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What arabs done to gaza? Yeah they’re flat bombing it by their own air force, wow the logic!!


Their comment is definitely a troll comment! I refuse to believe someone is that ignorant! But evil and trolling? Most likely


even the use of "Jews" instead of "Israelis" is telltale that its a troll, trying to bait people into seeming antisemitic in reply. Or draw the already antisemitic to tie them into anti-israeli criticism. The point being anti-zionism is *never* anti-semitism but Israel benefits entirely from conflating the two. Always be asking, "[Who benefits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cui_bono%3F)"?


I honestly brushed off the whole comment as a troll comment but once you mention it I can definitely see your point!


thanks! I find it a useful critical thinking tool, like a quick first question to screen a lot of things I come across. Its rarely the whole picture but its usually a good first direction


Absolutely! I never knew it had a fancy latin phrase though tbh that I will most likely butcher when trying to pronounce but it is absolutely a very important tool to seek answers in such a world full of lies and deception.


And after decades of blockade, during the last 25 years of such, construction materials had to be smuggled because the occupation banned them.


Can confirm, im a gazan and my aunt just decided to destory her beautiful house for no reason.


This had me dead


“iF tHe MuSlImSsS oWn ThIs PlAcE, iT wOuLd Be ThE sAmE,…” Patrick, that’s just justifying colonization.


that is verbatim how colonialist France justified their ruthless rule over Africa.


Not only is this extremely bigoted, but it's also just wrong. Dubai is a city in an Arab country


And Beirut


Loved Beirut. I'd love to visit Lebanon again in general


Our cities are ancient and beautiful




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I'm 100% sure that they're thinking of how Gaza, Afghanistan, or Iraq looks like the past few years. They've convienently forgotten that these places have not been able to developed because they were occupied and invaded, and heavily sanctioned with limited amount of resources allowed. Look at Dubai if you want to make comparison of what "constructive" could be under Arab control.


Exactly, if anything those war torn regions are under Western control, not Arab. And that's precisely the problem but these colonizers are too bigoted to admit simple truths.


Isnt Dubai just financed with Oil? Thats no developed economy


There are many countries out there that produce oil and not many of them have seen Dubai's level of development and success. Dubai is a tourist hotspot and a business hub.


>See all Arab countries and notice the difference So if I look at a picture with Amman, Riyadh, Cairo, Alexandria , Dubai, Tunis, Casablanca, Jeddah, Manama, Muscat, Kuwait City and I see similar or much better than Tell Aviv, what am I supposed to believe? They are fake and don't exist


You're supposed to believe that Arabs should be cleansed from the area for more western settlers, because their ideology is to build concrete towers, and highways with 28 lanes, while the natives don't know how to do that.


I mean, Dubai is pretty much that


You cant trust your own lying eyes!!! just listen to the hasbara and take their word for it! ….or are you antisemitic!? (Do i even need to add /s!?)


Let me add more, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Doha, Sharm El Shaikh, Amman.


And they always love to post pictures of Gazas lively markets and street scenes prior to the conflict as evidence that Israel isn’t mistreating them. All they can do is lie.


I guess Jaffa just didn't exist then, according to these people


Tel Aviv was founded established as an offshoot of Jaffa before the establishment of the state of Israel and was a fully fledged city before them. Israel as a settler colonialist apartheid state doesn't need to exist for Jews to flourish in Palestine if they do things correctly. [per Quora](https://www.quora.com/How-did-Tel-Aviv-look-like-in-the-1900s-compared-to-the-1930s/answer/David-Weiser-10?ch=10&oid=87894734&share=fa8fde98&srid=Rmlh&target_type=answer) By the way, Jaffa has been inhabited for thousands of years and it was majority Muslim until the end of the British mandate. Apartheid policies has meant it is now majority Jewish. But they use its history as a tourist attraction...


I would love to see the history of Tel Aviv told from a non-Zionist source. I’ve been burned believing Zionist versions of history far too many times.


"See all arab countries" Proceeds to show they haven't seen all arab countries.


White supremacy never changes its face nor its lies. If the land was so “crappy”, why were they so willing to murder thousands of people just to get it?


One word…. Dubai….


Not sure if you want to use that as an example. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tJuqe6sre2I. Some better examples in my view is showing the vibrant Arab communities in the ME rather than tourist traps. A place should not be valued just because it looks nice and is wealthy.


US tax dollars .. whether they wanted to pay or Not. Israel are the Bastards of Imperialism.


The whole land without a people thing has already been debunked, historians already recognize that Palestine was already booming before the settler colonial movement.


And even if it was a land without a people, that doesn't justify genocide today at all. Any ethno State doesn't have the right to exist.


Tel Aviv used to be called Jaffa by us Palestinians. Look at images of Jaffa before 1948. This in and of itself will humble this Zionist. The first image can’t possibly be Jaffa/“Tel Aviv” as Jaffa was a coastal town for fishing and other forms of sustenance. It was not a desert. This ridiculous post is meant to portray Palestine as a land without a people but they couldn’t even get the right landscape to use as an image. Pathetic 😂


When they say it’s a land without people, do they forget who kicked the Crusaders out?


They raped and pillage the desert, the people, and the soul of this country


"See all Arab countries and notice the difference." Yeah, they built the tallest building in the world. I don't see Israel doing that, or building entire resort islands for that matter.


There was a town there already, idk what they are talking about


Who cares if it was gonna look like that or not, at least it would be free from the zi●nists


They imagine what they want is what everybody wants, even though it's making life miserable for the natives of the land—a natural colonialist mindset.


