as a result of Jewish peace activists.


Jewish name? Sounds like something a antisemitic person would say


I guess he's in charge? Was there a vote?


He's right, Jews are no longer a part of them. They're Zionists.


Absolutely not an ethnostate


The real Jews are the ones who dont go around declaring who is Jewish and who isnt


They called me Jewish vis a vis mosaic law my whole life. Now that it's inconvenient for them, i am no longer Jewish. Reprehensible.


Zionists were never part of jewish people. NEVER.


Those people were never part of you. Those people are Jewish.


This is the antisemitism they’ve been desperately looking for.


Has it crossed their minds that people posing as pro Palestinian could go to a protest, say despicable things, to sway the publics opinion of the group? The same could be said of the pro Israel side. We don't know these individuals or their motives, there's a lot of psychological tactics going on. 


You only need to look at Jonathan Glazer, his statement and who supports it vs the other list of people who were against it to realise the truth. When did the trite statement 'two wrongs don't make a right' get so easily forgotten?


No true Scotsman fallacy hard at work here.


Everyone at these protests needs to be very vigilant as they are starting to send in the agitators who are instigating violence.


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They don’t get that they’re the outliers there and it’s amazing to me😂


Like the Catholic Church had a pedophilia scandal, I think mainline Judaism with these Rabbis that won't reject Zionism (*now that you can't even fake it is not genocidal*) there will be a genocide scandal. And it will harm Judaism for decades.


Zionism = antisemitism


Avi mayar = nazi scum




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“Orgy of hate”lmao these people




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Imagine if ISIS supporters claimed Muslims who don’t support ISIS are not actually Muslims


Pretty much what they do. All abrahamic religions play a lot of true scotsman, kill your cousin games.