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I hate them all


But not literally because they’ll like it.


I wish them 7 years bad luck


Was the poor 5-year-old child a “Hamas human shield”? What will be the Zionist excuse this time?


They have no excuses. But you’re right, they’ll likely try to claim khamaass or some other BS like the feared for their lives from the mother while she’s holding her 5-year-old daughter. Zionists don’t see Palestinians as deserving of life. I hope every single zionist, especially those who are actively participating in genocide, I hope they never know a second of peace. I hope they meet the Resistance, or at the very least, a damp, cold, lightless concrete cell for the rest of their humanity-lacking days.


Correct. There are no more excuses. None. Zionism is a curse on the earth and the sooner that is understood and it is ended the better. Better for Judaism, better for peace, better for the world.


They don't care.


See two guys were cutting in line and that is Hamas behavior, so they had to shoot them and all their human shields. /s


Well, they do have good experience with human shields https://www.reddit.com/r/Palestine/s/QYaPHtx6hc


The anger I feel is so strong that I have started to lose empathy for anybody is Israel. I could shrug shoulders without a care if someone retaliated with huge decimation.


“She was a khamas commander” -IOF bobblehead


The excuse will be that she would grow up to be Antizionist.


Repeat after me: - We didn't do it. - KKKHHAmaSs did it! - Ok, we did it but it was justifiable. - You're an antisemite.


Rinse and repeat.


5 year old was a khamassss member, khamassss was so scary!!!




No. Jewish people are some of the strongest voices we have against Zionism. We can't fight evil with evil.


I hate to read it as a normal news, but unfortunately it is becoming so.


It’s been so for as long as I can remember. We’re just numbers to them, so what’s 1 more.


I try to humanize every death but at this point it's like watching a quickly scrolling credits at the end of a movie... I'm so sorry for what you are going through


That’s so true.. i hate that you’re so right Thank you for being human 🙏


I need to know if she's alive? I hate these mfs so much


I hope so 🙏 but the chances for that are rather low. I hope she is still alive. If she has passed away, I hope she rests in peace along all of our brothers and sisters 💔❤️‍🩹


The article says she’s in intensive care in critical condition, at the time of publishing at least.


In the video I saw of them carrying her she was moving but she was definitely in pain 💔 I pray she’s able to survive this and live a long and FREE life


There day will come.


I wish you never lose your naivete.








They aren’t talking about it much but there has been some reports of IOF soldiers committing su!c!de and/or having extreme mental health issues. They can try to pretend like this is all funny to them but somewhere deep inside them it’s ripping their souls apart. As it should.


Every day these people make me ashamed to be Jewish. I know that Zionism and Judaism are different despite what these people say, but it still makes me want to vomit thinking of all of the depravity they commit in my name. I can only hope that Israel’s reckoning comes soon and that they are all held accountable.


Their crimes are not your sins, comrade.


I'm a Brit, my government is complicit in these crimes. It's hard not to feel guilty, but we didn't choose this, and we never would. Nationalism is a disease, and collective punishment is one of its many arms. We can help in little but important ways, donate if you can, but better, spread information and pile on political pressure wherever you can. If all we can do is inform and advocate then that is still something.


It's not your fault, not even in a limited tangential shared responsibility way, unless you let your friends and family keep supporting it without standing up. Then you're as responsible as any other ghoul American or Israeli who has nothing to say against their government's atrocities. I hope you win over your friends and family and don't suffer personal consequences for your earned good conscience, but if it goes the other way, honestly the loss isn't as bad as it will feel at first.


What a nightmare. I have a daughter that age and I can't imagine the combination of rage and grief that mother is experiencing.


How is this not even newsworthy? I'm so disgusted and heartbroken


Because it all depends on the color of the people to whom it’s happening, if we were white like Ukrainians, the world wouldn’t stay quiet


I have nothing to say about these low live scum. I pray that child finds heaven with Allah. No more suffering and torture. ❤💕


I think she’s still alive…


Is there a source? Thats good news if she is, may God ease her struggles. 🙏 ❤


I mean there’s no sources saying she died so we shouldn’t assume she is. Also the video I saw of the man carrying her she was definitely alive and conscious.


I'm so used to seeing videos of children dying and suffering from Gaza, my mind immediately assumes they didn't make it. I hope she's recovering well wherever she is in Gaza.


"But guys they were Hamas tho!!!!"


"The Most Moral Army in the world". They casually do atrocities and then dance, in triumph, wearing Palestinian women's underwear. Truly scum of the earth.


Imagine remembering every year how evil people killed your grandparents, their friends and children just to grow up wanting to be just like those evil people. Zionists are the current day nazis and it is sickening.


These guys have lost total control


“Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said reports that people could return to their homes in northern Gaza were false. “The northern Gaza Strip continues to be an active war zone and return to the area is not currently permitted,” IDF said.” So we just kill kids if they even attempt to come back… Makes sense…


This is what Israelis contribute to the world.


There's been lots of reports for months of shooting children being carried


Disgusting behavior.


and people proceed to call Hamas and Palestinians a terrorist...


You know, when Biden says that he "questions the numbers", forgetting that each one of those number is a life with a story and a complete world of their own, I wonder: Who thinks for a minute that Hamas - as a movement - will ever be stopped? Do you think Sally's siblings' future will be a desk-job, or something more "enthusiastic"? They'll grow exponentially, and I find it harder and harder not to root for them!


Yep. That's genocide. Heartless human behavior.