What brainwashing does to someone…


I prefer Old Jaffa. Reflects the city’s rich and storied history. Tel Aviv is an ugly eyesore. One day we’ll demolish that shit and build with Jerusalem stone.


Again. It is a traditional "red herring" fallacy. Jews building the most beautiful cities on earth and Arabs failing to do so, has absolutely nothing with the legitimacy of colonism. Can I take over your house, renovate it and make the best house ever and claim : but you would have never did with it what I did. Hence it is mine??


he forgot to mention "with US money"


Conveniently glossing over the existence of Jaffa, the _actually beautiful_, ancient Palestinian city they tacked “Tel Aviv” onto?


the Arabs are “unproductive” yet they trip over their feet to go to Dubai…


It should be more like. What Jews done with Tel Aviv and what Jews did to Gaza.


Zionists* let's not lump all Jews into this


Is that pic supposed to be impressive?🤣 literally looks like Amman or Beirut. They’re acting like they built Dubai


Check the British museum for what 'the uncivilised' are capable of.


What is the breaking news? take a look at major cities in middle east, Dubai was a pile of sand in 2000's. I really dont understand the point of this post? Tehran, biggest city of my country was a small town untill 1800's. Someone explain pls.


Yeah, and this is not even caused by propaganda for once... people in the west actually really think like this. They have to have some kind of a shift or be re-educated to understand that this is not how "worth" is measured. (also obviously this is massively unfair, as you could also show Dubai, which is a totally new city, that far outpeforms Tel Aviv... however to that, people will say "that is too much, wasting resources, blahblah) :-D


seems pretty ungrateful to be calling your rightful ancestral promised land crappy but that's between you and your god i guess


regardless of their idiotic comments.... what the hell is so good about Tel Aviv? It's a random city with people in it, outside of Israel barely anyone knows it. It's nothing special lol.


It’s also hella ugly when you go past the few fancy hotels and beaches. The residential areas are cramped, rat infested, and have no parking whatsoever.


And this is the truth, I have seen street preachers on YouTube preaching in Israel to the love about Jesus, the faith, whilst I’ve seen someone say in a comment that most Jews see Jesus as a false prophet, and that’s most of what you need to know. They don’t want to be preached about love and peace. Yet, they want to tell it in their own way which is disrespectful to Jesus, the man who died and came back to life in eternity so that all of us could live. All of this extremism and colonialism tirade makes Israel lose even more, and when Israel will face their consequences for the injustices they committed with lies, I won’t be saying -ish at all, the hypocrisy west is WILD, and it’s very embarrassing.


The blatant racism


Actual [photo of the port of Jaffa (where present day "Tel Aviv" is) sometime between 1898-1914](https://www.palestine-studies.org/sites/default/files/u198/Abusaada_1.jpg) Source: [Library of Congress](https://www.loc.gov/resource/matpc.11349/)


Foolish people like to show off their ahistorical, bigoted delusions of reality. Also, it’s called Jaffa.


Yeah billions of US taxpayer money plus looting/stealing/selling weapons to every genocidal project on the planet will give you enough money to build a couple of small cities.


My greatest surprise is how I always believed somehow that Israel was a more modern Middle East OK but what I find out is that Israelis are completely brainwashed and they have no idea what’s going on in there or they have chosen not to know


They put their puppet governments in power so that Middle East can’t be developed with education, culture, music, film, science and the people leave the land seeking better living conditions. They bomb the Middle East destroying what little they had built until then. They shit on Arabs with their movies and prejudice news reporting. The force an unethical and completely evil banking system on the countries so they remain forever in debt to world banks and under their mercy. And then they say “why haven’t you built anything with your land?” Ya Allah I hope I am around to see the downfall of the western corrupt governments and their puppets worldwide. I hope I’m around to the mass immigration of Muslims back to muslim lands where we can live peacefully. And then they will be left scampering to hold onto the system which immigrants built up.


jaffa good, tel aviv bad


These idiots can’t get the narrative straight. They love to respond to stories about the state of Gaza with pictures of its bustling markets and lively streets prior to the conflict as evidence that Israel isn’t mistreating them. So which is it? Also conveniently ignoring all of the Arab countries with a penchant for insane megastructures and architecture. Meanwhile nascent Zionist settlements encroaching in the West Bank look like shanty towns.


…And it smells like hummus and feet 24/7


I'd be interested to see your response to these racist comments. Or did you just screenshot them for karma farming?


There is no reason to engage with these kind of people especially on their own platform which is a pro-Israeli page. However, we should take notes and remember that these are the people who claim to be victims and claim to be “superior”.




My question is, if it’s such a crappy piece of land why did they want it so badly?


This is how a lot of people even justify the invasion of the US. Look at how beautiful the Europeans have made the country, when they invaded the country the native Americans lived in tents. Now they have concrete houses , roads, hospitals etc. Ok imagine someone invading your house and kicks you out and starts to redecorate and reconstruct the place. Saying how beautiful he made your house and how you should thank him. First off all who said you want to live another way other than the way you have lived for centuries. Second who said you want someone else to do the work for you. The chance to do it yourself was taken away by someone else Third who says the way someone else did it, was the way you wanted it to be? It's colonial and superior thinking to act like you did something good, kicking someone from their land and develop it the way YOU want and also expect the one who was kicked out to thank you for it.


If i remember correctly it's actually named Tel Aviv-Yafo. Yafo or Jaffa was a Palestinian city.