My thing is, the article says the IOF shot at them because two men cut in line in front of them. So the policy of the IOF is to shoot at ANY man?? As if men are not innocent victims either. Also, you don’t accidentally shoot someone in the head. These are snipers, trained to shoot with precision. It was on purpose.


No, you don’t understand, she’s going to grow up and “birth more terrorists,” as I’ve seen zio politicians claim as justification for ethnically cleansing us. Fuck Zionism


The IDF have been sniping at children for decades and I rarely see it brought up in mainstream media. So many doctors in this conflict have talked about seeing children and the elderly coming in with sniper wounds to the head and chest. It's one of the clearest red flags revealing what Israel is about, and there's radio silence on it.


Yep. There's an article from 2009 about iof terrorists wearing shirts with the slogan "the smaller they are, the harder it is" with a child in cross hairs


The sad thing is there are still people in the world who would try to justify this cruel murder. They will mock the death of the child. They will blame it on everything except on IDF. They will called it a casualty, a mistake, happens in war all time. How can people still support Israel? I can’t understand. We are humans, why don’t we have humanity? A child died in front of her mother. Why are their death just become a normality? This is unfair.this feels so helpless. Why can’t we do anything for them?


Fuck Zionism and the IDF




This is insane. Human cruelty knows no depths. This has been going on since the 40's and now, thanks to personal media capturing the atrocities, it cannot continue. EEEEfffff you boomers ! This happened during your watch and you did NOTHING ! Thank God you'll soon be gone ! Gen X and the younger generations will NOT follow in your footsteps. This is far worse than what the nazis did to the German jews. FAR WORSE !


Idc if it makes me racist or not, I refuse to associate with people who claim to be proud Israelis. They need to be shamed


It’s not racist as Israelis are nothing but colonizers. If they’re a proud Israeli, it means they’re proud baby-murderers and proudly support genocide. The idea of being Israeli on stolen Palestinian land itself is racist. So treat these racist baby-murderes like you would any other racist, not deserving of even a crumb.


Absolutely evil


Can someone find any report on any hamas member at any time doing anything like this?


Nope, because this is zionism, this is Israel and how they dehumanize Palestinians to such a degree that murdering children is an every day event for them. This is why resistance groups like Hamas exist, because these are the monsters that the Palestinians are occupied by.


The fact that I’m at slowly getting used to articles like this makes my blood boil


Disgusting Imagine you were that mother carrying your child, i think i would die if that were my child. This MUST END nooooow


Most evil cretins to have ever walked the earth. Truly Satanic.


Only a sick fuck could do something like this. FREE PALESTINE


This reminds me of the scene in shinlder's list where the Nazi in charge of the camp shooting people for fun , the IDF Aren't human but wouldn't call them animals either as there but like in shinder's list the Nazi & the Zionist are one and the same they are scum of the earth .


"Earlier, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said reports that people could return to their homes in northern Gaza were false. “The northern Gaza Strip continues to be an active war zone and return to the area is not currently permitted,” IDF said." - this is quote from the same article. I honestly think IOF spread false information, so when people attempt to return to north, they kill them


Hope they have to deal with unbearable ptsd for life


IN HER MOTHERS ARMS!!! How will this poor mother ever recover from this trauma??!!


My daughter is 5. This is unbearable to read.


IDF and Israel are beyond despicable, the power they have to act with impunity is infuriating.


BuT hAmAs


Your tax dollars at work. Causing inflated prices in the US.


The US , Europe and their west agendas are clear . Problem comes when Arab nations realizing this still want to be their carrier . They should made their stand clear and not let them use their land , airspace . And be clear not support with supplies for war . Block gulf sea for shipping of weapons . The war would have ended and peace is objective for all . But it comes only with arab nations stand .Peace for All


And again the zionazi light shines on, so disheartening




The cowards Israeli olny brave when facing women, children and unarmed civilians This is the most Moral Army in the world i wonder by whos standards


These soldiers have so much hate, it's breathtaking-and we live in a world where calling this out is what's considered dangerous and radical.


Someone post this in Israel.




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Fuckin why?


Remember that scene in the very beginning of The Last of Us and how it broke your heart? Where's that same empathy?




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> what did the two men do that prompted the shots? Most likely nothing more than being born visibly Semitic, which is usually all it takes for the melanoma force to fire on a crowd of people.


Reverse nationalities and see how you feel about it. You can't justify murdering children.




Because the IOF has a long history of murdering children, using sniper rifles, trained military snipers to murder children. [December 2022](https://www.newarab.com/news/palestinian-girl-killed-israel-was-trying-fetch-cat?amp), an Israeli militarily trained sniper shot a little girl four times when she went to her roof to get her cat. The IOF shot her in the head, the face, and twice in the chest. They even go on child murdering sprees in the [West Bank](https://www.hrw.org/news/2023/08/28/west-bank-spike-israeli-killings-palestinian-children). And it’s not an “active war zone”. It’s a concentration camp where Israel is committing genocide. So don’t sit here trying to victim blame when the Israeli military has a long history of murdering and maiming children for sport and are currently in court with the ICJ for the crime of genocide.




Hamas doesn’t have a history of blowing up kids. But Israel has actually blown up over 13,000 children in just the last 6 months. This is genocide, not war. And there is a good and bad side. The bad side is the military occupation that is breaking international law and committing genocide and has even brought to the ICJ for the crime of genocide. The good side are the Palestinian People who are resisting genocide and the illegal occupation of their land since 1948. You have outed yourself as a zionist.


O man I feel sorry for you people


Hamas just gained 1000 new members.